Obamacare Gives BAckdoor to Unwarranted Home Inspections?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obama Intent On Forcing Home Inspections Upon Public - Downtrend.com

There are now new reports that show another insidious tactic that Obama and the liberals will use to further gain control over nearly every American citizen once Obama Care finally goes into effect. How about giving the government an almost unlimited right to force home “inspections” upon whoever they want, for nearly any reason that you could dream up? Indeed.

Much of these details have been laid out on King Obama’s Health and Human Services (HHS) website under the “Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program.” Don’t you just love how these liberals cast the most nasty and evil programs into such sweet and innocent sounding names and acronyms? I do, too. This one almost gives you a down-home ‘Andy Griffith’ type of feel, doesn’t it? After all, the government is just coming for a short little visit. All they want to do is make sure that the mothers and children are being taken of. Golly, Andy, I wonder if there will pie?

Instead, what this plan actually does is to give the government, and her minions, the right to essentially invade any home that they consider to be “high-risk.” Of course, the definition of high-risk could be twisted and contorted to fit almost any purpose they wish.

According to a manual the HHS published in 2006, one of the factors that determines a high-risk home is the presence of firearms. So, now I suppose the government is going to look over records of gun registrations and then target these evil people who keep guns in their homes. Other factors include families where the mother is under the age of 21, where someone is a tobacco users, where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or even disabilities. Hmmm…I wonder how many millions of Americans already fall under this blanket definition already? But we are not done. Families who have people that served or are serving in the armed forces are also considered to be high risk. Wow. And, those who have had multiple deployments outside of the US are considered to be even higher risk.

I think that the Obama administration is separating the classic liberals from the neoMarxist pretenders in the Democratic Party, and the neoMarxists are winning!

Sad day for America.
They are looking for any excuse to remove children from parental influence.

That is why people are leaving California in droves. The same kind of nanny state, that Obama and his healthcare bill has been trying to institute on all of us.
\We tried to warn people what was in that assault on America bill.....we told congress not to pass it and even though people protested it, congress did what they wanted
You people really are mentally ill -- not severe but there is a break from reality that is leading you to these paranoid beliefs.

**Obama is not looking for insidious ways to "inspect" your home and take your children away.

Did none of you go to college and develop critical thinking skills so that when you encounter a totally ridiculous story, you can identify it as such??
Affordable Care Act Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) and Tribal MIECHV | Early Childhood Development | Administration for Children and Families
What is Home Visiting?

Home visiting, under MIECHV, is a primary service delivery strategy (excluding programs with infrequent or supplemental home visiting).

It is offered on a voluntary basis to pregnant women, expectant fathers, or parents and primary caregivers of children, birth to kindergarten entry. Home visits target one or more of the benchmark and participant outcomes in the ACA legislation, including:

Improved in maternal, infant, and child health;
prevention of child injuries, child abuse, or maltreatment, and reduction of emergency department visits;
improvement in school readiness and child academic achievement;
improvement in parenting skills;
reduction in crime or domestic violence;
improvements in family economic self-sufficiency; and
improvements in the coordination and referrals for other community resources and supports.


Your welcome,
-Party Pooper
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They are looking for any excuse to remove children from parental influence.

That is why people are leaving California in droves. The same kind of nanny state, that Obama and his healthcare bill has been trying to institute on all of us.
\We tried to warn people what was in that assault on America bill.....we told congress not to pass it and even though people protested it, congress did what they wanted

"Imagine yourself an idiot. Now imagine yourself a Congressman. Wait, I've repeated myself." - Mark Twain
Affordable Care Act Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) and Tribal MIECHV | Early Childhood Development | Administration for Children and Families
What is Home Visiting?

Home visiting, under MIECHV, is a primary service delivery strategy (excluding programs with infrequent or supplemental home visiting).

It is offered on a voluntary basis to pregnant women, expectant fathers, or parents and primary caregivers of children, birth to kindergarten entry. Home visits target one or more of the benchmark and participant outcomes in the ACA legislation, including:

Improved in maternal, infant, and child health;
prevention of child injuries, child abuse, or maltreatment, and reduction of emergency department visits;
improvement in school readiness and child academic achievement;
improvement in parenting skills;
reduction in crime or domestic violence;
improvements in family economic self-sufficiency; and
improvements in the coordination and referrals for other community resources and supports.


Your welcome,
-Party Pooper

Lol, I just love me some libtards talking about how we don't need to woory about nothing since it is all 'voluntary', lolol.

snopes.com: Income Tax Payment Is Voluntary?

When the IRS employs the term "voluntary" in reference to taxes, it uses that word to describe the behavior of the taxpayer, not the tax itself. The U.S. income tax system is not predicated on the federal government's determining how much taxpayers have earned, calculating the amount of taxes they owe, and sending out bills for the amounts due. Instead, it is up to each taxpayer to volunteer his earnings information by filling out and submitting forms documenting his income, determine on his own how much tax he owes, and to make the appropriate payments. But in a legal sense, neither the filing of tax returns nor the payment of taxes owed is voluntary.

