Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

Obamacare is the worst law ever written.

Walmart Cuts Health Care Coverage For Most Part-Timers In Wake Of Obamacare

oct 7 2014
NEW YORK (AP) — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to eliminate health insurance coverage for some of its part-time U.S. employees in a move aimed at controlling rising health care costs of the nation's largest private employer.

Wal-Mart told The Associated Press that starting Jan. 1, it will no longer offer health insurance to employees who work less than an average of 30 hours a week. The move affects 30,000 employees, or about 5 percent of Wal-Mart's total part-time workforce, but comes after the company already had scaled back the number of part-time workers who were eligible for health insurance coverage since 2011.
Because we have the biggest LIAR ever in office.
The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it. She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.
if you're going to quote nancy then get her quote right ...you failed here....

she was speaking to the public, in reference to when it gets totally written and passed then you all will get to see what in it ... she wasn't hiding anything ... she wasn't trying to keep it a secrete ... but you uniformed nut jobs quote its like a religion ... go look at the total interview
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that
do you have a comprehention problem ... the previous poster said and I quote "Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it. She was the only one who told the truth."

my responce was to what the previous poster said Pay attention idiot
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it.

That's what they say about a stool sample.

She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.

Wrong. The time to get legislation right is before it's passed. It doesn't matter if it takes them years to argue about it. That's what they're supposed to do, and if they ultimately just can't agree, maybe it's because it's something the government shouldn't be getting involved with in the first place.
and in my opinion thats what we did...
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.

As a man who spent his 50 year career in health insurance, I can assure you that there has NEVER been a free market for it in this country.
how true is that
The poor six Walton's who inherited their wealth and have reduced their ownership of Walmart to a mere 50% share of the company have been forced to divide a piddling 1.5 million dollar per hour income. and that has to be divided among all six of them. It means their income has been reduced to a little over 3.6 billion dollars a year. With only a 135 billion dollar total combined wealth it is obvious they can not afford to pay their employers health insurance.
The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it.

That's what they say about a stool sample.

She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.

Wrong. The time to get legislation right is before it's passed. It doesn't matter if it takes them years to argue about it. That's what they're supposed to do, and if they ultimately just can't agree, maybe it's because it's something the government shouldn't be getting involved with in the first place.
and in my opinion thats what we did...

Not when the Speaker of the House explicitly acknowledges that she doesn't even know what's in it. That's means they rushed it through and did NOT debate or even read the details of the law.
The poor six Walton's who inherited their wealth and have reduced their ownership of Walmart to a mere 50% share of the company have been forced to divide a piddling 1.5 million dollar per hour income. and that has to be divided among all six of them. It means their income has been reduced to a little over 3.6 billion dollars a year. With only a 135 billion dollar total combined wealth it is obvious they can not afford to pay their employers health insurance.

Wal-Mart is a place where poor people can buy stuff cheap that they can't get anywhere else. Forcing Wal-Mart to buy insurance for all 2 million employees would raise prices in the stores. Why do you want to punish the poor by preventing them from buying cheap TV's?
The poor six Walton's who inherited their wealth and have reduced their ownership of Walmart to a mere 50% share of the company have been forced to divide a piddling 1.5 million dollar per hour income. and that has to be divided among all six of them. It means their income has been reduced to a little over 3.6 billion dollars a year. With only a 135 billion dollar total combined wealth it is obvious they can not afford to pay their employers health insurance.

Wal-Mart is a place where poor people can buy stuff cheap that they can't get anywhere else. Forcing Wal-Mart to buy insurance for all 2 million employees would raise prices in the stores. Why do you want to punish the poor by preventing them from buying cheap TV's?
It would only cause prices to rise if the rich kids who inherited obscene wealth insisted that they continue to make more obscene wealth at tax payers expense. I have no sympathy for people who are so greedy that 10's of billions of dollars are not enough to prevent them from partaking in government subsidized labor so that they can increase their billions even more.
The poor six Walton's who inherited their wealth and have reduced their ownership of Walmart to a mere 50% share of the company have been forced to divide a piddling 1.5 million dollar per hour income. and that has to be divided among all six of them. It means their income has been reduced to a little over 3.6 billion dollars a year. With only a 135 billion dollar total combined wealth it is obvious they can not afford to pay their employers health insurance.

