Obamacare Gives BAckdoor to Unwarranted Home Inspections?



Might as well keep going with new threads like this since we're allowed to suspend the application of the word "voluntary" regarding anything government. That way we can feel alive, alive with fear.
Do you understand what the word "eligible" means?

It means that because they are at risk they are eligible for in home services.

No, if a libtard is in control, the word means whatever the fuck the government wants it to mean at any time.

Next, I want you to Google the term VOLUNTARY

Well, you can want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fill first, jack ass.

I ALREADY provided a government definition of 'voluntary', you fucking moron.

I really don't know what to make of your thread...

Your desire to make words mean what YOU want them to mean indicates one of two things

1. You are being intentionally deceptive to push your agenda
2. You are fucking stupid

Lol, I put the link to the Snopes article that quotes the IRS as to their definition of voluntary, and you STILL think I am just making this shit up?

You are what people used to call 'deliberately ignorant', now I just like to be more blunt; you are an ignoramus.

lol, and you call me stupid when anyone can go back to the OP and see that you are full of shyte, dumbass.
Obama Intent On Forcing Home Inspections Upon Public - Downtrend.com

There are now new reports that show another insidious tactic that Obama and the liberals will use to further gain control over nearly every American citizen once Obama Care finally goes into effect. How about giving the government an almost unlimited right to force home “inspections” upon whoever they want, for nearly any reason that you could dream up? Indeed.

Much of these details have been laid out on King Obama’s Health and Human Services (HHS) website under the “Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program.” Don’t you just love how these liberals cast the most nasty and evil programs into such sweet and innocent sounding names and acronyms? I do, too. This one almost gives you a down-home ‘Andy Griffith’ type of feel, doesn’t it? After all, the government is just coming for a short little visit. All they want to do is make sure that the mothers and children are being taken of. Golly, Andy, I wonder if there will pie?

Instead, what this plan actually does is to give the government, and her minions, the right to essentially invade any home that they consider to be “high-risk.” Of course, the definition of high-risk could be twisted and contorted to fit almost any purpose they wish.

According to a manual the HHS published in 2006, one of the factors that determines a high-risk home is the presence of firearms. So, now I suppose the government is going to look over records of gun registrations and then target these evil people who keep guns in their homes. Other factors include families where the mother is under the age of 21, where someone is a tobacco users, where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or even disabilities. Hmmm…I wonder how many millions of Americans already fall under this blanket definition already? But we are not done. Families who have people that served or are serving in the armed forces are also considered to be high risk. Wow. And, those who have had multiple deployments outside of the US are considered to be even higher risk.

I think that the Obama administration is separating the classic liberals from the neoMarxist pretenders in the Democratic Party, and the neoMarxists are winning!

Sad day for America.

This is only for people who have Obamacare. I, personally, think it should extend to people who are also on Medicaid. Where else but in American can you do everything in your power to ruin your health and have the American taxpayers foot your medical bills?

Sunshine, I wish it were so, but the track record shows that the scope of government purview ALWAYS grows and never contracts.

If the law gives the state the authority to regulate sandals less than size 6, within ten years they will regulate pants, jump suits and hats essplaining that they can all be utilized as footwear and besides it is entirely up to the state, you see, to define what a real shoe is and how big size 6 is.
They are looking for any excuse to remove children from parental influence.

They should never have started allowing people who can't afford to support their children to keep them. There was a time in my life when there were 'poor farms' and 'friendly homes.'

Lol, you drank the Kool Aid. Having children is a natural right given by God and Nature. The state has no say in the matter; at least not yet.

Do you see any limit to the scope of what the government can do and review?
I ALREADY provided a government definition of 'voluntary', you fucking moron.
No you didn't, you provided proof you don't understand how it is applied on taxes versus reporting taxes.

This program is voluntary, thus end of this stupid thread for anyone but you, who is happy ranting and wailing about how intrusive a voluntary program is.

