Obamacare just ruined my life

I would bet very good money that Levin would hold his own against ANYBODY in a debate, I don't see how his debate skills have anything at all to do with his level of expertise on anything.

Debate is a skill requiring expertise. Mr. Levin's debate skills are juvenile at best. He screams and hits the mute button, hangs up on the person debating with him then goes into a soliloquy rant explaining how stupid the debater was, all the while completely ignoring all salient points about the argument. He's a mean old fart, with a passion for war hawk republicans.

I have up close and personal knowledge of what debate skills are. And I still don't see a correlation between that and knowing your stuff about Obamacare.

Everybody has an opinion about everybody, and everybody doesn't necessarily love Levin or else they would be tuning into his show and tuning out everybody else in that time slot. I can count the times I've tuned into his radio show on less than one hand, so I don't know if what you're saying is accurate or not. I have not witnessed a 'mean old fart' in the few times I've heard him. But I have heard him speak, I have heard him articulate an argument without notes, and I have read what he writes.

But just in case you are confused about it, a radio talk show, whether left or right wing, is NOT debate and is not marketed as such.

He advertises it as debate on his show. He markets for debate with the people that disagree with his view, then when someone is dumb enough to call in with a differing opinion he hangs up on them screaming at them. If someone calls in with the "same" opinion and pats his back, he speaks lovingly to them and sends them free gifts.

As to his knowledge about OboCare I have no idea.

His books are good. The parts I like best are the ones where he copied the works of the formers of our nation, albeit editing their works slightly to rephrase them into current vernacular.

As to his articulation and knowledge... yeah he's definitely not an idiot, nor is he the genius he purports himself to be. But he does speak and read well. You'll note if you hear him that when the subject material gets just a bit more in-depth he goes to a slightly different intonation as he begins reading from his notes.

IMO the reason he starts yelling at callers who disagree is that he does not have the "particular" notes prepared to refute their argument in an articulate manner. That or he sees them as a BFG type guy who would not understand his response. But he's not just talking to the caller, he's on the radio where others can hear and who may also agree, in part if not whole, some of the argument.

I suppose, that's why I should have more patience for BFG? sigh...
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Presidential Debate Prep: Understanding Obamacare's $716 Billion in Cuts to Medicare | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

As the Medicare debate intensifies, there still seems to be popular confusion regarding the $716 billion in “savings” from Obamacare’s Medicare payment cuts. Let us end the confusion.
Which Parts of Medicare Will Be Cut?
In Obamacare, the payment cuts are across-the-board cuts (modifications of Medicare’s complex payment formulas) made throughout the bulk of the Medicare program. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), these cuts will decrease Medicare spending by an estimated $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.
The money is cut from hospital services, Medicare Advantage, skilled nursing services, hospice services, and other Medicare services. To be clear, the cuts do not target individual institutions or medical organizations suspected of waste, fraud, or abuse.
Presidential Debate Prep: Understanding Obamacare's $716 Billion in Cuts to Medicare | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

As the Medicare debate intensifies, there still seems to be popular confusion regarding the $716 billion in “savings” from Obamacare’s Medicare payment cuts. Let us end the confusion.
Which Parts of Medicare Will Be Cut?
In Obamacare, the payment cuts are across-the-board cuts (modifications of Medicare’s complex payment formulas) made throughout the bulk of the Medicare program. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), these cuts will decrease Medicare spending by an estimated $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.
The money is cut from hospital services, Medicare Advantage, skilled nursing services, hospice services, and other Medicare services. To be clear, the cuts do not target individual institutions or medical organizations suspected of waste, fraud, or abuse.

Translation... the costs for health care are going to be transferred by "law" from medicare patients to private health insurance plans who will get to pay "extra" to keep the health care industry afloat.

Don't you just love a system where five different customers get to pay five different prices for the same services? Free to illegals, negotiated to cash customers, negotiated to medicare and medicaid customers, Subsidized high cost to government tax payer funded health care under Obuma Care, and lastly health insurance negotiated prices.
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New Obamacare Database Could Mean More IRS-Style Scandals - US News and World Report

In spite of the blatant, political corruption at the IRS, the Obama administration is moving full steam ahead with Obamacare, a law that gives unprecedented new access and powers to bureaucrats at the IRS and at least four other federal government agencies. Is that really going to undo the cynicism we have about government and protect Americans from further targeting? Consider the potential for abuse with Obamacare's mystery Federal Data Services Hub, "the largest personal information database the government has ever attempted," according to the Wall Street Journal.

