Obamacare just ruined my life

Is There a Republican Alternative to Obamacare? - John C. Goodman - Page full

Here are a few more ways in which Republican and Democratic approaches differ:

Tax Fairness. Under the Republican approach, every individual and every family will get the same help from government:

•Regardless of whether they work less than 30 hours a week or more;

•Whether their workplace has fewer than 50 employees or more; and

•Whether they are in a union or not.

Fair Treatment of Employers, Employees and Retirees. Unlike ObamaCare, the Republican approach:

•Would not encourage employers to avoid hiring new workers;

•Would not encourage employers to drop health coverage for current employees or for their retirees;

•Would not penalize employees and their employers if they work full time rather than part time;

•Would not favor small over large business or vice versa;

•Would not favor non-union over union firms or vice versa; and

•Would not encourage outsourcing or labor saving technologies or in other ways discourage economic recovery.

No Mandate. No one would be forced to buy health insurance. People who turn down the tax credit and elect to be uninsured would have a higher tax bill, however. For families that pay income taxes, failure to insure would result in $2,500 in higher taxes for individuals and $8,000 for a family of four. They could either use these funds to buy health insurance or give them to Uncle Sam.

Universal Coverage. ObamaCare is expected to leave 30 million people uninsured and the actual number is probably much greater than that. By contrast, under the Republican approach it's hard to imagine anyone remaining uninsured. The reason: every adult can have at least $2,500 of health insurance for free. Every family of four can have $8,000 of insurance for free. Insurance at this premium may consist of very narrow networks and perhaps pay provider fees only a bit better than Medicaid. Still, it's free. I'm sure some will turn down the offer anyway, however. I wish Republicans would deal with that eventuality by sending unclaimed tax credits to safety net institutions in the communities where the uninsured live. This would guarantee a form of universal coverage for everyone.

Minimum Bureaucracy. The Republican bill is only 56 pages long. One suspects that the regulations needed to implement it would fall well short of the 20,000 pages needed to implement ObamaCare. Because the tax credits are the same for everyone, there would be no need for an exchange to verify income or establish that an applicant had not been offered affordable coverage by an employer or link electronically to five or six different government agencies. Uwe Reinhardt has written about the highly complex assignments the ObamaCare exchanges must carry out. So have I. By contrast, EHealth (a private online exchange that has allowed more than 3 million people to obtain health insurance) could handle the entire process under the Republican plan without spending millions of dollars on new technology ? as the Obama administration is doing.

How can we pay for the Republican plan, especially given our frequent criticism of ObamaCare's unsustainable cuts in Medicare and our dislike of ObamaCare's taxes on capital? I believe it can be done with money already in the system (that is, with no new taxes) even after restoring some Medicare spending and reversing the taxes on investment income.

If I could summarize these huge differences in one sentence, it would be this: The Republican approach is focused on getting rid of perverse incentives and treating everyone equitably, while the Democratic approach leaves the current system's perverse incentives and inequities in place and adds new ones.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.


The lowest paid and poorest people now have health care coverage and don't have to worry about a massive bill, and all you can worry about is taking a little longer to complete a degree?

I have a violin, shall I play it?

Are you stoned, bitch, or are you just dumb as a rock?

No one will work more than 30 hours a week. You can get a max of 30 hrs a week. I would LOVE to get that many hours a week. Y'all need to consider the misfortunes of others, instead of thinking only about yourselves.

The lowest paid and poorest people now have health care coverage and don't have to worry about a massive bill, and all you can worry about is taking a little longer to complete a degree?

I have a violin, shall I play it?

Are you stoned, bitch, or are you just dumb as a rock?

No one will work more than 30 hours a week. You can get a max of 30 hrs a week. I would LOVE to get that many hours a week. Y'all need to consider the misfortunes of others, instead of thinking only about yourselves.


Dumb as a rock............fits the bill.............How many can survive in this world on 30 hours. You've lost it. They'll have to work 2 of these jobs and not get any OVERTIME PAY.

So they get to work more hours for less money just to get by.

The lowest paid and poorest people now have health care coverage and don't have to worry about a massive bill, and all you can worry about is taking a little longer to complete a degree?

I have a violin, shall I play it?

Are you stoned, bitch, or are you just dumb as a rock?

No one will work more than 30 hours a week. You can get a max of 30 hrs a week. I would LOVE to get that many hours a week. Y'all need to consider the misfortunes of others, instead of thinking only about yourselves.

Then improve yourself! Stop pissing and moaning, and LEARN A SKILL! Stop bitching, bitch!
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.


The lowest paid and poorest people now have health care coverage and don't have to worry about a massive bill, and all you can worry about is taking a little longer to complete a degree?

I have a violin, shall I play it?

Are you stoned, bitch, or are you just dumb as a rock?

Watch your language around my home girl you stupid fucking ass hole.
Delta warns ObamaCare will drive $100 million spike in health care costs | Fox News

100 Million added to the cost's of Delta airlines..............................

Rah Rah Rah IT'S FREE................................

Are you ready to pay more for a plane ticket.........................as they pass the buck on to the consumer..............