Well, if these home visits are as 'voluntary' as paying taxes, we got nothing to worry about, Jesus be Praised!

So in other words your thread is completely false, but you are leaning on your opinion that someday it will become true, to complain about something that isn't anything.

Sheesh you guys are such whiny retards, as much real shit to complain about here you are bitching about a nothing.
You people really are mentally ill -- not severe but there is a break from reality that is leading you to these paranoid beliefs.

**Obama is not looking for insidious ways to "inspect" your home and take your children away.

Did none of you go to college and develop critical thinking skills so that when you encounter a totally ridiculous story, you can identify it as such??

The Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the “high-risk” categories below:

Families where mom is not yet 21.
Families where someone is a tobacco user.
Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities.
Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States.

You people really are mentally ill -- not severe but there is a break from reality that is leading you to these paranoid beliefs.

**Obama is not looking for insidious ways to "inspect" your home and take your children away.

Did none of you go to college and develop critical thinking skills so that when you encounter a totally ridiculous story, you can identify it as such??

The Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the “high-risk” categories below:

Families where mom is not yet 21.
Families where someone is a tobacco user.
Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities.
Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States.


Yep and the full list of 'high risk' categories :

a) Eligible families who reside in communities in need of such services,

OK, you aren't poor, but you live in a community of poor people? Hell with Section 8 housing and the spread of WIC services, I think more people live in such needful communities than realize it.

b) Low-income eligible families.

With cat a, the feds don't really need cat b, but I guess its just there for completeness' sake.

c) Eligible families who are pregnant women who have not attained age 21.

So much stretchableness here. Is your niece or cousin part of your family? Libtards enforcing laws have many ways of ignoring original intent for the sake of immediate expediency.

d) Eligible families that have a history of child abuse or neglect or have had interactions with child welfare services.

Yeah, so now that anonymous busy-body snitch that called you in for domestic disturbance because you were too loud when you got back from that New Years Eve party has also given the government the 'voluntary invitation' to come and inspect your home at their convenience? This sounds ludicrous, but the majority of laws are ludicrous when you consider the fact that humanity has survived for millions of years without a damned one of them.

e) Eligible families that have a history of substance abuse or need substance abuse treatment.

Any of your uncles or cousins get a DUI? 'Thank you for welcoming us, Mrs. Robinson.'

f) Eligible families that have users of tobacco products in the home.

g) Eligible families that are or have children with low student achievement.

h) Eligible families with children with developmental delays or disabilities.

So my tobacco chewing cousin who has been held back a grade has just opened the door to Uncle Sammy snooping any time and any place?

i) Eligible families who, or that include individuals who, are serving or formerly served in the Armed Forces, including such families that have members of the Armed Forces who have had multiple deployments outside of the United States.

Well, that's another fine 'Thank you for serving your country, fool!' from the Obammy administration.

Itis appalling that people that refer to themselves as 'liberals' would defend this tyrannous over-reaching pile of legal bullshit.
You people really are mentally ill -- not severe but there is a break from reality that is leading you to these paranoid beliefs.

**Obama is not looking for insidious ways to "inspect" your home and take your children away.

Did none of you go to college and develop critical thinking skills so that when you encounter a totally ridiculous story, you can identify it as such??

The Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the “high-risk” categories below:

Families where mom is not yet 21.
Families where someone is a tobacco user.
Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities.
Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States.


Yep and the full list of 'high risk' categories :

a) Eligible families who reside in communities in need of such services,

OK, you aren't poor, but you live in a community of poor people? Hell with Section 8 housing and the spread of WIC services, I think more people live in such needful communities than realize it.

b) Low-income eligible families.

With cat a, the feds don't really need cat b, but I guess its just there for completeness' sake.

c) Eligible families who are pregnant women who have not attained age 21.

So much stretchableness here. Is your niece or cousin part of your family? Libtards enforcing laws have many ways of ignoring original intent for the sake of immediate expediency.

d) Eligible families that have a history of child abuse or neglect or have had interactions with child welfare services.

Yeah, so now that anonymous busy-body snitch that called you in for domestic disturbance because you were too loud when you got back from that New Years Eve party has also given the government the 'voluntary invitation' to come and inspect your home at their convenience? This sounds ludicrous, but the majority of laws are ludicrous when you consider the fact that humanity has survived for millions of years without a damned one of them.

e) Eligible families that have a history of substance abuse or need substance abuse treatment.

Any of your uncles or cousins get a DUI? 'Thank you for welcoming us, Mrs. Robinson.'

f) Eligible families that have users of tobacco products in the home.

g) Eligible families that are or have children with low student achievement.

h) Eligible families with children with developmental delays or disabilities.