The media mostly ignores them. But CPS using the cops to force their way into peoples homes and take their kids has gone on for a long damn time, doofus.
CPS is a state agency that has absolutely nothing to do with a completely voluntary federal health program.

You are complaining about a nothing, and that is utterly retarded.

Lol, you STILL don't get it. The government can do anything it wants then hires its elgions of lawyers to justify it. They can say that taxes are voluntary and then define it so that it actually is not.

You are being the dumbass here, but don't let that stop you. Every time you post on this topic you re-affirm what I am saying about the stupidity of libtards.
Obama Intent On Forcing Home Inspections Upon Public - Downtrend.com

There are now new reports that show another insidious tactic that Obama and the liberals will use to further gain control over nearly every American citizen once Obama Care finally goes into effect. How about giving the government an almost unlimited right to force home “inspections” upon whoever they want, for nearly any reason that you could dream up? Indeed.

Much of these details have been laid out on King Obama’s Health and Human Services (HHS) website under the “Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program.” Don’t you just love how these liberals cast the most nasty and evil programs into such sweet and innocent sounding names and acronyms? I do, too. This one almost gives you a down-home ‘Andy Griffith’ type of feel, doesn’t it? After all, the government is just coming for a short little visit. All they want to do is make sure that the mothers and children are being taken of. Golly, Andy, I wonder if there will pie?

Instead, what this plan actually does is to give the government, and her minions, the right to essentially invade any home that they consider to be “high-risk.” Of course, the definition of high-risk could be twisted and contorted to fit almost any purpose they wish.

According to a manual the HHS published in 2006, one of the factors that determines a high-risk home is the presence of firearms. So, now I suppose the government is going to look over records of gun registrations and then target these evil people who keep guns in their homes. Other factors include families where the mother is under the age of 21, where someone is a tobacco users, where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or even disabilities. Hmmm…I wonder how many millions of Americans already fall under this blanket definition already? But we are not done. Families who have people that served or are serving in the armed forces are also considered to be high risk. Wow. And, those who have had multiple deployments outside of the US are considered to be even higher risk.

I think that the Obama administration is separating the classic liberals from the neoMarxist pretenders in the Democratic Party, and the neoMarxists are winning!

Sad day for America.

Lol, you STILL don't get it. The government can do anything it wants then hires its elgions of lawyers to justify it.
Yup, therefore I can only conclude we are under threat of being forced into the Peace Corps to work in places like Ghana. Logic is sound.
You people really are mentally ill -- not severe but there is a break from reality that is leading you to these paranoid beliefs.

**Obama is not looking for insidious ways to "inspect" your home and take your children away.

Did none of you go to college and develop critical thinking skills so that when you encounter a totally ridiculous story, you can identify it as such??
Just a cursory glance at the story tells the reader in no uncertain terms that it was written in an extremely biased way. The political agenda is not subtle, the language is definitely unschooled (which accounts for it's popularity and acceptance among the Conservatives).

It's a strawman, a sham, a clumsy stab at clever that falls short as such lame efforts often do.
No, if a libtard is in control, the word means whatever the fuck the government wants it to mean at any time.

Well, you can want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fill first, jack ass.

I ALREADY provided a government definition of 'voluntary', you fucking moron.

I really don't know what to make of your thread...

Your desire to make words mean what YOU want them to mean indicates one of two things

1. You are being intentionally deceptive to push your agenda
2. You are fucking stupid

Lol, I put the link to the Snopes article that quotes the IRS as to their definition of voluntary, and you STILL think I am just making this shit up?

You are what people used to call 'deliberately ignorant', now I just like to be more blunt; you are an ignoramus.

lol, and you call me stupid when anyone can go back to the OP and see that you are full of shyte, dumbass.

Thanks for answering

Looks like option #2
Lol, you STILL don't get it. The government can do anything it wants then hires its elgions of lawyers to justify it.
Yup, therefore I can only conclude we are under threat of being forced into the Peace Corps to work in places like Ghana. Logic is sound.

