Obamacare just ruined my life

Then I'm quite sure that you guys can provide a competent rebuttal for anything Levin said in that monologue yes? Because you found a blindly partisan site who would declare Fox News biased? Or because you don't like Levin? That is what passes for competent debate these days?

By the way I was not commenting on anything other than Levin's content in that monologue. And his radio program is not affiliated in any way with Fox News.

For those of you who for whatever reason can't access the linked recording of his excellent rant, here is a brief summary of the content:
Levin rails against the 'imperial president' [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller
WRONG All you have to do is watch fox "news" for 5 min to know it's extremly bias..
I posted that article to show that it's not just my personal opinion.
Then I'm quite sure that you guys can provide a competent rebuttal for anything Levin said in that monologue yes? Because you found a blindly partisan site who would declare Fox News biased? Or because you don't like Levin? That is what passes for competent debate these days?

By the way I was not commenting on anything other than Levin's content in that monologue. And his radio program is not affiliated in any way with Fox News.

For those of you who for whatever reason can't access the linked recording of his excellent rant, here is a brief summary of the content:
Levin rails against the 'imperial president' [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller
WRONG All you have to do is watch fox "news" for 5 min to know it's extremly bias..
I posted that article to show that it's not just my personal opinion.

You posted that article to deflect from Levin's commentary. Pure and simple. At least be honest about that. And FAIR is one of the most liberal progressive sites on the internet only slightly less dishonest than MediaMatters. So you trust them to be honest about Fox News? They have not given ANY right leaning media group any kind of credit for anything since their inception while you have to look long and hard to find any criticism of any kind of any leftwing media source.

You guys are so transparent and it is so boring to have to keep pointing that out.
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Then I'm quite sure that you guys can provide a competent rebuttal for anything Levin said in that monologue yes? Because you found a blindly partisan site who would declare Fox News biased? Or because you don't like Levin? That is what passes for competent debate these days?

By the way I was not commenting on anything other than Levin's content in that monologue. And his radio program is not affiliated in any way with Fox News.

For those of you who for whatever reason can't access the linked recording of his excellent rant, here is a brief summary of the content:
Levin rails against the 'imperial president' [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller

First sentence:

Obamacare is not the government controlling healthcare.

Second sentence:

Tens of Thousands of pages ( my ass ) of regulations that are easy to comprehend...if one tries.

Third sentence:

The government will not be collecting medical information.

Fourth and fifth sentences:

Millions of Americans do not have health care policies. Prices have been going through the roof for decades. The rate of increase has slowed.

Sixth sentence. Colleges are dropping insurance plans? Need some proof for that. Obamacare has not been implemented yet, by the way.

Seventh sentence: SOME unions have specific issues with specific parts of the law...having to do with whether or not their members will get subsidies. Levin is full of shit.

Next several minutes......bullshit rhetoric about Congress, Supreme Court, radical POTUS and shredding Constitution.

That's it...I can't listen to that nut any more. IRS....destroying the best health care system in the world.....blah blah fucking blah!

Levin is playing you. Better go buy his book.
This thread is a crock.

You guys do understand the meaning of anecdotal evidence, don't you?

There is no statistical evidence that Obamacare is having a negative impact on employment.
Obamacare is not the government controlling healthcare.

Yeah, it really is. PPACA dictates how we must finance our health care, how much and what kind of health insurance insurance must buy and whom we may buy it from. When you control how something is paid for, you control that thing.

This power will get used. If not by the Democrats who passed it, then by the Republicans who follow them. Like all corporatist programs, it will be used to reward behavior that is beneficial to government interests and punish that which is not.
apparently not....not much on sarcasm either.

Apparently not what? jerk. Can you speak in clear concise sentences, or are you just a Troll? Obuma Care, Welfare for the lazy, attacks on the 2nd amendment, attacks on all manner of liberty. That's what the left is about.
can you say indoctrinated.?
everything you just said is propaganda.. your half witticisms about the pres and the left are smoking gun proof of wilful ignorance and hubris.

Indoctrinated into what? Loving this country?

You got one thing right. I have a definite hubris for my country. And will defend it as such against the likes of you.
Then I'm quite sure that you guys can provide a competent rebuttal for anything Levin said in that monologue yes? Because you found a blindly partisan site who would declare Fox News biased? Or because you don't like Levin? That is what passes for competent debate these days?

