Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

You have a heart attack and go to the Hospital.

Care begins and lasts whatever.

At the end when all of the dust settles.....your bill may be 100 K.

Your ded can be anywhere from 200 up....you pay that then in most plans co-insurance kicks in at whatever level you have chosen.

Could be 90-10, 80-20, 70-30 or 60-40.

With ACA plans the Max out of pocket for one individual is $6350, $6450 in 2015.

So out of your 100 K bill all you owe is 6350, you also pay 0 out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year (except for premiums)

But I didn't pay $6350 out of pocket. I paid $350.00 out of pocket. I had BSBS self and family. It was employer sponsored insurance, not Obamacare.
You have a heart attack and go to the Hospital.

Care begins and lasts whatever.

At the end when all of the dust settles.....your bill may be 100 K.

Your ded can be anywhere from 200 up....you pay that then in most plans co-insurance kicks in at whatever level you have chosen.

Could be 90-10, 80-20, 70-30 or 60-40.

With ACA plans the Max out of pocket for one individual is $6350, $6450 in 2015.

So out of your 100 K bill all you owe is 6350, you also pay 0 out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year (except for premiums)

But I didn't pay $6350 out of pocket. I paid $350.00 out of pocket. I had BSBS self and family. It was employer sponsored insurance, not Obamacare.

Ok, that is a huge difference.
Who's old enough to remember when company paid healthcare insurance and life insurance were part of the deal?

So what's changed in the last 40 years, have people gotten sicker or have companies gotten cheaper?
Employer-sponsored health insurance is a gigantic boondoggle. It bends the cost curve for health care upward. It should go the way of the dodo bird.

ObamaCare further entrenches it instead. That's because Obama and the Democratic Party are in the pocket of the labor unions.

The GOP is in the pocket of the insurance companies.

This makes you the star of a double-penetration fuck flick.

In case you haven't noticed, employer-sponsored health insurance has all but gone the way of the dodo bird.

Leaving workers who by and large make less than those who have gone before to cough up stifling monthly healthcare insurance premiums.

I still provide it for my employees. I may be forced to stop it though. You can blame Obamacare for all the employers dropping out and forcing employees to take their insurance responsibilities onto themselves and by cutting back on the number of employees and by the increase in the number of part-time employees. Companies will protect themselves you know.
Who's old enough to remember when company paid healthcare insurance and life insurance were part of the deal?

So what's changed in the last 40 years, have people gotten sicker or have companies gotten cheaper?
Employer-sponsored health insurance is a gigantic boondoggle. It bends the cost curve for health care upward. It should go the way of the dodo bird.

ObamaCare further entrenches it instead. That's because Obama and the Democratic Party are in the pocket of the labor unions.

The GOP is in the pocket of the insurance companies.

This makes you the star of a double-penetration fuck flick.

I'm 71 years old and have never received a medical bill from an insurance company. Not a single one.
It isn't and will never work, you will get your Single Payor.

I've been saying from the beginning that single payer is inevitable. Within our lifetimes. The GOP abdicated on the health care problem decades ago. They sold us down the river to the Democrats a long, long time ago. All the angry hyperbole from the GOP over ObamaCare is theater for the rubes.

You sold yourself down the river when you voted Democrat. Assume your own responsibility.
Who's old enough to remember when company paid healthcare insurance and life insurance were part of the deal?

So what's changed in the last 40 years, have people gotten sicker or have companies gotten cheaper?

The cost of healthcare has gone through the roof. You could spend the night at a 5 star motel on the beach in Hawaii cheaper than you can pay for a room in intensive care at any hospital. Almost any medical procedure done in a hospital overnight will produce a bill of $30K or more.
You have a heart attack and go to the Hospital.

Care begins and lasts whatever.

At the end when all of the dust settles.....your bill may be 100 K.

Your ded can be anywhere from 200 up....you pay that then in most plans co-insurance kicks in at whatever level you have chosen.

Could be 90-10, 80-20, 70-30 or 60-40.

With ACA plans the Max out of pocket for one individual is $6350, $6450 in 2015.

So out of your 100 K bill all you owe is 6350, you also pay 0 out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year (except for premiums)

But I didn't pay $6350 out of pocket. I paid $350.00 out of pocket. I had BSBS self and family. It was employer sponsored insurance, not Obamacare.

I'm glad you had insurance and got out cheap, more importantly LIVEDto tell about it. You were fortunate on 2 counts.

ALL current healthcare policies are mandated to comply with ACA these days, In essence YOU have Obama care now...
"The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise."

Patently silly.
The more that insurance covers the more it costs.

The more that insurance covers, the more it costs. The more it costs, the more profit it makes.

Health Insurance companies are ranked number 88 on the list of company profit margins in America.

There is a difference between profit margin and profit. You can have a 100 percent profit margin, but if you only sell one widget, you aren't making much profit.

