Obamacare just ruined my life

If Obamacare was in fact the giant clusterfuck the conservatives are claiming, and if the repubs had any brains at all, they'd let it run it's course and then use the disaster as ammo in the upcoming elections.

Because the conservatives actually give a crap about this country?


Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.
Everything you said... IS A LIE.

>> Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy


>> and protecting the financial security of American families.


>> McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

McCain is a socialist. Obamacare is the OPPOSITE OF REFORM. It is DEFORM.

>> But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.


>> David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

GW was also a socialist. So is Frum.

>> The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.

More socialists. Screw you.
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Because the conservatives actually give a crap about this country?


Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.[
Everything you said... IS A LIE.

Keep emoting while I fucking hand you your tiny little head.

Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.[
Everything you said... IS A LIE.

Keep emoting while I fucking hand you your tiny little head.

Shut up and get back on the OP you POS.
We tried a charity only approach to social services...IT FAILED miserably. Medicare alone lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.

Hey I have a solution...

Hey grandma...get a fucking job, go back to college, start a new career...get your lazy ass out of that chair!!!


Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

You sir are a liar. Even though we were on the way and did become the richest nation on the face of the planet, there are still 50million Americans living in poverty. Why? Because of dumb ass liberals like you that think paying people to be poor is cool. In my family we take care of our parents and grand parents when they get older. Sad that you think a government check is a substitute for family unity. SAD DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING YOU ARE.

Here are some FACTS for ignorant turds like you...

47 MILLION…the number of Americans for whom Medicare provides comprehensive health care

51 PERCENT…the number of Americans 65 or older who did not have health care before Medicare was passed, while today virtually all elderly Americans have health care thanks to Medicare

30 PERCENT…the number of elderly Americans who lived in poverty before Medicare, a number now reduced to 7.5 PERCENT

72 PERCENT…the number of Americans in a recent poll who said that Medicare is “extremely” or “very” important to their retirement security

Medicare assures health care for seniors who might otherwise find health care inaccessible. It saves our government money. It makes the lives of our seniors better.

Two concepts inspired Medicare. First, seniors require more care than younger Americans. Second, seniors usually live on less income; many survive only on Social Security. This combination renders seniors extremely vulnerable to losing their savings, homes or lives from easily treatable diseases.

And Medicare provides good care. American life expectancy at birth ranks 30th in the world. We remain 30th for the rest of our lives -- until we reach 65. Then, our rank rises until we reach 14th at 80. We can thank the remarkable access to health care provided by Medicare.

Every industrialized nation guarantees health care for seniors. Indeed, we are unhappily distinctive in being the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee care for everyone else, as well. Medicare restores us to a civilized status.

Before Medicare, only 40 percent of nonworking seniors had health insurance, and of those with coverage, private insurance paid for less than 10 percent of their hospital bills. The principle of insuring only the healthy who consume little care and avoiding the sick has always driven our private insurance industry. No insurance company can make money by offering the same comprehensive, affordable coverage to seniors as Medicare, so they don't offer it. Our experience with Medicare Advantage, an effort to privatize parts of Medicare, resulted in our government spending $17 billion more for the same benefits available through Medicare. Our private insurance industry was in no hurry to insure seniors before Medicare started. They are in no hurry now. Medicare revolutionized health care access for seniors.

Why is Medicare expensive? Simply, health care for seniors will always cost more than that of healthier, younger Americans. And costs are rising in every health care system around the world, not just Medicare. The United States is doubly cursed because our costs are rising faster and are already twice as expensive as other countries. Though hard to believe, Medicare is a leader in fighting cost increases. Private insurance industry costs are rising nearly twice as fast as those of Medicare. And when it comes to administrative expenses, private insurance is 10 times higher than Medicare. In fact, if the single payer financing of Medicare were applied to citizens of all ages, we would save $350 billion annually, more than enough to provide comprehensive health care to every American.

Medicare is good for our seniors and good for our country. It provides health care far more affordably and efficiently than our private insurance industry. It saves our country hundreds of billions of dollars in administrative overhead. And if we expand Medicare to cover younger, healthier Americans, we would all get more care at less cost.


SS/Medicare is not welfare for the elderly you ignorant POS. It's re-payment for they money they put in. Course they don't get it back with interest as we used a stupid ponzi scheme to fund it.
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I would bet very good money that Levin would hold his own against ANYBODY in a debate, I don't see how his debate skills have anything at all to do with his level of expertise on anything.

