Obama Will Lose In 2012

You would not know facts if they bit you in the face. I posted some cold hard facts. You can't seem to wrap your mind around truth of the matter.
In 2004, unemployment was below 6% and the economy was growing; nor did we have $1T+ deficits.

America, four years ago when we took office our economy was spiraling out of control and losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month. Today, we are gaining jobs every month. Thanks to bipartisan efforts in Congress our budget deficit left by the previous administration has been reduced each of the last two years. We are finally on the right track after our nation suffered it's worst financial crisis since the Great Depression just four short years ago.


Don't bother.

Reality doesn't matter to these folks.

You say Clinton came in with a surplus..using the same scoring done for decades, they will find numbers to dispute that..until they need to same method to show their guy is doing well.

You say unemployment is going down..they will point out the fact that the scoring method doesn't take into accounting people not going on unemployment..completely forgetting that the same thing REALLY happened during the Bush admininstration.

You say that polls indicate that people really wanted something to be done with health care..they will point out that people are unhappy with the legislation that came out and completely discount that a good number of people in those "unhappy" columns wanted single payer.

They don't deal with reality.

Thought you were done, you sad sack of silliness.

The polls indicate that people are horrified with the direction of the Obamanoids.
America, four years ago when we took office our economy was spiraling out of control and losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month. Today, we are gaining jobs every month. Thanks to bipartisan efforts in Congress our budget deficit left by the previous administration has been reduced each of the last two years. We are finally on the right track after our nation suffered it's worst financial crisis since the Great Depression just four short years ago.


Don't bother.

Reality doesn't matter to these folks.

You say Clinton came in with a surplus..using the same scoring done for decades, they will find numbers to dispute that..until they need to same method to show their guy is doing well.

You say unemployment is going down..they will point out the fact that the scoring method doesn't take into accounting people not going on unemployment..completely forgetting that the same thing REALLY happened during the Bush admininstration.

You say that polls indicate that people really wanted something to be done with health care..they will point out that people are unhappy with the legislation that came out and completely discount that a good number of people in those "unhappy" columns wanted single payer.

They don't deal with reality.

Thought you were done, you sad sack of silliness.

The polls indicate that people are horrified with the direction of the Obamanoids.

And yet..

No bet.

No i dont think McCain would have actually done Obamacare. But he did vote for homeland security so he is for massive government programs.

I didnt say CFC was stupid. I just didnt see the point of it.
Right McCain would of had a better strategy, and you base this off what? Nothing...

No i backed up my opinion that deregulation has been going on since Reagan and my googlefu sucks balls.


OK,. so you agree that McCain would not have pursued the same policies as Obama. Glad we got that straight.
Deregulation has not been going on since Reagan. Bush added to the Federal Register I think more than any other president. But the others have all done similarly.
Name one thing that has been deregulated since Gramm-Leach-Bliley.

Not the exact same, but close enough.
I even gave you a link showing how we have been deregulating for 30 years.
Dereg, change the rules, put people in power.

IOW you cannot name one thing that has been deregulated. Thanks.
The problem the Democrats will have with a sitting President is the record, and a poor one at that, that HE has to run on. Additionally, the red states that Republicans will not have to campaign much in and spend little or no $$$ in.
But again, if the gay boogeyman and abortion issues are front and center with the religous wrong and their cronies parading most moderate conservative women will ONCE AGAIN vote Democratic.
Holding their noses they will re-elect the community organizer.
WAKE UP DUMB ASS AMERICANS. Gays and abortion are NOT national issues.
The problem the Democrats will have with a sitting President is the record, and a poor one at that, that HE has to run on. Additionally, the red states that Republicans will not have to campaign much in and spend little or no $$$ in.
But again, if the gay boogeyman and abortion issues are front and center with the religous wrong and their cronies parading most moderate conservative women will ONCE AGAIN vote Democratic.
Holding their noses they will re-elect the community organizer.
WAKE UP DUMB ASS AMERICANS. Gays and abortion are NOT national issues.

While the Republicans eat their own and pile up political damage during the primaries, Obama can sit back and build up his war chest. While the Republican will not have to use much cash to campaign in Red States, neither will Obama.
Campaign dollars tend to flow to the favorite...that is one of the benefits of being the incumbent

Obama will win in a rout
Without their BOOOOOSH Boogeyman to bitch about,the Democrats have nothing to run on. They have completely sunk so many future generations. The usual suspects will of course show up to vote for them but most rational Independent Voters will not. They simply have no successes to run on. And DA BOOOOOOOSH aint around no more. And that's the only reason they won last time around. It wasn't because of their "Hope & Change" slogan. I guess we'll see though. Get out and vote in 2012 people. We need real change.
Clinton left Bush with a $5,000,000,000,000 deficit. As well, Clinton ran huge deficits that he very nearly covered up by borrowing from SS & other funds rather than entirely from the Chinese.

