Obamacare application 15 pages, 3 agencies involved!

Not really, MANY Insurance applications are much longer.

That one is in addition to this one.

Not to mention that as your income fluctuates, folks will have to get adjusted subsidies, even may go off and onto Medicaid from year to year as they go above or below they the cutoff income level.

This is a nightmare of bureaucracy in which MUCH more money will go to administering it, than actual care.

I have to imagine the cost estimates are WAY off, and will be double or more by the time it all kicks in.
If you're concerned with administrative costs, you'd love Medicare for all.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing your taxes.

The government's draft application is now on the Internet.

It runs 15 pages for a three-person family. The online version has 21 steps, some with added questions.

At least three major federal agencies, including the IRS, will scrutinize your application.

That's just the first part of the process, which lets you know if you qualify for financial help.

You'd still have to pick a health plan.

Some fear that consumers will be overwhelmed and give up. Administration officials say the application form is being refined.

Still, the idea that picking a health insurance plan could be as simple as shopping on the Internet is starting to look like wishful thinking.

AP Exclusive: Applying for health care not easy - Yahoo! News

What a MESS!
Anything beyond signing an X for your name strains the abilities of the Right!!!

Anything beyond being a mindless subject of the STATE strains the non-abilities of the Julia Left, which freely surrenders it's freedom, privacy, and self-determination for the promise of yet another gov't freebie.


wow, that sums it up nicely
WASHINGTON (AP) — Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing your taxes.

The government's draft application is now on the Internet.

It runs 15 pages for a three-person family. The online version has 21 steps, some with added questions.

At least three major federal agencies, including the IRS, will scrutinize your application.

That's just the first part of the process, which lets you know if you qualify for financial help.

You'd still have to pick a health plan.

Some fear that consumers will be overwhelmed and give up. Administration officials say the application form is being refined.

Still, the idea that picking a health insurance plan could be as simple as shopping on the Internet is starting to look like wishful thinking.

AP Exclusive: Applying for health care not easy - Yahoo! News

What a MESS!
Not sure what all the fuss is about. Most Americans will get their insurance through their employer and will not need to fill out this application. People applying for individual policies through the exchange or through state pools will need to complete this form or a similar form from the state. Currently individual insurance application are lengthy. The application for the Texas high risk pool is about 10 pages. The Washington state application for individual insurance is about 21 pages.

This form is a multipurpose form. It's used to verify immigration status, eligibility for federal tax subsidy, and provides the information for all insurance companies in the exchange. Unlike many current applications, it's online and will provide immediate verification of status.
Not sure what all the fuss is about. Most Americans will get their insurance through their employer and will not need to fill out this application. People applying for individual policies through the exchange or through state pools will need to complete this form or a similar form from the state. Currently individual insurance application are lengthy. The application for the Texas high risk pool is about 10 pages. The Washington state application for individual insurance is about 21 pages.

This form is a multipurpose form. It's used to verify immigration status, eligibility for federal tax subsidy, and provides the information for all insurance companies in the exchange. Unlike many current applications, it's online and will provide immediate verification of status.

See this:


You're WAY behind, still buying the lies.
The actual law is up to around 20,000 pages.

Yes, what was "passed" by Dems only was some 3,000 pages of a framework, with many references to other laws and much of it left wide open for unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats behind the scenes to write, and so far it's 20,000 pages, which when stacked is over 8 feet high.

And it's not done!!!!

It's pure insanity.

It creates more problems than it could ever solve, and will only keep killing jobs and any chance of a recovery.
This is like just handing ALL of your personal, financial, and health information to BHO -- basically a complete surrender! May as well grease our asses and bend over while we're at it.

I plan to not comply with ANY of these intrusive forms, just pay for my own insurance and not report anything, or just drop it entirely and plead "pre-existing" if I get sick.

Well, duh, obviously if you're not seeking financial assistance you don't have to provide any financial information (and since you posted every question that could conceivably be asked in their conditional logic on the first page of the thread, you're no doubt aware that they don't ask about health information at any point). All that's left is to verify your citizenship because it was decided by certain interests that illegals should be kept from buying insurance through the exchanges, even entirely with their own money.

Of course, based on the brevity of your previous insurance forms you're probably in the group market anyway and won't be buying insurance in an exchange.
This is like just handing ALL of your personal, financial, and health information to BHO -- basically a complete surrender! May as well grease our asses and bend over while we're at it.

I plan to not comply with ANY of these intrusive forms, just pay for my own insurance and not report anything, or just drop it entirely and plead "pre-existing" if I get sick.

Well, duh, obviously if you're not seeking financial assistance you don't have to provide any financial information (and since you posted every question that could conceivably be asked in their conditional logic on the first page of the thread, you're no doubt aware that they don't ask about health information at any point). All that's left is to verify your citizenship because it was decided by certain interests that illegals should be kept from buying insurance through the exchanges, even entirely with their own money.

Of course, based on the brevity of your previous insurance forms you're probably in the group market anyway and won't be buying insurance in an exchange.

No, I purchase as an individual, a high-deductible plan. My CHOICE.

