Obamacare just ruined my life

Is it reasonable to assume that someone who claims to work 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University would have consistent time gaps in her time stamps?

Yes it is. If you an old fart and posting a message takes YOU half an hour that is not the same time frame for everybody else, especially young electronic savvy generation. Don't measure everything through your skills

SO, you would have no problem with her posting while being paid by her employer?

HERE is an example of what she posts. It is very time intensive to do all the editing and cherry picking.

Hey, I was born, but it was not yesterday. 2nd amend. is a fucking liar. She came on the board claiming she was a progressive, and not just a run of the mill progressive, a staunch progressive...and she has proven that was a lie, she is as far right as you can get.

If a few morons want to believe her, go for it pea brain.
Why do you keep calling me a "she".

My identity, with a video of me speaking at Save Long Island was posted three times in this thread.

There's also a radio segment of myself with Alex Jones, where I talk about how I'm waiter for at least 30 seconds. I also claimed I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 during that radio interview, yes I was once Progressive.

Also, you still haven't' addressed any of the quotes in that thread you linked, you are a Leviathan.


Politics if my life faggot. Here I am talking at a meeting, and here I am on the radio:


I even say that I'm waiter on the national radio, listen at 2:35

Here I am at 20:00

here's the link to my job:


Here's my facebook:


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This may be a good business model for 2A.

How much are they going to lose by cutting back on "parties and business" vs. complying with Obamacare mandates? I think I saw you state that they hire "outside companies" to provide waiters? If so, maybe you and the veteran staff can go down to the county offices in Riverhead and start your own company and let the Watermill Inn (a nice place, been to two weddings there, we always called the "Smithtown Bypass" plain old 347) hire your "veteran waiter company" to do the work for the originals hours you were working? That would sound like a "win, win" to me, they aren't burdened with employees, you would have to maintain an office where you kept your "waiter supplies, etc., and deal with getting or not getting health insurance on your own.

That's not a bad idea.

But, this is New York. There's a big barrier to entry into any market, so many social mazes.

A good idea regardless.

Thank you, I grew up there and started my own business there. I went to SUNY Stony Brook as well.

His first "entry into the market" should be with his current employer, the Watermill Inn. Then he can try to get other customers, his biggest obstacle in my opinion, would be to make sure that fine line that separates independent contractor from employee status. If this is a trend (the OP's situation) , there may be other restauranteurs looking to have the same options that he would provide to the Water Mill Inn.

Maybe "temp agencies" may be the new business boom if larger employers are going to do the same thing as what the OP's employer is doing.
repubs and illegals because they are in general less educated than democrats.


Also bear in mind that ivory tower Progressives set the education standards.

It seems (medical) doctors usually talk and act like Conservatives.

Car mechanics are always conservatives.

Businessman are almost always conservative.

Carpenters are almost always conservatives.

Plumbers are almost always conservatives.

Electricians are almost always conservatives.

Road/Highway/bridge construction workers, engineers, architects are almost always conservative.

Farmers are almost always conservative.

I just named the most important professions to modern civilization, and anyone's real life experience will tell you these guys are always conservative. You can say whatever you want to the contrary on the internet, people know in real life that it's true.

Illegals do some of the worst jobs.

And how do you measure "smart" and "intelligent."

I'm sure you've never worked as a landscaper (like many illegals do), and you'd have no idea how to fucking do it (efficiently at the least).


EVERYONE has their own Talent.

EVERY PERSON has a different set of knowledge.

How would you ivory tower intellectuals survive if no one grew your food? If no one transported that food? If no one ran the business that transported the food? If there were no vets and pharma agents to keep livestock disease free?

How would you ivory tower intellectuals live comfortably without electricity, if no factory workers produced copper wire, batteries, fuses, and circuits? If no engineers designed light bulbs, washing machines, and refrigerators? If no construction workers and architects built power facilities and power lines?

How would the economy function is no one built the highways, and the roads, railroads? And no one drove the trucks or conducted the trains?

I measure intelligence by someone's unique ability to add input into a society, no matter what that input is.

You say anyone can be a waiter? Sure, you're right, but then why does the Veteran waiter staff at my job (and many others) outperform the entry level waiter by triple the amount of people/tables to serve during the same time?

I say anyone can sit down and press keys on a piano, but it takes a lot of practice to actually play a song.
link to what? or look it up yourself.
btw the sermon you just posted is so full of inaccuracies it's meaningless.
you claim to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University.

You came on this board and within the first few days you proved to be a lair.

NOW, we have PROOF you are a lying sack of shit.

Been through this already, read the thread, an take a GIANT neg.

You and [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] have been razed to the ground.

I provided all the information proving my existence as Edward Solomon and divulged and revealed lots of personal information.