By the way I was not commenting on anything other than Levin's content in that monologue. And his radio program is not affiliated in any way with Fox News.

For those of you who for whatever reason can't access the linked recording of his excellent rant, here is a brief summary of the content:
Levin rails against the 'imperial president' [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller

First sentence:

Obamacare is not the government controlling healthcare.

Second sentence:

Tens of Thousands of pages ( my ass ) of regulations that are easy to comprehend...if one tries.

Third sentence:

The government will not be collecting medical information.

Fourth and fifth sentences:

Millions of Americans do not have health care policies. Prices have been going through the roof for decades. The rate of increase has slowed.

Sixth sentence. Colleges are dropping insurance plans? Need some proof for that. Obamacare has not been implemented yet, by the way.

Seventh sentence: SOME unions have specific issues with specific parts of the law...having to do with whether or not their members will get subsidies. Levin is full of shit.

Next several minutes......bullshit rhetoric about Congress, Supreme Court, radical POTUS and shredding Constitution.

That's it...I can't listen to that nut any more. IRS....destroying the best health care system in the world.....blah blah fucking blah!

Levin is playing you. Better go buy his book.

Is he? I don't think so. I respect anybody who might disagree with his conclusions, but nobody, and I mean nobody, has more impeccable scholarship than does Mark Levin. So I'm sure you can find credible SOURCES, other than only your biased opinion, to discredit his commentary since you are so sure he is 'playing us?'

I'll respond to two of your unsourced opinions as sufficient evidence that you most likely have nothing to based them on. And leave it to you to find CREDIBLE sources to support the rest of it.

Re that data base:

It's an extremely technical issue but Section 153.340 of a new HHS proposed rule dealing with Obamacare mandates that individual states (or the department) collect "raw claims data sets" from all insurers on all people with private coverage purchased either individually or through small employers, which includes that obtained from the new state exchanges the law requires be created. [See a collection of political cartoons on healthcare.]

HHS says these databases need to be developed to implement what healthcare policy experts call "risk adjustment methodologies," supposedly insuring that risk is fairly distributed across the insurance pool. And, starting in 2017 states may permit large employers to purchase coverage through exchanges in addition to small employers and individuals. However, there are already concerns that the information collected may somehow end up in some kind of national, centralized database that will include private information about virtually all insured Americans.

Onerous and intrusive on its face, the type of information to be collected and stored away include individual diagnoses, the type of care provided, the names of the healthcare providers seen, the amount paid, out-of-pocket liabilities, demographic data and encrypted social security number—all of which raise significant privacy concerns. [Read more about healthcare.]
Big Brother: Obamacare Looks to Collect Private Medical Info - Peter Roff (usnews.com)

Re those colleges dropping their healthcare plans. . . .

Some colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans for the coming academic year and others are telling students to expect sharp premium increases because of a provision in the federal health law requiring plans to beef up coverage.

Colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans due to a federal health-law provision requiring plans to offer more substantial coverage. Louise Radnofsky has exclusive details on Lunch Break.

The demise of low-cost, low-benefit health plans for students is a consequence of the 2010 health-care overhaul. The law is intended to expand coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, but it is also eliminating some insurance options.
Big Changes in College Health Plans - WSJ.com

And as for the government controlling healthcare, what else do you call it when the government says we MUST have healthcare insurance or the government will assign it to us and charge us or, if we can't afford it, will force everybody else to buy it for us even as it dictates to us what kind of healthcare the government will allow?
Then I'm quite sure that you guys can provide a competent rebuttal for anything Levin said in that monologue yes? Because you found a blindly partisan site who would declare Fox News biased? Or because you don't like Levin? That is what passes for competent debate these days?

By the way I was not commenting on anything other than Levin's content in that monologue. And his radio program is not affiliated in any way with Fox News.

For those of you who for whatever reason can't access the linked recording of his excellent rant, here is a brief summary of the content:
Levin rails against the 'imperial president' [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller

First sentence:

Obamacare is not the government controlling healthcare.

Second sentence:

Tens of Thousands of pages ( my ass ) of regulations that are easy to comprehend...if one tries.

Third sentence:

The government will not be collecting medical information.

Fourth and fifth sentences:

Millions of Americans do not have health care policies. Prices have been going through the roof for decades. The rate of increase has slowed.

