Obamacare exposes Republican hypocrisy on health care

Now why the fuck would Nancy Pelosi say


If Republican's had actually had any input at all? You don't remember they only had the bill in their position, all 2700+ pages for 2 days before they had to vote on it!

Well, my understanding was that she was urging the Senate to put forward and vote on a bill so that it could be properly debated against the House bill.

Got a link to that?

Link? To how laws are passed and entered in the law? Read Art. I, II & III of The COTUS.
Well, my understanding was that she was urging the Senate to put forward and vote on a bill so that it could be properly debated against the House bill.

Got a link to that?

Link? To how laws are passed and entered in the law? Read Art. I, II & III of The COTUS.

No idiot, she wasn't. She was stating exactly what she said, the Congress did NOT have time to read and debate it, as it went to vote only 2 days after it was distributed!

Here, stop your lies!

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com
Got a link to that?

Link? To how laws are passed and entered in the law? Read Art. I, II & III of The COTUS.

No idiot, she wasn't. She was stating exactly what she said, the Congress did NOT have time to read and debate it, as it went to vote only 2 days after it was distributed!

Her link was dated June 2009; the act was passed and enacted in March 2010

Here, stop your lies!

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The ACA was enacted with the goals of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance, lowering the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reducing the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government. It introduced a number of mechanisms—including mandates, subsidies, and insurance exchanges—meant to increase coverage and affordability.[6][7] The law also requires insurance companies to cover all applicants within new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex.[8] Additional reforms aimed to reduce costs and improve healthcare outcomes by shifting the system towards quality over quantity through increased competition, regulation, and incentives to streamline the delivery of healthcare. The Congressional Budget Office projected that the ACA will lower both future deficits[9] and Medicare spending.[10]"

"Republican Senators, including those who had supported previous bills with a similar mandate, began to describe the mandate as "unconstitutional." Journalist Ezra Klein wrote in The New Yorker that "the end result was ... a policy that once enjoyed broad support within the Republican Party suddenly faced unified opposition."[52] Reporter Michael Cooper of The New York Times wrote that: "It can be difficult to remember now, given the ferocity with which many Republicans assail it as an attack on freedom, but the provision in President Obama's healthcare law requiring all Americans to buy health insurance has its roots in conservative thinking."

The above quotes are taking from the link immediately preceding them. Honest persons realize the universal opposition to the PPACA and calls for its recall are politically motivated machinations. That is not to suggest the bill is perfect, every bill Congress passes is a result of compromise and input from special interests, lobbyists and the effect of bribery (i.e. political donations).
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Link? To how laws are passed and entered in the law? Read Art. I, II & III of The COTUS.

No idiot, she wasn't. She was stating exactly what she said, the Congress did NOT have time to read and debate it, as it went to vote only 2 days after it was distributed!

Her link was dated June 2009; the act was passed and enacted in March 2010

Here, stop your lies!

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The ACA was enacted with the goals of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance, lowering the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reducing the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government. It introduced a number of mechanisms—including mandates, subsidies, and insurance exchanges—meant to increase coverage and affordability.[6][7] The law also requires insurance companies to cover all applicants within new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex.[8] Additional reforms aimed to reduce costs and improve healthcare outcomes by shifting the system towards quality over quantity through increased competition, regulation, and incentives to streamline the delivery of healthcare. The Congressional Budget Office projected that the ACA will lower both future deficits[9] and Medicare spending.[10]"

"Republican Senators, including those who had supported previous bills with a similar mandate, began to describe the mandate as "unconstitutional." Journalist Ezra Klein wrote in The New Yorker that "the end result was ... a policy that once enjoyed broad support within the Republican Party suddenly faced unified opposition."[52] Reporter Michael Cooper of The New York Times wrote that: "It can be difficult to remember now, given the ferocity with which many Republicans assail it as an attack on freedom, but the provision in President Obama's healthcare law requiring all Americans to buy health insurance has its roots in conservative thinking."