You should run this in the news, since you're apparently the only person on earth privy to this information.

Nola always was, is, and will continue to be, an absolute idiot. She loves to make things up.
I like my current sig line. It frames the current public policy issue facing the country quite well.

Which probably means you are not quite convinced.


Who's in.:lol:

I'm in Sallow....for Obama winning.

I am thinking about having a 2012 celebration of victory. Using food stamps to buy alcohol, get hookers in vegas, get them pregnant, and forcing them to planned parenthood to have an abortion because thats what we do according to republicans. :lol:
I like my current sig line. It frames the current public policy issue facing the country quite well.

Which probably means you are not quite convinced.


Who's in.:lol:

I'm in Sallow....for Obama winning.

I am thinking about having a 2012 celebration of victory. Using food stamps to buy alcohol, get hookers in vegas, get them pregnant, and forcing them to planned parenthood to have an abortion because thats what we do according to republicans. :lol:

Well you could join the Army and be forced to have gay sex. Democrats like that idea too. Especially the honorable Rep from MA.
America, four years ago when we took office our economy was spiraling out of control and losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month. Today, we are gaining jobs every month. Thanks to bipartisan efforts in Congress our budget deficit left by the previous administration has been reduced each of the last two years. We are finally on the right track after our nation suffered it's worst financial crisis since the Great Depression just four short years ago.


Don't bother.

Reality doesn't matter to these folks.

You say Clinton came in with a surplus..using the same scoring done for decades, they will find numbers to dispute that..until they need to same method to show their guy is doing well.

You say unemployment is going down..they will point out the fact that the scoring method doesn't take into accounting people not going on unemployment..completely forgetting that the same thing REALLY happened during the Bush admininstration.

You say that polls indicate that people really wanted something to be done with health care..they will point out that people are unhappy with the legislation that came out and completely discount that a good number of people in those "unhappy" columns wanted single payer.

They don't deal with reality.

Thought you were done, you sad sack of silliness.

The polls indicate that people are horrified with the direction of the Obamanoids.

Sorry, I haven't read back through the thread to discover what poll you're referencing.

Um, which would that be?

I'd love to find any evidence that "people are horrified" was true, but I cannot. Nor can I find any evidence to support the claim that a president's popularity after 800 days in office is any predictor of their re-electability.

I can find evidence from a nicely interactive source I'd recommend to anyone that has any interest in comparing Obama with other individual modern presidents and the average popularity of them:

Presidential Job Approval Center

It shows that while Obama is not the most popular president, his popularity has closely followed Carter's, Reagan's, and Clinton's during the same comparative times in office (800 days).

Interestingly, Bush Sr. was Wildly Popular after 800 days in office: But this obviously had nothing to do with the election results in November 1992.
The problem the Democrats will have with a sitting President is the record, and a poor one at that, that HE has to run on. Additionally, the red states that Republicans will not have to campaign much in and spend little or no $$$ in.
But again, if the gay boogeyman and abortion issues are front and center with the religous wrong and their cronies parading most moderate conservative women will ONCE AGAIN vote Democratic.
Holding their noses they will re-elect the community organizer.
WAKE UP DUMB ASS AMERICANS. Gays and abortion are NOT national issues.

While the Republicans eat their own and pile up political damage during the primaries, Obama can sit back and build up his war chest. While the Republican will not have to use much cash to campaign in Red States, neither will Obama.
Campaign dollars tend to flow to the favorite...that is one of the benefits of being the incumbent

Obama will win in a rout

I agree that Repubs are their own worst enemies, and that all Obama needs to do is nothing (which, let's face it, is the theme of what could be losely termed his political "career").

However, it seems he's under the influance of other forces that blow him from his natural course of floundering in doldrums (most recently Libya, and what I suspect is Hillary's Incessant Bitching to Become Involved).

Next on the horizon is his inexplicable need to interject himself into the budget planning process. I'd advise him to distance himself as far as possible from what really is a "big boy's game."

Perhaps take another vacation? Go to Japan with Michele and the girls, and set up photo ops with Tsunami Refugees! This is the stuff he's good at.
It makes no difference who you morons think you vote for. pResidunces are sElected.
AIPAC, the CFR and CIA run your movie. STFU and don't you DARE forget, it's tax time.
It makes no difference who you morons think you vote for. pResidunces are sElected.
AIPAC, the CFR and CIA run your movie. STFU and don't you DARE forget, it's tax time.


