Obamacare exposed

Let me get this straight. Not only will you not go to Google to expand your knowledge, but you won't even click on links in replies or even read the titles of the articles?

If that's your standard, how would anyone ever "prove" you wrong since you don't read replies to your arguments?

Let me get this straight. Not only will you not go to Google to expand your knowledge, but you won't even click on links in replies or even read the titles of the articles?

If that's your standard, how would anyone ever "prove" you wrong since you don't read replies to your arguments?

I have read all that propaganda. I am not interested in the isolated case somewhere. I know that some people will pay a bit more....especially very young, very healthy.....and very wealthy people.

What I am saying is that YOU are not one of them. I said that I think YOU are lying about your huge premium increase.

Get it?
What about your claims? Are you going to try and prove them?

Let me get this straight. Not only will you not go to Google to expand your knowledge, but you won't even click on links in replies or even read the titles of the articles?

If that's your standard, how would anyone ever "prove" you wrong since you don't read replies to your arguments?

I have read all that propaganda. I am not interested in the isolated case somewhere. I know that some people will pay a bit more....especially very young, very healthy.....and very wealthy people.

What I am saying is that YOU are not one of them. I said that I think YOU are lying about your huge premium increase.

Propaganda? Even the liberals in real life are upset. When Obama gave the healthcare costs will go down kool-aid, they gulped it down and now reality is setting in as they are getting their quotes.

Why would I care if the village idiot believes me or not?
Exactly. You are clearly lying. No biggie. You do it all the time here.

And you are a lazy idiot who doesn't care enough to learn anything that you won't use Google because if you did that, you would learn you are actually wrong constantly.

Hmm...oh....I get it now....
I'd like to know why I'm required (by the government) to pay double for the same coverage I currently have.

You probably aren't. There is much misinformation about this law.

Perhaps if you explain the circumstances that you are in, I can relieve you of yours.

Perhaps you are full of shit.

I have never had maternity coverage in my life, now it is required. On the plus side, I can now get prescription birth control and pour it down the toilet, and it will only cost me extra money tacked on to my policy even if I don't waste it.
I call bullshit.

Every USMB nutter has the perfect storm of circumstances that is causing them to not only lose insurance, but to pay double or triple the premiums! What a fucking coinkidink!
Actually, it isn't.

They've already assured their futures by raising the ceiling on deductibles by thirty times what they were or more, yet. Deductibles that were $200 three years ago are now projected to be $6000 when "Affordable" Health Care gets on its feet. That basically means owners of Insurance are getting nothing for twice as much as when they were getting something.

I used to laugh at Demmie fuzzy math. Now, it truly makes me shudder, due to denial that there is something very, very wrong in Washington.
You probably aren't? Why is it you Leftytoons insist on telling people they are not seeing what they are seeing. This isn't some Jedi mind trick. Having your bill double or triple is not freaking misinformation.

I think the people that are claiming a doubling or tripling of premiums are lying. That is why.

Pro Obamacare reporters are making those claims. Funny how they weren't lying when they said we could keep our plans, but are lying now when they report the premium increases.
Everything is going according to plan.

1) Destroy the system in place by making is so expensive and convoluted that the Middle Class demands something be done.
2) Introduce single payer to save the day

Government creates the problem, then creates a solution that is even worse than the initial problem ever was and politicians get reelected promising to fix the system they put in place.
Ten good things about the Affordable Care Act......

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.
Ten good things about the Affordable Care Act......

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

And all it costs you are piles of money and your liberty, what a deal!
Ten good things about the Affordable Care Act......

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

1) I can't speak to that.
2) There is no such thing as free anything. Someone has to pay for it.
3) See 2.
4) Too bad many pre-existing conditions are so expensive to make covering them financially irresponsible. Now everyone's insurance rates get to go up to cover those people.
5) There is no such thing as gouging, just basic supply and demand.
6) See 4.
7) At 18, someone can vote, sit on a jury, buy property, and enter into contracts, but can't get their own insurance? Not to mention tacking on an adult's expenses onto his parents' insurance.
8) Sounds great until it's your money being paid out for eternity.
9) People go into business to make money. Health insurance was never set up to be non profit.
10) Sounds good in theory. What's the catch?
Here's what all insurance policies must offer in their coverage. Whether you need it or want it is irrelevant, you will pay for it.

All private health insurance plans offered in the Marketplace will offer the same set of essential health benefits. These are services all plans must cover.

The essential health benefits include at least the following items and services:
• Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital)
• Emergency services
• Hospitalization (such as surgery)
• Maternity and newborn care (care before and after your baby is born)
• Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)
• Prescription drugs
• Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices (services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills)
• Laboratory services
• Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
• Pediatric services

Here is what is now "free". Again, whether you need it or want it is irrelevant. You will pay for it.

Part 1
Preventive health services for adults
Most health plans must cover a set of preventive services like shots and screening tests at no cost to you. This includes Marketplace private insurance plans.
Preventive care benefits
Preventive care helps you stay healthy. A doctor isn’t someone to see only when you’re sick. Doctors also provide services that help keep you healthy.
Free preventive services
All Marketplace plans and many other plans must cover the following list of preventive services without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible. This applies only when these services are delivered by a network provider.

1. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm one-time screening for men of specified ages who have ever smoked
2. Alcohol Misuse screening and counseling
3. Aspirin use to prevent cardiovascular disease for men and women of certain ages
4. Blood Pressure screening for all adults
5. Cholesterol screening for adults of certain ages or at higher risk
6. Colorectal Cancer screening for adults over 50
7. Depression screening for adults
8. Diabetes (Type 2) screening for adults with high blood pressure
9. Diet counseling for adults at higher risk for chronic disease
10. HIV screening for everyone ages 15 to 65, and other ages at increased risk
11. Immunization vaccines for adults--doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
o Hepatitis A
o Hepatitis B
o Herpes Zoster
o Human Papillomavirus
o Influenza (Flu Shot)
o Measles, Mumps, Rubella
o Meningococcal
o Pneumococcal
o Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis
o Varicella
12. Obesity screening and counseling for all adults
13. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention counseling for adults at higher risk
14. Syphilis screening for all adults at higher risk
15. Tobacco Use screening for all adults and cessation interventions for tobacco users

Part 2
Preventive health services for women
Most health plans must cover additional preventive health services for women, ensuring a comprehensive set of preventive services like breast cancer screenings to meet women’s unique health care needs.
Comprehensive coverage for women’s preventive care
All Marketplace health plans and many other plans must cover the following list of preventive services for women without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible.
This applies only when these services are delivered by an in-network provider.

1. Anemia screening on a routine basis for pregnant women
2. Breast Cancer Genetic Test Counseling (BRCA) for women at higher risk for breast cancer
3. Breast Cancer Mammography screenings every 1 to 2 years for women over 40
4. Breast Cancer Chemoprevention counseling for women at higher risk
5. Breastfeeding comprehensive support and counseling from trained providers, and access to breastfeeding supplies, for pregnant and nursing women
6. Cervical Cancer screening for sexually active women
7. Chlamydia Infection screening for younger women and other women at higher risk
8. Contraception: Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling, as prescribed by a health care provider for women with reproductive capacity (not including abortifacient drugs). This does not apply to health plans sponsored by certain exempt “religious employers.”
9. Domestic and interpersonal violence screening and counseling for all women
10. Folic Acid supplements for women who may become pregnant
11. Gestational diabetes screening for women 24 to 28 weeks pregnant and those at high risk of developing gestational diabetes
12. Gonorrhea screening for all women at higher risk
13. Hepatitis B screening for pregnant women at their first prenatal visit
14. HIV screening and counseling for sexually active women
15. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Test every 3 years for women with normal cytology results who are 30 or older
16. Osteoporosis screening for women over age 60 depending on risk factors
17. Rh Incompatibility screening for all pregnant women and follow-up testing for women at higher risk
18. Sexually Transmitted Infections counseling for sexually active women
19. Syphilis screening for all pregnant women or other women at increased risk
20. Tobacco Use screening and interventions for all women, and expanded counseling for pregnant tobacco users
21. Urinary tract or other infection screening for pregnant women
22. Well-woman visits to get recommended services for women under 65

Part 3
Preventive health services for children
Most health plans must cover a set of preventive health services for children at no cost when delivered by an in-network provider. This includes Marketplace and Medicaid coverage.
Coverage for children’s preventive health services
All Marketplace health plans and many other plans must cover the following list of preventive services for children without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible.

1. Autism screening for children at 18 and 24 months
2. Behavioral assessments for children at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
3. Blood Pressure screening for children at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years , 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
4. Cervical Dysplasia screening for sexually active females
5. Depression screening for adolescents
6. Developmental screening for children under age 3
7. Dyslipidemia screening for children at higher risk of lipid disorders at the following ages: 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
8. Fluoride Chemoprevention supplements for children without fluoride in their water source
9. Gonorrhea preventive medication for the eyes of all newborns
10. Hearing screening for all newborns
11. Height, Weight and Body Mass Index measurements for children at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
12. Hematocrit or Hemoglobin screening for children
13. Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell screening for newborns
14. HIV screening for adolescents at higher risk
15. **Hypothyroidism screening for newborns
16. Immunization vaccines for children from birth to age 18 —doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
o Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
o Haemophilus influenzae type b
o Hepatitis A
o Hepatitis B
o Human Papillomavirus
o Inactivated Poliovirus
o Influenza (Flu Shot)
o Measles, Mumps, Rubella
o Meningococcal
o Pneumococcal
o Rotavirus
o Varicella
17. Iron supplements for children ages 6 to 12 months at risk for anemia
18. Lead screening for children at risk of exposure
19. Medical History for all children throughout development at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years , 5 to 10 years , 11 to 14 years , 15 to 17 years.
20. Obesity screening and counseling
21. Oral Health risk assessment for young children Ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years.
22. Phenylketonuria (PKU) screening for this genetic disorder in newborns
23. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention counseling and screening for adolescents at higher risk
24. Tuberculin testing for children at higher risk of tuberculosis at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
25. Vision screening for all children.


Dems, the party of choice. Until they take away your choice and force you to buy something you don't need or they will fine you for it.
Ten good things about the Affordable Care Act......

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

Free? How is it free? Who pays for it? Oh wait, you really do believe in the money-farting unicorn dont' you?

No denying pre-existing conditions. Peachy. Tell me, why don't those with pre-existing conditions have to pay more than those who are healthy? Instead, healthy people are paying more so those with pre-existing conditions don't have too. That would be insurers gouging people without pre-existing conditions, via the government. And you're just fine with that.

"Adult children" <blink, blink>

How much were insurers spending on health care prior to the ACA? Since when does the government have the right to decide what any business must spend their dollars on?

Tell me, why should a 55 year old single no kids have to pay for maternity care, newborn care, pediatric care (including vision and dental)???

How stupid are people? The more things that are covered means the more expensive the policy will be.

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