The above quotes are taking from the link immediately preceding them. Honest persons realize the universal opposition to the PPACA and calls for its recall are politically motivated machinations. That is not to suggest the bill is perfect, every bill Congress passes is a result of compromise and input from special interests, lobbyists and the effect of bribery (i.e. political donations).

Your obfuscation is quite obvious, as stated Congress only had 2 days to read the bill before voting on it, The UNDENIABLE TRUTH!.... NO ONE read the entire bill!
Hi Guno:
I notice more and more that each angle exposes hypocrisy from both parties.

A. the prime example is for Democrats, the defense of prochoice only applies to people who believe in abortion, and opposing regulation much less any punishment fine or penalty.
Even to require someone to look at a sonogram is blocked, or anything else that opens the door to govt regulation.
But this rabid defense of "free choice" above any other consideration
does not apply to the harmless choice of wanting freedom to pay for health care.

paying for health care is not as risky as the choice of abortion.

but which one is penalized and which one is defended from any govt regulation whatsoever?

If gays stand up and demand not to be excluded from a policy, that's discrimination.
People who believe their views or "lifestyle choices" are INVALID or wrong
do not have the right to impose a policy against them just because they "disagree."

But when people who believe in free market systems of health care "don't believe" in singlepayer or using federal govt for this role that is against their principles,
why isn't that discrimination and failure to protect equal rights?

B. With Hobby Lobby
other people pointed out what if the company was Muslim and arging for their religious rights not to violate their beliefs?

Wouldn't the same liberals defend the religious arguments for Muslims?
Wouldn't the same conservatives, Christians and Republicans suddenly go silent?

Compare cases of Atheists suing to remove a cross that they don't believe in and shouldn't be imposed by public institutions.

Why are they supported in their petitions while Christians or Constitutionalists are not only excluded and discriminated against, but penalized insulated harassed and denounced for their views because they "do not believe in the same things" about government and health care.

Clearly this is a political argument for political beliefs,
and people care so much about their own beliefs being the "only right way anyway"
they are willing to abuse law, govt, party and media to censor and penalize people with conflicting beliefs.

This seems true on both sides, not just the opposing stance.

The liberal prochoice left "yell and scream" if people do this to atheists, gays or others who share their political beliefs.

So how can they participate in the same negative bullying, marginalizing, criminalization,
rejection and unlawful exclusion/discrimination when it comes to Constitutional beliefs?

Are those views really as harmful or risky to the public as abortion?

When Republicans were forced to come up with alternatives for Obamacare, high-deductible plans were core to those proposals. "Conservatives have suggested deregulating Obamacare’s exchanges to make it easier to provide policies with high deductibles," wrote Ramesh Ponnuru. One of those conservatives was right-wing darling Dr. Ben Carson. "In order to right the ship, we need to return the responsibility for good health care to the patient and the health care provider," he said. "One of the best ways to do this is through health savings accounts, which patients can control."
This always baffled Obamacare's supporters. "The minimal, or bronze, insurance option allows out-of-pocket spending of up to $12,500 for a family of four," wrote Jonathan Cohn. "Those are some pretty high deductibles!"

Now that those high deductibles are here, Republicans have decided that they are, if anything, too high. Just one more broken promise.

Obamacare exposes Republican hypocrisy on health care
No idiot, she wasn't. She was stating exactly what she said, the Congress did NOT have time to read and debate it, as it went to vote only 2 days after it was distributed!

Her link was dated June 2009; the act was passed and enacted in March 2010

Here, stop your lies!

