Obamacare just ruined my life

The way they are handling that "threat" now is by cutting employees' hours, so they don't have to provide them insurance. I understand that; but why would they make their employees suffer two years prior them them being affected by the mandate? Why couldn't they say; "As of January 1, 2015 all employees hours will be cut." , and make it effective January 1, 2015?

I have just explained it to you - the change was made a YEAR prior - at the end of 2012 nobody knew the effective year was going to be moved to 2015 - so the effective date was set up to be 1/1/13 for the policies setting up on /1/14.

the change came in the middle of 2013 when the hours have already been cut - nobody is going to be reversing it for 12-16 months - business plans are made AHEAD and so it stays.

you can not blame business for government stupidity

LOL, I'm not blaming anybody for anything. You said " at the end of 2012 nobody knew the effective year was going to be moved to 2015 - so the effective date was set up to be 1/1/13 for the policies setting up on /1/14. " , if so why are they doing it on "9/13/2013", instead of 1/1/14 even after it is known to now take effect on 1/1/2015?

they are not doing it 9/13/13 - it took effect 1/1/2013 and stays there.

I am not talking about OP business, I have mentioned in a thread before that our ancillary staff had their hours cut to the part-time mode. They are employed by not a very big business which is not MY employer.
I was talking all the time about situation at my place :)
Why would they start it this year, when it allegedly isn't going into effect until 2015?

Not a few, politicians running for office promise the people one thing and then don't come through with it or "do a 180'" on certain issues. Is it the fault of the people who believed them, or is it the fault of the politicians who mislead them?

For the same reasons why when a gas station is told upon the next delivery, the price will be "X", they immediately raise the price on the gas they currently have in inventory. It's called preparing for increased costs.
Obamacare will dramatically increase the cost of doing business. And as any smart business owner will do, he will protect his business in an appropriate manner.

Wouldn't said employer get as much business as they can before the mandates take effect in 2015? If I knew that there was a possible regulation that could adversely affect my business as I am running it now, I would make sure that I gave enough time to myself and my employees to prosper right up to the date that the regulation would affect my business. I certainly wouldn't "turtle up" and shrink my business when I had over a year and possibly more before that regulation took effect. That's a sure sign of a poor business model!

why do you assume the employer looses business? he does not. with unemployment so high there is no shortage of people. he just hires more part-timers.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Let's do some MORE math here...

You came on this board in February of this year. That was 7 months ago or approx. 210 days. Since you came on this board, you have created 4,256 posts. When I look at the time stamps on your posts, you have almost every hour of the day covered.

YET...you claim to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University.

You came on this board and within the first few days you proved to be a lair.

NOW, we have PROOF you are a lying sack of shit.

Break this down for me.

How is it not possible for his claims to be true?
Illegals do some of the worst jobs.

And how do you measure "smart" and "intelligent."

I'm sure you've never worked as a landscaper (like many illegals do), and you'd have no idea how to fucking do it (efficiently at the least).

Your age is showing.

You know how to landscape?

You know how to construct roads?

You know how to lay a roof?



Let me ask you a simple question. You have 30 seconds to answer.

Will a saw blade with 100 teeth cut faster or slower than a saw blade with 24 teeth and why?


Disingenuous question.

Stainless steel or diamond coated? Rip or finishing?
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What's the amount of the penalty the employer would have to pay if they don't provide health insurance for their employees?
8% of the gross wages for each employee not covered by an employer plan....It's cheaper to NOT provide coverage.
The Obamacare mandate has already started a shift from full time employment to part time and temporary or contract worker employment.

Thanks for your answer, I think that the OP stated that his pre-tip base salary was 34k, that penalty would be about $2,720.00, which would be $226.00 per month per employee, and $56 per week per employee. They couldn't find a way to work out that $56 per week with each employee they let keep full time hours? I mean $56 divided by two would come out to be $28 per week if the employer and employee split the difference.


It's a $226 per month penalty, not 8% for the health plan.

My company is not subject to benefits laws, we're too small. We tried to provide for our people anyway, and found that being a source of non-cash benefits was way more expensive than just paying above market. It's especially good for the ones that are married and covered under their spouse's plan. It's a tradeoff though, we have been VERY flexible for single moms and that's more important than more money in the paycheck.
You think so, huh?

Yep...if you own a gun and call yourself a liberal, you are a hypocrite.