Also, if your profit margin is 100 percent, but your widget only costs $3.00 and you have low sales volume, you aren't making much profit. On the other hand, if your profit margin is 5 percent, but your product costs $50,000, you are making way more money than the guy with the 100 percent margin.


High volume + rising costs = rising profits. Even with a small profit margin. In fact, a low profit margin incentivizes the desire to see costs and sales rise.

Health insurance is one of the best bargains available for the buck. It is the cost of medical CARE that is obscene. One visit to the hospital emergency room and one little surgical procedure can easily wipe out three or four years of health insurance premiums.

That is why insurance companies do actuarials. Not every customer ends up in the ER, so the cost of the one guy who does end up in the ER is spread around all the customers.

I had a heart attack that resulted in medical provider bills totaling over $100K. I will never pay that much in insurance premiums. Obama attacked the wrong end of the problem. He should have done something about the robbery and fleecing of the people by the medical profession.

Again, small profit margin x rising costs = rising profits. Insurance companies like it when things get more and more costly.

My dad worked in the insurance industry for 30 years. He explained all this to me long ago. When I was T-boned by an idiot 17 year old, I called the 17 year old's insurance company and told them all I wanted was the $250 I had to spend as my deductible that was not covered by my insurance.

They said I would have to sue them for it. I told them that was crazy since a lawyer would go for a helluva lot more than $250.

My dad explained that is exactly why they wanted me to sue them. If they have to shell out a lot of money, that increases the cost of insurance. Increased cost = increased profits.

I got a lawyer and ended up with $8000 (after the lawyer took his bite) instead of $250.

What does any of that have to do with the cost of medical care? From whom did you get billed, from an insurance company or from a doctor, hospital, lab, ?
You have a heart attack and go to the Hospital.

Care begins and lasts whatever.

At the end when all of the dust settles.....your bill may be 100 K.

Your ded can be anywhere from 200 up....you pay that then in most plans co-insurance kicks in at whatever level you have chosen.

Could be 90-10, 80-20, 70-30 or 60-40.

With ACA plans the Max out of pocket for one individual is $6350, $6450 in 2015.

So out of your 100 K bill all you owe is 6350, you also pay 0 out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year (except for premiums)

But I didn't pay $6350 out of pocket. I paid $350.00 out of pocket. I had BSBS self and family. It was employer sponsored insurance, not Obamacare.

I'm glad you had insurance and got out cheap, more importantly LIVEDto tell about it. You were fortunate on 2 counts.

ALL current healthcare policies are mandated to comply with ACA these days, In essence YOU have Obama care now...

Same policy and same company I've been insured with since I was eighteen. Same $350.00 deductible today as it has been since before I even heard of Obama.
You have a heart attack and go to the Hospital.

Care begins and lasts whatever.

At the end when all of the dust settles.....your bill may be 100 K.

Your ded can be anywhere from 200 up....you pay that then in most plans co-insurance kicks in at whatever level you have chosen.

Could be 90-10, 80-20, 70-30 or 60-40.

With ACA plans the Max out of pocket for one individual is $6350, $6450 in 2015.

So out of your 100 K bill all you owe is 6350, you also pay 0 out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year (except for premiums)

But I didn't pay $6350 out of pocket. I paid $350.00 out of pocket. I had BSBS self and family. It was employer sponsored insurance, not Obamacare.

I'm glad you had insurance and got out cheap, more importantly LIVEDto tell about it. You were fortunate on 2 counts.

ALL current healthcare policies are mandated to comply with ACA these days, In essence YOU have Obama care now...

That was a hypothetical to show how the ACA works.
I've read tons on this subject. Several (many) opinions agree. The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise. Similar to the car insurance scenario mentioned here. Health insurance was increasing at warp speed BEFORE ACA was implemented, and nobody gave a damn or at least they never gave it this much attention. This is all about Obama not health insurance costs. Admit it.

Health Insurance rose 131% between 1999 and 2009.

Chart shows staggering rise in health insurance costs

where was the rage for 43 and the RW then ?

"The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise."

Patently silly.
The more that insurance covers the more it costs.

The more that insurance covers, the more it costs. The more it costs, the more profit it makes.

Health Insurance companies are ranked number 88 on the list of company profit margins in America. Health insurance is one of the best bargains available for the buck. It is the cost of medical CARE that is obscene. One visit to the hospital emergency room and one little surgical procedure can easily wipe out three or four years of health insurance premiums. I had a heart attack that resulted in medical provider bills totaling over $100K. I will never pay that much in insurance premiums. Obama attacked the wrong end of the problem. He should have done something about the robbery and fleecing of the people by the medical profession.

you pay a deductible that covers your expenses and that's all you pay for that particular visit.. there's no longer a cap on how much an insurance company decides to pay for your procedure even if your heart attack cost 5 million dollars

Exactly but I'm saying there should be limits on what a doctor, hospital. or other health providers charge for their services. It's totally outrageous. Incidentially, my premium for 2015 went up $10.08 per month. It's a real bargain. One hospital visit without coverage could really hurt me.
I've read tons on this subject. Several (many) opinions agree. The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise. Similar to the car insurance scenario mentioned here. Health insurance was increasing at warp speed BEFORE ACA was implemented, and nobody gave a damn or at least they never gave it this much attention. This is all about Obama not health insurance costs. Admit it.

