Obamacare just ruined my life

Well, have at it, what are you waiting for?

To assume I'm waiting is a grave mistake.

I'm already in an armed militia. And, most of us are also members of the Tea Party. And we are already taking our country back one citizen, one hovel at a time.

You may thank god for TX showing the way any time you get a chance.

This makes no sense.

Taking our country ‘back’ from what, or whom?

Our country hasn’t been ‘taken’ anywhere – it’s right here, right now - exactly as the Framers intended.

The only ‘taking back’ the reactionary TPM seeks is to a time when African-Americans were slaves, women were treated as property, and citizens lived to the ripe old age of 40.

It's a phrase, not unlike change, and forward, and progress.
Well, have at it, what are you waiting for?

To assume I'm waiting is a grave mistake.

I'm already in an armed militia. And, most of us are also members of the Tea Party. And we are already taking our country back one citizen, one hovel at a time.

You may thank god for TX showing the way any time you get a chance.

This makes no sense.

Taking our country ‘back’ from what, or whom?

Our country hasn’t been ‘taken’ anywhere – it’s right here, right now - exactly as the Framers intended.

The only ‘taking back’ the reactionary TPM seeks is to a time when African-Americans were slaves, women were treated as property, and citizens lived to the ripe old age of 40.

From whom or what did Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, James Carville, Paul Begala, Katrina vanden Heuvel, etc. feel a need to take the country before liberals decided it was horrible to use the phrase "take our country back"?
Obamacare is shaping up to be one of the worst economic boondoggles in the nation's history. The OP reflects the situation of many of our neighbors and other friends and family. Companies are scrambling to downsize to avoid the most onerous requirements of Obamacare that they cannot afford, most especially in this crappy economy. So people who once were enjoying a good income are now scrambling and having to hunt for second jobs just to make ends somewhat meet. And second jobs are difficult to come by thanks to an incompetent administration and congress.

I was just reading today that insurance premiums in Wisconsin are rising a whopping 125% and nobody has seen their premiums decreased which was one of the selling points of Obamacare in the first place. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable, yes? It certaily has been a miserable failure in that regard.

Meanwhile we watch thousands of our excellent physicians and surgeons leave the medical field while opportunistic foreign doctors flock here only because wages here are so much higher than they are in their home countries. During my aunt's recent siege in the hospital, she didn't have a single doctor who spoke really good English. I have watched with my own eyes hospital and rehab center conditions deteriorate as the zero hour for Obamacare approaches.

Even the unions are whining even though they were allowed to opt out of Obamacare along with hundreds of others of Obama's favorite supporters. Despite not having to embrace Obamacare, so many companies are downsizing because of it, or refusing to hire lest they be subject to it, it is severely impacting jobs for union workers too.

We now have more Americans and a higher percentage of the work force out of work or under employed than we had during the Great Depression. And enormous numbers of Americans forced to accept government relief.

At the last count, at least 21 states have opted out of expansion of Medicaid via Obamacare meaning millions of the poorest Americans will not be able to benefit from that. Obamacare was supposed to cover 43 million uninsured Americans--which of course has always been the most fatal flaw in the whole scheme. But the best analyists now say that 30 million Americans will still have no access to healthcare when Obamacare is fully implemented.

We think of the iconic images of the Great Depression as representative of a uniquely miserable period, long vanished from American history. The bread lines and soup kitchens of those abnormal times have gone. So, too, has the sight of thousands of men (there were very few women among them then) waiting all day outside a factory in a forlorn quest for work.

But they're there still, in the many millions across the country—little changed in their total since the 1930s: 12.3 million today are fully unemployed, compared to 12.8 million in 1933 at the depth of the depression. The difference is that now they're invisible, because we've organized relief differently. In our "recovery," the millions are being assisted, out of sight, by the government, through unemployment checks, Social Security disability checks, and food stamps. More than 47 million Americans are in the food stamp program, some 15 percent of the total population, compared with the 7.9 percent participation in food stamps from 1970 to 2000. Then there are the more than 11 million Americans who are collecting checks from Social Security to compensate for disability, a record. Half of them have signed on since President Obama came to office. Twenty years ago, one person was on disability for every 35 workers; today, the ratio is one for every 16. Such an increase is simply impossible to explain by disability experienced during employment, for it is inconceivable that work in America has become so much more dangerous. For many, this program is another unemployment program, only this time it is without end.

