Obamacare exposes Republican hypocrisy on health care

When Republicans were forced to come up with alternatives for Obamacare, high-deductible plans were core to those proposals.

High-deductible (er, "consumer-directed") health plans and more "skin in the game" have been a conservative favorite and will be again, even if they had to feign outrage for a few weeks there when it became apparent lots of bronze-level plans are HSA-compatible HDHPs.

Even that document Jindal put out last week is back to praising them ("One of the innovations over the past decade that has helped slow the growth in health care costs has been Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which couple a high-deductible health plan with a tax-free savings account.")
Anyone can put forth a healthcare plan

I have yet to see a plan in which Republicans take it and say.....this is what we want to do. There is an election this year.....why don't Republcans run on Jindals plan?

The simple fact is, as you know, and try to hide behind, is that anything presented by the House Republican's is automatically dead from the communist, subversive, corrupt to the bone ,Senate Majority leader "Dirty: Harry Reid refusing to even bring anything before the Senate that the House sends him. Can you deny it, without us putting out Youtubes where he states as much?

They have no difficulty in passing Over 50 repeal bills, yet have not passed a single bill to make Obamacare better.

If they are serious, run on Republican healthcare in 2014. But we all know they are not serious because they cannot come up with a better alternative

As Nancy Piglosi would say, and paraphrasing her Shittyness..." You have to repeal a really bad Bill, before your can replace it! ...Why run on it, when you democrats/subversives have done such a bang up job, FUCKING over 7 million people so far that have had to buy new insurance, and a vast majority of them at a higher price, and a higher deductible...and just wait until the other shoe drop on another 30+ Million come 2015! Never mind all the jobs lost, or would you like me to link those up also?
When Republicans were forced to come up with alternatives for Obamacare, high-deductible plans were core to those proposals.

High-deductible (er, "consumer-directed") health plans and more "skin in the game" have been a conservative favorite and will be again, even if they had to feign outrage for a few weeks there when it became apparent lots of bronze-level plans are HSA-compatible HDHPs.

Even that document Jindal put out last week is back to praising them ("One of the innovations over the past decade that has helped slow the growth in health care costs has been Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which couple a high-deductible health plan with a tax-free savings account.")

How's this for the uninformed...There are some good parts in ObumaCare, but on a whole, 95% of it is shit!
When Republicans were forced to come up with alternatives for Obamacare, high-deductible plans were core to those proposals.

High-deductible (er, "consumer-directed") health plans and more "skin in the game" have been a conservative favorite and will be again, even if they had to feign outrage for a few weeks there when it became apparent lots of bronze-level plans are HSA-compatible HDHPs.

Even that document Jindal put out last week is back to praising them ("One of the innovations over the past decade that has helped slow the growth in health care costs has been Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which couple a high-deductible health plan with a tax-free savings account.")

Hey there! Welcome Back!

Are you here to spread the word about the goodness that flows from ObamaCare?

Millions and millions subscribed (Whatever the word means)

Obama's goal was 7MM and wow! They got 7.1MM Subscribers

Dems, if you like your Senate Majority, you can keep it. Period
Anyone can put forth a healthcare plan

I have yet to see a plan in which Republicans take it and say.....this is what we want to do. There is an election this year.....why don't Republcans run on Jindals plan?

The simple fact is, as you know, and try to hide behind, is that anything presented by the House Republican's is automatically dead from the communist, subversive, corrupt to the bone ,Senate Majority leader "Dirty: Harry Reid refusing to even bring anything before the Senate that the House sends him. Can you deny it, without us putting out Youtubes where he states as much?

They have no difficulty in passing Over 50 repeal bills, yet have not passed a single bill to make Obamacare better.

If they are serious, run on Republican healthcare in 2014. But we all know they are not serious because they cannot come up with a better alternative

Obamacare is owned by Democrats--and it's they that should FIX it. And it's well noted they're not fixing it.--They're running from it.
Still waiting for the Republican plan Steph

What is taking you so long?

Many have been proposed, you're being disingenuous again, as you always do when you don't think anyone will put forth a retort to your BS! One of the newer ones is Bobby Jindal’s Plan:

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

IMO, as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world we can afford to provide at least Preventative health care to all our citizens pre cradle to grave. It's all a matter of setting priorities.

Gov.Jindal’s Plan leaves 15% behind and includes high deductibles, some so high the average worker could likely be forced into bankruptcy even when the monthly cost makes having health insurance feasible. One catastrophic illness or injury can put the modern family into the poorhouse or the minivan.

