Obamacare just ruined my life

Riddle me this......................

The Libs and the Obama Boot Licking Brigade continually post that the ACA is the LAW of the land, and basically say Deal With It.............................Basically bragging that the We Won and You Lost, Na Na Ne Na Na.............typical BS.......................

So the LAW states that the Employer Mandate was required to go into effect in 2014...........

Now, they have decided to postpone the LAW, for a year..............By CBO estimates a cost of 12 Billion in Tax Revenues from businesses.................................

They have TOTAL DISRESPECT for the LAW and the Constitution of the United States in doing so. The Law can only be changed by the Congress and the President via NEW LEGISLATION..............

We are not a country ruled by a King and Queen or Dictator. We are a Republic ruled by LAW. The President and the Congress will be in VIOLATION of the Law by postponing the Employer Mandate for a year, and of course the Libs here Defend their right to VIOLATE THE LAW............

It is the Presidents JOB to enforce the Law. He will be in VIOLATION of that oath in 2014.

Judge Dredd - I AM THE LAW - YouTube

Wow! You are a genius! This is absolute grounds for impeachment! Good catch!

Yes it is, but of course the Senate would never impeach him as it is ruled by his Liberal Brigade.

You, of course, will have no problem if they decide to arbitrarily VIOLATE THE LAW. They have NO RIGHT to change the law without going through the Constitution. But since when has Obama and the Liberal Brigade really cared about the law....................

We are a nation of laws, and you Sir obviously don't give a rats ass when the POTUS and the DEMS violate the law. Because you must defend your Mantra.

There is absolutely no doubt, that this will be a CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
Riddle me this......................

The Libs and the Obama Boot Licking Brigade continually post that the ACA is the LAW of the land, and basically say Deal With It.............................Basically bragging that the We Won and You Lost, Na Na Ne Na Na.............typical BS.......................

So the LAW states that the Employer Mandate was required to go into effect in 2014...........

Now, they have decided to postpone the LAW, for a year..............By CBO estimates a cost of 12 Billion in Tax Revenues from businesses.................................

They have TOTAL DISRESPECT for the LAW and the Constitution of the United States in doing so. The Law can only be changed by the Congress and the President via NEW LEGISLATION..............

We are not a country ruled by a King and Queen or Dictator. We are a Republic ruled by LAW. The President and the Congress will be in VIOLATION of the Law by postponing the Employer Mandate for a year, and of course the Libs here Defend their right to VIOLATE THE LAW............

It is the Presidents JOB to enforce the Law. He will be in VIOLATION of that oath in 2014.

Judge Dredd - I AM THE LAW - YouTube

Wow! You are a genius! This is absolute grounds for impeachment! Good catch!

Yes it is, but of course the Senate would never impeach him as it is ruled by his Liberal Brigade.

You, of course, will have no problem if they decide to arbitrarily VIOLATE THE LAW. They have NO RIGHT to change the law without going through the Constitution. But since when has Obama and the Liberal Brigade really cared about the law....................

We are a nation of laws, and you Sir obviously don't give a rats ass when the POTUS and the DEMS violate the law. Because you must defend your Mantra.

There is absolutely no doubt, that this will be a CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE LAW.

Oh yes! It is clear. When are you going to just figure it out? We control everything here. Us libs and progressives have won. Don't you see? Our guys can do anything they want......and the laws don't matter. The press will never report it. They are in our pocket. You cannot regain control by conventional means! It is decided. The minorities have all been bribed into permanent submission. You KNOW this to all be true.

The question is.......what are you gonna do about it?
Lowe's Home Improvement has made the Decision to go part time....................aka 9,000 permanent employees will be part time. It is being done via the ACA law as a business decision and we all damned well know it.

Lowe's Home Improvement Chain to Hire 54,000 Part Time and Seasonal Workers | NBC Southern California

Why would they do this? The Liberal Brigade and Obama demand you step up and pay your fair share, even though the Lying POS's know that if you do so you pass the cost on to the consumers if you didn't make this decision................................

Pony up Lowe's.............................

You know that these 9,000 will only cost you 27 MILLION a year if you allow them to work full time. Be responsible to the people Lowe's. Simply pass this cost on to the consumer via higher prices as a standard business practice and embrace the LIBERAL MANTRA..........................

Health Insurance Reform - FAQs: Employer Mandates

Q-2: Does the Act contain an employer mandate?

