Obamacare Is Awesome!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?
I think I have to think about the economic consequences of this law.
We need to ask a few economic professors who teach Economics 101, 102, etc., as to what this is going to do to inflation in this country.

If the cost of living is to high, you might have fewer children, fewer cars, we might contribute to pubic transportation to help clean the air. In a sense, your children might just be workers for the state.

In a sense, these laws put an economic limitation in you minds so you will shortly have to be following the system.
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Higher costs, higher utilization of healthcare facilities, with no improvement in health outcomes.....

OK...pop quiz:

Name any failures/flaws in ObamaCare that were not predicted by the Right before Democrats rammed it through?

Time's up....pencils down.
Is your paper blank???


We predicted every debilitation!
We warned of every problem that the Democrat fiasco has revealed!!!

You win, smarty pants!!

You many choose any of the kewpie dolls on the top shelf.....
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My assumption is that this law benefits the rich.
I have an old article in my sociological textbook about taxes and how the poor pay all.
Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?

Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.
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Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?

Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

1. "Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare...."

As dumb as you are, how do you find your way home each night?


Every American has had healthcare, by law, since 1986.

2. YOU "don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about."
Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance
(Reuters) - Nearly 45,000 people die in the United States each year -- one every 12 minutes -- in large part because they lack health insurance and can not get good care, Harvard Medical School researchers found in an analysis released on Thursday.
Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance | Reuters

It's clear you are the poster child for 'low information voter.'

The 2009 study was one more piece of propaganda put out by the Left to push more government control of everyone's lives.

This, from the Left leaning Factcheck:

"Now, on to the tough question: Is the 45,000 figure accurate? We can’t say for sure,..."
Dying from Lack of Insurance

It goes on to say that those without insurance.....who may simply have decided not to have same......put off getting care- not that they can't get it.

Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?

Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

actaully most of them are not paying into the system
Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?

Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

1. "Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare...."

As dumb as you are, how do you find your way home each night?


Every American has had healthcare, by law, since 1986.

2. YOU "don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about."

Ahh, but the Obama maggots who've always had Medicaid and are having their first experience with health insurance are so damned much fun! I literally cringe when I get a call at work and the "HCR" flag shows at the top of the screen, or the header field for "Group Name" shows "1199" or "SEIU". If you ever wanted to know what the Democrats' pet herd of low-info, low-thought voters are like, you need only listen to one of those calls. Those people are just APPALLING in their spoiled, ignorant sense of entitlement just because they're breathing. Many days, I go on break early after one of those calls because I'm one sentence away from saying what I'm actually thinking, which is, "Maybe you should just stop taking the medication and die."

Really, anyone whose header shows they get their insurance through a union is a nightmare, but these people are absolutely the fucking WORST. Explain to me again how keeping them alive is such a benefit to the nation?
Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

1. "Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare...."

As dumb as you are, how do you find your way home each night?


Every American has had healthcare, by law, since 1986.

2. YOU "don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about."

Ahh, but the Obama maggots who've always had Medicaid and are having their first experience with health insurance are so damned much fun! I literally cringe when I get a call at work and the "HCR" flag shows at the top of the screen, or the header field for "Group Name" shows "1199" or "SEIU". If you ever wanted to know what the Democrats' pet herd of low-info, low-thought voters are like, you need only listen to one of those calls. Those people are just APPALLING in their spoiled, ignorant sense of entitlement just because they're breathing. Many days, I go on break early after one of those calls because I'm one sentence away from saying what I'm actually thinking, which is, "Maybe you should just stop taking the medication and die."

Really, anyone whose header shows they get their insurance through a union is a nightmare, but these people are absolutely the fucking WORST. Explain to me again how keeping them alive is such a benefit to the nation?

Government Schooling....it seems to teach that any Democrat idea must be correct.

When I read posts like hers, I can't help but believe that the number of IQ points in the world is constant, an must be divided among an ever-increasing population.
Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?

Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

More patients flocking to ERs under Obamacare

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- It wasn't supposed to work this way, but since the Affordable Care Act took effect in January, Norton Hospital has seen its packed emergency room become even more crowded, with about 100 more patients a month.hat 12 percent spike in the number of patients — many of whom aren't actually facing true emergencies — is spurring the Louisville hospital to convert a waiting room into more exam rooms.

