Obamacare just ruined my life

The GOP offered plans. These plans were totally ignored by the Dems.

The GOP warned the Dems that the way they wrote the bill would cause massive issues in the very areas that are going to shit right now.

All ignored.


Because they were all kind of stupid.

Here's an idea. Let's just say, anyone who doesn't get insurance can sign up for a public option.

Anyone who doesn't like his insurance can sign up for a public option, and his employer has to give his share of what they'd pay to Blue Cross to that option.


The real problem with ObamaCare is that it tried to hard to protect an already failing system of employer insurance.
The GOP offered plans. These plans were totally ignored by the Dems.

The GOP warned the Dems that the way they wrote the bill would cause massive issues in the very areas that are going to shit right now.

All ignored.


Because they were all kind of stupid.

Here's an idea. Let's just say, anyone who doesn't get insurance can sign up for a public option.

Anyone who doesn't like his insurance can sign up for a public option, and his employer has to give his share of what they'd pay to Blue Cross to that option.


The real problem with ObamaCare is that it tried to hard to protect an already failing system of employer insurance.

Which is the ultimate goal of you and the Dems. Which turns all Medical Care over to Government control.

Which is why Statist like you want it.........................

It would give the Gov't control over a third of the GDP. It would force millions out of the work force except those who get picked to work for the Gov't.

Right now the Gov't is trying to hire 200,000 workers to implement this plan.
If you are not going to post a riddle, you ought to stop saying that you are going to post a riddle.

Riddle me this.............................

If I decide to post using riddle me this and people don't like it can they just ignore it and move on.

It also gives you something to complain about other than the fact the ACA is a POS law.

So I'm sure your happy about it, if not, who cares.:eusa_boohoo:
NAHU - Consumer Information - Consumer Guide To High-Risk Health Insurance Pools

High risk pools are already in many states. While a lot are not in these pools, legislation was suggested to increase the availability of these pools and subsidize them to a greater extent to keep higher cost Medical out of the main insurance areas.

aka The higher cost areas out to drive down cost for those without high maintenance as it is designated in the ACA.
The IRS Wants to Give Tax Credits for Health Insurance Purchases Beyond Those Provided for in the ACA | The Volokh ConspiracyThe Volokh Conspiracy

ACA Section 1401 provides that eligible taxpayers may receive income tax credits for purchase of insurance “through an Exchange established by the State under Section 1311.” Section 1311 calls upon states to establish health insurance exchanges. It does not provide for the federal government to create health care exchanges. Rather, a separate provision of the act, Section 1321, provides that if a state does not “elect” to create an exchange that meets federal requirements, the federal government shall then “establish and operate” an exchange. Thus, under a plain reading of the text, the ACA only provides for tax credits for state-run exchanges, and if states fail to create exchanges, there are no tax credits for insurance bought on a federally run exchange.


The idiots were too stupid to ad a line to say the citizens would receive the tax credit in the Federal Exchanges..............................

To the laws credit, it is clear that all would get the credit, but it shows the Dems don't even know how to proof read their law.

Who forgot to ad the line............................You can't fix Stupid.

Which is the ultimate goal of you and the Dems. Which turns all Medical Care over to Government control.

Which is why Statist like you want it.........................

It would give the Gov't control over a third of the GDP. It would force millions out of the work force except those who get picked to work for the Gov't.

Right now the Gov't is trying to hire 200,000 workers to implement this plan.

A couple problems with your statement.

The first is, a single payer system does eliminate a lot of positions, such as the three clerks your doctor's office needs to plod through insurance programs and fight with insurance companies. These folks add NOTHING to the quality of health care. They make it more expensive. Not sure why you would be sad to see them gone.

Second, every other industrialized country has single payer, they are just as free as we are if not more so, they get better results and they spend less. As opposed to the 1/6th of GDP we spend on health care, they spend 1/10 or less.

Third, a private sector plan just doesn't work. Private insurance would never pick up most of the people covered by Medicare or Medicaid or the VA. They only really want healthy working folks whole pay premiums and hopefully won't get sick. Not seeing how that's a good deal for anyone but the insurance companies.

The problem with obamacare is that politicians should run politics, doctors should run healthcare.

But as liberals would say "who do Drs think they are, talking about healthcare"!!
Or if that Dr happens to be black, the racist liberals blow their collective tops!!

They convieniently forgot that little saga!!!

You mean Dr. Ben Crackpot?

Point is, Doctors aren't running health care now. Insurance companies are. I'd rather have M.D.'s making the decisions, not MBA's.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Obama ruined your life on purpose. He wants to get you on the public dole so you'll become a scared Democrat voter. Scared that the GOP will take away your free money.
Labor Leader: Obamacare 'Needs To Be Repealed' If Union Demands Aren't Met - Forbes

This week, in Los Angeles, leaders of the nation’s labor union movement gathered together for the AFL-CIO’s annual convention. Along with the usual sessions on ‘political action,’ ‘solidarity’ and the like, union leaders shared their concerns about the impact of Obamacare on union-sponsored health insurance plans. Terence O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, said, “If the Affordable Care Act is not fixed, and it destroys the health and welfare funds that we have fought for and stand for, then I believe it needs to be repealed.”

