Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

I just posted this in another thread


Not a conspiracy anymore: The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage
posted at 2:41 pm on October 8, 2014 by Noah Rothman
Even before the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, its conservative critics warned of the perverse incentive contained within the law which could prompt employers to reduce the health benefits they offered to some of their employees.
“Because of the magnitude of the new subsidies created by Congress, the economics become compelling for many employers to simply drop coverage and help their employees obtain replacement coverage through an exchange,” former Tennessee Gov. Philip Bredesen warned in a 2010 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.
“Providing incentives for employers to dump their employees into the exchanges is simply shifting the cost burden to taxpayers,” The Daily Signal’s Alyene Senger cautioned less than two years later. “Whatever the employer-dumping study du jour says, it’s not good for Americans who want to keep their employer-sponsored coverage in the new Obamacare era.”
Citing prominent Democrats like Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), who told a Nevada media outlet that the ACA was a way in which the country could begin to “work our way past” the private insurance model, some conservatives charged that Obamacare was designed to kick start the process of dismantling the system of employer-based insurance.
The law’s backers predictably dismissed the concerns of these and other Obamacare critics. Some derided their criticisms charitably as reflective merely of a misunderstanding of basic capitalist incentive structures. Others, who were perhaps less inclined toward charity, derided Obamacare’s Cassandras as mere kooks and conspiracy theorists.
Citing a Modern Healthcare survey of employers in March, 2013, Think Progress blogger Sy Mukherjee observed that only 6 percent of employer respondents planned to transition their employees away from sponsored health coverage. “That assessment stands in stark contrast to some Obamacare opponents’ more outlandish claims,” he wrote. “[C]onversations about Obamacare tend to devolve into varying degrees of hysteria and fear-mongering that aren’t based in the reality of what the reform law will do.”
Vox.com founder and former flagship blogger for The Washington Post’s Wonkblog, Ezra Klein, has been perhaps the most prolific author of pieces dismissing the concerns of those who suggest large employers would scale back health benefits.
“Employers offer health insurance because employees demand it,” Klein wrote in the spring of 2013. “If you’re an employer who doesn’t offer insurance and your competitors do, you’ll lose out on the most talented workers. An employer who stopped offering health benefits would see his best employees immediately start looking for other jobs.”

Not a conspiracy anymore The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage Hot Air
come back when you have a non-biased writer Noah Rothman is a hot Air blogger that will say anything without any factual bases to it ... it amazes me how you get sooooo sucked in by these right wing nut job writers ...
I just posted this in another thread


Not a conspiracy anymore: The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage
posted at 2:41 pm on October 8, 2014 by Noah Rothman
Even before the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, its conservative critics warned of the perverse incentive contained within the law which could prompt employers to reduce the health benefits they offered to some of their employees.
“Because of the magnitude of the new subsidies created by Congress, the economics become compelling for many employers to simply drop coverage and help their employees obtain replacement coverage through an exchange,” former Tennessee Gov. Philip Bredesen warned in a 2010 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.
“Providing incentives for employers to dump their employees into the exchanges is simply shifting the cost burden to taxpayers,” The Daily Signal’s Alyene Senger cautioned less than two years later. “Whatever the employer-dumping study du jour says, it’s not good for Americans who want to keep their employer-sponsored coverage in the new Obamacare era.”
Citing prominent Democrats like Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), who told a Nevada media outlet that the ACA was a way in which the country could begin to “work our way past” the private insurance model, some conservatives charged that Obamacare was designed to kick start the process of dismantling the system of employer-based insurance.
The law’s backers predictably dismissed the concerns of these and other Obamacare critics. Some derided their criticisms charitably as reflective merely of a misunderstanding of basic capitalist incentive structures. Others, who were perhaps less inclined toward charity, derided Obamacare’s Cassandras as mere kooks and conspiracy theorists.
Citing a Modern Healthcare survey of employers in March, 2013, Think Progress blogger Sy Mukherjee observed that only 6 percent of employer respondents planned to transition their employees away from sponsored health coverage. “That assessment stands in stark contrast to some Obamacare opponents’ more outlandish claims,” he wrote. “[C]onversations about Obamacare tend to devolve into varying degrees of hysteria and fear-mongering that aren’t based in the reality of what the reform law will do.”
Vox.com founder and former flagship blogger for The Washington Post’s Wonkblog, Ezra Klein, has been perhaps the most prolific author of pieces dismissing the concerns of those who suggest large employers would scale back health benefits.
“Employers offer health insurance because employees demand it,” Klein wrote in the spring of 2013. “If you’re an employer who doesn’t offer insurance and your competitors do, you’ll lose out on the most talented workers. An employer who stopped offering health benefits would see his best employees immediately start looking for other jobs.”