I don't fly, and the rich/business assholes who do can afford to pay more.

Ah so...............

Only rich people fly..............100 million more in expenses good as Delta evil corp.

What are you people waiting for? It's been five years now and all you do is talk about it.

I'm not getting any younger and I would love to see some action (on TV, that is) before I go.

And do me a solid, if you are in fact going to start this armed insurrection of yours, please keep it far away from my neck of the woods. I don't want to be inconvenienced by your nonsense.

Armed insurrection?

Why, do you plan on infringing on my rights?

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

What would happen is you'd be shooting other citizens. Anyone branded a liberal would be hauled off to camps or just executed on the spot. I guess you'd also be shooting and killing the U.S. military. Instead of "thanking them for their service" you'd be fighting against them. Because they will be trying to protect the citizens of this country from the insurrection.

And I should mention that a lot of people who have guns don't agree with you. Including conservatives who wouldn't want to see their liberal family members treated like traitors, and would be shooting back at you, also, in addition to the military and the police.

Oh, and of course, once the rest of the world sees the breakdown within our country, I'm sure there will be opportunists ready to come in and take over.

Great idea, this taking up of arms against the government, when there's nothing that really warrants such drastic action.

Obama's last term will be over soon, and you all can elect yourself a nice white president and calm the fuck down.

Why would that happen? Is the POTUS planing on using US Army to oppress the citizens of the USA? I don't plan on killing anyone that does not deserve to be killed. I suspect if there was a shooting war the Army here in TX would join up with the citizenry, not some tyrant in DC. My neighbor is an officer at Ft. Hood. I live about 15m from Ft. Hood as the crow flies. I'm not worried about those guys one bit.
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Obamacare is shaping up to be one of the worst economic boondoggles in the nation's history. The OP reflects the situation of many of our neighbors and other friends and family. Companies are scrambling to downsize to avoid the most onerous requirements of Obamacare that they cannot afford, most especially in this crappy economy. So people who once were enjoying a good income are now scrambling and having to hunt for second jobs just to make ends somewhat meet. And second jobs are difficult to come by thanks to an incompetent administration and congress.

I was just reading today that insurance premiums in Wisconsin are rising a whopping 125% and nobody has seen their premiums decreased which was one of the selling points of Obamacare in the first place. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable, yes? It certaily has been a miserable failure in that regard.

Meanwhile we watch thousands of our excellent physicians and surgeons leave the medical field while opportunistic foreign doctors flock here only because wages here are so much higher than they are in their home countries. During my aunt's recent siege in the hospital, she didn't have a single doctor who spoke really good English. I have watched with my own eyes hospital and rehab center conditions deteriorate as the zero hour for Obamacare approaches.

Even the unions are whining even though they were allowed to opt out of Obamacare along with hundreds of others of Obama's favorite supporters. Despite not having to embrace Obamacare, so many companies are downsizing because of it, or refusing to hire lest they be subject to it, it is severely impacting jobs for union workers too.

We now have more Americans and a higher percentage of the work force out of work or under employed than we had during the Great Depression. And enormous numbers of Americans forced to accept government relief.

At the last count, at least 21 states have opted out of expansion of Medicaid via Obamacare meaning millions of the poorest Americans will not be able to benefit from that. Obamacare was supposed to cover 43 million uninsured Americans--which of course has always been the most fatal flaw in the whole scheme. But the best analyists now say that 30 million Americans will still have no access to healthcare when Obamacare is fully implemented.

We think of the iconic images of the Great Depression as representative of a uniquely miserable period, long vanished from American history. The bread lines and soup kitchens of those abnormal times have gone. So, too, has the sight of thousands of men (there were very few women among them then) waiting all day outside a factory in a forlorn quest for work.

But they're there still, in the many millions across the country—little changed in their total since the 1930s: 12.3 million today are fully unemployed, compared to 12.8 million in 1933 at the depth of the depression. The difference is that now they're invisible, because we've organized relief differently. In our "recovery," the millions are being assisted, out of sight, by the government, through unemployment checks, Social Security disability checks, and food stamps. More than 47 million Americans are in the food stamp program, some 15 percent of the total population, compared with the 7.9 percent participation in food stamps from 1970 to 2000. Then there are the more than 11 million Americans who are collecting checks from Social Security to compensate for disability, a record. Half of them have signed on since President Obama came to office. Twenty years ago, one person was on disability for every 35 workers; today, the ratio is one for every 16. Such an increase is simply impossible to explain by disability experienced during employment, for it is inconceivable that work in America has become so much more dangerous. For many, this program is another unemployment program, only this time it is without end.

But the predicament of our times is worse than that, and worse in its way than the 1930s figures might suggest. Employers are either shortening the workweek or asking employees to take unpaid leave in unprecedented numbers. Neither those on disability nor those on leave are included in the unemployment numbers. The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all.

But the diehard Obama worshippers continue to support this. And blame Republicans as evil because at least a few of them are trying to stop the train before a horrible crash. It just blows your mind.
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I'll add that despite the costs of ObamaCare now being forecasted at double the original estimate ($1.8T instead of $900B), the CBO estimates that there will still be 31 millions UNINSURED.