Your smear attack is done.

Your nothing but propaganda filth.


Politics if my life faggot. Here I am talking at a meeting, and here I am on the radio:


I even say that I'm waiter on the national radio, listen at 2:35

Here I am at 20:00

here's the link to my job:


Here's my facebook:



Hold on a sec, please.

If you are losing 24K by having your hours cut from 52 to 30 ( 22 hours ).....how is it possible that you only make 36K in total? You only make 12K for the first 30 hours? You should be making over 50K.

Your nose must be a foot long by now.

I said 36,000+

The last tow years I made above 40k.

30hoursx (10.50 + 11.25) = 652


That above assumes that I never take a vacation, since I take two 2-week vacations (unpaid), and I leave the Catering hall each semester during final seasons, I lose 3 months total. so 75% of 31,320 is 23,490

So now I'll be making 23,490 BEFORE taxes.

The extra 20 hours with the overtime generated an additional 23,640

However, that to is subject to the 75% smack so that's actually 17,730

32,640 + 17,730 = 41,200 BEFORE TAXES.

You Libtards make me sick.

This is why central planning by ivory tower Libtards always fails.


Let this thread embarrass you Central Planners for the rest of your lives.

You have a deep psychosis, and you are having a meltdown. Get help...
that's a switch... thought you'd be defending him!
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This may be a good business model for 2A.

How much are they going to lose by cutting back on "parties and business" vs. complying with Obamacare mandates? I think I saw you state that they hire "outside companies" to provide waiters? If so, maybe you and the veteran staff can go down to the county offices in Riverhead and start your own company and let the Watermill Inn (a nice place, been to two weddings there, we always called the "Smithtown Bypass" plain old 347) hire your "veteran waiter company" to do the work for the originals hours you were working? That would sound like a "win, win" to me, they aren't burdened with employees, you would have to maintain an office where you kept your "waiter supplies, etc., and deal with getting or not getting health insurance on your own.

That's not a bad idea.

But, this is New York. There's a big barrier to entry into any market, so many social mazes.

A good idea regardless.

Incorporate in Pennsylvania or Delaware, maybe?
Yes it is. If you an old fart and posting a message takes YOU half an hour that is not the same time frame for everybody else, especially young electronic savvy generation. Don't measure everything through your skills

SO, you would have no problem with IT posting while being paid by her employer?

HERE is an example of what IT posts. It is very time intensive to do all the editing and cherry picking.

Hey, I was born, but it was not yesterday. 2nd amend. is a fucking liar. IT came on the board claiming IT was a progressive, and not just a run of the mill progressive, a staunch progressive...and IT has proven that was a lie, IT is as far right as you can get.

If a few morons want to believe IT, go for it pea brain.
Why do you keep calling me a "she".

My identity, with a video of me speaking at Save Long Island was posted three times in this thread.

There's also a radio segment of myself with Alex Jones, where I talk about how I'm waiter for at least 30 seconds. I also claimed I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 during that radio interview, yes I was once Progressive.

Yea, you voted for the head of Al Qaeda.

Where IT says "Obama runs Al Qaeda" - http://www.usmessageboard.com/7808209-post106.html

I apologize for calling you a 'she'. That is an insult to every woman.

I edited my response above above.
Next Tuesday I get to find out the future of my healthcare plan, as my company announces changes due to Obamacare. We will be meeting in a companywide setting. I'm going to make sure and sit next to a Dim and be ready to grab them by the throat when the changes are announced.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.
Just do what everyone else does and file for disability. You can claim stress from Obamacare has forced you to be disabled and now you can't work full time anymore.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Let's do some MORE math here...

You came on this board in February of this year. That was 7 months ago or approx. 210 days. Since you came on this board, you have created 4,256 posts. When I look at the time stamps on your posts, you have almost every hour of the day covered.

YET...you claim to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University.

You came on this board and within the first few days you proved to be a lair.

NOW, we have PROOF you are a lying sack of shit.

WOW what a monumental turd you are. Guy gets hurt by your anointed one's turd care and your response is to call him a lying sack. You don't deserve to have a liberty bell as your avatar. It should be the sickle and pick axe.
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I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Let's do some MORE math here...

You came on this board in February of this year. That was 7 months ago or approx. 210 days. Since you came on this board, you have created 4,256 posts. When I look at the time stamps on your posts, you have almost every hour of the day covered.

YET...you claim to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University.

You came on this board and within the first few days you proved to be a lair.

NOW, we have PROOF you are a lying sack of shit.

WOW what a monumental turd you are. Guy gets hurt by your anointed one's turd care and your response is to call him a lying sack. You don't deserve to have a liberty bell as your avatar. It should be the sickle and pick axe.