Sixth sentence. Colleges are dropping insurance plans? Need some proof for that. Obamacare has not been implemented yet, by the way.

Seventh sentence: SOME unions have specific issues with specific parts of the law...having to do with whether or not their members will get subsidies. Levin is full of shit.

Next several minutes......bullshit rhetoric about Congress, Supreme Court, radical POTUS and shredding Constitution.

That's it...I can't listen to that nut any more. IRS....destroying the best health care system in the world.....blah blah fucking blah!

Levin is playing you. Better go buy his book.

Is he? I don't think so. I respect anybody who might disagree with his conclusions, but nobody, and I mean nobody, has more impeccable scholarship than does Mark Levin. So I'm sure you can find credible SOURCES, other than only your biased opinion, to discredit his commentary since you are so sure he is 'playing us?'

I'll respond to two of your unsourced opinions as sufficient evidence that you most likely have nothing to based them on. And leave it to you to find CREDIBLE sources to support the rest of it.

Re that data base:

It's an extremely technical issue but Section 153.340 of a new HHS proposed rule dealing with Obamacare mandates that individual states (or the department) collect "raw claims data sets" from all insurers on all people with private coverage purchased either individually or through small employers, which includes that obtained from the new state exchanges the law requires be created. [See a collection of political cartoons on healthcare.]

HHS says these databases need to be developed to implement what healthcare policy experts call "risk adjustment methodologies," supposedly insuring that risk is fairly distributed across the insurance pool. And, starting in 2017 states may permit large employers to purchase coverage through exchanges in addition to small employers and individuals. However, there are already concerns that the information collected may somehow end up in some kind of national, centralized database that will include private information about virtually all insured Americans.

Onerous and intrusive on its face, the type of information to be collected and stored away include individual diagnoses, the type of care provided, the names of the healthcare providers seen, the amount paid, out-of-pocket liabilities, demographic data and encrypted social security number—all of which raise significant privacy concerns. [Read more about healthcare.]
Big Brother: Obamacare Looks to Collect Private Medical Info - Peter Roff (usnews.com)

Re those colleges dropping their healthcare plans. . . .

Some colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans for the coming academic year and others are telling students to expect sharp premium increases because of a provision in the federal health law requiring plans to beef up coverage.

Colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans due to a federal health-law provision requiring plans to offer more substantial coverage. Louise Radnofsky has exclusive details on Lunch Break.

The demise of low-cost, low-benefit health plans for students is a consequence of the 2010 health-care overhaul. The law is intended to expand coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, but it is also eliminating some insurance options.
Big Changes in College Health Plans - WSJ.com

And as for the government controlling healthcare, what else do you call it when the government says we MUST have healthcare insurance or the government will assign it to us and charge us or, if we can't afford it, will force everybody else to buy it for us even as it dictates to us what kind of healthcare the government will allow?

Scholarship? Mark Levin?

Please. Just stop.
Yes. That s what the left is all about. Exactly.

And the right is so fucked up.....so unable to come to grips with reality....that the left.....the horrid, sheepish, limp-wristed and vile left......has taken over this country. Be a man, Brownie. DO SOMETHING!!!!!

I do things about it every day.
like what?...nothing that serves all of us, I'll wager .

One example:

I'm raising 3 children who each believe as I do in our constitution. One's a nurse at the local trauma one center. One's studying to be an Engineer. And the third is a valedictorian that plans on becoming a doctor or surgeon.

As for "serving" you. Not likely.
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I do things about it every day.
like what?...nothing that serves all of us, I'll wager .

One example:

I'm raising 3 children who each believe as I do in our constitution. One's a nurse at the local trauma one center. One's studying to be an Engineer. And the third is a valedictorian that plans on becoming a doctor or surgeon.

As for "serving" you. Not likely.

Wow! You are a great daddy! Congratulations.

Now....what are you doing about your freedom being taken away by us libs? I'll tell you what you are doing. You are listening to talk radio and repeating what you hear. You are doing NOTHING but typing. What kind of patriot just sits there while the US Constitution is being shredded?
Now....what are you doing about your freedom being taken away by us libs? I'll tell you what you are doing. You are listening to talk radio and repeating what you hear. You are doing NOTHING but typing. What kind of patriot just sits there while the US Constitution is being shredded?

Why would I listen to talk radio? Maybe once in a blue moon might catch levin, just because it's on at that time. Otherwise I work from home most of the time and have no desire to listen to talk radio.