Debate is a skill requiring expertise. Mr. Levin's debate skills are juvenile at best. He screams and hits the mute button, hangs up on the person debating with him then goes into a soliloquy rant explaining how stupid the debater was, all the while completely ignoring all salient points about the argument. He's a mean old fart, with a passion for war hawk republicans.

I have up close and personal knowledge of what debate skills are. And I still don't see a correlation between that and knowing your stuff about Obamacare.

Everybody has an opinion about everybody, and everybody doesn't necessarily love Levin or else they would be tuning into his show and tuning out everybody else in that time slot. I can count the times I've tuned into his radio show on less than one hand, so I don't know if what you're saying is accurate or not. I have not witnessed a 'mean old fart' in the few times I've heard him. But I have heard him speak, I have heard him articulate an argument without notes, and I have read what he writes.

But just in case you are confused about it, a radio talk show, whether left or right wing, is NOT debate and is not marketed as such.
In the previously deleted thread, all the Authoritarian scumbags were delighted that I'd be forced to get foodstamps and medicaid.

Instead of trying to create a prosperous America, they revealed their hate, spite and contempt for the working people, and made their intentions known, that they wish to drag us down with them.

Forced? When you need It its forced...When others its because they are lazy.

Stop being lazy

How is it when an employer cuts hours or even lay-off workers that the worker is lazy? He did say he would have to get a second job.
New Obamacare Database Could Mean More IRS-Style Scandals - US News and World Report

In spite of the blatant, political corruption at the IRS, the Obama administration is moving full steam ahead with Obamacare, a law that gives unprecedented new access and powers to bureaucrats at the IRS and at least four other federal government agencies. Is that really going to undo the cynicism we have about government and protect Americans from further targeting? Consider the potential for abuse with Obamacare's mystery Federal Data Services Hub, "the largest personal information database the government has ever attempted," according to the Wall Street Journal.

For the purposes of implementing and enforcing Obamacare, the Department of Health and Human Services through regulatory fiat is building this Hub, a web portal where personal information such as medical records, tax and financial information, criminal background and immigration status will be shared and transmitted between agencies, including the IRS, HHS, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration as well as state governments.

Despite being only four months from Obamacare open enrollment, even the most basic questions about the Data Hub have yet to be answered. For instance, which agencies will have access to what information in it; will government employees, contractors and third parties have access; and what training and security clearances – if any – are required for these individuals.
The Great Federal Data Services Hub. Which doesn't even work yet, so much so that this requirement has been delayed because key elements can't communicate with it yet. Every Health agency and provider Nationwide has to upgrade their computer systems to communicate with it, which is required by the law.

This to SAVE MONEY, but implementation is costing the Gov't BILLIONS and the private sector unknown amounts of money.

Your personal data, will be there. Whether it be a Doctor's visit or trip to the office. These are required to log in and report that you received Medical Treatment into the system. I've seen this in action already with my daughter. The Nurses complaining about the dang reporting systems they are trying to set up so they can log your visit.

And of course, the Libs will say, this is for your own good. I'm sure the Hackers and the identity thieves will love the Damn thing.

A Nationwide net, with THOUSANDS OF MEDICAL FACILITIES LOGGING INTO IT. A fucking nightmare.

But our records will be safe RIGHT...................................
The Great Federal Data Services Hub. Which doesn't even work yet, so much so that this requirement has been delayed because key elements can't communicate with it yet. Every Health agency and provider Nationwide has to upgrade their computer systems to communicate with it, which is required by the law.

This to SAVE MONEY, but implementation is costing the Gov't BILLIONS and the private sector unknown amounts of money.

Your personal data, will be there. Whether it be a Doctor's visit or trip to the office. These are required to log in and report that you received Medical Treatment into the system. I've seen this in action already with my daughter. The Nurses complaining about the dang reporting systems they are trying to set up so they can log your visit.

And of course, the Libs will say, this is for your own good. I'm sure the Hackers and the identity thieves will love the Damn thing.

A Nationwide net, with THOUSANDS OF MEDICAL FACILITIES LOGGING INTO IT. A fucking nightmare.

But our records will be safe RIGHT...................................

yes, somewhere out there, a hacker wants to find out about that drug you are taking for erectile dysfunction...
The HHS Data Hub, Does Private Information Exist in America? | Ben Swann Reality Check

hen individuals sign up for federal insurance exchanges, they are required to enter their personal information into a new Federal Data Hub. We are talking about information like medical records, Social Security numbers, tax information, and bank account information. This is done by allowing seven government agencies, including the IRS, Department of Justice, Social Security Administration and others, to share and verify information in order to determine eligibility for an insurance subsidy.

