Obamacare crushes the Tea Party. 9/16/13

You are absolutely right. Those like mittens romney have not produced a thing in their lives. All they do is prey on those who have tried and given all , and the vultures wait and swoop down and devour anything and everything
They are the true vultures and lazy people.
Opportunists, nothing more. Non-producing individuals.

I agree, but realize, while the tea party and Republicans knew they would never get rid of Obamacare, the world will remember who stood against it when it collapses... More importantly, American voters will remember.

See, after you buy all the votes up with welfare, the economy tanks, like it is. Then you can't recover, like we arn't... Somewhere down the line those that sold out the country and constitution by selling people welfare will be remembers as the enemies of mankind, like they are.

Republicans are really no better than Dems here, they stopped nothing and never planned on actually stopping anything. but it's the long game for Reps, it's the short and for Dems.

So once again, I agree, like SS/MC/food stamps, and all welfare Obamacare will fail as well.

So it's just about who is right and not about human lives. Until one day it's yours, asshole. And someday it will be.

It's about the ability to actually afford stealing from others to pay for others that don't produce in hopes that as a politician it can win you more votes than the other guy. That is where you stand. History shows people that have believed as you do get millions killed when it all comes falling apart.

You are currently in a depressed economy that runs a 2 trillion dollar deficit in stimulus spending a year. Where do you goo from there? How do you afford paying for peoples HC? Even if you cut military you would not make it close to deficit neutral and that ain't gonna happen seeing as Dems grew military spending by over 150 billion compared to Bush.

Again, all of this is predictable. Politicians made a welfare class, that group of people is now bigger than the group that pays for the welfare... So much larger that we again, run a 2 trillion dollar annual deficit. We are mid way to the end, things might seem like they get better, or not, but in the end it will all come crashing down... Then the masses will be without any HC and you will be to blame. History will remember what you did as it tried to learn from your mistakes once again. Sadly every few generations need to relearn many of the same lessons that just looking at history should teach us.
3 cheers for President Obama...

hip hip hooray

hip hip hooray

hip hip hooray.

Good show Mr. President, Good form!

Way to stand your ground and protect Obamacare... we, the people, salute you! :cool:
Liberal jerk-off thread #9547. You folks must need a lot of self-soothing. :eusa_shifty:

This board is full of odumbobots, more than likely paid to be here since they post all day, as in no job. They all have their obamaphones, their welfare checks and their EBT cards, and so long as they have those things and ovomit promising them more, they couldn't give a rats ass if the country is 17 trillion dollars in debt or 117 trillion dollars in debt. Problem is they're too fucking stupid to realize it's all going to come to a screeching halt here real soon, the gravy train is a train wreck in progress.
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Liberal jerk-off thread #9547. You folks must need a lot of self-soothing. :eusa_shifty:

This board is full of odumbobots, more than likely paid to be here since they post all day, as in no job. They all have their obamaphones, their welfare checks and their EBT cards, and so long as they have those things and ovomit promising them more, they couldn't give a rats ass if the country is 17 trillion dollars in debt or 117 trillion dollars in debt. Problem is they're too fucking stupid to realize it's all going to come to a screeching halt here real soon, the gravy train is a train wreck in progress.

Why do you hate America so much? Why!
Total Victory! Tea Party was crushed so nicely

The Tea Party citizens were crushed, but the Tea Party congressmen have been enriched, rewarded, patted on the head and being pampered for the next round. After all, its about money.

Yep, it's all about money, not for concern of Americans; Mitch McConnell gets nearly $3 billion for Kentucky dam project in congressional deal

McConnell sold out his party; instead of standing together to defund Obamacare, he & McCain slammed Cruz for doing what we hired him to do. God forbid we have someone up there that that refuses to drink the kool-aide and insists Congress abides by the Constitution.
This event will empower the Tea Party just like it did in 2010. 87 incumbents were replaced and I bet there will be more casualties next time around.
Liberal jerk-off thread #9547. You folks must need a lot of self-soothing. :eusa_shifty:

This board is full of odumbobots, more than likely paid to be here since they post all day, as in no job. They all have their obamaphones, their welfare checks and their EBT cards, and so long as they have those things and ovomit promising them more, they couldn't give a rats ass if the country is 17 trillion dollars in debt or 117 trillion dollars in debt. Problem is they're too fucking stupid to realize it's all going to come to a screeching halt here real soon, the gravy train is a train wreck in progress.

I was talking about that today with someone here..sure seems to be the case, the board is now overrun with them...It's become, well not as nice as it used to be...is all I'll say
Liberal jerk-off thread #9547. You folks must need a lot of self-soothing. :eusa_shifty:

This board is full of odumbobots, more than likely paid to be here since they post all day, as in no job. They all have their obamaphones, their welfare checks and their EBT cards, and so long as they have those things and ovomit promising them more, they couldn't give a rats ass if the country is 17 trillion dollars in debt or 117 trillion dollars in debt. Problem is they're too fucking stupid to realize it's all going to come to a screeching halt here real soon, the gravy train is a train wreck in progress.

WOW! You have 26,684 posts here yourself... :eek: How much they paying you?
Liberal jerk-off thread #9547. You folks must need a lot of self-soothing. :eusa_shifty:

This board is full of odumbobots, more than likely paid to be here since they post all day, as in no job. They all have their obamaphones, their welfare checks and their EBT cards, and so long as they have those things and ovomit promising them more, they couldn't give a rats ass if the country is 17 trillion dollars in debt or 117 trillion dollars in debt. Problem is they're too fucking stupid to realize it's all going to come to a screeching halt here real soon, the gravy train is a train wreck in progress.

I was talking about that today with someone here..sure seems to be the case, the board is now overrun with them...It's become, well not as nice as it used to be...is all I'll say

And you have amassed 38,089 posts here yourself! Talk about getting paid. :eek: What, no job?
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