Obamacare just ruined my life

Funny thing. We used to have these meetings every year BEFORE ObamaCare was announced.

And every year, the insurance got more expensive and a little shittier than the year before.

But please, Blame ObamaCare for what your company does.

and every year you get more dumb and dishonest
I hear that a lot from the right..
but then again you guys wanted sarah palin....

As opposed to Joe Biden? HELL YES!

When it's part of an overall plan.
It's no mistake that employers are dumping staff to avoid paying insane premiums.
Obamacare depended on it.
With the ultimate goal of fucking the entire country with a nationalized system.
So no more 10% having a hard time because they are stupid, irisponsible and lazy.
Now you will have 95% having a hard time because 10% are stupid irisponsible and lazy.

Your life is shit because you are too stupid, irisponsible and lazy to make it otherwise.

So you kick and scream, throw a tantrum until the messiah fucks up everyone's life to make you happy.
They say misery loves company.
Your far left radical ideas are a clear example.

Sorry, guy, $5,000 is not an "insane" premium. It's more about greed and what they think they can get away with in a recession.

Hence. SIngle payer, tax the fuck out of the wealthy to pay for it. Problem solved.

Kind of done with Big Insurance, and so are most people.

Then move to Canada, pisshead. Stop bitching and DO something about it! Just ONCE in your life, actually do SOMETHING!
that's a tolerant of the you pathetic piece of s***

No, it's fucking science.

A woman in her 40's giving birth has a VASTLY higher chance of giving birth to a child with Down Syndrome or any other number of genetic diseases.

A 20 year old woman has only 1 in 1667 chance of giving birth to a child with DS.

At 42, that drops to 1 in 64.

Which explains why liberals support paedophillia.

What's your beef with people with Downs?

Your starting to sound like a fanatic again!!!
Hitler hated people with downs too.
You murdering baby killing scum..
Who else would you put in the ovens along with the 40+ women and the disabled?
Hitler boy!!

Obviously JoeB131 is a eugenicist.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

You are experiencing what 15 million people endured when Wall Street crashed our economy in 2008 after Paulson gave them $750,000,000 and the housing bubble burst. Those people were completely without work and have cobbled two part-time jobs together in order to survive. Or at least many of them have. And they've been without the sham of health insurance, too.

So suck it up, put on your Big Boy pants, apply for Obamacare and go get a second job and welcome to the real world, whiner.

That collapse, caused by the liberals CRA harmed a lot of people.
That's liberals for you!!
Callous fucks, every one.

The CRA had NOTHING to do with it. That and all the rest of the right wing propaganda has been debunked. You are a MORON.
That collapse, caused by the liberals CRA harmed a lot of people.
That's liberals for you!!
Callous fucks, every one.

The CRA had NOTHING to do with it. That and all the rest of the right wing propaganda has been debunked. You are a MORON.

It's been proven.
Hurling abuse and making threats is not debunking.
It's just hurling abuse and threats!

Right wing fairy tales.

Here is what we DO know:

1) The financial crisis was not caused by low and middle income families buying a home.

2) It was not caused by dead beat poor people.

3) Fannie and Freddie were not to cause.

4) The Community Investment Act was not the culprit either.

The crisis was caused by private lending, to mostly upper middle class and the wealthy. ONLY 6% of of all the higher-priced loans were extended by CRA-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods in their CRA assessment areas. The majority of those foreclosed on were wealthy and upper middle class, plus a large segment of buyers who were wealthy home flippers looking for a fast buck. They strategically walked away from their mortgages, leaving people who bought homes to live in with lower values on their house and neighborhood.