Which is the ultimate goal of you and the Dems. Which turns all Medical Care over to Government control.

Which is why Statist like you want it.........................

It would give the Gov't control over a third of the GDP. It would force millions out of the work force except those who get picked to work for the Gov't.

Right now the Gov't is trying to hire 200,000 workers to implement this plan.

A couple problems with your statement.

The first is, a single payer system does eliminate a lot of positions, such as the three clerks your doctor's office needs to plod through insurance programs and fight with insurance companies. These folks add NOTHING to the quality of health care. They make it more expensive. Not sure why you would be sad to see them gone.

Second, every other industrialized country has single payer, they are just as free as we are if not more so, they get better results and they spend less. As opposed to the 1/6th of GDP we spend on health care, they spend 1/10 or less.

Third, a private sector plan just doesn't work. Private insurance would never pick up most of the people covered by Medicare or Medicaid or the VA. They only really want healthy working folks whole pay premiums and hopefully won't get sick. Not seeing how that's a good deal for anyone but the insurance companies.

And yet you pander to the ACA saying it's a good law.

As it turns Americans into Part Time Employees because it is written by a bunch of dolts who have forgotten what it means to write a law that is ACROSS THE BOARD. Equal to all citizens.

They had to pander to the Welfare State, so everyone else has to pay for this Free shit. Then you applaud the low rates to the Poverty Levels.

Why don't you simply call it another Welfare Program...........
The GOP offered plans. These plans were totally ignored by the Dems.

The GOP warned the Dems that the way they wrote the bill would cause massive issues in the very areas that are going to shit right now.

All ignored.

They proposed legislation that would have given Tax Credits to ALL AMERICANS irregardless of Status.

They proposed no rule for time worked to get these credits. aka You could work 5 hours and still get the credits for insurance and businesses were not given loop holes, so the 30 hour work week wouldn't be an issue.

They proposed Subsidies to target HIGH COST MEDICINE which drive the costs for all up. Kind of like a Wind Pool in Hurricane areas to lower these costs.

They proposed exchanges that could cross state lines. Just like the Unions do already so they can pool large groups of people to get lower rates. But alas that isn't worthy of the non Union workers.

They proposed tort reform, which would stop the ambulance Chasers from driving up Malpractice Insurance.

Riddle me this...............................

Would the Unions be crying now had some of this been passed instead...........................

As ALL OF THEM WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AN INSURANCE TAX CREDIT, irregardless of the hours they work................................Yeah, that's right. They would have gotten a pre-tax voucher that would have made their insurance cheaper than it already is now.

Finally, THE LAW WOULD HAVE BEEN EQUAL TO ALL. Kinda like justice for all. No one, except those in poverty would have gotten any special consideration and all would have gotten a way to reduce their costs.

But alas, THE STATIST HAD TO HAVE THEIR WAY, and the law is a POS.

Riddle me THIS...

Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.
The GOP offered plans. These plans were totally ignored by the Dems.

The GOP warned the Dems that the way they wrote the bill would cause massive issues in the very areas that are going to shit right now.

All ignored.

They proposed legislation that would have given Tax Credits to ALL AMERICANS irregardless of Status.

They proposed no rule for time worked to get these credits. aka You could work 5 hours and still get the credits for insurance and businesses were not given loop holes, so the 30 hour work week wouldn't be an issue.

They proposed Subsidies to target HIGH COST MEDICINE which drive the costs for all up. Kind of like a Wind Pool in Hurricane areas to lower these costs.

They proposed exchanges that could cross state lines. Just like the Unions do already so they can pool large groups of people to get lower rates. But alas that isn't worthy of the non Union workers.

They proposed tort reform, which would stop the ambulance Chasers from driving up Malpractice Insurance.

Riddle me this...............................

Would the Unions be crying now had some of this been passed instead...........................

As ALL OF THEM WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AN INSURANCE TAX CREDIT, irregardless of the hours they work................................Yeah, that's right. They would have gotten a pre-tax voucher that would have made their insurance cheaper than it already is now.

Finally, THE LAW WOULD HAVE BEEN EQUAL TO ALL. Kinda like justice for all. No one, except those in poverty would have gotten any special consideration and all would have gotten a way to reduce their costs.

But alas, THE STATIST HAD TO HAVE THEIR WAY, and the law is a POS.

Riddle me THIS...

Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.

And the opposing solution didn't include the mandate, but made it Stupid not to buy Insurance as the payment would be less to get insurance than the penalty for not getting insurance.