So my tobacco chewing cousin who has been held back a grade has just opened the door to Uncle Sammy snooping any time and any place?

i) Eligible families who, or that include individuals who, are serving or formerly served in the Armed Forces, including such families that have members of the Armed Forces who have had multiple deployments outside of the United States.

Well, that's another fine 'Thank you for serving your country, fool!' from the Obammy administration.

Itis appalling that people that refer to themselves as 'liberals' would defend this tyrannous over-reaching pile of legal bullshit.

I suggest that you keep your powder dry locked loaded and on the ready.
The Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the “high-risk” categories below

As long as we're going by what the Health and Human Services website states, don't forget:

Affordable Care Act Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) and Tribal MIECHV | Early Childhood Development | Administration for Children and Families
Home visiting, under MIECHV, is a primary service delivery strategy (excluding programs with infrequent or supplemental home visiting).

It is offered on a voluntary basis to pregnant women, expectant fathers, or parents and primary caregivers of children, birth to kindergarten entry.

You guys are so determined to get spun up on this you quote from the gov website the parts that feed your paranoia but dismiss/ignore something that completely sinks this entire thread. I can't believe I'm seeing a bunch of paranoid nutters wetting their panties and talking about their guns and swords to defend themselves from what is explicitly stated as a voluntary visitation program.

Do you guys ever have real jobs? How can you function effectively when this is how you develop choices and decisions?
The Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the “high-risk” categories below

As long as we're going by what the Health and Human Services website states, don't forget:

Affordable Care Act Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) and Tribal MIECHV | Early Childhood Development | Administration for Children and Families
Home visiting, under MIECHV, is a primary service delivery strategy (excluding programs with infrequent or supplemental home visiting).

It is offered on a voluntary basis to pregnant women, expectant fathers, or parents and primary caregivers of children, birth to kindergarten entry.

You guys are so determined to get spun up on this you quote from the gov website the parts that feed your paranoia but dismiss/ignore something that completely sinks this entire thread. I can't believe I'm seeing a bunch of paranoid nutters wetting their panties and talking about their guns and swords to defend themselves from what is explicitly stated as a voluntary visitation program.

Do you guys ever have real jobs? How can you function effectively when this is how you develop choices and decisions?

oh how the sheeple bleet when their master is being attacked.:eusa_whistle:
oh how the sheeple bleet when their master is being attacked.:eusa_whistle:
Is that what this is about to you, attacking what you perceive as someone's master? Go team! Actually I guess that explains a lot, at least regarding why you won't let facts get in the way.

Bottom line = it clearly says this is a completely voluntary program. That pretty much renders a thread about it being used for warrantless home inspections pointless. This thread makes no sense, just paranoid nutters fretting for the sake of fretting.
oh how the sheeple bleet when their master is being attacked.:eusa_whistle:
is that what this is about to you, attacking what you perceive as someone's master? Go team! Actually i guess that explains a lot, at least regarding why you won't let facts get in the way.

Bottom line = it clearly says this is a completely voluntary program. That pretty much renders a thread about it being used for warrantless home inspections pointless. This thread makes no sense, just paranoid nutters fretting for the sake of fretting.

bleet bleet bleetttt
oh how the sheeple bleet when their master is being attacked.:eusa_whistle:
Is that what this is about to you, attacking what you perceive as someone's master? Go team! Actually I guess that explains a lot, at least regarding why you won't let facts get in the way.

Bottom line = it clearly says this is a completely voluntary program. That pretty much renders a thread about it being used for warrantless home inspections pointless. This thread makes no sense, just paranoid nutters fretting for the sake of fretting.

What you don't get, is that that we've learned what liberals mean by the word "voluntary"-seems their definition of that term is about as elastic as Bill Clinton's definition of "sexual relations". When any politician,especially a liberal, tells me something is "voluntary", what they really mean is, it's voluntary until I refuse, at which point, they will use the full force of the state to make me comply anyway.

I'll tell you what I trust any liberal politician to do: (1) disregard my constitutional rights, (2) take my earnings, (2) take my property, (3) try to muzzle my freedom to complain about it, (4) insinuate government into every aspect of my personal life, and (5) tell me they are "only being compassionate" while doing it, and "it's for your own good, REALLY, it is!" Now, I really appreciate that, but I cling to this quaint notion, that I can take care of myself, thank you, and if I wanted a nanny, I'd take some of the hard-earned money I have left after your beloved income redistribution system takes what it wants, and hire one.

I wouldn't get so perturbed about this, except that if you people want to live in a workers paradise and nanny state, there's one already in existence just to the north of us-it's called "Canada". I think you libs should check it out, and seeing that we conservatives really have no place else WE can go, maybe you all could join those nice folks up there, and leave us poor benighted Neanderthals to fend for ourselves here; I promise, we wouldn't mind.
How else can Obama institute Death Panels without home inspections?

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