Not a conspiracy anymore The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage Hot Air
come back when you have a non-biased writer Noah Rothman is a hot Air blogger that will say anything without any factual bases to it ... it amazes me how you get sooooo sucked in by these right wing nut job writers ...

go diddle yourself, you don't tell us what to do
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
How long do you think those "90 million" are going to be happy to SUPPORT all your lazy asses on the taxpayer tit through government?

a Socialist Utopia is something to behold isn't it?

do you ever comprehend what you read??? I don't thinks so ... CRUSADERFRANK said that 90 million were unemployed not employed you idiot
I just posted this in another thread


Not a conspiracy anymore: The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage
posted at 2:41 pm on October 8, 2014 by Noah Rothman
Even before the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, its conservative critics warned of the perverse incentive contained within the law which could prompt employers to reduce the health benefits they offered to some of their employees.
“Because of the magnitude of the new subsidies created by Congress, the economics become compelling for many employers to simply drop coverage and help their employees obtain replacement coverage through an exchange,” former Tennessee Gov. Philip Bredesen warned in a 2010 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.
“Providing incentives for employers to dump their employees into the exchanges is simply shifting the cost burden to taxpayers,” The Daily Signal’s Alyene Senger cautioned less than two years later. “Whatever the employer-dumping study du jour says, it’s not good for Americans who want to keep their employer-sponsored coverage in the new Obamacare era.”
Citing prominent Democrats like Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), who told a Nevada media outlet that the ACA was a way in which the country could begin to “work our way past” the private insurance model, some conservatives charged that Obamacare was designed to kick start the process of dismantling the system of employer-based insurance.
The law’s backers predictably dismissed the concerns of these and other Obamacare critics. Some derided their criticisms charitably as reflective merely of a misunderstanding of basic capitalist incentive structures. Others, who were perhaps less inclined toward charity, derided Obamacare’s Cassandras as mere kooks and conspiracy theorists.
Citing a Modern Healthcare survey of employers in March, 2013, Think Progress blogger Sy Mukherjee observed that only 6 percent of employer respondents planned to transition their employees away from sponsored health coverage. “That assessment stands in stark contrast to some Obamacare opponents’ more outlandish claims,” he wrote. “[C]onversations about Obamacare tend to devolve into varying degrees of hysteria and fear-mongering that aren’t based in the reality of what the reform law will do.”
Vox.com founder and former flagship blogger for The Washington Post’s Wonkblog, Ezra Klein, has been perhaps the most prolific author of pieces dismissing the concerns of those who suggest large employers would scale back health benefits.
“Employers offer health insurance because employees demand it,” Klein wrote in the spring of 2013. “If you’re an employer who doesn’t offer insurance and your competitors do, you’ll lose out on the most talented workers. An employer who stopped offering health benefits would see his best employees immediately start looking for other jobs.”

Not a conspiracy anymore The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage Hot Air
come back when you have a non-biased writer Noah Rothman is a hot Air blogger that will say anything without any factual bases to it ... it amazes me how you get sooooo sucked in by these right wing nut job writers ...

go diddle yourself, you don't tell us what to do
right back at ya !!!!!! you comment on post and you don't even comprehend what you just read ....
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
How long do you think those "90 million" are going to be happy to SUPPORT all your lazy asses on the taxpayer tit through government?

a Socialist Utopia is something to behold isn't it?

do you ever comprehend what you read??? I don't thinks so ... CRUSADERFRANK said that 90 million were unemployed not employed you idiot
I see when stephoney is caught being stupid she runs and hides just like always
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it. She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it.

That's what they say about a stool sample.

She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.

Wrong. The time to get legislation right is before it's passed. It doesn't matter if it takes them years to argue about it. That's what they're supposed to do, and if they ultimately just can't agree, maybe it's because it's something the government shouldn't be getting involved with in the first place.
Employers have been cutting back on health insurance costs, and cancelling coverage altogether, for decades. No other country has employer paid health insurance, and, as a result, our employers can not sell their products at a profit in the world market. In order to get around this cost, they outsource manufacturing and assembly to nations whose employees do not demand health insurance paid by the employer. This is the reason that a train full of new Fords comes through the Santa Cruise River Valley from Nogales, every other night. Why conservatives don't understand this simple issue is beyond me. Ford has built in more money into the cost of an American manufactured automobile for health insurance costs, than they have built in for the cost of steel since 1977.

Uhhhh, Republicans are not the ones setting the nation's economic policies. The Democrats are in charge.

The point is that employer based health insurance is a dead paradigm. If democrats truly controlled the government, there would be a single payer system exactly the same as Medicare. I challenge anyone to name three prominent republicans that support that.

