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Obama: Wrong About So Much; Right About This

The Biden administration gave the Taliban a list of Americans and our allies still in country!!!

I literally cannot fathom the level of incompetence that we are seeing from our leaders it’s absolutely disgusting. #Treason

Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) August 27, 2021
A point made but worth repeating: It isn't Biden Policy.....

.....it's Democrat Policy: destabilize the world.

The Obama Legacy:

The largest number of refugees in the history of the world were wandering around the planet as a direct result of Barack Obama’s incompetence
in the Middle East and North Africa, ….some 65 million refugees….more than during or after WWII….due to Barack Obama’s blithering idiocy.

On March 7th, Russia’s top parliamentarian dealing with the Ukrainian refugee influx into Russia — dealing, that is, with the people who have fled Ukraine as a result of U.S. President Barack Obama’s 2014 coup overthrowing Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych — presented the first-ever comprehensive number of asylum-applicants from Ukraine who have received asylum there after that February 2014 coup.

“Europe has received 900,000 [refugees] and shuddered, while we have received over 2,500,000 refugees on our territory and continue to provide assistance,” he said opening the round table discussion “Russia-Donbass: New Cooperation Mechanisms.”

That coup, which generated these millions of refugees, had been planned by the U.S. White House since 2011, and culminated on 20 February 2014. Obama’s Ukrainian Coup Caused 2.5 Million Ukrainian Refugees Into Russia| Countercurrents

"Obama: Father of 65 Million Refugees

Obama: Father of 65 Million Refugees
article called people leaving their homelands, “refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people,” and the latest report by the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, says that the number of these various groups represents more than 65 million people.
In fact, according the UN, as of December 2015 there were 65.3 million displaced people. This number has a distinction, as it’s the first time in the organization’s history the number has surpassed 60 million, going well over 60 million in fact to the 65+ million. That’s almost a 10 percent increase over the previous bad year.

Obama’s policies have weakened America’s presence in the world. When America is weak, the world suffers.They say that if the world’s displaced people were their own nation, it would be larger than the United Kingdom. Even more interesting is that the majority of these people fleeing, are fleeing Muslim countries."

Obama: Father of 65 Million Refugees

"What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees
Europe's governments have a responsibility to solve the refugees and migrant crisis in line with their international obligations.
At the Leader’s Summit on Refugees in September, President Obama urged governments to do more to help the 65 million refugees and displaced people around the world today—the largest number of people driven from their homes by war and conflict since World War II. “History will judge us harshly if we do not rise to this moment,” Obama said at the September summit."
What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees
The worst thing Obama did was to utter the phrase "Elections have consequences". That kind of in-your-face-partisanship is destroying our country.
The worst thing Obama did was to utter the phrase "Elections have consequences". That kind of in-your-face-partisanship is destroying our country.

You appear to believe that there are points of common agreement between the two sides.

Once, both were American political parties with numerous shared values and interests.

As the saying goes, 'it is no longer your grandpa's Democrat Party.'

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

Only those as dumb as a bushel of hair are not partisan.....

Make your choice: you may use the terms Republican vs Democrat, but this is the real choice-
America was founded on the views of Jefferson, Madison and Adams. To our detriment, European political science found a home here, in the works of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.
You appear to believe that there are points of common agreement between the two sides.
Yes. Many more than points of disagreement.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Yes. Both parties are running on hypocritical nonsense. But that's driven by an antiquated election system that actually discourages consensus.
Make your choice: you may use the terms Republican vs Democrat, but this is the real choice-
Nope. It's an entirely fabricated "choice". It rests on the two-party, lesser-of-two-evils conceit. Which guarantees that we'll always get (at best) the second-worst evil.

LO2E convinces people to vote for bad candidates on purpose. There's no way that kind of system can produce good results.
If that is what should have been done, Trump should have done it. He didn't. We were long past the time to leave.

Remember Trump told us how easy he would have in renegotiating a trade deal with China also. He didn't even actually try because he is all words.