No turd brain, you have it ass backwards. Anyone with an adult brain could figure out IT is a lying sack of shit. The math and the time stamps don't add up to someone who claims to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University. UNLESS you sanction posting on message boards on company time.

BUT, anyone who attacks the President of the United States, even a lying sack of shit with a phony story is a saint in your eyes.
WOW what a monumental turd you are. Guy gets hurt by your anointed one's turd care and your response is to call him a lying sack. You don't deserve to have a liberty bell as your avatar. It should be the sickle and pick axe.

No turd brain, you have it ass backwards. Anyone with an adult brain could figure out IT is a lying sack of shit. The math and the time stamps don't add up to someone who claims to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University. UNLESS you sanction posting on message boards on company time.

BUT, anyone who attacks the President of the United States, even a lying sack of shit with a phony story is a saint in your eyes.
Do you set company policy got her employer.
I understand your employer( mc Ds?) disallows this, but every employee I had was permitted to text/post from their cell phones at work.
I believe those who did so were more productive.

That's because you only need one hand free to flip burgers. In any professional setting you are paid to focus on your job, not posting whacky conspiracy theories and long, very time intensive posts due to editing and cherry picking.
Next Tuesday I get to find out the future of my healthcare plan, as my company announces changes due to Obamacare. We will be meeting in a companywide setting. I'm going to make sure and sit next to a Dim and be ready to grab them by the throat when the changes are announced.

There is no reason to have such a bad attitude to start with.

Whatever happened to compromise?:eusa_angel:
WOW what a monumental turd you are. Guy gets hurt by your anointed one's turd care and your response is to call him a lying sack. You don't deserve to have a liberty bell as your avatar. It should be the sickle and pick axe.

No turd brain, you have it ass backwards. Anyone with an adult brain could figure out IT is a lying sack of shit. The math and the time stamps don't add up to someone who claims to be working 48-52 hours per week and attending two classes at Stony Brook University. UNLESS you sanction posting on message boards on company time.

BUT, anyone who attacks the President of the United States, even a lying sack of shit with a phony story is a saint in your eyes.

Who is ATTACKING the president?
Holding him to account, questioning his motives and actions, criticizing his motives and actions are a civic duty, it's the American way.

Remember how you crazies ranted about bush?
All those death threats?
Oh I forgot, your propaganda dehumanized him to the point that it didn't matter what you put him through!!

Fucking hypocrite.

Traitor, you. You are only helping our enemies by attacking our president.

Bush is no longer president so it's a moot point.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

Now behave yourself, please.:eusa_angel:
Next Tuesday I get to find out the future of my healthcare plan, as my company announces changes due to Obamacare. We will be meeting in a companywide setting. I'm going to make sure and sit next to a Dim and be ready to grab them by the throat when the changes are announced.

There is no reason to have such a bad attitude to start with.

Whatever happened to compromise?:eusa_angel:

Liberal gibberish for all hail the obamessiah, our god our leader, let us praise and please him!

Just like all the republicans sabotaging our country for their own political purposes.
Who is ATTACKING the president?
Holding him to account, questioning his motives and actions, criticizing his motives and actions are a civic duty, it's the American way.

Remember how you crazies ranted about bush?
All those death threats?
Oh I forgot, your propaganda dehumanized him to the point that it didn't matter what you put him through!!

Fucking hypocrite.

Traitor, you. You are only helping our enemies by attacking our president.

Bush is no longer president so it's a moot point.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

Now behave yourself, please.:eusa_angel:

He was prez when YOU FANATICAL LIBERAL TOTALITARIANS threatened him and his entire family.

Which enemies are being strengthened by criticizing Obama?

AQ us our enemy, correct?
Criticizing his desire to send us troops to assist AQ in Syria is strengthening AQ??
You make no sense!!

According to Obama in one of his speeches "our enemies" are the workers, the tax payers and the creepy assed crackers.
He declared that opposition parties(tea party) were a bigger terror threat to the USA than his AQ allies.
Which enemies are our enemies?"

But glad to see your pride in your blatant double standards.
What a liberal does or says to a conservative is all good. Including rape, murder, child abuse.
Anything mildly critical a conservative says about a liberal should be a crime, is that the liberal view?

I challenge you to show one post where I attacked Bush when he was president.

I don't live in the past like you conservatives do. I live in the present with great hopes for the future of our great country which you seem to hate.
Liberal gibberish for all hail the obamessiah, our god our leader, let us praise and please him!

Just like all the republicans sabotaging our country for their own political purposes.

Like obamacare?
Like fast and furious?
Like benghazi?
Like NSA?
Like IRS?

OBAMAS stated goal was to end America's greatness.

" we live in the greatest country in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!!