Wal-Mart is a place where poor people can buy stuff cheap that they can't get anywhere else. Forcing Wal-Mart to buy insurance for all 2 million employees would raise prices in the stores. Why do you want to punish the poor by preventing them from buying cheap TV's?
It would only cause prices to rise if the rich kids who inherited obscene wealth insisted that they continue to make more obscene wealth at tax payers expense. I have no sympathy for people who are so greedy that 10's of billions of dollars are not enough to prevent them from partaking in government subsidized labor so that they can increase their billions even more.

So your appeal is to somehow cause those who inherited wealth to spontaneously forgo that wealth so as to pay people more than their labor is worth? Has anyone told the Kennedys about this idea?
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that
The problem is complex, and so any comprehensive solution will be complex. I do not understand the idiocy which opposes a law just because of page count. This suggests a fear of reading. Perhaps this is the reason the GOP has never put a plan on the table. They no longer have in their ranks the intellectual weight required to straighten out the health care mess. And this is the biggest reason which makes single payer inevitable: sheer laziness.

I'm pretty sure that almost everyone who speaks on this subject has never actually read the law. So if "nobody knew the complexities" it is because they did not read it.

This is also why so many tards ate the manufactured bullshit they were fed about ObamaCare. Since the rubes had not read it, they believed what they were told to believe, e.g. "death panels".

Rubes and tards are intellectually lazy by nature, and thus easily fooled. It is simpler and easier to get the mindless minions angry than it is to actually come up with solutions.

That's the GOP standard operational procedure for all of our problems today: Get the rubes whining and angry to distract from the fact their leadership has no answers.

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!
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The poor six Walton's who inherited their wealth and have reduced their ownership of Walmart to a mere 50% share of the company have been forced to divide a piddling 1.5 million dollar per hour income. and that has to be divided among all six of them. It means their income has been reduced to a little over 3.6 billion dollars a year. With only a 135 billion dollar total combined wealth it is obvious they can not afford to pay their employers health insurance.

Wal-Mart is a place where poor people can buy stuff cheap that they can't get anywhere else. Forcing Wal-Mart to buy insurance for all 2 million employees would raise prices in the stores. Why do you want to punish the poor by preventing them from buying cheap TV's?
It would only cause prices to rise if the rich kids who inherited obscene wealth insisted that they continue to make more obscene wealth at tax payers expense. I have no sympathy for people who are so greedy that 10's of billions of dollars are not enough to prevent them from partaking in government subsidized labor so that they can increase their billions even more.

So your appeal is to somehow cause those who inherited wealth to spontaneously forgo that wealth so as to pay people more than their labor is worth? Has anyone told the Kennedys about this idea?
I haven't suggested people give up their wealth. I'm suggesting that when folks reach a certain level of wealth they should not depend on the government to subsidized their labor force. There is absolutely no evidence to indicate paying decent wages and benefits would drastically impact the income of the owners of Walmart. I see no reason why people with 135 billion dollars stashed away and an income of over 3.6 billion dollars a year can not operate a business that pays for itself, but instead needs assistance from the government to subsidize their work force.
Employers have been cutting back on health insurance costs, and cancelling coverage altogether, for decades. No other country has employer paid health insurance, and, as a result, our employers can not sell their products at a profit in the world market. In order to get around this cost, they outsource manufacturing and assembly to nations whose employees do not demand health insurance paid by the employer. This is the reason that a train full of new Fords comes through the Santa Cruise River Valley from Nogales, every other night. Why conservatives don't understand this simple issue is beyond me. Ford has built in more money into the cost of an American manufactured automobile for health insurance costs, than they have built in for the cost of steel since 1977.

