Obama will win by defalut in 2012


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Bush policies already in place when Obama took office and a trillion dollar deficit, tax cuts, 2 wars, Medicare drug program, bails outs and stimulus plus the 15 trillion added on and Obama’s spending to fix what Bush broke and it’s working. Unemployment is down to 8.3% and job creation, jobs returning and businesses are hiring, and foreign investment is American. Obama passed obamacare that is already saving lives and money. He got Osama Bin Laden and brought our children home from Iraq, saving their lives. Obama has performed the almost impossible and I don’t see any of the right wing candidates even coming close to a solution and all I hear is what Obama has done or not done. If they have a plan, what the hell is it? They don’t have a plan. I want to know what the plan is, now it will be implemented and when? I hear the they their number one agenda is to make sure Obama fails and beat Obama in 2012 not matter who gets screwed. He is not failing and they are desperate so they spew all the lies they can conjure up and throw at him and he is like a Timex, he “takes a licking and keep on ticking.” He is tougher than the give him credit for and much smarter than any of them.

Obama has earned a second term to finish what he has started.
He may very well win by Default, mainy because the Reps don't really have a strong candidate. I don't agree with everything that Obama has done, but there is no one on the Rep side that can defeat him. Romney has the foot in mouth disease and Gingrich has the morals and ethics of a fruit fly.
He may very well win by Default, mainy because the Reps don't really have a strong candidate. I don't agree with everything that Obama has done, but there is no one on the Rep side that can defeat him. Romney has the foot in mouth disease and Gingrich has the morals and ethics of a fruit fly.

What a crock of BULL SHIT. Who in the fuck do you think is going to buy that line of CRAP?

I guess you must be trying to sound like you actually know what you're talking about to impress the other MORONS here... :eusa_hand:
Obama has earned a second term to finish what he has started.

The only fucking thing odumbo has EARNED is his legacy as America's WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

He's not only going to lose, but he's going to lose BIG. America is sick of his lies and bloviating. He's a one trick pony, and we've already seen his trick. Time for him to go.

Bush policies already in place when Obama took office and a trillion dollar deficit, tax cuts, 2 wars, Medicare drug program, bails outs and stimulus plus the 15 trillion added on and Obama’s spending to fix what Bush broke and it’s working. Unemployment is down to 8.3% and job creation, jobs returning and businesses are hiring, and foreign investment is American. Obama passed Obamacare that is already saving lives and money. He got Osama Bin Laden and brought our children home from Iraq, saving their lives. Obama has performed the almost impossible and I don’t see any of the right wing candidates even coming close to a solution and all I hear is what Obama has done or not done. If they have a plan, what the hell is it? They don’t have a plan. I want to know what the plan is, now it will be implemented and when? I hear the they their number one agenda is to make sure Obama fails and beat Obama in 2012 not matter who gets screwed. He is not failing and they are desperate so they spew all the lies they can conjure up and throw at him and he is like a Timex, he “takes a licking and keep on ticking.” He is tougher than the give him credit for and much smarter than any of them.

Obama has earned a second term to finish what he has started.

Finish what?

$4 gas and rising
Worthless $
Massive unemployment
$15,000,000,000,000 debt
$1,500,000,000,000 deficits... well into the future
Massive domestic poverty
No foreign policy
Loss of respect, world wide.

He's done quite enough and he will be fired in November.
I want some of what you're smoking. Obama is a one term President and the American public will be better off for it.

Bush policies already in place when Obama took office and a trillion dollar deficit, tax cuts, 2 wars, Medicare drug program, bails outs and stimulus plus the 15 trillion added on and Obama’s spending to fix what Bush broke and it’s working. Unemployment is down to 8.3% and job creation, jobs returning and businesses are hiring, and foreign investment is American. Obama passed obamacare that is already saving lives and money. He got Osama Bin Laden and brought our children home from Iraq, saving their lives. Obama has performed the almost impossible and I don’t see any of the right wing candidates even coming close to a solution and all I hear is what Obama has done or not done. If they have a plan, what the hell is it? They don’t have a plan. I want to know what the plan is, now it will be implemented and when? I hear the they their number one agenda is to make sure Obama fails and beat Obama in 2012 not matter who gets screwed. He is not failing and they are desperate so they spew all the lies they can conjure up and throw at him and he is like a Timex, he “takes a licking and keep on ticking.” He is tougher than the give him credit for and much smarter than any of them.

Obama has earned a second term to finish what he has started.

Unless "defalut" is Latin for "Hopey Changey Part II" I beg to disagree.

Inheriting a damaged economy and rampant unemployment, Barack Obama decided that his first order of business was to not let a crisis go to waste and to seek the progressive "Holy Grail", universal health care. While millions of Americans struggled to survive being unemployed, Barry, Harry and Nancy gave us ObamaCare, what is probably the worst piece of legislation ever written and is now being challenged as unconstitutional.

Only a blinders wearing true believer would see 8.3% unemployment as an accomplishment three years after inheriting a 7.7% unemployment rate...racking up trillions in debt in the process with failed programs like Cash for Clunkers, shovel ready infrastructure jobs, Home Affordable Modification Program, and the "crown jewel" of his green energy jobs initiative, Solyndra which cost American taxpayers approximately 5.5 million dollars for each job that it TEMPORARILY created.