He wants to change the USA so that it is no longer the greatest nation in the history if the world.
He said so himself!!
You lie.
He was prez when YOU FANATICAL LIBERAL TOTALITARIANS threatened him and his entire family.

Which enemies are being strengthened by criticizing Obama?

AQ us our enemy, correct?
Criticizing his desire to send us troops to assist AQ in Syria is strengthening AQ??
You make no sense!!

According to Obama in one of his speeches "our enemies" are the workers, the tax payers and the creepy assed crackers.
He declared that opposition parties(tea party) were a bigger terror threat to the USA than his AQ allies.
Which enemies are our enemies?"

But glad to see your pride in your blatant double standards.
What a liberal does or says to a conservative is all good. Including rape, murder, child abuse.
Anything mildly critical a conservative says about a liberal should be a crime, is that the liberal view?

I challenge you to show one post where I attacked Bush when he was president.

I don't live in the past like you conservatives do. I live in the present with great hopes for the future of our great country which you seem to hate.

Great hopes?
To destroy it, the stated goal of your obamessiah.

"We live in the greatest country in the history of the world, I hope you will join with me as we try to change it".

Pretty clear right?

Critical analysis.
He states that the USA is the greatest nation in the history of the world.
Then he voiced his desire to change it.
By changing greatest, where do you go?
Second greatest?
No greatness at all?

The intent is the destruction of America.
I love the USA and the fact that it is the greatest country in the history of the world.
I would lay my life on the line to protect it.

You want to kill me in order to change it.
Not being a fanatical liberal totalitarian of the Obamacult does not make you a hater of the USA.
Quite the opposite in fact.

You are the supporters of AQ.

As a veteran I already have laid my life on the line.

You sure do hate freedom of speech unless it suits your evil purposes to destroy our country from within.
Like obamacare?
Like fast and furious?
Like benghazi?
Like NSA?
Like IRS?

OBAMAS stated goal was to end America's greatness.

" we live in the greatest country in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!!

He wants to change the USA so that it is no longer the greatest nation in the history if the world.
He said so himself!!
You lie.

No, he said it.

link? proof? Quote?
Do you set company policy got her employer.
I understand your employer( mc Ds?) disallows this, but every employee I had was permitted to text/post from their cell phones at work.
I believe those who did so were more productive.

That's because you only need one hand free to flip burgers. In any professional setting you are paid to focus on your job, not posting whacky conspiracy theories and long, very time intensive posts due to editing and cherry picking.

I never employed burger flippers.

A lucrative construction business, doing the jobs that no one else would, highly specialized, extremely difficult and particularly dangerous.

In Boston alone there is over 20 billion dollars of that work to be completed.

Only one company undertakes that work on residential contracts.
The company I sold up to 4 years ago.

Then I opened another unrelated business, sold it 4 months ago at a nice profit!!!

All my employees would text at work.
They were far more productive.
I remember the times before and after smartphones.
I know.

Another lying sack of shit. NO ONE who owned a company doing 'highly specialized, extremely difficult and particularly dangerous' work would allow worker's attention and focus to be diverted to trivial crap. And no bank or insurance company would back or insure a company that allowed those totally irresponsible practices.

You have been exposed...another poser.
He was prez when YOU FANATICAL LIBERAL TOTALITARIANS threatened him and his entire family.

Which enemies are being strengthened by criticizing Obama?

AQ us our enemy, correct?
Criticizing his desire to send us troops to assist AQ in Syria is strengthening AQ??
You make no sense!!

According to Obama in one of his speeches "our enemies" are the workers, the tax payers and the creepy assed crackers.
He declared that opposition parties(tea party) were a bigger terror threat to the USA than his AQ allies.
Which enemies are our enemies?"

But glad to see your pride in your blatant double standards.
What a liberal does or says to a conservative is all good. Including rape, murder, child abuse.
Anything mildly critical a conservative says about a liberal should be a crime, is that the liberal view?

I challenge you to show one post where I attacked Bush when he was president.

I don't live in the past like you conservatives do. I live in the present with great hopes for the future of our great country which you seem to hate.

Great hopes?
To destroy it, the stated goal of your obamessiah.

"We live in the greatest country in the history of the world, I hope you will join with me as we try to change it".

Pretty clear right?

Critical analysis.
He states that the USA is the greatest nation in the history of the world.
Then he voiced his desire to change it.
By changing greatest, where do you go?
Second greatest?
No greatness at all?

The intent is the destruction of America.
I love the USA and the fact that it is the greatest country in the history of the world.
I would lay my life on the line to protect it.

You want to kill me in order to change it.
Not being a fanatical liberal totalitarian of the Obamacult does not make you a hater of the USA.
Quite the opposite in fact.

You are the supporters of AQ.

Retard alert!
Retard alert!
Retard alert!

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