AND, what really sucks for the right wing propaganda of lies, all the way back to the late '90's there was one very outspoken and vocal critic of predatory lending practices, they even held protests at companies like Wells Fargo and Lehman Brothers...ACORN

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA - The Sequel

Reuters - UPDATE 2-Lending to poor didn't spur crisis

Don't Blame the Community Reinvestment Act

Business Insider - Here's Why Fannie And Freddie Are Not At Fault For The Housing Bubble

Center for Responsible Lending - CRA is not to Blame for the Mortgage Meltdown

Don't blame Fannie and Freddie

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

ForeclosureS.com - ACORN - Progress in the Fight Against Predatory Lending

Acorn Led Financial Sector With Warnings on Lending

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

The Millionaire Foreclosure Club

Foreclosure double standard: Why the rich get away with defaulting

More Rich People Default On Mortgages

The rich bail faster on mortgages

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

Rich Borrowers More Likely to Default on Mortgage

Foreclosures & Walking Away: 60 Minutes Eyes an ‘Epidemic’

Speculation By Investors Largely Cause Of Foreclosure Crisis

How the Foreclosure Crisis Started: Investors, Speculators, Mortgage Fraud & Lax Lending Standards

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

You're up pea brain.....
The CRA had NOTHING to do with it. That and all the rest of the right wing propaganda has been debunked. You are a MORON.

It's been proven.
Hurling abuse and making threats is not debunking.
It's just hurling abuse and threats!

Right wing fairy tales.

Here is what we DO know:

1) The financial crisis was not caused by low and middle income families buying a home.

2) It was not caused by dead beat poor people.

3) Fannie and Freddie were not to cause.

4) The Community Investment Act was not the culprit either.

The crisis was caused by private lending, to mostly upper middle class and the wealthy. ONLY 6% of of all the higher-priced loans were extended by CRA-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods in their CRA assessment areas. The majority of those foreclosed on were wealthy and upper middle class, plus a large segment of buyers who were wealthy home flippers looking for a fast buck. They strategically walked away from their mortgages, leaving people who bought homes to live in with lower values on their house and neighborhood.

AND, what really sucks for the right wing propaganda of lies, all the way back to the late '90's there was one very outspoken and vocal critic of predatory lending practices, they even held protests at companies like Wells Fargo and Lehman Brothers...ACORN

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA - The Sequel

Reuters - UPDATE 2-Lending to poor didn't spur crisis

Don't Blame the Community Reinvestment Act

Business Insider - Here's Why Fannie And Freddie Are Not At Fault For The Housing Bubble

Center for Responsible Lending - CRA is not to Blame for the Mortgage Meltdown

Don't blame Fannie and Freddie

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

ForeclosureS.com - ACORN - Progress in the Fight Against Predatory Lending

Acorn Led Financial Sector With Warnings on Lending

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

The Millionaire Foreclosure Club

Foreclosure double standard: Why the rich get away with defaulting

More Rich People Default On Mortgages

The rich bail faster on mortgages

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

Rich Borrowers More Likely to Default on Mortgage

Foreclosures & Walking Away: 60 Minutes Eyes an ‘Epidemic’

Speculation By Investors Largely Cause Of Foreclosure Crisis

How the Foreclosure Crisis Started: Investors, Speculators, Mortgage Fraud & Lax Lending Standards

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

You're up pea brain.....

BOVINE SCATOLOGY!!! :lol::lol::cuckoo:


The Bush adminstration in 4/2001 raised red flags, the 2002 budget requests declares Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "Potential problem.. and can cause strong repercussions in the financial markets"

In 2003 the White House upgraded the warning to a systemic risk that could spread beyond the housing sector.
John Snow Treasury Secretary called for Regulations & Supervision of GSE's.

Barney Frank (D-MA) denied there was any problem " Fannie Mac & Freddie Mare are not in Crisis"
Encouraging the government to do more to get low income families into homes, Ultimately blocking the regulation.

Allan Greenspan , 2/17/2005 spoke about the dangers of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac "enabling these institutions to increase in size -and they will once the crisis in their judgement passes-we are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk

Charles Schumer (D-NY) 4/6/2005 ..."I think Fannie & Freddie have done an incredibly good job, and are an intristic part of making america the best housed people in the world....if you look over the last 20 or whatever yrs. They've done a very, very good job.

McCain (R-AZ) 5/25/2006 For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac...
and their sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market...the GSE's need to be reformed without delay."