But the predicament of our times is worse than that, and worse in its way than the 1930s figures might suggest. Employers are either shortening the workweek or asking employees to take unpaid leave in unprecedented numbers. Neither those on disability nor those on leave are included in the unemployment numbers. The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all.
Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

But the diehard Obama worshippers continue to support this. And blame Republicans as evil because at least a few of them are trying to stop the train before a horrible crash. It just blows your mind.

Obamacare is the manifestation of the conservative approach to health care...right down to the individual mandate. It is 'free market' health care...
Some of you need to read this book.

Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It's Necessary, How It Works: Jonathan Gruber, Nathan Schreiber: 9780809053971: Amazon.com: Books

Or....at least read some of what this guy has to say.

MIT Economics : Jonathan Gruber

The misinformation that you have accepted as fact is extensive.

Yeah, that's going to help 2ndAmendment.

I guess that is a passive aggressive way to tell me that I am off topic?

This thread is not about helping 2A. He started it as a slam on Obamacare. Unfortunately, he had to make some shit up to try and trump up his case.

And....oddly.....reading the material suggested will help him. It will explain what his options for affordable health care are. Good stuff.
Obamacare is shaping up to be one of the worst economic boondoggles in the nation's history. The OP reflects the situation of many of our neighbors and other friends and family. Companies are scrambling to downsize to avoid the most onerous requirements of Obamacare that they cannot afford, most especially in this crappy economy. So people who once were enjoying a good income are now scrambling and having to hunt for second jobs just to make ends somewhat meet. And second jobs are difficult to come by thanks to an incompetent administration and congress.

I was just reading today that insurance premiums in Wisconsin are rising a whopping 125% and nobody has seen their premiums decreased which was one of the selling points of Obamacare in the first place. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable, yes? It certaily has been a miserable failure in that regard.

Meanwhile we watch thousands of our excellent physicians and surgeons leave the medical field while opportunistic foreign doctors flock here only because wages here are so much higher than they are in their home countries. During my aunt's recent siege in the hospital, she didn't have a single doctor who spoke really good English. I have watched with my own eyes hospital and rehab center conditions deteriorate as the zero hour for Obamacare approaches.

Even the unions are whining even though they were allowed to opt out of Obamacare along with hundreds of others of Obama's favorite supporters. Despite not having to embrace Obamacare, so many companies are downsizing because of it, or refusing to hire lest they be subject to it, it is severely impacting jobs for union workers too.

We now have more Americans and a higher percentage of the work force out of work or under employed than we had during the Great Depression. And enormous numbers of Americans forced to accept government relief.

At the last count, at least 21 states have opted out of expansion of Medicaid via Obamacare meaning millions of the poorest Americans will not be able to benefit from that. Obamacare was supposed to cover 43 million uninsured Americans--which of course has always been the most fatal flaw in the whole scheme. But the best analyists now say that 30 million Americans will still have no access to healthcare when Obamacare is fully implemented.

We think of the iconic images of the Great Depression as representative of a uniquely miserable period, long vanished from American history. The bread lines and soup kitchens of those abnormal times have gone. So, too, has the sight of thousands of men (there were very few women among them then) waiting all day outside a factory in a forlorn quest for work.

But they're there still, in the many millions across the country—little changed in their total since the 1930s: 12.3 million today are fully unemployed, compared to 12.8 million in 1933 at the depth of the depression. The difference is that now they're invisible, because we've organized relief differently. In our "recovery," the millions are being assisted, out of sight, by the government, through unemployment checks, Social Security disability checks, and food stamps. More than 47 million Americans are in the food stamp program, some 15 percent of the total population, compared with the 7.9 percent participation in food stamps from 1970 to 2000. Then there are the more than 11 million Americans who are collecting checks from Social Security to compensate for disability, a record. Half of them have signed on since President Obama came to office. Twenty years ago, one person was on disability for every 35 workers; today, the ratio is one for every 16. Such an increase is simply impossible to explain by disability experienced during employment, for it is inconceivable that work in America has become so much more dangerous. For many, this program is another unemployment program, only this time it is without end.