You will also forget that Bush passed prescription drug laws to help the elderly. Yet back then the counter proposal was TWICE THE PRICE BY THE DEMS. They helped create Medicare Advantage programs for the elderly which is gone now under the ACA.

You can't pull 70 BILLION a year off the table for the elderly and NOT HURT THEM.

The GOP offered plans. These plans were totally ignored by the Dems.

The GOP warned the Dems that the way they wrote the bill would cause massive issues in the very areas that are going to shit right now.

All ignored.

They proposed legislation that would have given Tax Credits to ALL AMERICANS irregardless of Status.

They proposed no rule for time worked to get these credits. aka You could work 5 hours and still get the credits for insurance and businesses were not given loop holes, so the 30 hour work week wouldn't be an issue.

They proposed Subsidies to target HIGH COST MEDICINE which drive the costs for all up. Kind of like a Wind Pool in Hurricane areas to lower these costs.

They proposed exchanges that could cross state lines. Just like the Unions do already so they can pool large groups of people to get lower rates. But alas that isn't worthy of the non Union workers.

They proposed tort reform, which would stop the ambulance Chasers from driving up Malpractice Insurance.

Riddle me this...............................

Would the Unions be crying now had some of this been passed instead...........................

As ALL OF THEM WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AN INSURANCE TAX CREDIT, irregardless of the hours they work................................Yeah, that's right. They would have gotten a pre-tax voucher that would have made their insurance cheaper than it already is now.

Finally, THE LAW WOULD HAVE BEEN EQUAL TO ALL. Kinda like justice for all. No one, except those in poverty would have gotten any special consideration and all would have gotten a way to reduce their costs.

But alas, THE STATIST HAD TO HAVE THEIR WAY, and the law is a POS.

Riddle me THIS...

Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.

And the opposing solution didn't include the mandate, but made it Stupid not to buy Insurance as the payment would be less to get insurance than the penalty for not getting insurance.

You will also forget that Bush passed prescription drug laws to help the elderly. Yet back then the counter proposal was TWICE THE PRICE BY THE DEMS. They helped create Medicare Advantage programs for the elderly which is gone now under the ACA.

You can't pull 70 BILLION a year off the table for the elderly and NOT HURT THEM.



And you are continuing to IGNORE that FACT Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. WHY? Because it would benefit We, the People? Hell no! Because Republicans thought it would benefit their PARTY.
Riddle me THIS...

Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.

And the opposing solution didn't include the mandate, but made it Stupid not to buy Insurance as the payment would be less to get insurance than the penalty for not getting insurance.

You will also forget that Bush passed prescription drug laws to help the elderly. Yet back then the counter proposal was TWICE THE PRICE BY THE DEMS. They helped create Medicare Advantage programs for the elderly which is gone now under the ACA.

You can't pull 70 BILLION a year off the table for the elderly and NOT HURT THEM.



And you are continuing to IGNORE that FACT Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. WHY? Because it would benefit We, the People? Hell no! Because Republicans thought it would benefit their PARTY.

Is it benefiting We the People.............

I've got news for you, even the Unions are turning against you.

Paul Ryan proposed some of the deals. Don't go into the Medicare BS on that one either as I didn't agree then or now with that side of the equation. But I'm not going to humor you with the links as I've been posting the dang things in a lot of threads. Hell It might already be in this one.

Bottom line the ACA is a fucking disaster.
Obama ruined your life on purpose. He wants to get you on the public dole so you'll become a scared Democrat voter. Scared that the GOP will take away your free money.

I would like to know if any other nutters agree with this assessment. I know many of you have played around with a similar train of thought....but this example is special in it's simplistic lameness.

Wholehearted agreement, anyone?
Obama ruined your life on purpose. He wants to get you on the public dole so you'll become a scared Democrat voter. Scared that the GOP will take away your free money.

I would like to know if any other nutters agree with this assessment. I know many of you have played around with a similar train of thought....but this example is special in it's simplistic lameness.

Wholehearted agreement, anyone?

I can agree your a sheep with no brain
Obama ruined your life on purpose. He wants to get you on the public dole so you'll become a scared Democrat voter. Scared that the GOP will take away your free money.

I would like to know if any other nutters agree with this assessment. I know many of you have played around with a similar train of thought....but this example is special in it's simplistic lameness.

Wholehearted agreement, anyone?

I can agree your a sheep with no brain

I see you are in Stuart. I have some customers there. Wanna meet for lunch sometime?
I would like to know if any other nutters agree with this assessment. I know many of you have played around with a similar train of thought....but this example is special in it's simplistic lameness.

Wholehearted agreement, anyone?

I can agree your a sheep with no brain

I see you are in Stuart. I have some customers there. Wanna meet for lunch sometime?

why do you have costumers here?

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