That bill ( FEDERAL HOUSING ENTERPRISE REGULATORY REFORM ACT) made it out of the senate banking committee with a party line vote. All the democrats voted against it.

Senator Obama did not weigh in on the bill.
There's more, but my work here is done.
It's been proven.
Hurling abuse and making threats is not debunking.
It's just hurling abuse and threats!

Right wing fairy tales.

Here is what we DO know:

1) The financial crisis was not caused by low and middle income families buying a home.

2) It was not caused by dead beat poor people.

3) Fannie and Freddie were not to cause.

4) The Community Investment Act was not the culprit either.

The crisis was caused by private lending, to mostly upper middle class and the wealthy. ONLY 6% of of all the higher-priced loans were extended by CRA-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods in their CRA assessment areas. The majority of those foreclosed on were wealthy and upper middle class, plus a large segment of buyers who were wealthy home flippers looking for a fast buck. They strategically walked away from their mortgages, leaving people who bought homes to live in with lower values on their house and neighborhood.

AND, what really sucks for the right wing propaganda of lies, all the way back to the late '90's there was one very outspoken and vocal critic of predatory lending practices, they even held protests at companies like Wells Fargo and Lehman Brothers...ACORN

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA

WSJ - Fed’s Kroszner: Don’t Blame CRA - The Sequel

Reuters - UPDATE 2-Lending to poor didn't spur crisis

Don't Blame the Community Reinvestment Act

Business Insider - Here's Why Fannie And Freddie Are Not At Fault For The Housing Bubble

Center for Responsible Lending - CRA is not to Blame for the Mortgage Meltdown

Don't blame Fannie and Freddie

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

ForeclosureS.com - ACORN - Progress in the Fight Against Predatory Lending

Acorn Led Financial Sector With Warnings on Lending

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

The Millionaire Foreclosure Club

Foreclosure double standard: Why the rich get away with defaulting

More Rich People Default On Mortgages

The rich bail faster on mortgages

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

Rich Borrowers More Likely to Default on Mortgage

Foreclosures & Walking Away: 60 Minutes Eyes an ‘Epidemic’

Speculation By Investors Largely Cause Of Foreclosure Crisis

How the Foreclosure Crisis Started: Investors, Speculators, Mortgage Fraud & Lax Lending Standards

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

You're up pea brain.....

Nice fanatical propaganda.
Low and middle income folks buying homes they couldn't afford, yes.
Banks giving loans to those same people?
Banks ordered to do so by the government via CRA regulations?


I love being right!!

Note, take a walk through CRA supported neighborhoods.
More abandoned and forcloded homes than any thing else.

A coincidence?

There are about 5 forclosures in my town, 20 short sales.

On Fulton St in Dorchester, of the 24 homes on the st, 8 are forclosed 6 abandoned.
Same story all over the ghetto.

CRA all the way.
Not many CRA qualified loans in Marshfield.

Thousands upon thousands in Dorchester, mattapan( murderpan ) and Roxbury( robbery).
That's the truth of it.

But it's ok.
Blame Bush.
Whatever floats your goat.


Federal Reserve governor Randall Kroszner, a conservative economist on leave from a teaching post at the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business, says the Community Reinvestment Act isn’t to blame for the subprime mess, despite some accusations to the contrary.



“First, only a small portion of subprime mortgage originations are related to the CRA. Second, CRA- related loans appear to perform comparably to other types of subprime loans. Taken together… we believe that the available evidence runs counter to the contention that the CRA contributed in any substantive way to the current mortgage crisis,” he said in a speech today in Washington.

The Community Reinvestment Act, which dates to the 1970s, was crafted to combat discrimination and red-lining. It requires regulators to press banks to lend to low-income and minority neighborhoods. Kroszner’s speech summarized research the Fed has been doing on two basic questions: (1) What share of subprime loans were related to CRA? Answer: “Loans that are the focus of the CRA represent a very small portion of the subprime lending market, casting considerable doubt on the potential contribution that the law could have made to the subprime mortgage crisis.” (2) How have CRA-related subprime loans performed relative to other loans. Answer: “[D]elinquency rates were high in all neighborhood income groups, and that CRA-related subprime loans performed in a comparable manner to other subprime loans.”