A. Yes. While the Acts do not include an employer mandate in the strictest sense of the term, the Acts do stipulate that employers with more than 50 employees:
Who do not offer insurance coverage and have at least one Full Time Employee (FTE) that receives a premium tax credit or cost-sharing subsidy would be subject to a penalty of $2000 times the number of FTE;
Who offer coverage but have at least one FTE that enrolls in the Exchange and receives a premium tax credit pay penalties of $3,000 per employee receiving a premium credit.
In both cases the first 30 workers employed by the employer are disregarded in calculating the amount of any penalty.
Wow! You are a genius! This is absolute grounds for impeachment! Good catch!

Yes it is, but of course the Senate would never impeach him as it is ruled by his Liberal Brigade.

You, of course, will have no problem if they decide to arbitrarily VIOLATE THE LAW. They have NO RIGHT to change the law without going through the Constitution. But since when has Obama and the Liberal Brigade really cared about the law....................

We are a nation of laws, and you Sir obviously don't give a rats ass when the POTUS and the DEMS violate the law. Because you must defend your Mantra.

There is absolutely no doubt, that this will be a CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE LAW.

Oh yes! It is clear. When are you going to just figure it out? We control everything here. Us libs and progressives have won. Don't you see? Our guys can do anything they want......and the laws don't matter. The press will never report it. They are in our pocket. You cannot regain control by conventional means! It is decided. The minorities have all been bribed into permanent submission. You KNOW this to all be true.

The question is.......what are you gonna do about it?

Put you on a comedy show for Satire, so you can actually earn an income. You are quite the funny man as you avoid Real Debate on the subject at hand.

You can't really debate my issue, as you know can't win it. So you simply play this little BS game of Satire to DIVERT my point.

Bottom line. Your BS can never out weigh the truth. Your Reps and POTUS will be in VIOLATION of the LAW if they arbitrarily change the law and grant an extension of a year. End of Discussion and you know it.

Now, back to Satire. Do you have any good Obama Jokes............................

I believe he is a Joke, but alas that's just my opinion.

Please proceed as King Obama decides which laws he can arbitrarily kick to the curb because it's good to be the king.................

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StJS51d1Fzg]it's GOOD to be the KING.flv - YouTube[/ame]
Obamacare Exchanges Delayed to 2015, Obama Now Turns to Mass Marketing

The Obama administration announced this week that special exchanges designed to “make it easier” for small businesses to provide affordable health care insurance for employees will be delayed again to 2015 in the 33 states where the federal government will be running the exchanges.


Health Reform Law Makes Clear That Subsidies Will Be Available in States with Federally Operated Exchanges ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Section 1321 of the ACA says that if a state elects not to establish its own exchange or will not be ready to operate its exchange in 2014, “the Secretary shall (directly or through agreement with a not-for-profit entity) establish and operate such Exchange within the State and the Secretary shall take such actions as are necessary to implement such other requirements” (emphasis added).[2] In other words, the federal government will stand in the shoes of a state that elects not to operate an exchange by establishing and operating the exchange on the state’s behalf. [3]

Again, Obama and the Dems were required to inact Federal Exchanges by 2014. They have been delayed a year as well. They are not ready, and need another year to implement the law.

Yet the law requires them to activate in 2014.

You get the point.
Riddle me this.................................

How can you delay the LAW for a year on 2 critical elements of the Law, and not postpone the entire law for a year as well...............................

Secondly, how can you arbitrarily not comply with the law.............and change it without Congress.............

You take away the Exchanges as they are not ready yet for a year, yet still require the INDIVIDUAL MANDATE to continue...........................

Yet in state's with NO EXCHANGES until 2015, the INDIVIDUALS have no options to apply to the exchanges. How can the government then punish the individuals when they can't even apply to the exchanges.......................

Why hasn't Obama just pushed the whole dang law back a year as key elements aren't in implementation................He is clearly not obeying the law, as it clearly states the implementation dates.

Riddle me this.................

Any State in our country which will not have a Federal Exchange in place in 2014 should, BY DUE PROCESS AND IN FEDERAL COURT, REFUSE to honor implementation of the ACA law................

Since, the individuals of their state, have no Federal Exchange in place, how can their citizens obtain insurance through the exchanges....................

I would like to see 33 States, go to Federal Court, with this claim. No exchanges, then the law is invalid to the individuals.................................

