Obamacare just ruined my life

Congressional Budget Office Confirms Democrats? Health Bill Slashes Medicare Benefits by $816 for Millions of Seniors | House Committee on Ways & Means

CBO confirmed that if these cuts take effect, 4.8 million fewer seniors will be enrolled in these plans in 2019. So much for the oft-repeated promise of being able to keep what you like.

Furthermore, CBO notes that “Medicare Advantage plans …provide their enrollees with extra benefits” that traditional Medicare does not offer (e.g. dental and vision coverage, reduced copayments, lower premiums, etc.). However, because of Democrats’ drastic Medicare cuts, the non-partisan CBO predicts the value of extra benefits received by seniors enrolled in MA will be slashed by $816, on average, in 2019. So much for the Democrats’ claim that their Medicare cuts won’t harm seniors health benefits.

We will belong to China by 2019. It's Nixon's fault.
CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Insurance

The Congressional Budget Office's just-released economic forecast for 2013 is dispiriting, to say the least. The GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, the deficit will reach $845 billion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance.

And just look at us now.

After four years of Obamanomics and heading into five, poverty is up, the GDP is in negative territory, incomes are falling, and the deficit, according to the non-partisan GAO, is unsustainable.

And yet, just this Sunday, there was Obama on "60 Minutes" intentionally crippling the economy with more uncertainty with talk of new tax increases.

But it's a beautiful thing to be Obama, because none of this matters. Facts don't matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Not when you have a media that calls economic failure a "recovery," blames a drop in GDP on a lack of government largesse, and tells us that an increase in the unemployment rate is positive news.

Predictions are not facts. WMD.
CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Insurance

The Congressional Budget Office's just-released economic forecast for 2013 is dispiriting, to say the least. The GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, the deficit will reach $845 billion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance.

And just look at us now.

After four years of Obamanomics and heading into five, poverty is up, the GDP is in negative territory, incomes are falling, and the deficit, according to the non-partisan GAO, is unsustainable.

And yet, just this Sunday, there was Obama on "60 Minutes" intentionally crippling the economy with more uncertainty with talk of new tax increases.

But it's a beautiful thing to be Obama, because none of this matters. Facts don't matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Not when you have a media that calls economic failure a "recovery," blames a drop in GDP on a lack of government largesse, and tells us that an increase in the unemployment rate is positive news.

Predictions are not facts. WMD.

Wish the media kept this in mind and critically examined the manipulated predictions which let Democrats portray Obamacare as anything but another expensive government bureaucracy to drag us down.
CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Insurance

The Congressional Budget Office's just-released economic forecast for 2013 is dispiriting, to say the least. The GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, the deficit will reach $845 billion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance.

And just look at us now.

After four years of Obamanomics and heading into five, poverty is up, the GDP is in negative territory, incomes are falling, and the deficit, according to the non-partisan GAO, is unsustainable.

And yet, just this Sunday, there was Obama on "60 Minutes" intentionally crippling the economy with more uncertainty with talk of new tax increases.

But it's a beautiful thing to be Obama, because none of this matters. Facts don't matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Not when you have a media that calls economic failure a "recovery," blames a drop in GDP on a lack of government largesse, and tells us that an increase in the unemployment rate is positive news.

Predictions are not facts. WMD.

Wish the media kept this in mind and critically examined the manipulated predictions which let Democrats portray Obamacare as anything but another expensive government bureaucracy to drag us down.
That's an opinionated prediction.
You are better off if you are a non working dope addict or an alcoholic.

It's funny how often it works out like that these days. I wonder if we'll let them do the same thing to the food supply?

They might already be doing that with food stamps. There are a lot of dead beats getting them. ...

That's not really what I was getting at. 'Dead beats' are simply the unfortunate pawns in this game.

I'm talking about the trend of pursuing policy that inflates prices for necessary goods and services. Its facilitated, arguably promoted, by well-intentioned welfare programs, but in the end creates a situation (like we're now facing with health care) where most of us can't afford the basics.
It's funny how often it works out like that these days. I wonder if we'll let them do the same thing to the food supply?

They might already be doing that with food stamps. There are a lot of dead beats getting them. ...

That's not really what I was getting at. 'Dead beats' are simply the unfortunate pawns in this game.

I'm talking about the trend of pursuing policy that inflates prices for necessary goods and services. Its facilitated, arguably promoted, by well-intentioned welfare programs, but in the end creates a situation (like we're now facing with health care) where most of us can't afford the basics.
I believe monopolies cause that.
They might already be doing that with food stamps. There are a lot of dead beats getting them. ...

That's not really what I was getting at. 'Dead beats' are simply the unfortunate pawns in this game.

I'm talking about the trend of pursuing policy that inflates prices for necessary goods and services. Its facilitated, arguably promoted, by well-intentioned welfare programs, but in the end creates a situation (like we're now facing with health care) where most of us can't afford the basics.
I believe monopolies cause that.