But the predicament of our times is worse than that, and worse in its way than the 1930s figures might suggest. Employers are either shortening the workweek or asking employees to take unpaid leave in unprecedented numbers. Neither those on disability nor those on leave are included in the unemployment numbers. The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all.
Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

But the diehard Obama worshippers continue to support this. And blame Republicans as evil because at least a few of them are trying to stop the train before a horrible crash. It just blows your mind.
For years health care costs have risen even faster than oil prices.

Finally Obama has done something instead of pandering to the health care monopolists.

The program has not fully been implemented yet.

Don't count your chickens until they are hatched.

I am sure that Obama will compromise if anything needs fixed, unlike the obstructionist republicans who rely on fear tactics and offer no clear solutions except the same old, same old, status quo.
And yet again so many our liberal friends demonstrate that they are absolutely incapable of focusing on a concept or debating a topic. In lieu of that they reliably 'blame Bush" (or some other Republican or Republicans), change the subject, divert the focus, and/or throw in sufficient non sequiturs, straw men, and red herrings to derail the thread.

And sadly, those on the right continue to take the bait.

It isn't that I fault those who have their own agenda and are determined to destroy the intent of the Constitutional and return this nation to a socialist 'progressive' concept with a totally authoritarian government. They are who they are and they are fairly successful at what they do.

I do deplore that so many of my friends on the right take the bait they dangle out there, though, and play right into their scheme of thread diversion and derailment. I fear there are now so many in that category we may not be able to reverse the sad course we are on.
And yet again so many our liberal friends demonstrate that they are absolutely incapable of focusing on a concept or debating a topic. In lieu of that they reliably 'blame Bush" (or some other Republican or Republicans), change the subject, divert the focus, and/or throw in sufficient non sequiturs, straw men, and red herrings to derail the thread.

And sadly, those on the right continue to take the bait.

Don't you just hate that?:eusa_angel:
Obamacare is shaping up to be one of the worst economic boondoggles in the nation's history. The OP reflects the situation of many of our neighbors and other friends and family. Companies are scrambling to downsize to avoid the most onerous requirements of Obamacare that they cannot afford, most especially in this crappy economy. So people who once were enjoying a good income are now scrambling and having to hunt for second jobs just to make ends somewhat meet. And second jobs are difficult to come by thanks to an incompetent administration and congress.

I was just reading today that insurance premiums in Wisconsin are rising a whopping 125% and nobody has seen their premiums decreased which was one of the selling points of Obamacare in the first place. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable, yes? It certaily has been a miserable failure in that regard.

Meanwhile we watch thousands of our excellent physicians and surgeons leave the medical field while opportunistic foreign doctors flock here only because wages here are so much higher than they are in their home countries. During my aunt's recent siege in the hospital, she didn't have a single doctor who spoke really good English. I have watched with my own eyes hospital and rehab center conditions deteriorate as the zero hour for Obamacare approaches.

Even the unions are whining even though they were allowed to opt out of Obamacare along with hundreds of others of Obama's favorite supporters. Despite not having to embrace Obamacare, so many companies are downsizing because of it, or refusing to hire lest they be subject to it, it is severely impacting jobs for union workers too.

We now have more Americans and a higher percentage of the work force out of work or under employed than we had during the Great Depression. And enormous numbers of Americans forced to accept government relief.

At the last count, at least 21 states have opted out of expansion of Medicaid via Obamacare meaning millions of the poorest Americans will not be able to benefit from that. Obamacare was supposed to cover 43 million uninsured Americans--which of course has always been the most fatal flaw in the whole scheme. But the best analyists now say that 30 million Americans will still have no access to healthcare when Obamacare is fully implemented.

We think of the iconic images of the Great Depression as representative of a uniquely miserable period, long vanished from American history. The bread lines and soup kitchens of those abnormal times have gone. So, too, has the sight of thousands of men (there were very few women among them then) waiting all day outside a factory in a forlorn quest for work.