In short, basically everything about you will be shared among multiple agencies. Remember, no actually agency can see or access any information, people working in those agencies do. So who, specifically, will be able to access this information?

They are called Navigators. Men and women who are being hired to work for between $20 and $48 dollars an hour. Sounds like specialized work that will required highly trained individuals, but, not so much. The requirements to become one of these navigators do not even include a high school diploma. And even though these navigators will have access to just about every piece of personal information on Americans enrolled in this exchange, they are not even required to pass a background check.

That is what the house committee on oversight and government reform has been told by HHS.

Navigators will only have to take a 20 to 30 hour online course about how the 1,200 page ACA works.

Interestingly, there is another role of these navigators that deserves a mention. There is more to the role of the Navigators than just signing Americans up for the healthcare exchange.

These Navigators will also be responsible for registering Americans to vote. According to People’s World Magazine in California,


These HIGHLY SKILLED NAVIGATORS with intensive training will have total access to your private records.

20 to 30 hours of training

LMAO You just can't make this shit up.
We tried a charity only approach to social services...IT FAILED miserably. Medicare alone lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.

Hey I have a solution...

Hey grandma...get a fucking job, go back to college, start a new career...get your lazy ass out of that chair!!!


Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

You sir are a liar. Even though we were on the way and did become the richest nation on the face of the planet, there are still 50million Americans living in poverty. Why? Because of dumb ass liberals like you that think paying people to be poor is cool. In my family we take care of our parents and grand parents when they get older. Sad that you think a government check is a substitute for family unity. SAD DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING YOU ARE.

Here are some FACTS for ignorant turds like you...

47 MILLION…the number of Americans for whom Medicare provides comprehensive health care

51 PERCENT…the number of Americans 65 or older who did not have health care before Medicare was passed, while today virtually all elderly Americans have health care thanks to Medicare

30 PERCENT…the number of elderly Americans who lived in poverty before Medicare, a number now reduced to 7.5 PERCENT

72 PERCENT…the number of Americans in a recent poll who said that Medicare is “extremely” or “very” important to their retirement security

Medicare assures health care for seniors who might otherwise find health care inaccessible. It saves our government money. It makes the lives of our seniors better.

Two concepts inspired Medicare. First, seniors require more care than younger Americans. Second, seniors usually live on less income; many survive only on Social Security. This combination renders seniors extremely vulnerable to losing their savings, homes or lives from easily treatable diseases.

And Medicare provides good care. American life expectancy at birth ranks 30th in the world. We remain 30th for the rest of our lives -- until we reach 65. Then, our rank rises until we reach 14th at 80. We can thank the remarkable access to health care provided by Medicare.

Every industrialized nation guarantees health care for seniors. Indeed, we are unhappily distinctive in being the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee care for everyone else, as well. Medicare restores us to a civilized status.

Before Medicare, only 40 percent of nonworking seniors had health insurance, and of those with coverage, private insurance paid for less than 10 percent of their hospital bills. The principle of insuring only the healthy who consume little care and avoiding the sick has always driven our private insurance industry. No insurance company can make money by offering the same comprehensive, affordable coverage to seniors as Medicare, so they don't offer it. Our experience with Medicare Advantage, an effort to privatize parts of Medicare, resulted in our government spending $17 billion more for the same benefits available through Medicare. Our private insurance industry was in no hurry to insure seniors before Medicare started. They are in no hurry now. Medicare revolutionized health care access for seniors.

Why is Medicare expensive? Simply, health care for seniors will always cost more than that of healthier, younger Americans. And costs are rising in every health care system around the world, not just Medicare. The United States is doubly cursed because our costs are rising faster and are already twice as expensive as other countries. Though hard to believe, Medicare is a leader in fighting cost increases. Private insurance industry costs are rising nearly twice as fast as those of Medicare. And when it comes to administrative expenses, private insurance is 10 times higher than Medicare. In fact, if the single payer financing of Medicare were applied to citizens of all ages, we would save $350 billion annually, more than enough to provide comprehensive health care to every American.

Medicare is good for our seniors and good for our country. It provides health care far more affordably and efficiently than our private insurance industry. It saves our country hundreds of billions of dollars in administrative overhead. And if we expand Medicare to cover younger, healthier Americans, we would all get more care at less cost.