There are plenty of Liberals (including myself) who believe in supporting the Bill of Rights. I believe that once a person reaches the age of majority, they should be able to purchase a firearm as easily they would buy any other tool from Home Depot.


For the same reasons why when a gas station is told upon the next delivery, the price will be "X", they immediately raise the price on the gas they currently have in inventory. It's called preparing for increased costs.
Obamacare will dramatically increase the cost of doing business. And as any smart business owner will do, he will protect his business in an appropriate manner.

Wouldn't said employer get as much business as they can before the mandates take effect in 2015? If I knew that there was a possible regulation that could adversely affect my business as I am running it now, I would make sure that I gave enough time to myself and my employees to prosper right up to the date that the regulation would affect my business. I certainly wouldn't "turtle up" and shrink my business when I had over a year and possibly more before that regulation took effect. That's a sure sign of a poor business model!

why do you assume the employer looses business? he does not. with unemployment so high there is no shortage of people. he just hires more part-timers.

Very true.

Regardless of the long term benefits expected, this was the wrong time to roll this program out. If it had to be passed, implementation should have been delayed until the economy recovered. A 5 year delay without any favoritism in exemptions would have allowed the business environment to focus on expansion first.

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but it almost looks like this program was designed to fail.
This may be a good business model for 2A.

How much are they going to lose by cutting back on "parties and business" vs. complying with Obamacare mandates? I think I saw you state that they hire "outside companies" to provide waiters? If so, maybe you and the veteran staff can go down to the county offices in Riverhead and start your own company and let the Watermill Inn (a nice place, been to two weddings there, we always called the "Smithtown Bypass" plain old 347) hire your "veteran waiter company" to do the work for the originals hours you were working? That would sound like a "win, win" to me, they aren't burdened with employees, you would have to maintain an office where you kept your "waiter supplies, etc., and deal with getting or not getting health insurance on your own.
This may be a good business model for 2A.

How much are they going to lose by cutting back on "parties and business" vs. complying with Obamacare mandates? I think I saw you state that they hire "outside companies" to provide waiters? If so, maybe you and the veteran staff can go down to the county offices in Riverhead and start your own company and let the Watermill Inn (a nice place, been to two weddings there, we always called the "Smithtown Bypass" plain old 347) hire your "veteran waiter company" to do the work for the originals hours you were working? That would sound like a "win, win" to me, they aren't burdened with employees, you would have to maintain an office where you kept your "waiter supplies, etc., and deal with getting or not getting health insurance on your own.

That's not a bad idea.

But, this is New York. There's a big barrier to entry into any market, so many social mazes.

A good idea regardless.
For the same reasons why when a gas station is told upon the next delivery, the price will be "X", they immediately raise the price on the gas they currently have in inventory. It's called preparing for increased costs.
Obamacare will dramatically increase the cost of doing business. And as any smart business owner will do, he will protect his business in an appropriate manner.

Wouldn't said employer get as much business as they can before the mandates take effect in 2015? If I knew that there was a possible regulation that could adversely affect my business as I am running it now, I would make sure that I gave enough time to myself and my employees to prosper right up to the date that the regulation would affect my business. I certainly wouldn't "turtle up" and shrink my business when I had over a year and possibly more before that regulation took effect. That's a sure sign of a poor business model!

why do you assume the employer looses business? he does not. with unemployment so high there is no shortage of people. he just hires more part-timers.

There will be more business, but in the form of sweet 16's and other cheap parties, where you don't' need experienced staff and heavy management, and yes, it will be done by part timers.

The catering hall still loses money in the end though.
Wouldn't said employer get as much business as they can before the mandates take effect in 2015? If I knew that there was a possible regulation that could adversely affect my business as I am running it now, I would make sure that I gave enough time to myself and my employees to prosper right up to the date that the regulation would affect my business. I certainly wouldn't "turtle up" and shrink my business when I had over a year and possibly more before that regulation took effect. That's a sure sign of a poor business model!

why do you assume the employer looses business? he does not. with unemployment so high there is no shortage of people. he just hires more part-timers.

There will be more business, but in the form of sweet 16's and other cheap parties, where you don't' need experienced staff and heavy management, and yes, it will be done by part timers.

The catering hall still loses money in the end though.

You seem smarter and more motivated that your peers. Turn this negative bullshit situation into a positive. Hire the other "part-timers" trying to make up their hours.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Let's do some MORE math here...

You came on this board in February of this year. That was 7 months ago or approx. 210 days. Since you came on this board, you have created 4,256 posts. When I look at the time stamps on your posts, you have almost every hour of the day covered.