But they're there still, in the many millions across the country—little changed in their total since the 1930s: 12.3 million today are fully unemployed, compared to 12.8 million in 1933 at the depth of the depression. The difference is that now they're invisible, because we've organized relief differently. In our "recovery," the millions are being assisted, out of sight, by the government, through unemployment checks, Social Security disability checks, and food stamps. More than 47 million Americans are in the food stamp program, some 15 percent of the total population, compared with the 7.9 percent participation in food stamps from 1970 to 2000. Then there are the more than 11 million Americans who are collecting checks from Social Security to compensate for disability, a record. Half of them have signed on since President Obama came to office. Twenty years ago, one person was on disability for every 35 workers; today, the ratio is one for every 16. Such an increase is simply impossible to explain by disability experienced during employment, for it is inconceivable that work in America has become so much more dangerous. For many, this program is another unemployment program, only this time it is without end.

But the predicament of our times is worse than that, and worse in its way than the 1930s figures might suggest. Employers are either shortening the workweek or asking employees to take unpaid leave in unprecedented numbers. Neither those on disability nor those on leave are included in the unemployment numbers. The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all.
Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

But the diehard Obama worshippers continue to support this. And blame Republicans as evil because at least a few of them are trying to stop the train before a horrible crash. It just blows your mind.

Obamacare is the manifestation of the conservative approach to health care...right down to the individual mandate. It is 'free market' health care...


It is the Liberal misapplication of a healthcare plan only meant to run at a state level. What do you think would happen when they tried to implement it on a nationwide scale?
Some of you need to read this book.

Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It's Necessary, How It Works: Jonathan Gruber, Nathan Schreiber: 9780809053971: Amazon.com: Books

Or....at least read some of what this guy has to say.

MIT Economics : Jonathan Gruber

The misinformation that you have accepted as fact is extensive.

Yeah, that's going to help 2ndAmendment.

I guess that is a passive aggressive way to tell me that I am off topic?

This thread is not about helping 2A. He started it as a slam on Obamacare. Unfortunately, he had to make some shit up to try and trump up his case.

And....oddly.....reading the material suggested will help him. It will explain what his options for affordable health care are. Good stuff.

And will it explain his options for being able to make enough of a living that he doesn't have to find a second job and postpone finishing his education?
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And yet again so many our liberal friends demonstrate that they are absolutely incapable of focusing on a concept or debating a topic. In lieu of that they reliably 'blame Bush" (or some other Republican or Republicans), change the subject, divert the focus, and/or throw in sufficient non sequiturs, straw men, and red herrings to derail the thread.

And sadly, those on the right continue to take the bait.

It isn't that I fault those who have their own agenda and are determined to destroy the intent of the Constitutional and return this nation to a socialist 'progressive' concept with a totally authoritarian government. They are who they are and they are fairly successful at what they do.

I do deplore that so many of my friends on the right take the bait they dangle out there, though, and play right into their scheme of thread diversion and derailment. I fear there are now so many in that category we may not be able to reverse the sad course we are on.


Your comments regarding Obamacares economic impact are bullshit. You want a reply to your bullshit.....I get that. But you write so much of it. Even those of us who think we might want to take you on point by point....just get bored halfway through.

I expect that you know that is the case....otherwise you would try to be a little more concise and would attempt to focus a little.

In my next post, I will start to respond to your post....but I doubt I will make it all the way through.
The republicans just need to buck up, accept personal responsibility and the rule of law, and accept the evident.
The republicans just need to buck up, accept personal responsibility and the rule of law, and accept the evident.

Yeah, and you get to lecture us on personal responsibility. Your president has breached his oath of office on more than one occasion to keep his monstrosity of a healthcare plan from dying on it's feet.
The republicans just need to buck up, accept personal responsibility and the rule of law, and accept the evident.

Yeah, and you get to lecture us on personal responsibility. Your president has breached his oath of office on more than one occasion to keep his monstrosity of a healthcare plan from dying on it's feet.

How do you know? Did you read his lips?:lol:
Obamacare is shaping up to be one of the worst economic boondoggles in the nation's history. The OP reflects the situation of many of our neighbors and other friends and family. Companies are scrambling to downsize to avoid the most onerous requirements of Obamacare that they cannot afford, most especially in this crappy economy. So people who once were enjoying a good income are now scrambling and having to hunt for second jobs just to make ends somewhat meet. And second jobs are difficult to come by thanks to an incompetent administration and congress.

I was just reading today that insurance premiums in Wisconsin are rising a whopping 125% and nobody has seen their premiums decreased which was one of the selling points of Obamacare in the first place. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable, yes? It certaily has been a miserable failure in that regard.

