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Obamacare Already Rationing Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage

It is not funded for those who are still in need of this stop-gap measure which was promised when ACA was signed into law.
Additionally, premiums, deductibles and OPE have doubled or more because of this failed program. The promise was a 'selling' point to those uniformed.
As for Congress, they failed also.

If you're trying to convince me that high-risk pools are ineffective programs, you can stop. I agree!

That's why the only long-term answer to getting coverage to folks with pre-existing conditions is integrating them into the same insurance markets as everyone else and giving them access to all plans in the market. Which is happening this October.

“This year, tens of thousands of uninsured Americans with preexisting conditions, the parents of children who have a preexisting condition, will finally be able to purchase the coverage they need. That happens this year,” said Obama when he signed the Affordable Care Act into law on Mar. 23, 2010.

There are 115,000 people in the PCIPs right now. So that strikes me as an accurate statement.

How heartless, condescending, out of touch, and in denial of those in need, can you be?
The failed 'promise'...no, I'll call it what it is...the LIE perpetuated in order to pass ACA should have been funded, period. Your 'High-risk' pool statement is BS and you know it!

The promise the ACA was sold on is that folks will no longer face denial at the hands of insurance companies based on medical history. This of course, is true and goes into effect when the exchanges start selling plans for next year this October. Underwriting is largely about to come to an end, which means high-risk pools will no longer be necessary.

It will certainly matter to those folks who have been lied to, bankrupted, prevented from enrolling in this program or even passed away.
What a nonchalant and DGaF attitude you have!!
Shame on you!

Not clear what point you're making. The ACA shouldn't have been passed, or it shouldn't have bothered created the PCIPs at all, and the 100,000+ who've benefited from it should have been left with nothing over the past three years? The exchanges should already be open so that everyone could be part of the system now?

You want more, I understand that. You're about to get it.

I AM in the trenches. I see patient suffering because of ACA. I know many medical facilities who were gung-ho, merely a few short months ago, with plans of expansion for high risk patients. ALL of them have put the brakes on serving those in need and are waiting it out, at the minimum, until 4/2014, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

You wouldn't happen to live in a state that's rejecting the Medicaid expansion, would you?
This isn't 2008 anymore. And oh look, that's what the IRS *gasp* said, not what CNS said.

Read the freaking PDF.

http://www.irs.gov/PUP/newsroom/REG-148500-12 FR.pdf

No, it never was.

“[Twenty thousand dollars] is a round number used by IRS for a hypothetical example,” the official wrote. “It is not an estimate of premiums for a bronze plan for a family of five in 2016.”

The idiots at CNS (and their illustrious readership) chose to interpret their example calculation as some kind of prediction. Now that the premiums for next year are coming out, it's pretty obvious that bronze plans are nowhere near $20,000 for families.
Premium cost isn't the only issue here, its the high deductibles that come with it that makes it unaffordable to obtain healthcare.
Speculation is all that any of you have. So far, Obamacare is a disaster. The dupes on the left say it will get better, we shall see. A government program that get's better and cheaper? That will be a first.
If you want to stay healthy stop drinking the Obamacare KoolAid

IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family

IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family | CNS News

This isn't January anymore; the actual rates for next year are now available in multiple states. Surprise! They're less than half what CNS falsely suggested they'd be.

This isn't 2008 anymore. And oh look, that's what the IRS *gasp* said, not what CNS said.

Read the freaking PDF.

http://www.irs.gov/PUP/newsroom/REG-148500-12 FR.pdf

So we're back to the 20k number?
Speculation is all that any of you have. So far, Obamacare is a disaster. The dupes on the left say it will get better, we shall see. A government program that get's better and cheaper? That will be a first.


I've banged my head against numerous walls trying to get somebody/anybody to tell me how much it'll cost

Speculation is all that any of you have. So far, Obamacare is a disaster. The dupes on the left say it will get better, we shall see. A government program that get's better and cheaper? That will be a first.

Didn't you ever hear of inflation? Well, you probably don't want facts to get in your way.:razz:
Speculation is all that any of you have. So far, Obamacare is a disaster. The dupes on the left say it will get better, we shall see. A government program that get's better and cheaper? That will be a first.

Didn't you ever hear of inflation? Well, you probably don't want facts to get in your way.:razz:

And who is causing inflation and for what purpose?

I don't expect you to provide a coherent answer - hopefully you'll learn something from this:

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Speculation is all that any of you have. So far, Obamacare is a disaster. The dupes on the left say it will get better, we shall see. A government program that get's better and cheaper? That will be a first.

Didn't you ever hear of inflation? Well, you probably don't want facts to get in your way.:razz:

And who is causing inflation and for what purpose?
There has been nothing more inflationary than health care even without obamacare in the last three decades.

Study history.
I am still waiting for a liberal to explain why Congress and the IRS employees union are wanting to exempt themselves from Obamacare. Anyone care to chime in and defend this?

I mean, when the people who shoved this bill through by questionable means and the people who are set to come after us with fines and enjoy real time access to our bank accounts want out of this shit, what does that say about it? They know more about Obamacare than anyone and they are trying to get out of it. Why is that, liberals? Anyone?

Here ya go! Will you acknowledge the fact that you are misinformed?

Factcheck: Congress exempt from Obamacare?