Fed economists found that about 60% of higher-priced loan originations — the technical definition of subrpime — went to middle- or higher-income borrowers or neighborhoods who aren’t targeted by CRA. More than 20% of the higher-priced loans were extended to lower-income borrowers or borrowers in lower-income areas by institutions that aren’t banks — and aren’t covered by CRA.

The “striking result,” Kroszner said: “Only 6% of all the higher-priced loans were extended by CRA-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods in their CRA assessment areas, the local geographies that are the primary focus for CRA evaluation purposes.”

“This result undermines the assertion by critics of the potential for a substantial role for the CRA in the subprime crisis. In other words, the very small share of all higher-priced loan originations that can reasonably be attributed to the CRA makes it hard to imagine how this law could have contributed in any meaningful way to the current subprime crisis.” Banks can also meet CRA obligations by buying loans from mortgage brokers, he noted. But less than 2% of the higher-priced loans (those would help banks meet CRA requirements) sold by independent mortgage companies were purchased by CRA-covered institutions.

Fed?s Kroszner: Don?t Blame CRA - Real Time Economics - WSJ


The Bush adminstration in 4/2001 raised red flags, the 2002 budget requests declares Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "Potential problem.. and can cause strong repercussions in the financial markets"

In 2003 the White House upgraded the warning to a systemic risk that could spread beyond the housing sector.
John Snow Treasury Secretary called for Regulations & Supervision of GSE's.

Barney Frank (D-MA) denied there was any problem " Fannie Mac & Freddie Mare are not in Crisis"
Encouraging the government to do more to get low income families into homes, Ultimately blocking the regulation.

Allan Greenspan , 2/17/2005 spoke about the dangers of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac "enabling these institutions to increase in size -and they will once the crisis in their judgement passes-we are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk

Charles Schumer (D-NY) 4/6/2005 ..."I think Fannie & Freddie have done an incredibly good job, and are an intristic part of making america the best housed people in the world....if you look over the last 20 or whatever yrs. They've done a very, very good job.

McCain (R-AZ) 5/25/2006 For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac...
and their sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market...the GSE's need to be reformed without delay."

That bill ( FEDERAL HOUSING ENTERPRISE REGULATORY REFORM ACT) made it out of the senate banking committee with a party line vote. All the democrats voted against it.

Senator Obama did not weigh in on the bill.
There's more, but my work here is done.

Maybe you just FORGOT...

Bush's 'ownership society'

"America is a stronger country every single time a family moves into a home of their own," George W. Bush said in October 2004. To achieve his vision, Bush pushed new policies encouraging homeownership, like the "zero-down-payment initiative," which was much as it sounds—a government-sponsored program that allowed people to get mortgages without a down payment. More exotic mortgages followed, including ones with no monthly payments for the first two years. Other mortgages required no documentation other than the say-so of the borrower. Absurd though these all were, they paled in comparison to the financial innovations that grew out of the mortgages—derivatives built on other derivatives, packaged and repackaged until no one could identify what they contained and how much they were, in fact, worth.

As we know by now, these instruments have brought the global financial system, improbably, to the brink of collapse.

End of the ‘Ownership Society’
“This result undermines the assertion by critics of the potential for a substantial role for the CRA in the subprime crisis. In other words, the very small share of all higher-priced loan originations that can reasonably be attributed to the CRA makes it hard to imagine how this law could have contributed in any meaningful way to the current subprime crisis.”

Yet another lie contrived by the partisan right exposed to indeed be a lie.
Clinton repealing the Glass Steagal Act was the primary enabler (not cause).

That is correct.

Do you support reinstatement of the law?

I would, but something tells me that under current circumstances, it would have no effect (in other words, you are privy to additional information, and are purposely leading me into a partisan trap of 'damned if you support, damned if you don't).
So you tax the wealthy into poverty, what then?
No point working hard to get wealthy if its going to be taken from you.
Might as well work for just enough, 10 hours a week would be nice.
Spend an extra 30 hours on the golf course or out fishing.