Uhhhh, Republicans are not the ones setting the nation's economic policies. The Democrats are in charge.

The point is that employer based health insurance is a dead paradigm. If democrats truly controlled the government, there would be a single payer system exactly the same as Medicare. I challenge anyone to name three prominent republicans that support that.

Your employer wants OUT of the health insurance business. It has been happening for decades, and it is inevitable.

I am the employer. I do not choose to drop my employees' insurance. We have already investigated and have found they will not have the same quality of insurance as I currently offer them. It is the employee who will be the big loser here both in plan acceptability and cost.
you are acting on what you have right now .... in 2015 there's supposed to be a change ... its like all these people on the right that yammered about health care was going to cost you through the nose ... it didn't then .... but they stated it all the time .

nobody is saying you should drop your employees off of health care... the poster said they couldn't opt out ... you as a employer know they can opt out ... some employees have to pay part of their health care plan because of the cost ... if its less for them to opt out and go through the system then they can ...a poster said they couldn't do that

Of course employees can opt out. They can refuse to have insurance if they choose, even under Obamacare. I will of course do whatever is best for my company. That's my job.
Employers have been cutting back on health insurance costs, and cancelling coverage altogether, for decades. No other country has employer paid health insurance, and, as a result, our employers can not sell their products at a profit in the world market. In order to get around this cost, they outsource manufacturing and assembly to nations whose employees do not demand health insurance paid by the employer. This is the reason that a train full of new Fords comes through the Santa Cruise River Valley from Nogales, every other night. Why conservatives don't understand this simple issue is beyond me. Ford has built in more money into the cost of an American manufactured automobile for health insurance costs, than they have built in for the cost of steel since 1977.

Uhhhh, Republicans are not the ones setting the nation's economic policies. The Democrats are in charge.

The point is that employer based health insurance is a dead paradigm. If democrats truly controlled the government, there would be a single payer system exactly the same as Medicare. I challenge anyone to name three prominent republicans that support that.

Your employer wants OUT of the health insurance business. It has been happening for decades, and it is inevitable.

I am the employer. I do not choose to drop my employees' insurance. We have already investigated and have found they will not have the same quality of insurance as I currently offer them. It is the employee who will be the big loser here both in plan acceptability and cost.

Then, by all means, don't drop your employer provided health plan. And good luck competing with Japan with whatever product that you manufacture. They do not have to add the cost of health insurance into their prices.

I will follow the advice of my office manager and accountant and do whatever is in the best interest of the corporation.
Dump them on the gov or themselves, we know the US wealthiest family can't afford health coverage...

Dump them on themselves, then government pays for it. Quite a solution you got there....
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...

Obama raising and regulating the cost of healthcare to where WalMart can't afford it isn't on Obama? Serioiusly? If he craps in his pants, is he responsible for that or would that be WalMart too?
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...

Obama raising and regulating the cost of healthcare to where WalMart can't afford it isn't on Obama? Serioiusly? If he craps in his pants, is he responsible for that or would that be WalMart too?
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it.

That's what they say about a stool sample.

She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.

Wrong. The time to get legislation right is before it's passed. It doesn't matter if it takes them years to argue about it. That's what they're supposed to do, and if they ultimately just can't agree, maybe it's because it's something the government shouldn't be getting involved with in the first place.
and in my opinion thats what we did...

Not when the Speaker of the House explicitly acknowledges that she doesn't even know what's in it. That's means they rushed it through and did NOT debate or even read the details of the law.
No one person knows whats in the law. It was written by hundreds of people. There are only people who know parts of it.

If the GOP doesn't know all of it, they shouldn't even be opposing something out of hand if THEY don't know whats in it.

Nobody knew all of what was in the Social Security Act, and nobody knew all of what was in Medicare, when they passed them.

You might as well ask for 100% proof that God exists before you go to church
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...

Obama raising and regulating the cost of healthcare to where WalMart can't afford it isn't on Obama? Serioiusly? If he craps in his pants, is he responsible for that or would that be WalMart too?
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it.