So what do we need Obamacare for?
The Great Federal Data Services Hub. Which doesn't even work yet, so much so that this requirement has been delayed because key elements can't communicate with it yet. Every Health agency and provider Nationwide has to upgrade their computer systems to communicate with it, which is required by the law.

This to SAVE MONEY, but implementation is costing the Gov't BILLIONS and the private sector unknown amounts of money.

Your personal data, will be there. Whether it be a Doctor's visit or trip to the office. These are required to log in and report that you received Medical Treatment into the system. I've seen this in action already with my daughter. The Nurses complaining about the dang reporting systems they are trying to set up so they can log your visit.

And of course, the Libs will say, this is for your own good. I'm sure the Hackers and the identity thieves will love the Damn thing.

A Nationwide net, with THOUSANDS OF MEDICAL FACILITIES LOGGING INTO IT. A fucking nightmare.

But our records will be safe RIGHT...................................

yes, somewhere out there, a hacker wants to find out about that drug you are taking for erectile dysfunction...

And somewhere out there they are looking for your brain, which was lost to drugs in the 60's.

I imagine you, not as your avatar, but as a hippie freak taking delusional drugs during the time.

And as usual, you do not address the subject.

The Data Hub doesn't WORK YET. It has been delayed, aka the mandate, for a year because the Health Facilities can't communicate with the damn thing.

But pointing out that fact doesn't concern you, as you want more Gov't and they can be trusted with our PRIVATE DATA.

It's the usual GIANT RED TAPE MACHINE of the Federal Gov't. The right hand will not know what the Left hand is doing as usual, but this time with the LARGEST DATA HUB IN OUR HISTORY.
Obama took $700 billion from Medicare last year to help pay for Obamacare.


Not in 1 year. That is the projection for a 10 year period in projected cuts.

The only difference is they closed the Donut hole for about 50 Billion.

It is the Medicare Advantage Program primarily. Which 10's of Millions of our Seniors use to get supplemental insurance which is Subsidized through the Gov't. Which means these Seniors will eventually lose this added benefit even though they are in the HIGH MAINTENANCE AREA OF HEALTH CARE.

If you remember the debates. This is the SAVINGS THE DEMS YELLED ABOUT, then they called it a REVENUE AS WELL.

All of it BEING A LIE, as they throw GRANDMA and GRANDPA under the bus.
Keep emoting while I fucking hand you your tiny little head.

Shut up and get back on the OP you POS.

Brownie.....your posting style sometimes transforms as the night goes on. I wonder what could be the cause of that.

I don't have patience for folks like bfg, not while they are cut and pasting democrat talking points that are blatant lies. Using a handful of events from the furthest left republicans there ever were as evidence that republicans love this methodical government take over of our health care system, is beyond the pale. That would be like me blaming democrats on the no child left behind republican fiasco.
Home Deport sends 20,000 employees to Obamacare | The Daily Caller

It's Fact, Not Anecdote, That ObamaCare Is Turning Us Into A Part-Time Nation - Forbes

Loren Goodridge, the owner of 21 Subway franchises, says he has no choice but to cut the hours of his employees to 29 a week to avoid the law’s penalties.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that the ratio of part-time to full-time jobs has completely flipped this year from historical trends. Last year, six full-time jobs were created for every one part time job. This year, only one full-time job is being created for every four new part-time jobs.
Obama promised America Change we can Believe in.........................

To transform America into something so much better.........................

AND NOW Americans that used to work 40 hours a week will NO LONGER HAVE TO SUFFER THAT INJUSTICE.

You see, Obama and the Dems understand that you need your relaxation and quite time. So they have decided by the ACA that you will NOW ONLY HAVE TO WORK LESS THAN 30 HOURS.

Damn, it just gives me GOOSE PIMPLES.

Take this Lowes employee for instance...............I used to work 40 hours and had no time to be with my 8 children from 4 different ladies, but thanks to Obama I have 4 days off a week and can see each of my families 1 day a week now.

Thanks Obama, and don't tell them I'm still doing all 4 of them. And stop posting on the Hub that you keep giving me free rubbers............

Obama is great isn't he.

Now rush over and put your picture and personal data on the Federal Hub. We promise you we will not abuse your personal data..............excuse me, the door bell.......The IRS is auditing me for being a Conservative again...............But they are righteous.

Stay tuned next week, as Obama says......................IT'S NOT MY FAULT.

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