If you cant grasp the difference between the use of the word 'voluntary' for signing up for things like Peace Corpse or the Marine Corps as opposed to 'voluntary' in the way the government uses it to pretend that you give consent, like when you get your DL now adays you automatically give consent to the state to search your car for example, or the previously mentioned 'voluntary' payment of taxes, then, dude, your idiocy is not capable of remedy.
I really don't know what to make of your thread...

Your desire to make words mean what YOU want them to mean indicates one of two things

1. You are being intentionally deceptive to push your agenda
2. You are fucking stupid

Lol, I put the link to the Snopes article that quotes the IRS as to their definition of voluntary, and you STILL think I am just making this shit up?

You are what people used to call 'deliberately ignorant', now I just like to be more blunt; you are an ignoramus.

lol, and you call me stupid when anyone can go back to the OP and see that you are full of shyte, dumbass.

Thanks for answering

Looks like option #2

Ha, I will laeve that for those reading to decide, and not some lying pretentious fucktard like you, shit-for-brains.
You people really are mentally ill -- not severe but there is a break from reality that is leading you to these paranoid beliefs.

**Obama is not looking for insidious ways to "inspect" your home and take your children away.

Did none of you go to college and develop critical thinking skills so that when you encounter a totally ridiculous story, you can identify it as such??
Just a cursory glance at the story tells the reader in no uncertain terms that it was written in an extremely biased way. The political agenda is not subtle, the language is definitely unschooled (which accounts for it's popularity and acceptance among the Conservatives).

It's a strawman, a sham, a clumsy stab at clever that falls short as such lame efforts often do.

Yeah, cuz ad-hom is so persuasive to libtards, lol.
Obama Intent On Forcing Home Inspections Upon Public - Downtrend.com

There are now new reports that show another insidious tactic that Obama and the liberals will use to further gain control over nearly every American citizen once Obama Care finally goes into effect. How about giving the government an almost unlimited right to force home “inspections” upon whoever they want, for nearly any reason that you could dream up? Indeed.

Much of these details have been laid out on King Obama’s Health and Human Services (HHS) website under the “Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program.” Don’t you just love how these liberals cast the most nasty and evil programs into such sweet and innocent sounding names and acronyms? I do, too. This one almost gives you a down-home ‘Andy Griffith’ type of feel, doesn’t it? After all, the government is just coming for a short little visit. All they want to do is make sure that the mothers and children are being taken of. Golly, Andy, I wonder if there will pie?

Instead, what this plan actually does is to give the government, and her minions, the right to essentially invade any home that they consider to be “high-risk.” Of course, the definition of high-risk could be twisted and contorted to fit almost any purpose they wish.

According to a manual the HHS published in 2006, one of the factors that determines a high-risk home is the presence of firearms. So, now I suppose the government is going to look over records of gun registrations and then target these evil people who keep guns in their homes. Other factors include families where the mother is under the age of 21, where someone is a tobacco users, where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or even disabilities. Hmmm…I wonder how many millions of Americans already fall under this blanket definition already? But we are not done. Families who have people that served or are serving in the armed forces are also considered to be high risk. Wow. And, those who have had multiple deployments outside of the US are considered to be even higher risk.

I think that the Obama administration is separating the classic liberals from the neoMarxist pretenders in the Democratic Party, and the neoMarxists are winning!

Sad day for America.


Why would you want to put a pic of your moma giving birth to you on this thread, numb-nuts?
If you cant grasp the difference between the use of the word 'voluntary' for signing up for things like Peace Corpse or the Marine Corps as opposed to 'voluntary' in the way the government uses it to pretend that you give consent
Ah so now there are degrees of when "voluntary" doesn't really mean it. I wonder why is that, you just stated their lawyers can do whatever they want, surely they can change voluntary programs that don't currently exist as topics of your batshit crazy threads.

I await your brilliant thread on how you are about to be forced to join the Peace Corps, and of course look forward to the great content you'll be posting from Ghana.
Lol, I put the link to the Snopes article that quotes the IRS as to their definition of voluntary, and you STILL think I am just making this shit up?

