Obamacare fines and penalties about to kick in for those who didn't join

Then, if you get sick or injured, sign up right away for Obamacare insurance

This isn't possible. You can only sign up for insurance on the exchanges during the open enrollment period.
Then, if you get sick or injured, sign up right away for Obamacare insurance

This isn't possible. You can only sign up for insurance on the exchanges during the open enrollment period.

Yup... The Left has SCUTTLED the US Healthcare biz... but, in fairness, that is what they were TRYING TO DO!

They CRAMMED a law down our throats which makes it virtually impossible to get health insurance, which when you DO GET it COST YOU YOUR HEALTH... so that they can then BLAME THE INEVITABLE FAILURE: ON THE US HEALTH INSURANCE SYSTEM.

Which of course, they'll again FIX... by making it MUCH WORSE!

Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe is the Left's stock in trade.
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One of my kids is lucky to make 30k a year. The cheapest health insurance he can find in the exchanges, even factoring "subsidies" will cost him about 200 bucks a month in premiums plus a lot of out-of-pocket expenses and deductibles. The fine/penalty/tax will cost him about 750 bucks. The math dictates that he's better off paying cash on-demand to the growing population of health professionals that are taking cash and shunning insurance, while refusing to participate in the government's latest income extraction scam.

$200 a month? Big fucking deal.

My parents will be paying $1200 a month beginning in January . Glad I got that TRICARE

Uh.....It is a big deal. The government is mandating him to pay $200 a month on a $30K salary, for a product that he won't likely have any use for. The made affordable by the "Affordable" Health Care Act is the insurance CEO's next house.

That's exactly 8% of yearly income...which is almost perfectly the amount that the government expects you to pay for health insurance unless you're on entitlement programs.
G5000 has developed some kind of hair brained idea that all money belongs to the government and that by not taxing it away from you, the government is spending money and giving you a handout.

Jake5000 is just repeating leftist canon. To the left, all things, including people, are property of the state.
One of my kids is lucky to make 30k a year. The cheapest health insurance he can find in the exchanges, even factoring "subsidies" will cost him about 200 bucks a month in premiums plus a lot of out-of-pocket expenses and deductibles. The fine/penalty/tax will cost him about 750 bucks. The math dictates that he's better off paying cash on-demand to the growing population of health professionals that are taking cash and shunning insurance, while refusing to participate in the government's latest income extraction scam.

$200 a month? Big fucking deal.

My parents will be paying $1200 a month beginning in January . Glad I got that TRICARE

If your parents are healthy, they might be better off doing what my kid is doing...at least till they get forced into Medicare.

It was called CHAMPUS in my day.
G5000 has developed some kind of hair brained idea that all money belongs to the government and that by not taxing it away from you, the government is spending money and giving you a handout.

Jake5000 is just repeating leftist canon. To the left, all things, including people, are property of the state.

Since you don't have any constructive arguments to make all you can do is demonize posters on the board, good for you.
One of my kids is lucky to make 30k a year. The cheapest health insurance he can find in the exchanges, even factoring "subsidies" will cost him about 200 bucks a month in premiums plus a lot of out-of-pocket expenses and deductibles. The fine/penalty/tax will cost him about 750 bucks. The math dictates that he's better off paying cash on-demand to the growing population of health professionals that are taking cash and shunning insurance, while refusing to participate in the government's latest income extraction scam.

$200 a month? Big fucking deal.

My parents will be paying $1200 a month beginning in January . Glad I got that TRICARE

Uh.....It is a big deal. The government is mandating him to pay $200 a month on a $30K salary, for a product that he won't likely have any use for. The made affordable by the "Affordable" Health Care Act is the insurance CEO's next house.

That's exactly 8% of yearly income...which is almost perfectly the amount that the government expects you to pay for health insurance unless you're on entitlement programs.

I pay about 40 bucks a month and have a six-figure income. The government can take their inflated numbers (inflated by their meddling) and go fk themselves.
Then, if you get sick or injured, sign up right away for Obamacare insurance

This isn't possible. You can only sign up for insurance on the exchanges during the open enrollment period.
Check it out, folks. Here's another "If government doesn't do it, nobody will do it" drone.

You can sign up for insurance with any company, at any time, open enrollment or no, whether the exchange is "open" or not.

Just call the insurance company or an agent.

You know, just like when we were free (remember those days?)

But bring your wallet. Obama-approved insurance is a LOT more expensive than what they used to offer.
Next year the fines and penalties start, for people who didn't sign up for the hugely expensive Obama-approved insurance policies the Democrats forced on them by enacting the Obamacare law.

These are the fines and penalties the Democrats wrote into the bill to force people to sign up, insisting that they weren't taxes.