Health Insurance rose 131% between 1999 and 2009.

Chart shows staggering rise in health insurance costs

where was the rage for 43 and the RW then ?

"The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise."

Patently silly.
The more that insurance covers the more it costs.

The more that insurance covers, the more it costs. The more it costs, the more profit it makes.

Health Insurance companies are ranked number 88 on the list of company profit margins in America. Health insurance is one of the best bargains available for the buck. It is the cost of medical CARE that is obscene. One visit to the hospital emergency room and one little surgical procedure can easily wipe out three or four years of health insurance premiums. I had a heart attack that resulted in medical provider bills totaling over $100K. I will never pay that much in insurance premiums. Obama attacked the wrong end of the problem. He should have done something about the robbery and fleecing of the people by the medical profession.

you pay a deductible that covers your expenses and that's all you pay for that particular visit.. there's no longer a cap on how much an insurance company decides to pay for your procedure even if your heart attack cost 5 million dollars

Exactly but I'm saying there should be limits on what a doctor, hospital. or other health providers charge for their services. It's totally outrageous. Incidentially, my premium for 2015 went up $10.08 per month. It's a real bargain. One hospital visit without coverage could really hurt me.

Is it compliant with the ACA?
I've read tons on this subject. Several (many) opinions agree. The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise. Similar to the car insurance scenario mentioned here. Health insurance was increasing at warp speed BEFORE ACA was implemented, and nobody gave a damn or at least they never gave it this much attention. This is all about Obama not health insurance costs. Admit it.

Health Insurance rose 131% between 1999 and 2009.

Chart shows staggering rise in health insurance costs

where was the rage for 43 and the RW then ?

"The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise."

Patently silly.
The more that insurance covers the more it costs.

The more that insurance covers, the more it costs. The more it costs, the more profit it makes.

Not true.
If you can't collect enough Premium to cover expenses you can't "make" any Money.

To date the "Risk Corridors" have not been activated so the losses are staggering.

Take a wild guess as to who's going to take it in the rear again to make sure the insurance companies make a profit. It was written into Obamacare that their profit would be guaranteed by the government which means "sock it to the taxpayer!"
I've read tons on this subject. Several (many) opinions agree. The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise. Similar to the car insurance scenario mentioned here. Health insurance was increasing at warp speed BEFORE ACA was implemented, and nobody gave a damn or at least they never gave it this much attention. This is all about Obama not health insurance costs. Admit it.

Health Insurance rose 131% between 1999 and 2009.

Chart shows staggering rise in health insurance costs

where was the rage for 43 and the RW then ?

"The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise."

Patently silly.
The more that insurance covers the more it costs.

The more that insurance covers, the more it costs. The more it costs, the more profit it makes.

Not true.
If you can't collect enough Premium to cover expenses you can't "make" any Money.

To date the "Risk Corridors" have not been activated so the losses are staggering.

Take a wild guess as to who's going to take it in the rear again to make sure the insurance companies make a profit. It was written into Obamacare that their profit would be guaranteed by the government which means "sock it to the taxpayer!"

As of yet nothing has been paid through the risk corridors.
"The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise."

Patently silly.
The more that insurance covers the more it costs.

The more that insurance covers, the more it costs. The more it costs, the more profit it makes.

Health Insurance companies are ranked number 88 on the list of company profit margins in America. Health insurance is one of the best bargains available for the buck. It is the cost of medical CARE that is obscene. One visit to the hospital emergency room and one little surgical procedure can easily wipe out three or four years of health insurance premiums. I had a heart attack that resulted in medical provider bills totaling over $100K. I will never pay that much in insurance premiums. Obama attacked the wrong end of the problem. He should have done something about the robbery and fleecing of the people by the medical profession.

you pay a deductible that covers your expenses and that's all you pay for that particular visit.. there's no longer a cap on how much an insurance company decides to pay for your procedure even if your heart attack cost 5 million dollars

Exactly but I'm saying there should be limits on what a doctor, hospital. or other health providers charge for their services. It's totally outrageous. Incidentially, my premium for 2015 went up $10.08 per month. It's a real bargain. One hospital visit without coverage could really hurt me.

Is it compliant with the ACA?

I have no idea. It's the same BCBS that is sold everywhere. Here in Florida, it's Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida and in California it's Blue Cross Blue Shield of California and so on. I've had it since I was eighteen and was making minimum wage. It's accepted everywhere.
Just posted this on Twitter.


libs just won't listen. we've been telling them this even before obamacare was law. but no, they had to keep drinking the koolaid. well pony up once again hard working middle class. you get to foot the bill. why anyone would ever vote democrat again is totally beyond me. Fools

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