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The ACA was enacted with the goals of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance, lowering the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reducing the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government. It introduced a number of mechanisms—including mandates, subsidies, and insurance exchanges—meant to increase coverage and affordability.[6][7] The law also requires insurance companies to cover all applicants within new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex.[8] Additional reforms aimed to reduce costs and improve healthcare outcomes by shifting the system towards quality over quantity through increased competition, regulation, and incentives to streamline the delivery of healthcare. The Congressional Budget Office projected that the ACA will lower both future deficits[9] and Medicare spending.[10]"

"Republican Senators, including those who had supported previous bills with a similar mandate, began to describe the mandate as "unconstitutional." Journalist Ezra Klein wrote in The New Yorker that "the end result was ... a policy that once enjoyed broad support within the Republican Party suddenly faced unified opposition."[52] Reporter Michael Cooper of The New York Times wrote that: "It can be difficult to remember now, given the ferocity with which many Republicans assail it as an attack on freedom, but the provision in President Obama's healthcare law requiring all Americans to buy health insurance has its roots in conservative thinking."

The above quotes are taking from the link immediately preceding them. Honest persons realize the universal opposition to the PPACA and calls for its recall are politically motivated machinations. That is not to suggest the bill is perfect, every bill Congress passes is a result of compromise and input from special interests, lobbyists and the effect of bribery (i.e. political donations).

Your obfuscation is quite obvious, as stated Congress only had 2 days to read the bill before voting on it, The UNDENIABLE TRUTH!.... NO ONE read the entire bill!

A bill is passed by the H. of Rep and a bill is passed by the Senate and then the HR Bill and S bill go to a conference committee which determines what stays and goes in the HR Bill, what stays and what goes in the S bill and what is added to the HR bill, etc. etc. If no one reads the bill, how is it ever reconciled into one bill of the same language passed by both houses and sent to the President?

Explain that and then say your very sorry; or, be the asshole I believe you to be.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The ACA was enacted with the goals of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance, lowering the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reducing the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government. It introduced a number of mechanisms—including mandates, subsidies, and insurance exchanges—meant to increase coverage and affordability.[6][7] The law also requires insurance companies to cover all applicants within new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex.[8] Additional reforms aimed to reduce costs and improve healthcare outcomes by shifting the system towards quality over quantity through increased competition, regulation, and incentives to streamline the delivery of healthcare. The Congressional Budget Office projected that the ACA will lower both future deficits[9] and Medicare spending.[10]"

"Republican Senators, including those who had supported previous bills with a similar mandate, began to describe the mandate as "unconstitutional." Journalist Ezra Klein wrote in The New Yorker that "the end result was ... a policy that once enjoyed broad support within the Republican Party suddenly faced unified opposition."[52] Reporter Michael Cooper of The New York Times wrote that: "It can be difficult to remember now, given the ferocity with which many Republicans assail it as an attack on freedom, but the provision in President Obama's healthcare law requiring all Americans to buy health insurance has its roots in conservative thinking."

The above quotes are taking from the link immediately preceding them. Honest persons realize the universal opposition to the PPACA and calls for its recall are politically motivated machinations. That is not to suggest the bill is perfect, every bill Congress passes is a result of compromise and input from special interests, lobbyists and the effect of bribery (i.e. political donations).

Your obfuscation is quite obvious, as stated Congress only had 2 days to read the bill before voting on it, The UNDENIABLE TRUTH!.... NO ONE read the entire bill!

A bill is passed by the H. of Rep and a bill is passed by the Senate and then the HR Bill and S bill go to a conference committee which determines what stays and goes in the HR Bill, what stays and what goes in the S bill and what is added to the HR bill, etc. etc. If no one reads the bill, how is it ever reconciled into one bill of the same language passed by both houses and sent to the President?

Explain that and then say your very sorry; or, be the asshole I believe you to be.

As I wrote in the Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept. thread post # 81 on 4/5/14

Now, you on the left that STILL don't understand this, here's a little cartoon from WAY BACK WHEN, when children were TAUGHT this type of thing during Saturday morning cartoons.....Please try to keep up with events!...As I said, Newts video was CUT OFF before he could explain it any further!


Now say YOU'RE SORRY, since it was TWO (2) DAYS AGO, OR BE THE ASSHOLE I BELIEVE YOU TO BE!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


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