Your employer wants OUT of the health insurance business. It has been happening for decades, and it is inevitable.

I am the employer. I do not choose to drop my employees' insurance. We have already investigated and have found they will not have the same quality of insurance as I currently offer them. It is the employee who will be the big loser here both in plan acceptability and cost.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it. She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.
if you're going to quote nancy then get her quote right ...you failed here....

she was speaking to the public, in reference to when it gets totally written and passed then you all will get to see what in it ... she wasn't hiding anything ... she wasn't trying to keep it a secrete ... but you uniformed nut jobs quote its like a religion ... go look at the total interview
Employers have been cutting back on health insurance costs, and cancelling coverage altogether, for decades. No other country has employer paid health insurance, and, as a result, our employers can not sell their products at a profit in the world market. In order to get around this cost, they outsource manufacturing and assembly to nations whose employees do not demand health insurance paid by the employer. This is the reason that a train full of new Fords comes through the Santa Cruise River Valley from Nogales, every other night. Why conservatives don't understand this simple issue is beyond me. Ford has built in more money into the cost of an American manufactured automobile for health insurance costs, than they have built in for the cost of steel since 1977.

Uhhhh, Republicans are not the ones setting the nation's economic policies. The Democrats are in charge.

The point is that employer based health insurance is a dead paradigm. If democrats truly controlled the government, there would be a single payer system exactly the same as Medicare. I challenge anyone to name three prominent republicans that support that.

Your employer wants OUT of the health insurance business. It has been happening for decades, and it is inevitable.

I am the employer. I do not choose to drop my employees' insurance. We have already investigated and have found they will not have the same quality of insurance as I currently offer them. It is the employee who will be the big loser here both in plan acceptability and cost.
you are acting on what you have right now .... in 2015 there's supposed to be a change ... its like all these people on the right that yammered about health care was going to cost you through the nose ... it didn't then .... but they stated it all the time .

nobody is saying you should drop your employees off of health care... the poster said they couldn't opt out ... you as a employer know they can opt out ... some employees have to pay part of their health care plan because of the cost ... if its less for them to opt out and go through the system then they can ...a poster said they couldn't do that
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.

The subsidies are means-tested and thus welfare. Obozo takes money from the middle class and gives it to the deadbeats.
ObamaCare promised to lower the cost of health care. Remember all those charts in 2009 comparing per capita spending on health care by country, and how we had the highest? This was supposed to convince us that ObamaCare was the way to go.

You don't hear or see those charts any more. Per capita spending is not going down, and ObamaCare will never make it go down.

Per capita spending is falling among the publicly insured and is about as close to it among the privately insured population as we've ever gotten.

Um, take a look at your chart again. You must have a different definition of GROWTH than I do. Per capita spending is NOT falling. It is still GROWING.

Aaaand predictably the morons on the left blame the corporations.

Further revealing to us that they do not know a thing about business, do not pay their own bills, and still live with their parents.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.

As a man who spent his 50 year career in health insurance, I can assure you that there has NEVER been a free market for it in this country.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it. She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.
if you're going to quote nancy then get her quote right ...you failed here....

she was speaking to the public, in reference to when it gets totally written and passed then you all will get to see what in it ... she wasn't hiding anything ... she wasn't trying to keep it a secrete ... but you uniformed nut jobs quote its like a religion ... go look at the total interview
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that
Employers have been cutting back on health insurance costs, and cancelling coverage altogether, for decades. No other country has employer paid health insurance, and, as a result, our employers can not sell their products at a profit in the world market. In order to get around this cost, they outsource manufacturing and assembly to nations whose employees do not demand health insurance paid by the employer. This is the reason that a train full of new Fords comes through the Santa Cruise River Valley from Nogales, every other night. Why conservatives don't understand this simple issue is beyond me. Ford has built in more money into the cost of an American manufactured automobile for health insurance costs, than they have built in for the cost of steel since 1977.

Uhhhh, Republicans are not the ones setting the nation's economic policies. The Democrats are in charge.

The point is that employer based health insurance is a dead paradigm. If democrats truly controlled the government, there would be a single payer system exactly the same as Medicare. I challenge anyone to name three prominent republicans that support that.

Your employer wants OUT of the health insurance business. It has been happening for decades, and it is inevitable.

I am the employer. I do not choose to drop my employees' insurance. We have already investigated and have found they will not have the same quality of insurance as I currently offer them. It is the employee who will be the big loser here both in plan acceptability and cost.

Then, by all means, don't drop your employer provided health plan. And good luck competing with Japan with whatever product that you manufacture. They do not have to add the cost of health insurance into their prices.

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