Obamacare a big win for Ark. parolees


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In 2003, six percent of the 13,084 people in the Arkansas prison system were deemed mentally ill, according to PBS. If that figure holds true for the 53,000 people currently on parole, there are 3,180 mentally ill offenders on the streets right now.

The deinstitutionalization movement in the U.S. that began in the 1950s led to the closing of several state hospitals and set loose people unable to care for themselves — many of whom became homeless and then were swept up into the justice system.

If we can get them the appropriate treatment, we know it will lower recidivism."

The problem with offenders who have mental health issues that aren't treated is they end up in a vicious cycle.

"For those offenders with untreated mental health issues, they go into prison, they get treatment, they get on medication and they get better," Nuccio said. "Then they get out of prison, they're longer being seen, they run out of their medication, they violate their parole or commit a new crime, and the cycle starts over."

The Affordable Care Act has helped to start breaking that cycle.

Obamacare a big win for Ark. parolees

I wouldn't count on it being a win until the results are in. Simply because something exists does not mean that it is worth a damn. That goes for alcohol and drug treatment. We should see some statistics. Long term not short term. In fact, we should demand it.
We know that our present system doesn't work and we know we are punishing people for being ill.

We need to completely revamp the prison system and take away the profit motive but in the meantime, yes, let's treat the mentally ill and actually make some effort to rehabilitate all prisoners.

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