Which party is proposing to break up said monopolies that are off-shoring our labor and thus, in part, offshoring our ability as a workforce to fund our health care?
The House just completed a successful vote to defund Obamacare for now. There is no chance Harry Reid will bring it to the floor for debate, much less a vote, but that would be a blessing amidst the chaos if he would. The only way he will is if the American people exert enough pressure, but the media won't play it up enough so that most folks will even know it happened.
They might already be doing that with food stamps. There are a lot of dead beats getting them. ...

That's not really what I was getting at. 'Dead beats' are simply the unfortunate pawns in this game.

I'm talking about the trend of pursuing policy that inflates prices for necessary goods and services. Its facilitated, arguably promoted, by well-intentioned welfare programs, but in the end creates a situation (like we're now facing with health care) where most of us can't afford the basics.
I believe monopolies cause that.

And cartels, which is essentially what PPACA creates (or rather, formalizes). Centralized control will always attract those with the most to gain from controlling people.
that's a self centered dodge.. and you want props for doing what less egocentric people would consider a "go's with the territory" job of parenting.
it's not serving the greater good. do you spend any of your free time helping the poor or the disabled?
I do all those things and more.
my guess is you do nothing that does not serve your own inflated self interest.
as to what your children do or do not believe ,that will change.

I call bull shit. People who demand government welfare programs, such as Obama Care, as a replacement to charity, such as Free Clinics, are not people who actually provide charity for people outside of government. Stealing money from peter to give funds to paul is not charity. Further, people who do things for others out of the kindness of their hearts don't come to internet web sites looking to brag about it or accuse conservatives, for christ sake, of being uncharitable. My god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

As to you your vicious attack on my children's moral compass, screw you, your kind will never hold sway on me OR my family members.
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.
that's a self centered dodge.. and you want props for doing what less egocentric people would consider a "go's with the territory" job of parenting.
it's not serving the greater good. do you spend any of your free time helping the poor or the disabled?
I do all those things and more.
my guess is you do nothing that does not serve your own inflated self interest.
as to what your children do or do not believe ,that will change.

I call bull shit. People who demand government welfare programs, such as Obama Care, as a replacement to charity, such as Free Clinics, are not people who actually provide charity for people outside of government. Stealing money from peter to give funds to paul is not charity. Further, people who do things for others out of the kindness of their hearts don't come to internet web sites looking to brag about it or accuse conservatives, for christ sake, of being uncharitable. My god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

As to you your vicious attack on my children's moral compass, screw you, your kind will never hold sway on me OR my family members.
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.

Says the jerk with the Hitlar avatar.
I call bull shit. People who demand government welfare programs, such as Obama Care, as a replacement to charity, such as Free Clinics, are not people who actually provide charity for people outside of government. Stealing money from peter to give funds to paul is not charity. Further, people who do things for others out of the kindness of their hearts don't come to internet web sites looking to brag about it or accuse conservatives, for christ sake, of being uncharitable. My god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

As to you your vicious attack on my children's moral compass, screw you, your kind will never hold sway on me OR my family members.
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.

Says the jerk with the Hitlar avatar.
that's not a hitler avatar.
it is however a fine representation of what the GOP is morphing into.
just for laughs please explain what "your kind" means?
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.

Says the jerk with the Hitlar avatar.
that's not a hitler avatar.
it is however a fine representation of what the GOP is morphing into.
just for laughs please explain what "your kind" means?

Get back on the OP, get some help you appear to need Obama care drastically, oh and pull my finger.
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that's a self centered dodge.. and you want props for doing what less egocentric people would consider a "go's with the territory" job of parenting.
it's not serving the greater good. do you spend any of your free time helping the poor or the disabled?
I do all those things and more.
my guess is you do nothing that does not serve your own inflated self interest.
as to what your children do or do not believe ,that will change.

I call bull shit. People who demand government welfare programs, such as Obama Care, as a replacement to charity, such as Free Clinics, are not people who actually provide charity for people outside of government. Stealing money from peter to give funds to paul is not charity. Further, people who do things for others out of the kindness of their hearts don't come to internet web sites looking to brag about it or accuse conservatives, for christ sake, of being uncharitable. My god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

As to you your vicious attack on my children's moral compass, screw you, your kind will never hold sway on me OR my family members.
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.

It's not serving the greater good...............LOL

The Battle Charge of the Liberal Brigade. In this case your children will get the greater good whether they like it or not.

Typical, arrogant, Liberal BS that they must impose their will on others. It's for your own good, and then they dare say we are the brown shirts and hitler.

Some day, our two sides are going to have a serious disagreement and on that day there will be no more politics at play.
Let's see, no responses to the op. Except a projection by the CBO isn't really data. LOL

Well, the CBO does these projections for Congress so they can sell bills. To calculate the costs associated with new laws. And to a point, because of their limits on rules, are ALMOST ALWAYS LOWER THAN THE ACTUAL COSTS after a law is passed. So perhaps I should find another projection site to prove how much worse the ACA actually is going to be.