YET...you claim to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University.

You came on this board and within the first few days you proved to be a lair.

NOW, we have PROOF you are a lying sack of shit.

Break this down for me.

How is it not possible for his claims to be true?

It is not possible, unless she is creating posts on the employer's time. Last time I checked, there is 24 hours in a day.
Let's do some MORE math here...

You came on this board in February of this year. That was 7 months ago or approx. 210 days. Since you came on this board, you have created 4,256 posts. When I look at the time stamps on your posts, you have almost every hour of the day covered.

YET...you claim to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University.

You came on this board and within the first few days you proved to be a lair.

NOW, we have PROOF you are a lying sack of shit.

Break this down for me.

How is it not possible for his claims to be true?

It is not possible, unless she is creating posts on the employer's time. Last time I checked, there is 24 hours in a day.

How much time do you think it takes to post on a message board?
Break this down for me.

How is it not possible for his claims to be true?

It is not possible, unless she is creating posts on the employer's time. Last time I checked, there is 24 hours in a day.

How much time do you think it takes to post on a message board?

Is it reasonable to assume that someone who claims to work 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University would have consistent time gaps in her time stamps?
It is not possible, unless she is creating posts on the employer's time. Last time I checked, there is 24 hours in a day.

How much time do you think it takes to post on a message board?

Is it reasonable to assume that someone who claims to work 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University would have consistent time gaps in her time stamps?

Yes it is. If you an old fart and posting a message takes YOU half an hour that is not the same time frame for everybody else, especially young electronic savvy generation. Don't measure everything through your skills
It is not possible, unless she is creating posts on the employer's time. Last time I checked, there is 24 hours in a day.

How much time do you think it takes to post on a message board?

Is it reasonable to assume that someone who claims to work 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University would have consistent time gaps in her time stamps?


How much does he post on the weekends?
How much time do you think it takes to post on a message board?

Is it reasonable to assume that someone who claims to work 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University would have consistent time gaps in her time stamps?

Yes it is. If you an old fart and posting a message takes YOU half an hour that is not the same time frame for everybody else, especially young electronic savvy generation. Don't measure everything through your skills

SO, you would have no problem with her posting while being paid by her employer?

HERE is an example of what she posts. It is very time intensive to do all the editing and cherry picking.

Hey, I was born, but it was not yesterday. 2nd amend. is a fucking liar. She came on the board claiming she was a progressive, and not just a run of the mill progressive, a staunch progressive...and she has proven that was a lie, she is as far right as you can get.

If a few morons want to believe her, go for it pea brain.
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I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

That's life.:eusa_boohoo:
Is it reasonable to assume that someone who claims to work 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University would have consistent time gaps in her time stamps?

Yes it is. If you an old fart and posting a message takes YOU half an hour that is not the same time frame for everybody else, especially young electronic savvy generation. Don't measure everything through your skills

SO, you would have no problem with her posting while being paid by her employer?

HERE is an example of what she posts. It is very time intensive to do all the editing and cherry picking.

Hey, I was born, but it was not yesterday. 2nd amend. is a fucking liar. She came on the board claiming she was a progressive, and not just a run of the mill progressive, a staunch progressive...and she has proven that was a lie, she is as far right as you can get.

If a few morons want to believe her, go for it pea brain.

She is a Poe [reference Urban Dictionary, September 11: Premature Articulation ]
white lobster
left handed website
see also
edgar allan poe
edgar allen poe
pod wad
Pod You
Podzalupnaya Perhat
poe at one
poe boy
PoE Chat Cabal:
P O'ed
1. Poe
A person who writes a parody of a Fundamentalist that is mistaken for the real thing. Due to Poe's Law, it is almost impossible to tell if a person is a Poe unless they admit to it.
"The Bible is true because it's the inerrant word of God! I know because the Bible says so! Glory!"

Is this guy serious? He's got to be a poe.
white lobster
left handed website
see also
edgar allan poe
edgar allen poe
pod wad
Pod You
Podzalupnaya Perhat
poe at one
poe boy
PoE Chat Cabal:
P O'ed
1. Poe
A person who writes a parody of a Fundamentalist that is mistaken for the real thing. Due to Poe's Law, it is almost impossible to tell if a person is a Poe unless they admit to it.
"The Bible is true because it's the inerrant word of God! I know because the Bible says so! Glory!"

Is this guy serious? He's got to be a poe
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