AKA.......How can you enforce the individual mandate, when individuals can't go to an exchange to obtain insurance.

If you can't see this as total BS, then you of course are part of the Obama Boot Licking Liberal Brigade.
The anti-health care people here are just going to have to suck it up and learn personal responsibility and follow the rule of law or move to Somalia if they don't like it.
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

Now comes word that another costly provision of the health law—its caps on out-of-pocket insurance costs—will be delayed for one more year.

One of the most significant is its caps on out-of-pocket insurance costs, such as co-pays and deductibles. Section 2707(b) of the Public Health Service Act, as added by Obamacare, requires that “a group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage may not establish lifetime limits on the dollar value of benefits for the any participant or beneficiary.” Annual limits on cost-sharing are specified by Section 1302(c) of the Affordable Care Act; in addition, starting in 2014, deductibles are limited to $2,000 per year for individual plans, and $4,000 per year for family plans.

The reason for the delay? “Federal officials said that many insurers and employers needed more time to comply because they used separate companies to help administer major medical coverage and drug benefits, with separate limits on out-of-pocket costs. In many cases, the companies have separate computer systems that cannot communicate with one another.”
The anti-health care people here are just going to have to suck it up and learn personal responsibility and follow the rule of law or move to Somalia if they don't like it.


Rule of Law...............

The law requires all implementation in 2014, yet as I've posted, large portions of the law are delayed for a year....................

Yet even though critical elements are not in place the Gov't still wants to impose portions of the law.................

The Fed and Congress should pass a law to extend the ACA by 1 year, as it simply isn't ready to implement. How can you impose individual mandates when the critical elements will not be in place for a year.

And again, another Lib not wanting to comment on the fact that the Feds are arbitrarily changing the rules without DUE PROCESS.

They need to pass a delay of one year in congress. That's the way this shit is supposed to work.

Your inept Reps have opened Pandora's Box. States should be filing in Federal Court's that they need not comply to the law in 2014 because key elements of the law are not in place.

This of course will result in a relative chit storm in the legal system.
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

They asked for more time to comply.” Exactly how is it in consumers’ interests to pay far more for health insurance than they do already?

It’s not. Unless you [/B]have a serious, chronic condition, in which case you may benefit from the fact that law forces healthy people to subsidize your care. To progressives, this is the holy grail. But for economically rational individuals, it’s yet another reason to drop out of the insurance market altogether. For economically rational businesses, it’s a reason to self-insure, in order to get out from under these costly mandates.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzhSXZwvDH8]Burn it to the Ground- Nickelback lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
The anti-health care people here are just going to have to suck it up and learn personal responsibility and follow the rule of law or move to Somalia if they don't like it.

Or form an armed militia and take the country back. Just sayin, there are other options.
The anti-health care people here are just going to have to suck it up and learn personal responsibility and follow the rule of law or move to Somalia if they don't like it.

Or form an armed militia and take the country back. Just sayin, there are other options.

Just sayin', huh?

I wonder if you know how silly it sounds when one of you claims that you have to take the country back? If you did, you wouldn't say it, would you?
how funny is this the only people exempted from this fascist bill for a year is the rich. hey liberals who again supports the one percent over the 99 percent?
The anti-health care people here are just going to have to suck it up and learn personal responsibility and follow the rule of law or move to Somalia if they don't like it.

Or form an armed militia and take the country back. Just sayin, there are other options.

Just sayin', huh?

I wonder if you know how silly it sounds when one of you claims that you have to take the country back? If you did, you wouldn't say it, would you?

Yeah cause a civil war has never happened before, and also cause we really do need a NHS with enough bullets to kill every American citizen 3 times over.
how funny is this the only people exempted from this fascist bill for a year is the rich. hey liberals who again supports the one percent over the 99 percent?
You are nothing but a lying sack. There is no exemption based on wealth.

The exemptions were all by the Democrats and the people they exempted were all democrat fat cats.
The anti-health care people here are just going to have to suck it up and learn personal responsibility and follow the rule of law or move to Somalia if they don't like it.

Or form an armed militia and take the country back. Just sayin, there are other options.

What are you people waiting for? It's been five years now and all you do is talk about it.

I'm not getting any younger and I would love to see some action (on TV, that is) before I go.

And do me a solid, if you are in fact going to start this armed insurrection of yours, please keep it far away from my neck of the woods. I don't want to be inconvenienced by your nonsense.

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