Meanwhile we watch thousands of our excellent physicians and surgeons leave the medical field while opportunistic foreign doctors flock here only because wages here are so much higher than they are in their home countries. During my aunt's recent siege in the hospital, she didn't have a single doctor who spoke really good English. I have watched with my own eyes hospital and rehab center conditions deteriorate as the zero hour for Obamacare approaches.

Even the unions are whining even though they were allowed to opt out of Obamacare along with hundreds of others of Obama's favorite supporters. Despite not having to embrace Obamacare, so many companies are downsizing because of it, or refusing to hire lest they be subject to it, it is severely impacting jobs for union workers too.

We now have more Americans and a higher percentage of the work force out of work or under employed than we had during the Great Depression. And enormous numbers of Americans forced to accept government relief.

At the last count, at least 21 states have opted out of expansion of Medicaid via Obamacare meaning millions of the poorest Americans will not be able to benefit from that. Obamacare was supposed to cover 43 million uninsured Americans--which of course has always been the most fatal flaw in the whole scheme. But the best analyists now say that 30 million Americans will still have no access to healthcare when Obamacare is fully implemented.

We think of the iconic images of the Great Depression as representative of a uniquely miserable period, long vanished from American history. The bread lines and soup kitchens of those abnormal times have gone. So, too, has the sight of thousands of men (there were very few women among them then) waiting all day outside a factory in a forlorn quest for work.

But they're there still, in the many millions across the country—little changed in their total since the 1930s: 12.3 million today are fully unemployed, compared to 12.8 million in 1933 at the depth of the depression. The difference is that now they're invisible, because we've organized relief differently. In our "recovery," the millions are being assisted, out of sight, by the government, through unemployment checks, Social Security disability checks, and food stamps. More than 47 million Americans are in the food stamp program, some 15 percent of the total population, compared with the 7.9 percent participation in food stamps from 1970 to 2000. Then there are the more than 11 million Americans who are collecting checks from Social Security to compensate for disability, a record. Half of them have signed on since President Obama came to office. Twenty years ago, one person was on disability for every 35 workers; today, the ratio is one for every 16. Such an increase is simply impossible to explain by disability experienced during employment, for it is inconceivable that work in America has become so much more dangerous. For many, this program is another unemployment program, only this time it is without end.

But the predicament of our times is worse than that, and worse in its way than the 1930s figures might suggest. Employers are either shortening the workweek or asking employees to take unpaid leave in unprecedented numbers. Neither those on disability nor those on leave are included in the unemployment numbers. The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all.
Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

But the diehard Obama worshippers continue to support this. And blame Republicans as evil because at least a few of them are trying to stop the train before a horrible crash. It just blows your mind.

First paragraph:

You make a claim that Obmcare is shaping up to be an economic boondoggle...and then go on to blame it for companies cutting hours. The fact is that companies have been cutting hours and suppressing wages for decades. Full time jobs are still being added in this nation. If what you say were true, that would not be the case. There would be only part time jobs.

And.....the if a certain number of manpower is needed by a company...they will hire that amount of manpower. As has been demonstrated in this thread, the decision by a company to limit workers to 30 hours does not mean that they do not have to hire people for more thn 30 hours. If everyone does this, the employees will hav and easier time finding that second job, wouldn't they?

Your second paragraph : You claim that you read somewhere today ( where? ) that the premiums in Wisconsin are going up 125%. I searched for that info.

Wisconsin individual insurance premiums to soar under Obamacare, says OCI « Watchdog.org

That number does not take into account the subsidies that people will get...nor does it count for differences in helth care plans. The numbers cited are stats taken out of context for effect.

You also state that no one has seen decreased premiums. As if the law has been implemented. Nice one.

Your third paragraph: Undocumented hyperbole with a personal anecdote. Shall I counter with my own? Would me telling you what my wife, a nurse, thinks about Obamcare, have an impact on your opinion?

Fifth: Unions have not been permitted to opt out of Obamacare.

Sixth: Our unemployment problems are not due to Obamacare...but to an economic recession. Good one!

Seventh. States who have opted out of Medicare expansion are doing so out of their own volition. It is refuckingmarkably stupid. Not to be blamed on the law.