Posts which define the problem as the PPACA and ignore the problems which existed before Obamacare should ask why we should toss out the baby with the bathwater? Gov. Jindal's plan restores some of the problems solved or mitigated by the PPACA..
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The simple fact is, as you know, and try to hide behind, is that anything presented by the House Republican's is automatically dead from the communist, subversive, corrupt to the bone ,Senate Majority leader "Dirty: Harry Reid refusing to even bring anything before the Senate that the House sends him. Can you deny it, without us putting out Youtubes where he states as much?

They have no difficulty in passing Over 50 repeal bills, yet have not passed a single bill to make Obamacare better.

If they are serious, run on Republican healthcare in 2014. But we all know they are not serious because they cannot come up with a better alternative

Obamacare is owned by Democrats--and it's they that should FIX it. And it's well noted they're not fixing it.--They're running from it.

It is the job of Congress to change laws, not one party alone.
Still waiting for the Republican plan Steph

What is taking you so long?

Many have been proposed, you're being disingenuous again, as you always do when you don't think anyone will put forth a retort to your BS! One of the newer ones is Bobby Jindal’s Plan:

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

IMO, as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world we can afford to provide at least Preventative health care to all our citizens pre cradle to grave. It's all a matter of setting priorities.

Gov.Jindal’s Plan leaves 15% behind and includes high deductibles, some so high the average worker could likely be forced into bankruptcy even when the monthly cost makes having health insurance feasible. One catastrophic illness or injury can put the modern family into the poorhouse or the minivan.

Posts which define the problem as the PPACA and ignore the problems which existed before Obamacare should ask why we should toss out the baby with the bathwater? Gov. Jindal's plan restores some of the problems solved or mitigated by the PPACA..

We can afford to have homeless people live in your house too you heartless bastard
They have no difficulty in passing Over 50 repeal bills, yet have not passed a single bill to make Obamacare better.

If they are serious, run on Republican healthcare in 2014. But we all know they are not serious because they cannot come up with a better alternative

Obamacare is owned by Democrats--and it's they that should FIX it. And it's well noted they're not fixing it.--They're running from it.

It is the job of Congress to change laws, not one party alone.

Obama can change things unilaterally...where you been?
Anyone can put forth a healthcare plan

I have yet to see a plan in which Republicans take it and say.....this is what we want to do. There is an election this year.....why don't Republcans run on Jindals plan?

The simple fact is, as you know, and try to hide behind, is that anything presented by the House Republican's is automatically dead from the communist, subversive, corrupt to the bone ,Senate Majority leader "Dirty: Harry Reid refusing to even bring anything before the Senate that the House sends him. Can you deny it, without us putting out Youtubes where he states as much?

They have no difficulty in passing Over 50 repeal bills, yet have not passed a single bill to make Obamacare better.

If they are serious, run on Republican healthcare in 2014. But we all know they are not serious because they cannot come up with a better alternative

Well who wrote the bill? Democrats. Who Passed the bill? Democrats. Then who's responsible for FIXING it? DEMOCRATS.

Do you actually believe for one second that Obama would let a Republican get near his legacy bill to FIX it?----:lol::lol: They were even blocked from attending committee hearings on it.
When Republicans were forced to come up with alternatives for Obamacare, high-deductible plans were core to those proposals.

High-deductible (er, "consumer-directed") health plans and more "skin in the game" have been a conservative favorite and will be again, even if they had to feign outrage for a few weeks there when it became apparent lots of bronze-level plans are HSA-compatible HDHPs.

Even that document Jindal put out last week is back to praising them ("One of the innovations over the past decade that has helped slow the growth in health care costs has been Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which couple a high-deductible health plan with a tax-free savings account.")

Which are useless given the fact that Obamacare requires people to buy a plan that covers routine medical expenses that other people need.
IMO, as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world we can afford to provide at least Preventative health care to all our citizens pre cradle to grave. It's all a matter of setting priorities.

Yes, as the wealthiest nation on the planet we should give everyone something that doesn't work, and fuck the idiots that claim it costs too much.

Gov.Jindal’s Plan leaves 15% behind and includes high deductibles, some so high the average worker could likely be forced into bankruptcy even when the monthly cost makes having health insurance feasible. One catastrophic illness or injury can put the modern family into the poorhouse or the minivan.

How many has Obamacare left behind? What are average workers going to do when premiums skyrocket?

Posts which define the problem as the PPACA and ignore the problems which existed before Obamacare should ask why we should toss out the baby with the bathwater? Gov. Jindal's plan restores some of the problems solved or mitigated by the PPACA..

Post which pretend Obamacare fixed anything are should ask why the fuck we thought letting the government make things worse is a step in the right direction.

Wait, we didn't think that, only the idiots thought that.
They have no difficulty in passing Over 50 repeal bills, yet have not passed a single bill to make Obamacare better.

