Obamacare exposed

I call bullshit.

Every USMB nutter has the perfect storm of circumstances that is causing them to not only lose insurance, but to pay double or triple the premiums! What a fucking coinkidink!

Hey dufus.. Read my footer before you read this..

I don't lie.. Obama made my plan ILLEGAL.. It was thru my Professional Org and I had it for 20 yrs.. Coverage ends 12/31.. Obama lied to me.. Pelosi had no F'king idea what was in it before or after she passed it..

Want to read the letter? Tells how National Orgs cannot GROUP members anymore.. Unless you sucked up to the DaliaBama and then (like AARP) got all kind of waivers..

Like Kaz-- I want to replace it with a HIGH deductible policy.. Probably do the same thing. Because at least an insurance broker KNOWS what the hell the biz is about. Rather than talking to some dweeb on the phone that was handing out ObamaPhones last week and working for ObamaForAmerica...

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Ok so you are all knowing. Alrighty then. Be careful the next step is a challenge that you won't accept.

Whatever. I would love to be proven wrong. I hate dealing with liars. I'd rather say I was sorry.

Careful? What is this....a death match?

Jesus I go to eat a can of tuna (thanks Obammy) and it looks like a bomb went off in here.

The challenge is simple. Now I won't press Mr. H if he's not willing so anyone wants to step up is welcome. You claim these folks are all lying. If that is true they could not put up any public proof their rates skyrocketed overnight. So I say do it. Someone step up. And if they can you pay the difference on their insurance for the next year. I mean you have nothing to lose. They're all lying right? And either way it gets settled.

So who is it going to be? Mind you the trolls and grandma posters stay out of it.
You probably aren't? Why is it you Leftytoons insist on telling people they are not seeing what they are seeing. This isn't some Jedi mind trick. Having your bill double or triple is not freaking misinformation.

I think the people that are claiming a doubling or tripling of premiums are lying. That is why.

Ever occur to you that some low wage workers had "minimum" plans that had something like a $50K max cap? Maybe that's sufficient for some folks. Unless some leftist tells you to purchase more or be fined..

Kids used to get thru University on "college plans" that had $100K caps on payouts.. Recently you could get covered under one of those for about $120/quarter. Now also illegal...

Or that others (like me) had other deductibles that are ILLEGAL now?

Just taking the lifetime caps off of a policy by edict is gonna drive rates waaaaaaaaaaaay the hell up.. Gee thanks caring lefties..

EASILY can see double.. Unless you're get subsidized like a good socialist plan to redistribute does..
Everything is going according to plan.

1) Destroy the system in place by making is so expensive and convoluted that the Middle Class demands something be done.
2) Introduce single payer to save the day

Government creates the problem, then creates a solution that is even worse than the initial problem ever was and politicians get reelected promising to fix the system they put in place.

As to number 1? He's destroying the 'Middle Class'

What he wants is the 'Political Class Elites' (Rulers), and serfs...(everyone else).
Ten good things about the Affordable Care Act......

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

Idiocy on parade. ^^

There is NOTHING FREE in life, dolt.
Ok so you are all knowing. Alrighty then. Be careful the next step is a challenge that you won't accept.

Whatever. I would love to be proven wrong. I hate dealing with liars. I'd rather say I was sorry.

Careful? What is this....a death match?

Jesus I go to eat a can of tuna (thanks Obammy) and it looks like a bomb went off in here.

The challenge is simple. Now I won't press Mr. H if he's not willing so anyone wants to step up is welcome. You claim these folks are all lying. If that is true they could not put up any public proof their rates skyrocketed overnight. So I say do it. Someone step up. And if they can you pay the difference on their insurance for the next year. I mean you have nothing to lose. They're all lying right? And either way it gets settled.

So who is it going to be? Mind you the trolls and grandma posters stay out of it.

I never bet $$ when winning does not pay $$.

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