Guy, under Eisenhower, the top Marginal Rate was 93%. JFK brought that down to 70%, we still had prosperity, were able to put Men on the Moon, fight a pointless war in Vietnam and have a Great Society. The Wealthy are not the geese that laid the golden egg. A strong vibrant middle class is.

That will get worse.
All stores will be forced to do business like Walmart.
Then the dhot starts to hit the fan, state of emergency, police state, nationalization of industries etc etc, soon we will be living in something like the UK OF THE LATE 70s.

Before long more like Stalinist USSR.

Forgive me if I say I'd rather not, thanks very much.

Not really a good comparison, since the UK's entire economic model was based on control of an Empire that provided massive amounts of raw material and cheap labor until those countries got sick of it and threw them out.

And even then, the UK was not a bad place to live. The lack of sadness about the death of Maggie Thatcher shows a lot of Brits actually missed the days before "Milk-Snatcher Thatcher".

However, your whining and pretending you are a vast success aside (Seriously, keep retelling the story, you'll be Bill Gates eventually) we are talking about health care.

The amount of money spent isn't the issue. We are ALREADY spending more per capita than any nation in the world.

We just aren't spending it effectively, as large slices of that money go to pay obscene executive salaries and payouts to investors who don't add one iota to the quality of health care.

Meanwhile, 46 million Americans had no health coverage and 25 million had inadequate health coverage and those who have it often find themselves at the mercy of insurance companies telling them that treatments their doctors say they need are "elective" or "expiramental" or "a pre-existing condition".
Clinton repealing the Glass Steagal Act was the primary enabler (not cause).

That is correct.

Do you support reinstatement of the law?

I would, but something tells me that under current circumstances, it would have no effect (in other words, you are privy to additional information, and are purposely leading me into a partisan trap of 'damned if you support, damned if you don't).

No. I just wanted to know if you supported the reinstatement of Glass Steagall. You see, I agree with you that repelling that law was a huge mistake. It allowed banks to gamble with deposits.

I support regulations....federal regulations with big, sharp teeth.....that rein in bankers......I much prefer it when bankers ore "conservative" in their practices.

Thus, I support progressive politicians like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders...who are committed to making banks become honest brokers.

Which politicians do you support regarding their stance on this issue?


The Bush adminstration in 4/2001 raised red flags, the 2002 budget requests declares Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "Potential problem.. and can cause strong repercussions in the financial markets"

In 2003 the White House upgraded the warning to a systemic risk that could spread beyond the housing sector.
John Snow Treasury Secretary called for Regulations & Supervision of GSE's.

Barney Frank (D-MA) denied there was any problem " Fannie Mac & Freddie Mare are not in Crisis"
Encouraging the government to do more to get low income families into homes, Ultimately blocking the regulation.

Allan Greenspan , 2/17/2005 spoke about the dangers of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac "enabling these institutions to increase in size -and they will once the crisis in their judgement passes-we are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk

Charles Schumer (D-NY) 4/6/2005 ..."I think Fannie & Freddie have done an incredibly good job, and are an intristic part of making america the best housed people in the world....if you look over the last 20 or whatever yrs. They've done a very, very good job.

McCain (R-AZ) 5/25/2006 For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac...
and their sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market...the GSE's need to be reformed without delay."

That bill ( FEDERAL HOUSING ENTERPRISE REGULATORY REFORM ACT) made it out of the senate banking committee with a party line vote. All the democrats voted against it.

Senator Obama did not weigh in on the bill.
There's more, but my work here is done.

Maybe you just FORGOT...

Bush's 'ownership society'

"America is a stronger country every single time a family moves into a home of their own," George W. Bush said in October 2004. To achieve his vision, Bush pushed new policies encouraging homeownership, like the "zero-down-payment initiative," which was much as it sounds—a government-sponsored program that allowed people to get mortgages without a down payment. More exotic mortgages followed, including ones with no monthly payments for the first two years. Other mortgages required no documentation other than the say-so of the borrower. Absurd though these all were, they paled in comparison to the financial innovations that grew out of the mortgages—derivatives built on other derivatives, packaged and repackaged until no one could identify what they contained and how much they were, in fact, worth.

