Obamacare just ruined my life

The House just completed a successful vote to defund Obamacare for now. There is no chance Harry Reid will bring it to the floor for debate, much less a vote, but that would be a blessing amidst the chaos if he would. The only way he will is if the American people exert enough pressure, but the media won't play it up enough so that most folks will even know it happened.

There is a democratic majority in the senate. They will never get the necessary votes to pass it.
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.

It's not serving the greater good...............LOL

The Battle Charge of the Liberal Brigade. In this case your children will get the greater good whether they like it or not.

Typical, arrogant, Liberal BS that they must impose their will on others. It's for your own good, and then they dare say we are the brown shirts and hitler.

Some day, our two sides are going to have a serious disagreement and on that day there will be no more politics at play.
if and when that day comes you'll hiding under your bed in a puddle of piss. paper fucking tiger.


Says the legend in your own mind little Hitler Youth. You damn internet tough guy.

Where were you during the 80's and the 90's in the Middle East.............Maybe we met somewhere over there..........................

I highly doubt it, because you are so far up Obama's arse, that we see your avatar when he smiles.
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.

It's not serving the greater good...............LOL

The Battle Charge of the Liberal Brigade. In this case your children will get the greater good whether they like it or not.

Typical, arrogant, Liberal BS that they must impose their will on others. It's for your own good, and then they dare say we are the brown shirts and hitler.

Some day, our two sides are going to have a serious disagreement and on that day there will be no more politics at play.
if and when that day comes you'll hiding under your bed in a puddle of piss. paper fucking tiger.

That was poetic.:eusa_angel:
The House just completed a successful vote to defund Obamacare for now. There is no chance Harry Reid will bring it to the floor for debate, much less a vote, but that would be a blessing amidst the chaos if he would. The only way he will is if the American people exert enough pressure, but the media won't play it up enough so that most folks will even know it happened.

There is a democratic majority in the senate. They will never get the necessary votes to pass it.

The Power of the Purse, aka THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE, is majority Republican.............

Hell of a job the Founders did in forming the Gov't. Damn those checks and balances.

STALEMATE..............Your move.
It's not serving the greater good...............LOL

The Battle Charge of the Liberal Brigade. In this case your children will get the greater good whether they like it or not.

Typical, arrogant, Liberal BS that they must impose their will on others. It's for your own good, and then they dare say we are the brown shirts and hitler.

Some day, our two sides are going to have a serious disagreement and on that day there will be no more politics at play.
if and when that day comes you'll hiding under your bed in a puddle of piss. paper fucking tiger.


Says the legend in your own mind little Hitler Youth. You damn internet tough guy.

Where were you during the 80's and the 90's in the Middle East.............Maybe we met somewhere over there..........................

I highly doubt it, because you are so far up Obama's arse, that we see your avatar when he smiles.
so you're claiming you were over there .. doing what.
btw that would be reagan or bush or lindsey graham fascist youth.
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The House just completed a successful vote to defund Obamacare for now. There is no chance Harry Reid will bring it to the floor for debate, much less a vote, but that would be a blessing amidst the chaos if he would. The only way he will is if the American people exert enough pressure, but the media won't play it up enough so that most folks will even know it happened.

There is a democratic majority in the senate. They will never get the necessary votes to pass it.

The Power of the Purse, aka THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE, is majority Republican.............

Hell of a job the Founders did in forming the Gov't. Damn those checks and balances.

STALEMATE..............Your move.
wrong it won't pass the senate even if it did the pres would veto it. check and mate!
if and when that day comes you'll hiding under your bed in a puddle of piss. paper fucking tiger.


Says the legend in your own mind little Hitler Youth. You damn internet tough guy.

Where were you during the 80's and the 90's in the Middle East.............Maybe we met somewhere over there..........................

I highly doubt it, because you are so far up Obama's arse, that we see your avatar when he smiles.
so you're claiming you were over there .. doing what.
btw that would be reagan or bush or lindsey graham fascist youth.

I served 10 years, including tours in the Gulf. I was pissing all over myself as you stated hiding under a desk an shit. Wasn't that your BS post.

So I'm just asking the internet Rambo, aka you, did you serve.
It was pretty miserable to start with. You ruined your life.
great! back on topic...23 years old and whining that his life is over ..one to many years playing x-box it would seem.

As the Liberal Brigade dances on him and those like him in America who are being screwed by the ACA.

Just ignore the data as always, and say it's for your own good.

I think we should let the damn thing go ahead, and let the misery begin with the people so they'll get so mad they'll vote out Dem Senators.................Because they passed this POS bill which is transforming America into a Part Time Economy.

Yeah, real Americans here.


Says the legend in your own mind little Hitler Youth. You damn internet tough guy.

Where were you during the 80's and the 90's in the Middle East.............Maybe we met somewhere over there..........................

I highly doubt it, because you are so far up Obama's arse, that we see your avatar when he smiles.
so you're claiming you were over there .. doing what.
btw that would be reagan or bush or lindsey graham fascist youth.

I served 10 years, including tours in the Gulf. I was pissing all over myself as you stated hiding under a desk an shit. Wasn't that your BS post.

So I'm just asking the internet Rambo, aka you, did you serve.
I grew up in a lifer marine household. and no I did not serve as my dad wanted me to go to college besides in 1977 there was no draft and no reason to volunteer.
if true I thank you for your service.
there are lots of kinds of tough in this world..try this on for size there were seven kids in my family and one income I Had my first job a 9 (paper route) and had to give that money over to help feed us.
been on my own since i was 18 worked my way through college to get a masters degree.
so please don't assume you can lecture me on toughness or patriotism.
It was pretty miserable to start with. You ruined your life.
great! back on topic...23 years old and whining that his life is over ..one to many years playing x-box it would seem.

As the Liberal Brigade dances on him and those like him in America who are being screwed by the ACA.

Just ignore the data as always, and say it's for your own good.

I think we should let the damn thing go ahead, and let the misery begin with the people so they'll get so mad they'll vote out Dem Senators.................Because they passed this POS bill which is transforming America into a Part Time Economy.

Yeah, real Americans here.

he's being fuck by the paranoid propaganda generated by the right and his own lack of wherewithal.
this time in this country parallels the 1950's atom bomb paranoia.
Obamacare is the A-bomb of unintended consequences arrogantly unleashed on a country which was yelling "slow down!"
Obamacare is the A-bomb of unintended consequences arrogantly unleashed on a country which was yelling "slow down!"
see guys, that's how you tell an unproven paranoid fantasy!

Every day more unintended consequences are revealed.

These days it is usually in the form of lost hours or outright lost jobs.

The tragedy is that this was foreseeable and foreseen. But Obama didn't care how bad the policy was. He wanted something to claim for his win column. Didn't matter how many lies he had to tell. Didn't matter how strongly the opposition from the American people was. Didn't matter what level of shenanigans Congress had to employ to get it through after the backlash was so bad that liberal Massachusetts sent a Republican to fill Kennedy's seat to try to stop it. Just didn't matter to Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and others who were invested in Obama's success regardless of the cost to America.

How much taxpayer money has been wasted now trying to make the law more palatable?

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