For the purposes of implementing and enforcing Obamacare, the Department of Health and Human Services through regulatory fiat is building this Hub, a web portal where personal information such as medical records, tax and financial information, criminal background and immigration status will be shared and transmitted between agencies, including the IRS, HHS, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration as well as state governments.

Despite being only four months from Obamacare open enrollment, even the most basic questions about the Data Hub have yet to be answered. For instance, which agencies will have access to what information in it; will government employees, contractors and third parties have access; and what training and security clearances – if any – are required for these individuals.
Paranoid scare tactic rant^.

Cruz punks out on stopping obama care by shutting down the gov.
New Obamacare Database Could Mean More IRS-Style Scandals - US News and World Report

In spite of the blatant, political corruption at the IRS, the Obama administration is moving full steam ahead with Obamacare, a law that gives unprecedented new access and powers to bureaucrats at the IRS and at least four other federal government agencies. Is that really going to undo the cynicism we have about government and protect Americans from further targeting? Consider the potential for abuse with Obamacare's mystery Federal Data Services Hub, "the largest personal information database the government has ever attempted," according to the Wall Street Journal.

For the purposes of implementing and enforcing Obamacare, the Department of Health and Human Services through regulatory fiat is building this Hub, a web portal where personal information such as medical records, tax and financial information, criminal background and immigration status will be shared and transmitted between agencies, including the IRS, HHS, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration as well as state governments.

Despite being only four months from Obamacare open enrollment, even the most basic questions about the Data Hub have yet to be answered. For instance, which agencies will have access to what information in it; will government employees, contractors and third parties have access; and what training and security clearances – if any – are required for these individuals.
Paranoid scare tactic rant^.

Cruz punks out on stopping obama care by shutting down the gov.
You say that like shutting down the government is a bad thing.
Presidential Debate Prep: Understanding Obamacare's $716 Billion in Cuts to Medicare | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

As the Medicare debate intensifies, there still seems to be popular confusion regarding the $716 billion in “savings” from Obamacare’s Medicare payment cuts. Let us end the confusion.
Which Parts of Medicare Will Be Cut?
In Obamacare, the payment cuts are across-the-board cuts (modifications of Medicare’s complex payment formulas) made throughout the bulk of the Medicare program. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), these cuts will decrease Medicare spending by an estimated $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.
The money is cut from hospital services, Medicare Advantage, skilled nursing services, hospice services, and other Medicare services. To be clear, the cuts do not target individual institutions or medical organizations suspected of waste, fraud, or abuse.

Translation... the costs for health care are going to be transferred by "law" from medicare patients to private health insurance plans who will get to pay "extra" to keep the health care industry afloat.

Don't you just love a system where five different customers get to pay five different prices for the same services? Free to illegals, negotiated to cash customers, negotiated to medicare and medicaid customers, Subsidized high cost to government tax payer funded health care under Obuma Care, and lastly health insurance negotiated prices.

Just think of the money that will be saved by indigent people who will no longer have to go to the emergency rooms for health care. Just think of the money that will be saved by preventive medicine.

My sister-in-law died a few years ago because, even though she worked hard, could not afford health care. She could not afford a doctor.

A prescription for insulin would have saved her life.

I guess republicans prefer natural selection to be the doctrine of health care.
Obama took $700 billion from Medicare last year to help pay for Obamacare.


Not in 1 year. That is the projection for a 10 year period in projected cuts.

The only difference is they closed the Donut hole for about 50 Billion.

It is the Medicare Advantage Program primarily. Which 10's of Millions of our Seniors use to get supplemental insurance which is Subsidized through the Gov't. Which means these Seniors will eventually lose this added benefit even though they are in the HIGH MAINTENANCE AREA OF HEALTH CARE.

If you remember the debates. This is the SAVINGS THE DEMS YELLED ABOUT, then they called it a REVENUE AS WELL.