You say the Obama has "earned" a second term? Before asking for a second term why doesn't he show us something with his first term besides bad policies and lots of finger pointing and excuse making? Tell me one plan that Obama has put forward in the last year that would have a positive effect on job creation...

Bush policies already in place when Obama took office and a trillion dollar deficit, tax cuts, 2 wars, Medicare drug program, bails outs and stimulus plus the 15 trillion added on and Obama’s spending to fix what Bush broke and it’s working. Unemployment is down to 8.3% and job creation, jobs returning and businesses are hiring, and foreign investment is American. Obama passed Obamacare that is already saving lives and money. He got Osama Bin Laden and brought our children home from Iraq, saving their lives. Obama has performed the almost impossible and I don’t see any of the right wing candidates even coming close to a solution and all I hear is what Obama has done or not done. If they have a plan, what the hell is it? They don’t have a plan. I want to know what the plan is, now it will be implemented and when? I hear the they their number one agenda is to make sure Obama fails and beat Obama in 2012 not matter who gets screwed. He is not failing and they are desperate so they spew all the lies they can conjure up and throw at him and he is like a Timex, he “takes a licking and keep on ticking.” He is tougher than the give him credit for and much smarter than any of them.

Obama has earned a second term to finish what he has started.

Finish what?

$4 gas and rising
Worthless $
Massive unemployment
$15,000,000,000,000 debt
$1,500,000,000,000 deficits... well into the future
Massive domestic poverty
No foreign policy
Loss of respect, world wide.

He's done quite enough and he will be fired in November.

You think the 99ers are going to end up voting for Romney? You crazy.

Your list is a list I would expect from a right wing brainwashed voter. Trust me, people aren't thinking like you think. I'm hearing independants/undecideds and they seem to be getting it.

Things are moving in the right direction and no one is going to put Romney in charge. You know Mormon's think their religion is the only true religion? Never mind, I'm not going to help you vet your candidates. Pick Mitt if you want. Newt, Mitt, doesn't matter. Neither have a chance unless something crazy happens between now and then.

Did you hear Obama is already getting us out of Afgan earlier than planned too? In less than 4 years! Nothing will ever be enough for you.

Michigan and Manufacturing are booming again. We were hit the hardest when your party sent all those jobs overseas but because of the GM bailout, we are recovering the fastest.

We have so much tape of Romney saying the wrong things. This is going to be fun. And we are going to take the House back. You MAY take the senate, but only because we have 10 encumbants running and you have 2.

No one shows up for midterms. That is how the rich keep control. Until democrats learn they need to show up every 2 years, the rich will continue to control/own our government. Money isn't the problem. Its people who don't show up to vote. GOP losses everytime when there is high turnout. Don't count 2000 or 2004 because they stole those elections. bradblog.com

Bush policies already in place when Obama took office and a trillion dollar deficit, tax cuts, 2 wars, Medicare drug program, bails outs and stimulus plus the 15 trillion added on and Obama’s spending to fix what Bush broke and it’s working. Unemployment is down to 8.3% and job creation, jobs returning and businesses are hiring, and foreign investment is American. Obama passed Obamacare that is already saving lives and money. He got Osama Bin Laden and brought our children home from Iraq, saving their lives. Obama has performed the almost impossible and I don’t see any of the right wing candidates even coming close to a solution and all I hear is what Obama has done or not done. If they have a plan, what the hell is it? They don’t have a plan. I want to know what the plan is, now it will be implemented and when? I hear the they their number one agenda is to make sure Obama fails and beat Obama in 2012 not matter who gets screwed. He is not failing and they are desperate so they spew all the lies they can conjure up and throw at him and he is like a Timex, he “takes a licking and keep on ticking.” He is tougher than the give him credit for and much smarter than any of them.

Obama has earned a second term to finish what he has started.

Finish what?

$4 gas and rising
Worthless $
Massive unemployment
$15,000,000,000,000 debt
$1,500,000,000,000 deficits... well into the future
Massive domestic poverty
No foreign policy
Loss of respect, world wide.

He's done quite enough and he will be fired in November.

You think the 99ers are going to end up voting for Romney? You crazy.

Your list is a list I would expect from a right wing brainwashed voter. Trust me, people aren't thinking like you think. I'm hearing independants/undecideds and they seem to be getting it.

Things are moving in the right direction and no one is going to put Romney in charge. You know Mormon's think their religion is the only true religion? Never mind, I'm not going to help you vet your candidates. Pick Mitt if you want. Newt, Mitt, doesn't matter. Neither have a chance unless something crazy happens between now and then.

Did you hear Obama is already getting us out of Afgan earlier than planned too? In less than 4 years! Nothing will ever be enough for you.

Michigan and Manufacturing are booming again. We were hit the hardest when your party sent all those jobs overseas but because of the GM bailout, we are recovering the fastest.

We have so much tape of Romney saying the wrong things. This is going to be fun. And we are going to take the House back. You MAY take the senate, but only because we have 10 encumbants running and you have 2.

No one shows up for midterms. That is how the rich keep control. Until democrats learn they need to show up every 2 years, the rich will continue to control/own our government. Money isn't the problem. Its people who don't show up to vote. GOP losses everytime when there is high turnout. Don't count 2000 or 2004 because they stole those elections. bradblog.com

Who the hell are the 99ers?

Are you retarded or something? Nothing you typed is even remotely rooted in reality.

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