That's what they say about a stool sample.

She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.

Wrong. The time to get legislation right is before it's passed. It doesn't matter if it takes them years to argue about it. That's what they're supposed to do, and if they ultimately just can't agree, maybe it's because it's something the government shouldn't be getting involved with in the first place.
and in my opinion thats what we did...

Not when the Speaker of the House explicitly acknowledges that she doesn't even know what's in it. That's means they rushed it through and did NOT debate or even read the details of the law.
No one person knows whats in the law. It was written by hundreds of people. There are only people who know parts of it.

If the GOP doesn't know all of it, they shouldn't even be opposing something out of hand if THEY don't know whats in it.

Nobody knew all of what was in the Social Security Act, and nobody knew all of what was in Medicare, when they passed them.

You might as well ask for 100% proof that God exists before you go to church

Good point, but you have it backwards. The right thing to do is not implement a law until you know what's in it. You don't implement it then refuse to repeal it until you know what's in it. Let's do the right thing and repeal it, then if you find anything worth doing you can propose we re-implement that part.
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...

Obama raising and regulating the cost of healthcare to where WalMart can't afford it isn't on Obama? Serioiusly? If he craps in his pants, is he responsible for that or would that be WalMart too?
Walmart can't afford it? Do you have a calculator? How much would it cost to insure 30,000 employees at lets say, $6,000 per year?
You have a heart attack and go to the Hospital.

Care begins and lasts whatever.

At the end when all of the dust settles.....your bill may be 100 K.

Your ded can be anywhere from 200 up....you pay that then in most plans co-insurance kicks in at whatever level you have chosen.

Could be 90-10, 80-20, 70-30 or 60-40.

With ACA plans the Max out of pocket for one individual is $6350, $6450 in 2015.

So out of your 100 K bill all you owe is 6350, you also pay 0 out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year (except for premiums)

But I didn't pay $6350 out of pocket. I paid $350.00 out of pocket. I had BSBS self and family. It was employer sponsored insurance, not Obamacare.

I'm glad you had insurance and got out cheap, more importantly LIVEDto tell about it. You were fortunate on 2 counts.

ALL current healthcare policies are mandated to comply with ACA these days, In essence YOU have Obama care now...

Same policy and same company I've been insured with since I was eighteen. Same $350.00 deductible today as it has been since before I even heard of Obama.

and your insurance company has to comply with ACA standards... it's the LAW... whether your pay differs or not it's your ins company who sets the scale, not ACA ... thanks for proving a point.. ACA DID NOT MAKE YOUR INSURANCE INCREASE..
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...

Obama raising and regulating the cost of healthcare to where WalMart can't afford it isn't on Obama? Serioiusly? If he craps in his pants, is he responsible for that or would that be WalMart too?
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it.

That's what they say about a stool sample.

She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.

Wrong. The time to get legislation right is before it's passed. It doesn't matter if it takes them years to argue about it. That's what they're supposed to do, and if they ultimately just can't agree, maybe it's because it's something the government shouldn't be getting involved with in the first place.
and in my opinion thats what we did...

Not when the Speaker of the House explicitly acknowledges that she doesn't even know what's in it. That's means they rushed it through and did NOT debate or even read the details of the law.
No one person knows whats in the law. It was written by hundreds of people. There are only people who know parts of it.

If the GOP doesn't know all of it, they shouldn't even be opposing something out of hand if THEY don't know whats in it.

Nobody knew all of what was in the Social Security Act, and nobody knew all of what was in Medicare, when they passed them.

You might as well ask for 100% proof that God exists before you go to church

Anyone who has the authority to vote on a piece of legislation should refuse to do so until they know what's in it. If it's too big and complex to understand the whole thing, it should be broken into pieces small enough to understand. To do otherwise is like building a bridge, THEN figuring out all the little details in the blueprints. MUCH better to do it right the first time, than to do it and be stuck endlessly fixing it.

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