All of it BEING A LIE, as they throw GRANDMA and GRANDPA under the bus.

So you are saying that because of obamacare that seniors will lose the part B benefits. the law that Bush is credited with creating? Could you back up your assertion with facts?
Presidential Debate Prep: Understanding Obamacare's $716 Billion in Cuts to Medicare | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

As the Medicare debate intensifies, there still seems to be popular confusion regarding the $716 billion in “savings” from Obamacare’s Medicare payment cuts. Let us end the confusion.
Which Parts of Medicare Will Be Cut?
In Obamacare, the payment cuts are across-the-board cuts (modifications of Medicare’s complex payment formulas) made throughout the bulk of the Medicare program. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), these cuts will decrease Medicare spending by an estimated $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.
The money is cut from hospital services, Medicare Advantage, skilled nursing services, hospice services, and other Medicare services. To be clear, the cuts do not target individual institutions or medical organizations suspected of waste, fraud, or abuse.

Translation... the costs for health care are going to be transferred by "law" from medicare patients to private health insurance plans who will get to pay "extra" to keep the health care industry afloat.

Don't you just love a system where five different customers get to pay five different prices for the same services? Free to illegals, negotiated to cash customers, negotiated to medicare and medicaid customers, Subsidized high cost to government tax payer funded health care under Obuma Care, and lastly health insurance negotiated prices.

Just think of the money that will be saved by indigent people who will no longer have to go to the emergency rooms for health care. Just think of the money that will be saved by preventive medicine.

My sister-in-law died a few years ago because, even though she worked hard, could not afford health care. She could not afford a doctor.

A prescription for insulin would have saved her life.

I guess republicans prefer natural selection to be the doctrine of health care.

That sucks. Sorry for your loss. Sorry that she could not get to a free clinic, or a charity, or family, or medicaid, or a hospital in time. Most doctors I know will take a look at a patient in need and worry about payment later. Most doctors can get someone that needs free insulin into a free testing program. I think a lot of people, like me, just don't like to go to the doc, whether it is covered or not. I also know a lot of family members that would not ask for family help out of pride. I suppose for "these" few health care from the government would remove the indignity of having to ask for help.
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Here are some FACTS ...

Since when did an Opinion Editorial (OPED) become fact?

Since Never.

I hate to gett picky, picky, picky with someone as nice as you but many opinions did become facts. Maybe you meant to ask, How many opinions are facts?

Translation... the costs for health care are going to be transferred by "law" from medicare patients to private health insurance plans who will get to pay "extra" to keep the health care industry afloat.

Don't you just love a system where five different customers get to pay five different prices for the same services? Free to illegals, negotiated to cash customers, negotiated to medicare and medicaid customers, Subsidized high cost to government tax payer funded health care under Obuma Care, and lastly health insurance negotiated prices.

Just think of the money that will be saved by indigent people who will no longer have to go to the emergency rooms for health care. Just think of the money that will be saved by preventive medicine.

My sister-in-law died a few years ago because, even though she worked hard, could not afford health care. She could not afford a doctor.

A prescription for insulin would have saved her life.

I guess republicans prefer natural selection to be the doctrine of health care.

That sucks. Sorry for your loss. Sorry that she could not get to a free clinic in time.
It does take time to get an appointment to a free clinic, even though they are not known for the best health care. Many people who work are not eligible for free clinics.

You are better off if you are a non working dope addict or an alcoholic.
You are better off if you are a non working dope addict or an alcoholic.

It's funny how often it works out like that these days. I wonder if we'll let them do the same thing to the food supply?
You are better off if you are a non working dope addict or an alcoholic.

It's funny how often it works out like that these days. I wonder if we'll let them do the same thing to the food supply?

They might already be doing that with food stamps. There are a lot of dead beats getting them.

used to do building trades work in hospitals. It seems they always put me to work doing alterations and repairs in the psyche ward. I guess because I got along with them so well and sort of fitted in.

I got to know a lot of the patients there. One woman in particular was a crack head. She would get to a point where she was almost dead from drugs and then get herself admitted into the ward.

I would see her when she first came in all burned out. When she left she was always rosy cheeked and healthy again. They had great food there.