And considering that my insurance will go WAY up next year (I have been told this by Kaiser) because I will be forced to add much more coverage that I DO NOT WANT, and will be FORCED to lower my deducible, which I DO NOT WANT TO DO, it may be an option for me to fill out that intrusive form to see if I'm eligible for subsidies, and MANY others will be doing it as well.

That means we are handing away all that info JUST to see if we get a bit of a break, when we're all perfectly happy with our coverage now!

Did you miss the FACT that some 98% of current policies will not meet the ACA standards, and MUST be upgraded, against our wishes? Did you miss the FACT that folks are being dumped off their employer coverage BECAUSE of the ACA?

BTW, how much do you get paid to shill on message boards for the WH?
Last edited:
No, I purchase as an individual, a high-deductible plan. My CHOICE.

An app for individual coverage through Kaiser can easily run over 20 pages: https://brokernet.kp.org/static/broker/pdfs/ca/ca_kpif_application.pdf

And considering that my insurance will go WAY up next year (I have been told this by Kaiser) because I will be forced to add much more coverage that I DO NOT WANT, and will be FORCED to lower my deducible, which I DO NOT WANT TO DO, it may be an option for me to fill out that intrusive form to see if I'm eligible for subsidies, and MANY others will be doing it as well.

If you want subsidies fill out the form. If you don't then don't. This isn't rocket science.
This is like just handing ALL of your personal, financial, and health information to BHO -- basically a complete surrender! May as well grease our asses and bend over while we're at it.

I plan to not comply with ANY of these intrusive forms, just pay for my own insurance and not report anything, or just drop it entirely and plead "pre-existing" if I get sick.

Well, duh, obviously if you're not seeking financial assistance you don't have to provide any financial information (and since you posted every question that could conceivably be asked in their conditional logic on the first page of the thread, you're no doubt aware that they don't ask about health information at any point). All that's left is to verify your citizenship because it was decided by certain interests that illegals should be kept from buying insurance through the exchanges, even entirely with their own money.

Of course, based on the brevity of your previous insurance forms you're probably in the group market anyway and won't be buying insurance in an exchange.

No, I purchase as an individual, a high-deductible plan. My CHOICE.

And considering that my insurance will go WAY up next year (I have been told this by Kaiser) because I will be forced to add much more coverage that I DO NOT WANT, and will be FORCED to lower my deducible, which I DO NOT WANT TO DO, it may be an option for me to fill out that intrusive form to see if I'm eligible for subsidies, and MANY others will be doing it as well.

That means we are handing away all that info JUST to see if we get a bit of a break, when we're all perfectly happy with our coverage now!

Did you miss the FACT that some 98% of current policies will not meet the ACA standards, and MUST be upgraded, against our wishes? Did you miss the FACT that folks are being dumped off their employer coverage BECAUSE of the ACA?

BTW, how much do you get paid to shill on message boards for the WH?

yes one less anti freedom notch in their belt
No, I purchase as an individual, a high-deductible plan. My CHOICE.

An app for individual coverage through Kaiser can easily run over 20 pages: https://brokernet.kp.org/static/broker/pdfs/ca/ca_kpif_application.pdf

And considering that my insurance will go WAY up next year (I have been told this by Kaiser) because I will be forced to add much more coverage that I DO NOT WANT, and will be FORCED to lower my deducible, which I DO NOT WANT TO DO, it may be an option for me to fill out that intrusive form to see if I'm eligible for subsidies, and MANY others will be doing it as well.

If you want subsidies fill out the form. If you don't then don't. This isn't rocket science.

You forgot to answer how much you're paid to shill and deflect here by the WH.

No sane person supports this mess of a law.
Not sure what all the fuss is about. Most Americans will get their insurance through their employer and will not need to fill out this application. People applying for individual policies through the exchange or through state pools will need to complete this form or a similar form from the state. Currently individual insurance application are lengthy. The application for the Texas high risk pool is about 10 pages. The Washington state application for individual insurance is about 21 pages.

This form is a multipurpose form. It's used to verify immigration status, eligibility for federal tax subsidy, and provides the information for all insurance companies in the exchange. Unlike many current applications, it's online and will provide immediate verification of status.

See this:


You're WAY behind, still buying the lies.
That's one of the stupidest articles I have seen yet about Obamacare. Of course the 2013 policies don't meet the 2014 new requirements. If they did, there would have been no healthcare reform act.

The major required policy changes are:
No Discrimination Due to Pre-Existing Conditions
Coverage for Individuals Participating in Clinical Trials
Eliminating Annual Limits on Insurance Coverage
No, I purchase as an individual, a high-deductible plan. My CHOICE.

An app for individual coverage through Kaiser can easily run over 20 pages: https://brokernet.kp.org/static/broker/pdfs/ca/ca_kpif_application.pdf

And considering that my insurance will go WAY up next year (I have been told this by Kaiser) because I will be forced to add much more coverage that I DO NOT WANT, and will be FORCED to lower my deducible, which I DO NOT WANT TO DO, it may be an option for me to fill out that intrusive form to see if I'm eligible for subsidies, and MANY others will be doing it as well.

If you want subsidies fill out the form. If you don't then don't. This isn't rocket science.

You forgot to answer how much you're paid to shill and deflect here by the WH.

No sane person supports this mess of a law.

10 more posts and GangreneBeard gets a set of steak knives!

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