As we know by now, these instruments have brought the global financial system, improbably, to the brink of collapse.

End of the ‘Ownership Society’

Nice blog with ZERO references.

How about some links to the underlined in your post that Bush approved?
I'll start off with the zero down mortgage:

In June 2002, President Bush announced an aggressive homeownership agenda to remove the barriers that block American families from achieving homeownership with the goal of creating 5.5 million new minority homeowners by the end of this decade. The Zero Down Payment Program would move the nation significantly closer toward this goal

In order to cover the costs of the program, families who qualify for the Zero Down Payment Plan would be charged a modestly higher insurance premium on their home loan.
The upfront premium would be set at 2.25% as compared to 1.50%, and the annual premium would be 0.75% as compared to 0.50%.

Borrowers would be held to the same underwriting guidelines as those who apply for FHA's standard three percent downpayment mortgage. They must meet the same payment-to-income and debt-to-income ratios and the same credit standards.

Statement of John C. Weicher - HUD

btw, I already have the answers to the underlined.
Let's see you do some homework.
Blogs are not answers.
Riddle me this......................

The Libs and the Obama Boot Licking Brigade continually post that the ACA is the LAW of the land, and basically say Deal With It.............................Basically bragging that the We Won and You Lost, Na Na Ne Na Na.............typical BS.......................

So the LAW states that the Employer Mandate was required to go into effect in 2014...........

Now, they have decided to postpone the LAW, for a year..............By CBO estimates a cost of 12 Billion in Tax Revenues from businesses.................................

They have TOTAL DISRESPECT for the LAW and the Constitution of the United States in doing so. The Law can only be changed by the Congress and the President via NEW LEGISLATION..............

We are not a country ruled by a King and Queen or Dictator. We are a Republic ruled by LAW. The President and the Congress will be in VIOLATION of the Law by postponing the Employer Mandate for a year, and of course the Libs here Defend their right to VIOLATE THE LAW............

It is the Presidents JOB to enforce the Law. He will be in VIOLATION of that oath in 2014.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itmNiTwHOsM]Judge Dredd - I AM THE LAW - YouTube[/ame]
Riddle me this......................

The Libs and the Obama Boot Licking Brigade continually post that the ACA is the LAW of the land, and basically say Deal With It.............................Basically bragging that the We Won and You Lost, Na Na Ne Na Na.............typical BS.......................

So the LAW states that the Employer Mandate was required to go into effect in 2014...........

Now, they have decided to postpone the LAW, for a year..............By CBO estimates a cost of 12 Billion in Tax Revenues from businesses.................................

They have TOTAL DISRESPECT for the LAW and the Constitution of the United States in doing so. The Law can only be changed by the Congress and the President via NEW LEGISLATION..............

We are not a country ruled by a King and Queen or Dictator. We are a Republic ruled by LAW. The President and the Congress will be in VIOLATION of the Law by postponing the Employer Mandate for a year, and of course the Libs here Defend their right to VIOLATE THE LAW............

It is the Presidents JOB to enforce the Law. He will be in VIOLATION of that oath in 2014.

Judge Dredd - I AM THE LAW - YouTube

Wow! You are a genius! This is absolute grounds for impeachment! Good catch!
My response to my own riddle.

Dear President Obama and the Democratic Congress. You have taken an oath of office and have the responsibility to Enforce the Laws of this Republic. Your decision to postpone the Employer Mandate, which is the Law, is a clear violation of the Constitution of the United States and the Republic. If you believe the Law would adversely harm businesses and the citizens, then you are required to go to Congress and demand or ask them to Pass a new law to allow for a delay of 1 year. You do not have the authority, via the Constitution, to arbitrarily change the law without DUE PROCESS.

Honor your oath of office and change the law via the Constitution. Pass a law to allow the delay of 1 year. We are not a country ruled by a King or a Dictator. We are a Republic ruled by Law. It is your job to enforce the law. Do your job.

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