But of course the Boot Lickers will disavow that data as well. They don't care about facts and figures only IT FEELS GOOD, kinda like a drug addict going back to the Gov't dole to get another fix.

The ACA is proving to be a pile of shit. American's don't like the damn thing, and in a Republic the will of the people is supposed to be the purpose of our representatives. But it isn't. We know better Leadership as they totally disregard the people and force FOR THEIR OWN GOOD laws down their throats.

If their wasn't a 17th Amendment, the Dems wouldn't own the Senate now. They should thank their Socialist, marxist leader Wilson for that.
Labor union bosses now freaking out over Obamacare law they pushed for: Full repeal on the way?

Speaking on behalf of his union's 500,000-or-so members, Laborers' International Union of North America president Terry O'Sullivan, for instance, had many a fuming word to say against Obamacare at the recent 2013 annual convention of the AFL-CIO, a federation of labor organizations that represents 57 unions and more than 12 million workers. During his speech, O'Sullivan lamented that Obamacare will destroy union workers' health insurance plans entirely if not "corrected" according to union terms.

"If the 'Affordable Care Act' is not fixed, and it destroys the health and welfare funds that we have all fought for and stand for, then I believe it needs to be repealed," emphasized O'Sullivan during a firm rebuke of the crafty and malicious government scheme. "We can't have the unintended consequences for the proud men and women that we represent to be collateral damage in the healthcare fight in this country."

Other union presidents are apparently in agreement, including Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa; United Food and Commercial Workers president Joseph Hansen; and UNITE HERE president D. Taylor. Each of these men signed a joint open letter to Democrat Senators Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, chiding them for breaking their promise to protect union health insurance plans. This comes as the Obama administration denies requests to provide insurance exemptions for union members.

"Since the ACA was enacted, we have been bringing our deep concerns to the Administration, seeking reasonable regulatory interpretations to the statute that would help prevent the destruction of non-profit health plans," reads the scathing letter. "When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat."

Learn more: Labor union bosses now freaking out over Obamacare law they pushed for: Full repeal on the way?


Pop quiz Liberal Assholes..................

When your favorite Unions turn their hordes on you, who used to be your loyal subjects, WHAT DO YOU DO.............WHAT DO YOU DO.......................

From the movie Speed. Shoot the hostage....................
shoot the hostage. Great video from speed. The Libs are the villians in the clip BTW.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBgl7ps7UQA]Speed Original Trailer (1994) - YouTube[/ame]
Since the Liberal Brigade refuses to engage in real the real battle field of the op, I might as well go off topic as well. Since the COWARDS refuse to engage us in a straight up fight.

A straight up fight would be directed at PART TIME AMERICA which is being created by the ACA law and is FUCKING OVER AMERICANS for their OWN GOOD. Right Liberals................

Lets go to the Hitler Youth Dawes for a second.....................

How dare Conservatives DEMAND a SMALLER Gov't...................

How dare Conservatives DEMAND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY................

How dare Conservatives DEMAND TAX POLICIES GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY and not for those sucking off Lady LIBERTY until her tits go COMPLETELY FLAT....................

How dare we show proof that the ACA is hurting the economy.................

How dare we show proof that the ECONOMY under Obama SUCKS................

How dare we push for STATE'S RIGHTS................

How dare we push for a Balanced Budget.......................

Yeah you bunch of Morons, we stand for those things and you simply call us Hitler and other BS, because you haven't got a leg to STAND ON REGARDING THE FACTS.....................

So you divert and Lie your asses off, as the people you claim to help GET FUCKED..................

My response to you on this subject is the last 2 words from above..........................

We refuse to allow to let you run our country into the Abyss without a fight...........Get used to and forget the POLITICAL CORRECTNESS BS that you've been pushing for decades.
I call bull shit. People who demand government welfare programs, such as Obama Care, as a replacement to charity, such as Free Clinics, are not people who actually provide charity for people outside of government. Stealing money from peter to give funds to paul is not charity. Further, people who do things for others out of the kindness of their hearts don't come to internet web sites looking to brag about it or accuse conservatives, for christ sake, of being uncharitable. My god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

As to you your vicious attack on my children's moral compass, screw you, your kind will never hold sway on me OR my family members.
lol! if you are calling bullshit it should be on yourself.
once again, this post is a dodge stuffed to the gills with intentional misrepresentation of the ACA ,THE PRES myself.
what you call a vicious attack is nothing more than a statement of fact, your kids attitude will change, it was not a dig at their "moral compass".
in my experience people who use such phrases have moral issues of their own
the only braggart here is you.

It's not serving the greater good...............LOL

The Battle Charge of the Liberal Brigade. In this case your children will get the greater good whether they like it or not.

Typical, arrogant, Liberal BS that they must impose their will on others. It's for your own good, and then they dare say we are the brown shirts and hitler.

Some day, our two sides are going to have a serious disagreement and on that day there will be no more politics at play.
if and when that day comes you'll hiding under your bed in a puddle of piss. paper fucking tiger.

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