I would see her, in and out, in and out, in and out, at taxpayers expense.
Just think of the money that will be saved by indigent people who will no longer have to go to the emergency rooms for health care. Just think of the money that will be saved by preventive medicine.

My sister-in-law died a few years ago because, even though she worked hard, could not afford health care. She could not afford a doctor.

A prescription for insulin would have saved her life.

I guess republicans prefer natural selection to be the doctrine of health care.

That sucks. Sorry for your loss. Sorry that she could not get to a free clinic in time.
It does take time to get an appointment to a free clinic, even though they are not known for the best health care. Many people who work are not eligible for free clinics.

You are better off if you are a non working dope addict or an alcoholic.

Don't know about where you live, but In my experience it does not take time to get an appointment to a free clinic, a paid clinic, a hospital, or a doctor. But it does take effort.

I have health care but if I don't "go" to the doctor I can't be diagnosed.

FYI even with "health insurance" you need an appointment for non emergencies.
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Fact Check on the Impact of New Medicare Advantage Cuts on Seniors | AHIP Coverage

Yes, Millions of Seniors will get the cuts. CBO data as well on this article.

Yes, the Dems are throwing Grandma and Grandpa under the bus. As RK has already stated, they are taking from one group of people to give to others.

Robbing Peter to pay paul.

Scare tactics and rants. LOL

The Data Hub is real, and will require all to put their data on it. PERIOD. So THOUSANDS can get into the Hub in order to report to the gov't services rendered.

But, We shouldn't be worried about that as WE CAN TRUST BIG BROTHER GOV'T.
Back on topic.

We shown data about America from many sources including BLS data moving the trend of American Business to PART TIME because of the ACA.

Congressional Budget Office Confirms Democrats? Health Bill Slashes Medicare Benefits by $816 for Millions of Seniors | House Committee on Ways & Means

CBO confirmed that if these cuts take effect, 4.8 million fewer seniors will be enrolled in these plans in 2019. So much for the oft-repeated promise of being able to keep what you like.

Furthermore, CBO notes that “Medicare Advantage plans …provide their enrollees with extra benefits” that traditional Medicare does not offer (e.g. dental and vision coverage, reduced copayments, lower premiums, etc.). However, because of Democrats’ drastic Medicare cuts, the non-partisan CBO predicts the value of extra benefits received by seniors enrolled in MA will be slashed by $816, on average, in 2019. So much for the Democrats’ claim that their Medicare cuts won’t harm seniors health benefits.
These Liberal posters need a reality check. They always demand links to known problems and just change the Damn Subject or SHIFT BLAME.

I've again shown sources that confirm the cuts.

But Hey, if you like your coverage you get to keep it right.................BS.....................

I've already posted another cbo article projecting 7 MILLION LOSING THEIR COVERAGE.

I've posted the Unions stating that the ACA needs fixing because their employees are getting cut to Part Time.

I've already posted data on key elements being delayed for a year.......

Liberals don't care about the facts. They rule by emotion instead, and disregard the facts regarding the ACA. They then change the subject and say it's already broken so our BROKEN POS IS STILL BETTER.

CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Insurance

The Congressional Budget Office's just-released economic forecast for 2013 is dispiriting, to say the least. The GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, the deficit will reach $845 billion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance.

And just look at us now.

After four years of Obamanomics and heading into five, poverty is up, the GDP is in negative territory, incomes are falling, and the deficit, according to the non-partisan GAO, is unsustainable.

And yet, just this Sunday, there was Obama on "60 Minutes" intentionally crippling the economy with more uncertainty with talk of new tax increases.

But it's a beautiful thing to be Obama, because none of this matters. Facts don't matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Not when you have a media that calls economic failure a "recovery," blames a drop in GDP on a lack of government largesse, and tells us that an increase in the unemployment rate is positive news.
Part Time Workers Add to BLS Jobs Data Confusion

n 2013, the total number of full-time jobs gained have been 340k, while the total number of part-time jobs gained have been 497k. This means that of the 837k total jobs added in 2013, the portion of jobs added that are part-time is 59.4%.

Since July 2007, the number of full-time jobs have declined by 4.481 million, while part-time jobs have increased by 2.564 million.

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