Thanks for playing, Douger
The problem the Democrats will have with a sitting President is the record, and a poor one at that, that HE has to run on. Additionally, the red states that Republicans will not have to campaign much in and spend little or no $$$ in.
But again, if the gay boogeyman and abortion issues are front and center with the religous wrong and their cronies parading most moderate conservative women will ONCE AGAIN vote Democratic.
Holding their noses they will re-elect the community organizer.
WAKE UP DUMB ASS AMERICANS. Gays and abortion are NOT national issues.

While the Republicans eat their own and pile up political damage during the primaries, Obama can sit back and build up his war chest. While the Republican will not have to use much cash to campaign in Red States, neither will Obama.
Campaign dollars tend to flow to the favorite...that is one of the benefits of being the incumbent

Obama will win in a rout

I agree that Repubs are their own worst enemies, and that all Obama needs to do is nothing (which, let's face it, is the theme of what could be losely termed his political "career").

However, it seems he's under the influance of other forces that blow him from his natural course of floundering in doldrums (most recently Libya, and what I suspect is Hillary's Incessant Bitching to Become Involved).

Next on the horizon is his inexplicable need to interject himself into the budget planning process. I'd advise him to distance himself as far as possible from what really is a "big boy's game."

Perhaps take another vacation? Go to Japan with Michele and the girls, and set up photo ops with Tsunami Refugees! This is the stuff he's good at.

Yes, and we all know what the GOP response would have been regarding leadership if Obama had elected to allow the chips to fall where they may in Libya. Obama's response is the same as any other presidents would have been.

Obama is the key player in the upcoming budget battle. As the Republicans control the House and the Dems control the Senate......guess who makes the final call. Obama will come off as the sane person in the room as he protects Medicare, educational support and the environment. All popular with the voters
w0w.........wake up this am and check out DRUDGE...........one of the top headlines "Romney and Huckabee ahead of Obama in USA Today poll."


USA Today poll......:eek::eek:........holy shit.:lol: These lefties...........how much are their heads spinning these days? Just two years ago, they were on top of the world, claiming the country had shifted hard left. And look now.......its like they woke up, walked out of the bedroom and made a turn directly into a barfight:up:

Republicans just simply need to up the ante and better explain the debt situation. They ned to paint this picture in ruthless fashion...........

Imagine a family on a combined income of 100K deciding to cut out a Happy Meal from McDonalds as a way to cut their rising debt?? THATS how serious the Dums are about cutting spending. The picture just needs to be painted......its that simple.


The House just needs to start defunding shit..........its all in their hands.
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While the Republicans eat their own and pile up political damage during the primaries, Obama can sit back and build up his war chest. While the Republican will not have to use much cash to campaign in Red States, neither will Obama.
Campaign dollars tend to flow to the favorite...that is one of the benefits of being the incumbent

Obama will win in a rout

I agree that Repubs are their own worst enemies, and that all Obama needs to do is nothing (which, let's face it, is the theme of what could be losely termed his political "career").

However, it seems he's under the influance of other forces that blow him from his natural course of floundering in doldrums (most recently Libya, and what I suspect is Hillary's Incessant Bitching to Become Involved).

Next on the horizon is his inexplicable need to interject himself into the budget planning process. I'd advise him to distance himself as far as possible from what really is a "big boy's game."

Perhaps take another vacation? Go to Japan with Michele and the girls, and set up photo ops with Tsunami Refugees! This is the stuff he's good at.

Yes, and we all know what the GOP response would have been regarding leadership if Obama had elected to allow the chips to fall where they may in Libya. Obama's response is the same as any other presidents would have been.

Obama is the key player in the upcoming budget battle. As the Republicans control the House and the Dems control the Senate......guess who makes the final call. Obama will come off as the sane person in the room as he protects Medicare, educational support and the environment. All popular with the voters

Well, responding to Libya (or as you describe it, trying to defend himself from "the GOP response") hasn't exactly been popular. In fact, it hasn't helped the downward trend in his popularity that has been happening for the past 800 days.

But, by all means, I encourage Obama to take political risks, and play the "big boy" budgeting games: If he doesn't, then there will be nothing of any substance to attack in 2012, and he'll have a better chance of winning.

I guarantee, that if the unemployment rate is greater in 2012 than it was in 2008, then whatever he might have claimed to have done to "protect educational support and the environment" will be as useless as tits on a bull.
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I predict a return of the "Misery Index" as inflation and unemployment reach double digit rates. If so, he is toast.

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