Please stop passing on bullshit......over and over and over.

Are you honestly trying to say there are no unions or companies obtaining exemption from Obamacare? Here ya go, perhaps you'd like to explain that one again.

List of Obamacare Exempt Companies
I am still waiting for a liberal to explain why Congress and the IRS employees union are wanting to exempt themselves from Obamacare. Anyone care to chime in and defend this?

I mean, when the people who shoved this bill through by questionable means and the people who are set to come after us with fines and enjoy real time access to our bank accounts want out of this shit, what does that say about it? They know more about Obamacare than anyone and they are trying to get out of it. Why is that, liberals? Anyone?

Here ya go! Will you acknowledge the fact that you are misinformed?

Factcheck: Congress exempt from Obamacare?

Please stop passing on bullshit......over and over and over.

Are you honestly trying to say there are no unions or companies obtaining exemption from Obamacare? Here ya go, perhaps you'd like to explain that one again.

List of Obamacare Exempt Companies

Good debunk.:eusa_angel:
Well Greenie.

I must say I admire your absolute belief that the ACA is going to be great. Its going to be cheaper and better.

I just can't believe that you really believe this. Nothing the Govt has ever done has been cheaper or better. Its a mass of red tape, paperwork and flat out bullshit.

I hope your right my friend but I seriously, seriously doubt it.

The morons who passed the bill didn't even read it. The only way the SC would approve it was as a TAX.

Yup. Should be cheaper and better. NOT.



Nice try, but bad example.

Doctors are upset at the lack of a permanent solution for dramatic cuts to doctor payments from the Medicare health insurance program for the elderly under the so-called sustainable growth rate, or “SGR” formula or so-called “doc fix.” There was still no final Congressional action as of this morning with U.S. House votes pending, meaning doctors enter this New Year with a cut in Medicare payments of nearly 27 percent.

27% Pay Cut Or Not, More Docs To Leave Medicare In 2013 - Forbes

But Medicare Advantage is not out of the woods yet. Obamacare is set to slash hundreds of billions from the program over the next 10 years.
That’s a mistake. Medicare Advantage delivers better care at lower cost than does conventional Medicare. The program should be expanded — not cut, as the president and his allies advocate.
Some 14 million seniors — more than a quarter of all beneficiaries — have enrolled in Medicare Advantage.

Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years - Forbes

Primary Care Physicians Are Leaving Medicare

'Health Affairs' Study: One-Third of Doctors Won't Accept New Medicaid Patients - Forbes
I am still waiting for a liberal to explain why Congress and the IRS employees union are wanting to exempt themselves from Obamacare. Anyone care to chime in and defend this?

I mean, when the people who shoved this bill through by questionable means and the people who are set to come after us with fines and enjoy real time access to our bank accounts want out of this shit, what does that say about it? They know more about Obamacare than anyone and they are trying to get out of it. Why is that, liberals? Anyone?

Here ya go! Will you acknowledge the fact that you are misinformed?

Factcheck: Congress exempt from Obamacare?

Please stop passing on bullshit......over and over and over.

Are you honestly trying to say there are no unions or companies obtaining exemption from Obamacare? Here ya go, perhaps you'd like to explain that one again.

List of Obamacare Exempt Companies

Dine Equity
MassCare and costs Greenie has linked to prove you are brainwashed. Already bending cost curve down, and all Pub horrors are total BS. End of story.

You really don't know a lot about Masscare and costs, that is clearly evident.

March 24, 2013 -- BOSTON -- Seven years after ordering near-universal health insurance coverage for its residents, Massachusetts is still struggling to contain spiraling health care costs.

Mandating health insurance coverage for most all citizens has had little success in reining in Massachusetts' medical spending. The Boston area, for instance, remains one of the nation's costliest places to obtain health care.

"On a per capita basis, we have one of the most expensive health care systems in the country,"
Andrew Dreyfus, president and chief executive of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, told a recent conference in Boston of the Association of Health Care Journalists. "If we do nothing, we're going to bankrupt this state."

.... Massachusetts state government, which is required by law to pass a balanced budget, has experienced cuts in most other spheres of activity. But health care costs continue to grow exponentially -- squeezing other parts of the state budget and outstripping new tax revenue.

Massachusetts Healthcare Experiment Enters Second Phase - HispanicBusiness.com

Massachusetts was supposed to stress the importance of preventative care but because of the relative shortage of doctors to deliver preventative care, many patients are seeking primary care from specialists. Unfortunately, specialists also specialize in expensive care. Thus, health reform in Massachusetts has resulted in decreased access to primary care and higher costs.

Well, they can improve primary care reimbursement or revamp the reimbursement system to reward overall care and good outcomes rather then only rewarding physicians for visits (quantity over quality) or medical school debt repayment. But why pay doctors more for better care when you can just force them to accept lower reimbursement rates (as low as 110% of Medicare rates) “as a condition of their licesnure” that would effectively make these physicians employees of the state?

[Senate bill 2170 and house bill 4452] would require physicians and all other health care providers to accept 110% of Medicare rates for health insurance for small businesses. For physicians, acceptance of set rates would be as a condition of licensure! Moreover, physicians would have to accept all such patients – and such rates – if they participate in any other plan offered by that insurer.

» Massachusetts to Force Doctors to Accept Lower Rates or Lose License

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