And...the your "best analysis" of 30 million uninsured? Where does that come from. Have you a breakdown of who those 30 million are and the reasons why they are to remain uninsured?

That's it. I can't take it any more. All bullshit.
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The republicans just need to buck up, accept personal responsibility and the rule of law, and accept the evident.

Yeah, and you get to lecture us on personal responsibility. Your president has breached his oath of office on more than one occasion to keep his monstrosity of a healthcare plan from dying on it's feet.

How do you know? Did you read his lips?:lol:

What are you talking about? Negged for being stupid.

Did Obama Flout the Law by Delaying Obamacare? | The Fiscal Times

Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes
Obamacare is shaping up to be one of the worst economic boondoggles in the nation's history. The OP reflects the situation of many of our neighbors and other friends and family. Companies are scrambling to downsize to avoid the most onerous requirements of Obamacare that they cannot afford, most especially in this crappy economy. So people who once were enjoying a good income are now scrambling and having to hunt for second jobs just to make ends somewhat meet. And second jobs are difficult to come by thanks to an incompetent administration and congress.

I was just reading today that insurance premiums in Wisconsin are rising a whopping 125% and nobody has seen their premiums decreased which was one of the selling points of Obamacare in the first place. Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable, yes? It certaily has been a miserable failure in that regard.

Meanwhile we watch thousands of our excellent physicians and surgeons leave the medical field while opportunistic foreign doctors flock here only because wages here are so much higher than they are in their home countries. During my aunt's recent siege in the hospital, she didn't have a single doctor who spoke really good English. I have watched with my own eyes hospital and rehab center conditions deteriorate as the zero hour for Obamacare approaches.

Even the unions are whining even though they were allowed to opt out of Obamacare along with hundreds of others of Obama's favorite supporters. Despite not having to embrace Obamacare, so many companies are downsizing because of it, or refusing to hire lest they be subject to it, it is severely impacting jobs for union workers too.

We now have more Americans and a higher percentage of the work force out of work or under employed than we had during the Great Depression. And enormous numbers of Americans forced to accept government relief.

At the last count, at least 21 states have opted out of expansion of Medicaid via Obamacare meaning millions of the poorest Americans will not be able to benefit from that. Obamacare was supposed to cover 43 million uninsured Americans--which of course has always been the most fatal flaw in the whole scheme. But the best analyists now say that 30 million Americans will still have no access to healthcare when Obamacare is fully implemented.

But the diehard Obama worshippers continue to support this. And blame Republicans as evil because at least a few of them are trying to stop the train before a horrible crash. It just blows your mind.

Obamacare is the manifestation of the conservative approach to health care...right down to the individual mandate. It is 'free market' health care...


It is the Liberal misapplication of a healthcare plan only meant to run at a state level. What do you think would happen when they tried to implement it on a nationwide scale?

Translation: Republicans wanted to create a race to the bottom where a state can become a haven for non regulations and offer HIINO...

Health insurance in name only.
25 Republicans Who Supported Obamacare Before Obama

1. Rick Santorum? The Allentown Morning Call reported several times in 1994 that Santorum wanted to "require individuals to buy health insurance rather than forcing employers to pay for benefits." Santorum denies allegations that he ever supported an individual mandate.

2. President George H.W. Bush: In 1991, Mark Pauly, an adviser to the first Bush, and now a conservative health economist, came up with a Heritage-style health care proposal for the president as an alternative to the employer-based mandate that Democrats were pushing at the time.

3. Former Vice President Dan Quayle: He was down with the Heritage idea too.

4. Mitt Romney: Romneycare was Romney's signature legislative achievement as governor of Massachusetts, and it served as a model for Obamacare. During the 2012 campaign, the presidential contender had trouble deciding what his position was on Obamacare, and he deflected the blame for having conceived a similar plan; at one debate he noted that "we got the idea of an individual mandate…from [Newt Gingrich]."

5. Newt Gingrich: Though he reversed his position in May 2011, Gingrich had been a big supporter of the individual mandate since his early days in the House. In 1992 and 1993, when Republicans were looking for alternatives to Hillary Clinton's health care plan, many, including then-House minority whip Gingrich, backed the Heritage idea. (Gingrich has said that most conservatives supported an individual mandate for health insurance at the time.)