"Associated Press exposes Biden’s LIES about the deal Trump made with the Taliban

Biden has been saying all along that he was pinned in to withdrawing from Afghanistan based on Trump’s agreement with the Taliban. But stunningly the AP points out how untrue Biden’s claims are and gives us the facts of what really happened:
As President Donald Trump’s administration signed a peace deal with the Taliban in February 2020, he optimistically proclaimed that “we think we’ll be successful in the end.” His secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, asserted that the administration was “seizing the best opportunity for peace in a generation.”
Eighteen months later, President Joe Biden is pointing to the agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, as he tries to deflect blame for the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan in a blitz. He says it bound him to withdraw U.S. troops, setting the stage for the chaos engulfing the country.
But Biden can go only so far in claiming the agreement boxed him in. It had an escape clause: The U.S. could have withdrawn from the accord if Afghan peace talks failed. They did, but Biden chose to stay in it, although he delayed the complete pullout from May to September.
Skipping ahead to the nitty gritty:
U.S. officials made clear at the time that the agreement was conditions-based and the failure of intra-Afghan peace talks to reach a negotiated settlement would have nullified the requirement to withdraw.
One day before the Doha deal, a top aide to chief U.S. negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad said the agreement was not irreversible, and “there is no obligation for the United States to withdraw troops if the Afghan parties are unable to reach agreement or if the Taliban show bad faith” during negotiations.
Those negotiations were intended to begin within a month of the deal being signed but were delayed amid disputes between the Taliban and the Afghan government over prisoner releases. Amid fits and starts, the negotiations had not produced any outcome by the time Biden announced his withdrawal decision in April. Nor have they done so since.
Just as Trump said, it was ‘conditions-based’ and there was no obligation to pull troops out if the Taliban and Afghan government couldn’t come to an agreement."
A point made but worth repeating: It isn't Biden Policy.....

.....it's Democrat Policy: destabilize the world.

The Obama Legacy:

The largest number of refugees in the history of the world were wandering around the planet as a direct result of Barack Obama’s incompetence
in the Middle East and North Africa, ….some 65 million refugees….more than during or after WWII….due to Barack Obama’s blithering idiocy.

On March 7th, Russia’s top parliamentarian dealing with the Ukrainian refugee influx into Russia — dealing, that is, with the people who have fled Ukraine as a result of U.S. President Barack Obama’s 2014 coup overthrowing Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych — presented the first-ever comprehensive number of asylum-applicants from Ukraine who have received asylum there after that February 2014 coup.

“Europe has received 900,000 [refugees] and shuddered, while we have received over 2,500,000 refugees on our territory and continue to provide assistance,” he said opening the round table discussion “Russia-Donbass: New Cooperation Mechanisms.”

That coup, which generated these millions of refugees, had been planned by the U.S. White House since 2011, and culminated on 20 February 2014. Obama’s Ukrainian Coup Caused 2.5 Million Ukrainian Refugees Into Russia| Countercurrents

"Obama: Father of 65 Million Refugees

Obama: Father of 65 Million Refugees
article called people leaving their homelands, “refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people,” and the latest report by the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, says that the number of these various groups represents more than 65 million people.
In fact, according the UN, as of December 2015 there were 65.3 million displaced people. This number has a distinction, as it’s the first time in the organization’s history the number has surpassed 60 million, going well over 60 million in fact to the 65+ million. That’s almost a 10 percent increase over the previous bad year.

Obama’s policies have weakened America’s presence in the world. When America is weak, the world suffers.They say that if the world’s displaced people were their own nation, it would be larger than the United Kingdom. Even more interesting is that the majority of these people fleeing, are fleeing Muslim countries."

Obama: Father of 65 Million Refugees

"What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees
Europe's governments have a responsibility to solve the refugees and migrant crisis in line with their international obligations.
At the Leader’s Summit on Refugees in September, President Obama urged governments to do more to help the 65 million refugees and displaced people around the world today—the largest number of people driven from their homes by war and conflict since World War II. “History will judge us harshly if we do not rise to this moment,” Obama said at the September summit."
What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees


"Associated Press exposes Biden’s LIES about the deal Trump made with the Taliban

Biden has been saying all along that he was pinned in to withdrawing from Afghanistan based on Trump’s agreement with the Taliban. But stunningly the AP points out how untrue Biden’s claims are and gives us the facts of what really happened:

Skipping ahead to the nitty gritty:

Just as Trump said, it was ‘conditions-based’ and there was no obligation to pull troops out if the Taliban and Afghan government couldn’t come to an agreement."

Biden could ignore any agreement he wanted to. I'm glad he didn't.
Did you want to share that with the dozen soldiers killed?

You really are mindless, aren't you.

The problem was them being there in the first place. If we had done the right thing years ago none of this happens. Again, when you do stupid things, bad things happen.
The problem was them being there in the first place. If we had done the right thing years ago none of this happens. Again, when you do stupid things, bad things happen.

Americans own the Capitol.

Mind your own business, stop making excuses for the totalitarians.

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