More patients flocking to ERs under Obamacare

Get some new material.
Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?

Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

1. "Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare...."

As dumb as you are, how do you find your way home each night?


Every American has had healthcare, by law, since 1986.

2. YOU "don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about."

This is the law that states no one can be turned away from the emergency room at a hospital, correct?

Otherwise you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

1. "Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare...."

As dumb as you are, how do you find your way home each night?


Every American has had healthcare, by law, since 1986.

2. YOU "don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about."

This is the law that states no one can be turned away from the emergency room at a hospital, correct?

Otherwise you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Well,clearly, I know exactly what I'm talking about.

I always do.

Here...let me prove that: Even stupid people think you are stupid.
There is ugliness here. Who wants to own up to it?

I fully understand your deeply felt sensitivity to "ugliness."

To have to live your whole life under that.....disability.

You have my heartfelt sympathy.

But this is a case of 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade'....

...you should sue for a percentage of whatever they make on paper bags!
Passed entirely with Democrat votes....lies abound.....even Democrats running from it at election time.....

...but, according to a certain community organizer......just awesome!

Here, let's bring you up to date:

1. " ...growth in national health-care spending of 3.7 percent for 2012, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth.

2. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, attributed the slow spending growth to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

3. .... Furman failed to explain how the slowing growth in health-care costs that began in 2008-09 could be attributed to a statute passed in 2010, and whose major provisions did not go into effect until 2014.

4. And he failed to mention that the CMS authors attributed the slowdown in health spending to the recession (the study reported that the passage of Obamacare had only “a minimal impact” on health-care costs).

[This administrastion: if they can't come up with a lie of commission, they'll settle for a lie of omission.]

5. Now, the White House is celebrating a report from the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis that GDP rose just 0.1 percentduring the first quarter of 2014.

a. Were it not for increased spending on health care—which added 1.1 percent to the GDP—the change would actually have been negative.

6. Rather than address the faltering economy, the administration again seized the opportunity to hype the ACA. .... Furman projected that increased health-care spending will create a “tailwind” for the economy for the next two years.

7. As more people gain insurance and use their new coverage, health-care costs will naturally rise. But one of the ACA’s selling points was that it would save people money—it is the Affordable Care Act,.... the law’s programs that were supposed to decrease costs have been withdrawn, are inoperative, or are not delivering as promised.

8. ... networks of doctors and hospitals that are supposed reap savings by coordinating medical care for patients—are off to an inauspicious start, with many groups withdrawing from the program because of an inability to generate savings.

9. What will increased health-care spending under the ACA get us? The results of the much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study are instructive—and discouraging. Those who gained Medicaid coverage reported higher utilization of services and much higher medical expenditures but little or no improvement in health outcomes.

10.... more than half the people gaining coverage under the ACA are doing so via Medicaid and it remains unclear how many people will gain private insurance—no one knows how many health-care exchange enrollees have actually paid for their insurance or were previously uninsured...."
Obamacare Is Awesome! by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 May 2014

Did you get this part: "...no improvement in health outcomes."

The Obama legacy: lies, fraud, and failure.

What does that say about his voters?

Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare and don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about. Tell them it is not working for them. They are paying into the system and not flooding emergency rooms and taking up space that can to be used by real emergencies. Or those that died because they did not have healthcare. Child that died from an abscessed tooth because family did not have healthcare when a visit to ER could have saved him. We wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan war of choice. Send millions into outer space.

1. "Tell that to 9.5 million Americans that now have access to healthcare...."

As dumb as you are, how do you find your way home each night?


2. YOU "don't know or care about what the hell you are talking about."

Every American has had healthcare, by law, since 1986.
just this one statement alone makes us all wonder how do you find your way home each night? .. you're not smart enough to understand or figure out what the Bread crumbs are for ...
There is ugliness here. Who wants to own up to it?

I fully understand your deeply felt sensitivity to "ugliness."

To have to live your whole life under that.....disability.

You have my heartfelt sympathy.

But this is a case of 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade'....

...you should sue for a percentage of whatever they make on paper bags!

coming from the head lemon here political(sourpuss)CHIC I guess you don't own a mirror
thats why you don't know what ugly is ... you've never seen it

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