You are what people used to call 'deliberately ignorant', now I just like to be more blunt; you are an ignoramus.

lol, and you call me stupid when anyone can go back to the OP and see that you are full of shyte, dumbass.

Thanks for answering

Looks like option #2

Ha, I will laeve that for those reading to decide, and not some lying pretentious fucktard like you, shit-for-brains.

If you read the thread.....looks like they have decided
Another embarassment of a thread from you
Seriously, this thread is so stupid it hurts... oh my gosh the feds are going to use a social program you must volunteer to participate in to force people to have their homes searched, we're all in danger oh noes.

Of course threadstarter is same bat shit crazy lunatic who has threatened others repeatedly with references to mysterious organizations watching the forums and waiting to extract their revenge:
Enjoy your life. There are people who are tracking this who does what when where and how, and they have no sense of humor. And they do not forget. And they are getting stronger by the day.

As I said, your time will come, not by me, of course, just consider this a heads up. So if you are just yanking my chain, well, just keep in mind all the posts you make will be searchable till the end of Western civilization and afterwards.

Plenty of time for the Jacobins to build their case on you.

Nah, no mental health issues here folks... move along...
Obama Intent On Forcing Home Inspections Upon Public - Downtrend.com

I think that the Obama administration is separating the classic liberals from the neoMarxist pretenders in the Democratic Party, and the neoMarxists are winning!

Sad day for America.

This is only for people who have Obamacare. I, personally, think it should extend to people who are also on Medicaid. Where else but in American can you do everything in your power to ruin your health and have the American taxpayers foot your medical bills?

There will come a time when everybody will be forced to have obamacare or doesn't that matter?

Your employer provided health care is NOT 'private' insurance. Unless your health is pristine you would not be able to buy a private policy. And I hate to break it to you, but companies who cover employed people are already starting to require things they never did before, and they have been doing that for some years now. I got a card from my retirement insurance company asking me to go online and do a health assessment and in return they will give me a $35 gift card that can be used for 'qualified medical expenses.' I have yet to do this, but if I did, it would not directly affect me because I will always pay what the employees where I worked pay. But the medigap policy I have is another matter. They have already increased their rates. And I don't expect them to stop until the premium is up there.

And I stand by the statement that people who get their health care compliments of the taxpayers should be required to show some accountability for their lifestyles.
Thanks for answering

Looks like option #2

Ha, I will laeve that for those reading to decide, and not some lying pretentious fucktard like you, shit-for-brains.

If you read the thread.....looks like they have decided
Another embarassment of a thread from you

lol, who is this 'they' you are talking about?

Libtards don't count; its not as if anyone could ever change an ideological fascists mind on a subject, ya know. Shit just think of yourself for example.
Seriously, this thread is so stupid it hurts... oh my gosh the feds are going to use a social program you must volunteer to participate in to force people to have their homes searched, we're all in danger oh noes.

Of course threadstarter is same bat shit crazy lunatic who has threatened others repeatedly with references to mysterious organizations watching the forums and waiting to extract their revenge:
Enjoy your life. There are people who are tracking this who does what when where and how, and they have no sense of humor. And they do not forget. And they are getting stronger by the day.

As I said, your time will come, not by me, of course, just consider this a heads up. So if you are just yanking my chain, well, just keep in mind all the posts you make will be searchable till the end of Western civilization and afterwards.

Plenty of time for the Jacobins to build their case on you.

Nah, no mental health issues here folks... move along...

Recognizing the role the elites play in manipulating things in this country going back to the establishment of the Federal Reserve, that is not delusional, it is reality and liberating.

It essplains so many things.
Recognizing the role the elites play in manipulating things in this country going back to the establishment of the Federal Reserve, that is not delusional, it is reality and liberating.

It essplains so many things.
Secret organizations watching the forum to take their revenge, paranoid threads protesting a nothing = lunatic.

And to think you blame your self-professed career mediocrity on illegal immigrants. More like others probably recognizing you for what you are.

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