If they are serious, run on Republican healthcare in 2014. But we all know they are not serious because they cannot come up with a better alternative

Obamacare is owned by Democrats--and it's they that should FIX it. And it's well noted they're not fixing it.--They're running from it.

It is the job of Congress to change laws, not one party alone.

Obamacare passed with the votes of a single party.

Funny thing, Democrats have actually voted against it.

I guess that means that you just argued yourself into a corner.
Obamacare is owned by Democrats--and it's they that should FIX it. And it's well noted they're not fixing it.--They're running from it.

It is the job of Congress to change laws, not one party alone.

Obamacare passed with the votes of a single party.

Funny thing, Democrats have actually voted against it.

I guess that means that you just argued yourself into a corner.

I think you mean they voted for it, before they voted against it--LOL. The entire point is not ONE single Republican voted for it--now you whiners are asking that Republicans fix what the democrats did wrong. WELL THEY TRIED:

You member that promise if you like your policy--you can keep it--that every single Senate democrat that is running for reelection in November promised you>


Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for most of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.
Obamacare drop insurance | grandfathering | cancellation

And you want Republicans to keep beating their brains against a wall so Democrats can say no to every suggestion they bring up? Yeah right!
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We have yet to see any republican plans put forth, The ACA will have some problems , but overall it is a start. All we see from the republicans are what they are against never what they are for. Sitting in the cheap seat and snipping is not governing or leadership.

Remember pre 2010 election? The republicans said if they were elected and control the house their first order of business what putting forth a jobs bill, in reality their first order of business had to do with abortion , then trying to defund the ACA. See a pattern here?

i think this entire pattern goes beyond issues and at the core are a lot of bitterness on some segments of the population who see their privilege circling the drain and will lash out at any thing
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i know i had said this...the bronze plan has 11 k deductible...the average bankruptcy for medical bills is 11 k....

Put in perspective of a typical cost for major surgery, 11 k is a deal!

"CHICAGO - What do hospitals charge to remove an appendix? The startling answer is that it could be the same as the price of a refrigerator - or a house.

"It's a common, straightforward operation, so you might expect charges to be similar no matter where the surgery takes place. Yet a California study found huge disparities in patients' bills - $1,500 to $180,000, with an average of $33,000."

Study: Appendix surgery costs differ around U.S. - CBS News
Obamacare is owned by Democrats--and it's they that should FIX it. And it's well noted they're not fixing it.--They're running from it.

It is the job of Congress to change laws, not one party alone.

Obamacare passed with the votes of a single party.

Funny thing, Democrats have actually voted against it.

I guess that means that you just argued yourself into a corner.

Windbag, you 'hear' what you want to' hear'. Republicans vote in lockstep because their first question is, "how will this effect me?". Their job is more important to them then anything which might effect a constituent.

Thus, if they don't vote as they are told to vote, they will not get the money necessary to be reelected. Sadly, Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia and Kennedy voted yesterday to double down on CU v FEC to ensure members of Congress, members of state legislatures and even members of county and city counsels can be easily controlled via unlimited 'donations' to the party and its members in each body.
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Still waiting for the Republican plan Steph

What is taking you so long?

Many have been proposed, you're being disingenuous again, as you always do when you don't think anyone will put forth a retort to your BS! One of the newer ones is Bobby Jindal’s Plan:

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

IMO, as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world we can afford to provide at least Preventative health care to all our citizens pre cradle to grave. It's all a matter of setting priorities.

Gov.Jindal’s Plan leaves 15% behind and includes high deductibles, some so high the average worker could likely be forced into bankruptcy even when the monthly cost makes having health insurance feasible. One catastrophic illness or injury can put the modern family into the poorhouse or the minivan.

Posts which define the problem as the PPACA and ignore the problems which existed before Obamacare should ask why we should toss out the baby with the bathwater? Gov. Jindal's plan restores some of the problems solved or mitigated by the PPACA..

Our system of government was never SOCIALISM! It was designed for MEN to express their freedoms with little or no interference by government. You worked hard and made your own way through life...a far cry from what it has evolved into!
We have yet to see any republican plans put forth, The ACA will have some problems , but overall it is a start. All we see from the republicans are what they are against never what they are for. Sitting in the cheap seat and snipping is not governing or leadership.

Remember pre 2010 election? The republicans said if they were elected and control the house their first order of business what putting forth a jobs bill, in reality their first order of business had to do with abortion , then trying to defund the ACA. See a pattern here?

i think this entire pattern goes beyond issues and at the core are a lot of bitterness on some segments of the population who see their privilege circling the drain and will lash out at any thing

It's a start to controlling our very lives! What's more important than your health, and now the Gov't is in control of it, taxing it, and making huge profits for the DNC off health Insurance providers donations! Not just a little QUID PRO QUO!!!!

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