Here's to hoping one of the shooting starts or we replace the traitor in chief as soon as possible so folks like you have to run back into your holes.
Now....what are you doing about your freedom being taken away by us libs? I'll tell you what you are doing. You are listening to talk radio and repeating what you hear. You are doing NOTHING but typing. What kind of patriot just sits there while the US Constitution is being shredded?

Why would I listen to talk radio? Maybe once in a blue moon might catch levin, just because it's on at that time. Otherwise I work from home most of the time and have no desire to listen to talk radio.

Here's to hoping one of the shooting starts or we replace the traitor in chief as soon as possible so folks like you have to run back into your holes.

What? You hope for the shooting to start? I can see it now. You standing there on the front line with your dopey hat. Right align side you are the underemployed 2A....with a tray of pastries and the unemployed Templar Koolaid with a toy sword and pink handkerchief.

I'll be the one dying of laughter.
Now....what are you doing about your freedom being taken away by us libs? I'll tell you what you are doing. You are listening to talk radio and repeating what you hear. You are doing NOTHING but typing. What kind of patriot just sits there while the US Constitution is being shredded?

Why would I listen to talk radio? Maybe once in a blue moon might catch levin, just because it's on at that time. Otherwise I work from home most of the time and have no desire to listen to talk radio.

Here's to hoping one of the shooting starts or we replace the traitor in chief as soon as possible so folks like you have to run back into your holes.

What? You hope for the shooting to start? I can see it now. You standing there on the front line with your dopey hat. Right align side you are the underemployed 2A....with a tray of pastries and the unemployed Templar Koolaid with a toy sword and pink handkerchief.

I'll be the one dying of laughter.

Laugh all you want, us conservatives get all the hot women.
We tried a charity only approach to social services...IT FAILED miserably. Medicare alone lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.

Hey I have a solution...

Hey grandma...get a fucking job, go back to college, start a new career...get your lazy ass out of that chair!!!


Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

Here's a bright idea: Get all of those able bodied liberals off of Welfare first.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
another half truth..yes some people play the system..to clue you in .
According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers. Also given that there are more people in Red States on Welfare than Blue states, i'd have to say Conservatives.

btw the romans and the greeks had welfare programs.
also you biblical sound bite is out of context.

Lmao. The stupid you display is beyond words.
I didn't read the entire thread so maybe someone can answer this one question:

Did the OP ever take a firm grasp on their own bootstraps and pull themselves up into prosperity with nothing more than working harder?

or... is this kind of circumstantial wisdom only applicable in threads where hyperbole against the left is more important than consistent mantras of the right?

maybe you should first read the thread so you won't jump off the bushes displaying such an amazingly revealing idiocy :D

47 pages by the time I posted? Naw, I have a life, thanks.

"amazingly revealed idiocy"?

So much hate for me because I'm waiter (by the Progressives).

But these same Progressives embrace the Fast Wood Workers like they are divine, or the waitress that just got (wrongly) fired because the patrons were obviously racist.

I don't hate you because of your chosen profession; I merely asked a question about how you reacted to your unfortunate luck beyond crying about Obama. I've heard that your kind like to talk about simply working harder and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps... So, how is that working out for you?

I didn't read the entire thread so maybe someone can answer this one question:

Did the OP ever take a firm grasp on their own bootstraps and pull themselves up into prosperity with nothing more than working harder?

or... is this kind of circumstantial wisdom only applicable in threads where hyperbole against the left is more important than consistent mantras of the right?

maybe you should first read the thread so you won't jump off the bushes displaying such an amazingly revealing idiocy :D

47 pages by the time I posted? Naw, I have a life, thanks.

"amazingly revealed idiocy"?


A life, yes. A brain? Not so much. You think of commenting on a thread you care not to educate yourself on. That's pretty smart, genius.
First sentence:

Obamacare is not the government controlling healthcare.

Second sentence:

Tens of Thousands of pages ( my ass ) of regulations that are easy to comprehend...if one tries.

Third sentence:

The government will not be collecting medical information.

Fourth and fifth sentences:

Millions of Americans do not have health care policies. Prices have been going through the roof for decades. The rate of increase has slowed.

Sixth sentence. Colleges are dropping insurance plans? Need some proof for that. Obamacare has not been implemented yet, by the way.