Twenty of his fellow GOPers cosponsored a 1993 health care bill which included an individual mandate and vouchers for poor people. As health scholar Avik Roy wrote at Forbes in 2012, "Given that there were 43 Republicans in the Senate of the 103rd Congress, these 20 comprised nearly half of the Republican Senate Caucus at that time." Here are those lawmakers:

6. Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kansas)

7. Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.)

8. Sen. Robert Bennet (R-Utah)

9. Sen. Christopher Bond (R-Mo.)

10. Sen. George Brown (R-Colo.)

11. Sen. John Danforth (R-Mo.)

12. Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.)

13. Sen. David Durenberger (R-Minn.)

14. Sen. Duncan Faircloth (R-N.C.)

15. Sen. William Cohen (R-Maine)

16. Sen. Slade Gorton (R-Wash.)

17. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)

18. Sen. Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.)

19. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum (R-Kansas)

20. Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.)

21. Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.)

22. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.)

23. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)

24. Sen. John Warner (R-Va.)

25. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)

25 Republicans Who Supported Obamacare Before Obama

1. Rick Santorum? The Allentown Morning Call reported several times in 1994 that Santorum wanted to "require individuals to buy health insurance rather than forcing employers to pay for benefits." Santorum denies allegations that he ever supported an individual mandate.

2. President George H.W. Bush: In 1991, Mark Pauly, an adviser to the first Bush, and now a conservative health economist, came up with a Heritage-style health care proposal for the president as an alternative to the employer-based mandate that Democrats were pushing at the time.

3. Former Vice President Dan Quayle: He was down with the Heritage idea too.

4. Mitt Romney: Romneycare was Romney's signature legislative achievement as governor of Massachusetts, and it served as a model for Obamacare. During the 2012 campaign, the presidential contender had trouble deciding what his position was on Obamacare, and he deflected the blame for having conceived a similar plan; at one debate he noted that "we got the idea of an individual mandate…from [Newt Gingrich]."

5. Newt Gingrich: Though he reversed his position in May 2011, Gingrich had been a big supporter of the individual mandate since his early days in the House. In 1992 and 1993, when Republicans were looking for alternatives to Hillary Clinton's health care plan, many, including then-House minority whip Gingrich, backed the Heritage idea. (Gingrich has said that most conservatives supported an individual mandate for health insurance at the time.)

Twenty of his fellow GOPers cosponsored a 1993 health care bill which included an individual mandate and vouchers for poor people. As health scholar Avik Roy wrote at Forbes in 2012, "Given that there were 43 Republicans in the Senate of the 103rd Congress, these 20 comprised nearly half of the Republican Senate Caucus at that time." Here are those lawmakers:

6. Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kansas)

7. Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.)

8. Sen. Robert Bennet (R-Utah)

9. Sen. Christopher Bond (R-Mo.)

10. Sen. George Brown (R-Colo.)

11. Sen. John Danforth (R-Mo.)

12. Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.)

13. Sen. David Durenberger (R-Minn.)

14. Sen. Duncan Faircloth (R-N.C.)

15. Sen. William Cohen (R-Maine)

16. Sen. Slade Gorton (R-Wash.)

17. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)

18. Sen. Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.)

19. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum (R-Kansas)

20. Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.)

21. Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.)

22. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.)

23. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)

24. Sen. John Warner (R-Va.)

25. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)



Trying to blame the failure of this law on Republicans? Is it so bad that you can't as [MENTION=42294]Snookie[/MENTION]: put "accept personal responsibility" for it?

Obamacare is the manifestation of the conservative approach to health care...right down to the individual mandate. It is 'free market' health care...


It is the Liberal misapplication of a healthcare plan only meant to run at a state level. What do you think would happen when they tried to implement it on a nationwide scale?

Translation: Republicans wanted to create a race to the bottom where a state can become a haven for non regulations and offer HIINO...

Health insurance in name only.

Wow. I smell bullshit.

It was rather successful in Massachusetts.

The state’s healthcare reform has no serious opposition. Individuals and businesses, by a large margin, agree that the program may not be perfect, but it has been successful as measured by the people, including many middle income families, who would not be able to afford health insurance otherwise.

If ObamaCare Is So Bad, How Does RomneyCare Survive? - Forbes

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