Yes, the ones that, as soon as the votes were counted, the same Democrats turned around and insisted to the Supreme Court that they WERE taxes, not penalties. The Democrat knew that penalizing people for NOT doing something, was unconstitutional, so they engaged in doublethink as much as possible to try to fool people. The Supreme Court agreed, declaring such penalties unconstitutional.

So the Democrats lied (again) and told the Supremes that the penalties were taxes instead.

Now they're about to kick in.

Keep in mind: If you are trying to decide between paying your doubled or tripled Obamacare premiums, and putting food on the table, the most economical course is to drop all your health care insurance and pay these penalties. Then, if you get sick or injured, sign up right away for Obamacare insurance.

Under Obamacare, the insurance companies have to accept you, and pay for your treatment, even though the problem occurred before you signed up with them. Let them pay for your treatment, and when you're cured, then drop the insurance again. Until the next time you get sick, then do it all over again.

The penalties are much lower that the Obamacare premiums. And it's completely legal - you'll be obeying the Obamacare law 100%.

An extra incentive: If you reduce your income tax withholding enough that you have to send the Fed govt money on April 15, they can't charge you that Obamacare penalty. They can only take the penalty money if they owe YOU a refund on April 15. If you owe them, you're home free, and can't be charged the penalty for not signing up for Obamacare. And your paychecks will be bigger, since you reduced your payroll withholding. And this is completely legal - the Democrats deliberately wrote the law that way.

Otherwise, get ready to pay, and pay, and pay, starting next year, thanks to Obamacare.


ObamaCare fines loom for uninsured TheHill

ObamaCare fines loom for uninsured

By Elise Viebeck - 12/17/14 06:00 AM EST

People without insurance are running out of time to avoid the hefty ObamaCare penalties that the IRS will be handing down in 2016.

Consumers face a Feb. 15, 2015, deadline to buy insurance, after which those without coverage could be hit with fines of $325 per adult or 2 percent of family income, whichever is higher.

Uninsured people looking to escape the penalties are turning to the exchanges before they close, while insurance companies and tax preparers are seizing on the looming tax hit as a business opportunity.

One recent mass mailer from CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield obtained by The Hill warned potential customers in the Washington, D.C., region that going without health insurance coverage would come with a steep cost.

WHEW! I barely escaped those dozens of dollars in fines... and all I had to do was to buy $20,000/ year in insurance. The good news is that as a 54 year old man, married to the same 55 year old woman for 35 years, in excellent health, our birth control is covered.

LMAO good one buddy. LOL
Keep in mind: If you are trying to decide between paying your doubled or tripled Obamacare premiums, and putting food on the table, the most economical course is to drop all your health care insurance and pay these penalties. Then, if you get sick or injured, sign up right away for Obamacare insurance.

Under Obamacare, the insurance companies have to accept you, and pay for your treatment, even though the problem occurred before you signed up with them. Let them pay for your treatment, and when you're cured, then drop the insurance again. Until the next time you get sick, then do it all over again.

The penalties are much lower that the Obamacare premiums. And it's completely legal - you'll be obeying the Obamacare law 100%.

An extra incentive: If you reduce your income tax withholding enough that you have to send the Fed govt money on April 15, they can't charge you that Obamacare penalty. They can only take the penalty money if they owe YOU a refund on April 15. If you owe them, you're home free, and can't be charged the penalty for not signing up for Obamacare. And your paychecks will be bigger, since you reduced your payroll withholding. And this is completely legal - the Democrats deliberately wrote the law that way.
Then, if you get sick or injured, sign up right away for Obamacare insurance

This isn't possible. You can only sign up for insurance on the exchanges during the open enrollment period.
Check it out, folks. Here's another "If government doesn't do it, nobody will do it" drone.

You can sign up for insurance with any company, at any time, open enrollment or no, whether the exchange is "open" or not.

Just call the insurance company or an agent.

You know, just like when we were free (remember those days?)

But bring your wallet. Obama-approved insurance is a LOT more expensive than what they used to offer.

Nope sorry, you can't.

There are certain life-change events that can qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period, but barring one of thos you can ONLY enrollment during the open enrollment period.
One of my kids is lucky to make 30k a year. The cheapest health insurance he can find in the exchanges, even factoring "subsidies" will cost him about 200 bucks a month in premiums plus a lot of out-of-pocket expenses and deductibles. The fine/penalty/tax will cost him about 750 bucks. The math dictates that he's better off paying cash on-demand to the growing population of health professionals that are taking cash and shunning insurance, while refusing to participate in the government's latest income extraction scam.
$200 a month? Big fucking deal.

My parents will be paying $1200 a month beginning in January . Glad I got that TRICARE
Uh.....It is a big deal. The government is mandating him to pay $200 a month on a $30K salary, for a product that he won't likely have any use for. The made affordable by the "Affordable" Health Care Act is the insurance CEO's next house.

