Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."

What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young.

Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Tell us again how the "Affordable Care Act" was done for the benefit of patients and doctors.
When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."

What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young.
Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Tell us again how the "Affordable Care Act" was done for the benefit of patients and doctors.
Same way Jeffry Imelt became the Jobs Czar to discover his company sent $2 Bn in jobs to China the same time he was selected. Same way Holder was selected to be Atty General only to give terrorist drug lords 200 huge guns, a couple of which were used to kill America's border patrol agents. Same way a guy who failed to turn in his income tax became IRS head.

Obama's cue to draft people seems to be graft in his field. But what would I know? I'm just a Republican voter.

Our leaders selling us out to the highest bidder.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ5tj4cN9Jk&feature=player_embedded]Liz Fowler the Destroyer of the Public Option - YouTube[/ame]

Not sure how anyone can defend this, or pretend that ACA isn't us getting fucked.
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Our leaders selling us out to the highest bidder.
It has always been that way.
Another example is proponents for wars in Iraq, and elsewhere. Their interests and loyalty is with the defense industry.
Liz Fowler the Destroyer of the Public Option - YouTube

Not sure how anyone can defend this, or pretend that ACA isn't us getting fucked.

Moyers is great and tells the truth about many topics. The focus of this one is very well documented, but the sheep are left to argue against their own interests as always. There is a solution but the citizenry have been conditioned to think it's a radical one, and laws have been implemented to safe guard the elite hierarchy against peasant revolt.
Yeah, it's Liz Fowler's fault there's no public option. That and math.

Public option would lead him to filibuster, key senator says - CNN
Independent Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Tuesday he would join a Republican filibuster to block the final vote on any health care bill that has a government-run public health insurance option.

Lieberman's vote is crucial to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's hopes of passing a health care bill that includes the controversial public option. Reid announced Monday he would send to the full Senate a health care bill that has a public option but also allows states to opt out of that provision.

Lincoln: “I’ll Filibuster A Public Option Bill” | TPMDC
Conservative Democrats are making it very clear that they’ll switch their vote and kill the bill down the line if the public option doesn’t get stripped out of it.

“Let me be perfectly clear,” Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) said on the floor of the Senate. “I am opposed to a new government administered health care plan as a part of comprehensive health insurance reform, and I will not vote in favor of the proposal that has been introduced by Leader Reid as it is written…. I’ve already alerted the Leader and I’m promising my colleagues that I’m prepared to vote against moving to the next stage of consideration as long as a government-run public option is included.”

That’s pretty compatible with what Mary Landrieu told reporters earlier this afternoon.

“I believe it’s going to be very clear at some point very soon that there are not 60 votes for the current provision in the bill, and that the leader and the leadership are going to have to make a decision and I trust that they will figure out how to do that,” Landrieu said.

Ben Nelson Says He Might Block Dem Health Care Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Nelson said he was concerned about the proposal to create a public option. Reid is including in his bill a public option from which states could opt out.

"I have said I would look at an opt in for the states, or an option for the states to be able to create their own alternative," Nelson said.
Yeah, it's Liz Fowler's fault there's no public option. That and math.

Public option would lead him to filibuster, key senator says - CNN
Independent Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Tuesday he would join a Republican filibuster to block the final vote on any health care bill that has a government-run public health insurance option.

Lieberman's vote is crucial to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's hopes of passing a health care bill that includes the controversial public option. Reid announced Monday he would send to the full Senate a health care bill that has a public option but also allows states to opt out of that provision.

Lincoln: “I’ll Filibuster A Public Option Bill” | TPMDC
Conservative Democrats are making it very clear that they’ll switch their vote and kill the bill down the line if the public option doesn’t get stripped out of it.

“Let me be perfectly clear,” Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) said on the floor of the Senate. “I am opposed to a new government administered health care plan as a part of comprehensive health insurance reform, and I will not vote in favor of the proposal that has been introduced by Leader Reid as it is written…. I’ve already alerted the Leader and I’m promising my colleagues that I’m prepared to vote against moving to the next stage of consideration as long as a government-run public option is included.”

That’s pretty compatible with what Mary Landrieu told reporters earlier this afternoon.

“I believe it’s going to be very clear at some point very soon that there are not 60 votes for the current provision in the bill, and that the leader and the leadership are going to have to make a decision and I trust that they will figure out how to do that,” Landrieu said.

Ben Nelson Says He Might Block Dem Health Care Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Nelson said he was concerned about the proposal to create a public option. Reid is including in his bill a public option from which states could opt out.

"I have said I would look at an opt in for the states, or an option for the states to be able to create their own alternative," Nelson said.

Oh, there's plenty of fault, and money, to go around. Again, it's not really a partisan thing. We've got motivated interests groups controlling our government for their benefit, at our expense.
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