Seventh sentence: SOME unions have specific issues with specific parts of the law...having to do with whether or not their members will get subsidies. Levin is full of shit.

Next several minutes......bullshit rhetoric about Congress, Supreme Court, radical POTUS and shredding Constitution.

That's it...I can't listen to that nut any more. IRS....destroying the best health care system in the world.....blah blah fucking blah!

Levin is playing you. Better go buy his book.

Is he? I don't think so. I respect anybody who might disagree with his conclusions, but nobody, and I mean nobody, has more impeccable scholarship than does Mark Levin. So I'm sure you can find credible SOURCES, other than only your biased opinion, to discredit his commentary since you are so sure he is 'playing us?'

I'll respond to two of your unsourced opinions as sufficient evidence that you most likely have nothing to based them on. And leave it to you to find CREDIBLE sources to support the rest of it.

Re that data base:

Re those colleges dropping their healthcare plans. . . .

Some colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans for the coming academic year and others are telling students to expect sharp premium increases because of a provision in the federal health law requiring plans to beef up coverage.

Colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans due to a federal health-law provision requiring plans to offer more substantial coverage. Louise Radnofsky has exclusive details on Lunch Break.

The demise of low-cost, low-benefit health plans for students is a consequence of the 2010 health-care overhaul. The law is intended to expand coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, but it is also eliminating some insurance options.
Big Changes in College Health Plans - WSJ.com

And as for the government controlling healthcare, what else do you call it when the government says we MUST have healthcare insurance or the government will assign it to us and charge us or, if we can't afford it, will force everybody else to buy it for us even as it dictates to us what kind of healthcare the government will allow?

Scholarship? Mark Levin?

Please. Just stop.

Yup. There are some out there as good, but nobody better than him. I'll put his worst efforts up against your very best or anybody like you in a heartbeat. Because people like him KNOW what they're talking about and are the people who get quoted. They don't go combing through leftwing hate sites just to have anything at all to copy and paste and then pretend to say.
First sentence:

Obamacare is not the government controlling healthcare.

Second sentence:

Tens of Thousands of pages ( my ass ) of regulations that are easy to comprehend...if one tries.

Third sentence:

The government will not be collecting medical information.

Fourth and fifth sentences:

Millions of Americans do not have health care policies. Prices have been going through the roof for decades. The rate of increase has slowed.

Sixth sentence. Colleges are dropping insurance plans? Need some proof for that. Obamacare has not been implemented yet, by the way.

Seventh sentence: SOME unions have specific issues with specific parts of the law...having to do with whether or not their members will get subsidies. Levin is full of shit.

Next several minutes......bullshit rhetoric about Congress, Supreme Court, radical POTUS and shredding Constitution.

That's it...I can't listen to that nut any more. IRS....destroying the best health care system in the world.....blah blah fucking blah!

Levin is playing you. Better go buy his book.

Is he? I don't think so. I respect anybody who might disagree with his conclusions, but nobody, and I mean nobody, has more impeccable scholarship than does Mark Levin. So I'm sure you can find credible SOURCES, other than only your biased opinion, to discredit his commentary since you are so sure he is 'playing us?'

I'll respond to two of your unsourced opinions as sufficient evidence that you most likely have nothing to based them on. And leave it to you to find CREDIBLE sources to support the rest of it.

Re that data base:

Re those colleges dropping their healthcare plans. . . .

Some colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans for the coming academic year and others are telling students to expect sharp premium increases because of a provision in the federal health law requiring plans to beef up coverage.

Colleges are dropping student health-insurance plans due to a federal health-law provision requiring plans to offer more substantial coverage. Louise Radnofsky has exclusive details on Lunch Break.

The demise of low-cost, low-benefit health plans for students is a consequence of the 2010 health-care overhaul. The law is intended to expand coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, but it is also eliminating some insurance options.
Big Changes in College Health Plans - WSJ.com

And as for the government controlling healthcare, what else do you call it when the government says we MUST have healthcare insurance or the government will assign it to us and charge us or, if we can't afford it, will force everybody else to buy it for us even as it dictates to us what kind of healthcare the government will allow?

Scholarship? Mark Levin?

Please. Just stop.

It’s gotten to the point where the partisan right actually perceives the lies they propagate about the ACA as truth; indeed, they’ve been lying for so long they don’t even know what the truth is anymore.


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