That's exactly 8% of yearly income...which is almost perfectly the amount that the government expects you to pay for health insurance unless you're on entitlement programs.

I pay about 40 bucks a month and have a six-figure income. The government can take their inflated numbers (inflated by their meddling) and go fk themselves.
Make sure you owe a small tax balance on April 15.

If you are getting a refund on that day, the govt will stick you for the penalty. In other words, THEY will fk YOU.
There is NO PENALTY for NOT HAVING A MORTGAGE, as there IS A PENALTY for not having obama-health insurance.

The impact on your wallet is identical. And that is all that matters. You pay more tax for not buying a consumer product.

I am sorry you are unable to grasp this simple fact.
There is NO PENALTY for NOT HAVING A MORTGAGE, as there IS A PENALTY for not having obama-health insurance.

The impact on your wallet is identical. And that is all that matters.

I am sorry you are unable to grasp this simple fact.

First of all, Keys is on Medicaid. Does anyone doubt that?

Second of all, no that is NOT all that matters. SCOTUS had to stretch the law to allow the tax that isn't a tax and you know that.

Funny how you people scream about alleged poll taxes but champion this tax.

How on Earth is a tax deduction an expenditure?

It is what it is. Deductions and credits and exemptions are all lumped under "tax expenditures" in the budget. They cost $1.2 trillion a year.

It's called an expenditure because if those deductions and credits and exemptions did not exist, the government would take in an additional $1.2 trillion. Every year.

There would be no deficit.

But because they DO exist, they are a $1.2 trillion expense, and we have deficit spending and higher tax rates. Everyone has to pay higher tax rates to pay for those gifts that people take in the form of deductions, credits, and exemptions. And since no one would tolerate the even higher rates it would take to completely balance out that $1.2 trillion expense, we have to borrow a lot of it.

And every one of them is government behavioral engineering.

And every one of them is a penalty for those who do not behave way the government intends them to behave.

You didn't buy a house? You are going to pay higher taxes.

You didn't have kids? You are going to pay higher taxes.

You didn't buy this refrigerator? You are going to pay higher taxes.

You didn't buy health insurance? You are going to pay higher taxes.
Sorry, but it was Reagon who preserved the mortgage interest deduction. It was Gingrich who created the child tax credit.

Those are two of the biggest tax expenditures out there.

You allowed your partisan bias to invent a completely bogus assertion.

Just watch what happens when you ask most Republicans if we should get rid of either of those programs.
A tax break is a tax expenditure? Wow. So the government has the right to any of your money it wants and anything less is an expenditure. Nothing socialist about that.
How on Earth is a tax deduction an expenditure?

It is what it is. Deductions and credits and exemptions are all lumped under "tax expenditures" in the budget. They cost $1.2 trillion a year.

It's called an expenditure because if those deductions and credits and exemptions did not exist, the government would take in an additional $1.2 trillion. Every year.

There would be no deficit.

But because they DO exist, they are a $1.2 trillion expense, and we have deficit spending and higher tax rates. Everyone has to pay higher tax rates to pay for those gifts that people take in the form of deductions, credits, and exemptions. And since no one would tolerate the even higher rates it would take to completely balance out that $1.2 trillion expense, we have to borrow a lot of it.

And every one of them is government behavioral engineering.

And every one of them is a penalty for those who do not behave in the intended way.

.....because ALL money belongs to the Government....
A tax break is a tax expenditure?

Yes. This is news to you?

So the government has the right to any of your money it wants and anything less is an expenditure. Nothing socialist about that.

Don't blame me. I have been advocating we ban all tax expenditures, but most Republicans scream like hippies if you suggest we take away all of them, especially the socialist mortgage interest deduction and child tax credit.
How on Earth is a tax deduction an expenditure?

It is what it is. Deductions and credits and exemptions are all lumped under "tax expenditures" in the budget. They cost $1.2 trillion a year.

It's called an expenditure because if those deductions and credits and exemptions did not exist, the government would take in an additional $1.2 trillion. Every year.

There would be no deficit.

But because they DO exist, they are a $1.2 trillion expense, and we have deficit spending and higher tax rates. Everyone has to pay higher tax rates to pay for those gifts that people take in the form of deductions, credits, and exemptions. And since no one would tolerate the even higher rates it would take to completely balance out that $1.2 trillion expense, we have to borrow a lot of it.

And every one of them is government behavioral engineering.

And every one of them is a penalty for those who do not behave in the intended way.

.....because ALL money belongs to the Government....
This is the message you give the government when you demand behavioral engineering programs like mortgage interest deductions, child tax credits, equipment depreciation deductions, employer sponsored health insurance exemptions, and so forth.

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