So, why bother at all?

1. To benefit Big Government Cronies in Pharma and Insurance
2. To benefit politicians and lobbyists connected to #1
3. To destroy the private, competitive market so that 1 & 2 can profit from nationalized, single payer insurance

None of this has anything to do with actually providing health care services. It's just a transfer pricing mechanism to get more money from working people.
The mantra of the libtards is to provide "solutions" to problems. If there are no problems, create one. Our only choice is to run libtards out of town on a rail. Unfortunately there are a lot of libtards.
Brownie......you sure are talking tough today. Been watching some movies?

You and your militia will do just about nothing.....except sit at that 'putter and whine.


You are funny.
Obamacare is shaping up to be one of the worst economic boondoggles in the nation's history. The OP reflects the situation of many of our neighbors and other friends and family. Companies are scrambling to downsize to avoid the most onerous requirements of Obamacare that they cannot afford, most especially in this crappy economy. So people who once were enjoying a good income are now scrambling and having to hunt for second jobs just to make ends somewhat meet. And second jobs are difficult to come by thanks to an incompetent administration and congress.

I was just reading today that insurance premiums in Wisconsin are rising a whopping 125% and nobody has seen their premiums decreased which was one of the selling points of Obamacare in the first place. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable, yes? It certaily has been a miserable failure in that regard.

Meanwhile we watch thousands of our excellent physicians and surgeons leave the medical field while opportunistic foreign doctors flock here only because wages here are so much higher than they are in their home countries. During my aunt's recent siege in the hospital, she didn't have a single doctor who spoke really good English. I have watched with my own eyes hospital and rehab center conditions deteriorate as the zero hour for Obamacare approaches.

Even the unions are whining even though they were allowed to opt out of Obamacare along with hundreds of others of Obama's favorite supporters. Despite not having to embrace Obamacare, so many companies are downsizing because of it, or refusing to hire lest they be subject to it, it is severely impacting jobs for union workers too.

We now have more Americans and a higher percentage of the work force out of work or under employed than we had during the Great Depression. And enormous numbers of Americans forced to accept government relief.

At the last count, at least 21 states have opted out of expansion of Medicaid via Obamacare meaning millions of the poorest Americans will not be able to benefit from that. Obamacare was supposed to cover 43 million uninsured Americans--which of course has always been the most fatal flaw in the whole scheme. But the best analyists now say that 30 million Americans will still have no access to healthcare when Obamacare is fully implemented.

We think of the iconic images of the Great Depression as representative of a uniquely miserable period, long vanished from American history. The bread lines and soup kitchens of those abnormal times have gone. So, too, has the sight of thousands of men (there were very few women among them then) waiting all day outside a factory in a forlorn quest for work.

But they're there still, in the many millions across the country—little changed in their total since the 1930s: 12.3 million today are fully unemployed, compared to 12.8 million in 1933 at the depth of the depression. The difference is that now they're invisible, because we've organized relief differently. In our "recovery," the millions are being assisted, out of sight, by the government, through unemployment checks, Social Security disability checks, and food stamps. More than 47 million Americans are in the food stamp program, some 15 percent of the total population, compared with the 7.9 percent participation in food stamps from 1970 to 2000. Then there are the more than 11 million Americans who are collecting checks from Social Security to compensate for disability, a record. Half of them have signed on since President Obama came to office. Twenty years ago, one person was on disability for every 35 workers; today, the ratio is one for every 16. Such an increase is simply impossible to explain by disability experienced during employment, for it is inconceivable that work in America has become so much more dangerous. For many, this program is another unemployment program, only this time it is without end.

But the predicament of our times is worse than that, and worse in its way than the 1930s figures might suggest. Employers are either shortening the workweek or asking employees to take unpaid leave in unprecedented numbers. Neither those on disability nor those on leave are included in the unemployment numbers. The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all.
Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

But the diehard Obama worshippers continue to support this. And blame Republicans as evil because at least a few of them are trying to stop the train before a horrible crash. It just blows your mind.

Denial is a very powerful thing.
It is almost if down right impossible to reason with deniers.
Armed insurrection?

Why, do you plan on infringing on my rights?

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Well, have at it, what are you waiting for?

To assume I'm waiting is a grave mistake.

I'm already in an armed militia. And, most of us are also members of the Tea Party. And we are already taking our country back one citizen, one hovel at a time.

You may thank god for TX showing the way any time you get a chance.

This makes no sense.

Taking our country ‘back’ from what, or whom?

Our country hasn’t been ‘taken’ anywhere – it’s right here, right now - exactly as the Framers intended.

The only ‘taking back’ the reactionary TPM seeks is to a time when African-Americans were slaves, women were treated as property, and citizens lived to the ripe old age of 40.
Some of you need to read this book.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Health-Care-Reform-Necessary-Works/dp/0809053977/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1379182141&sr=1-1&keywords=Obamacare+comic]Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It's Necessary, How It Works: Jonathan Gruber, Nathan Schreiber: 9780809053971: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

Or....at least read some of what this guy has to say.

MIT Economics : Jonathan Gruber

The misinformation that you have accepted as fact is extensive.

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