Obamacare just ruined my life

If Obamacare was in fact the giant clusterfuck the conservatives are claiming, and if the repubs had any brains at all, they'd let it run it's course and then use the disaster as ammo in the upcoming elections.

Because the conservatives actually give a crap about this country?
Yes, facts you chose to distort. A man who is uncomfortable with the truth will try to bend it to his will. I spew realities, not emotions. You spew emotions, not realities.

Is it not the liberal who cries "YOU'RE RACIST!" when someone defeats their arguments? Is it not the iberal who says "YOU'RE A BIGOT!" when someone disagrees with his opinion? Is it not the liberal who says "YOU'RE HATEFUL!" when someone calls them down on their lies?

You ignore reality, the very essence of ignorance.

I provided 'reality', but it doesn't fit into your distorted social Darwinist hatred.

Do you need MORE reality? I will provide it for you right wing Beck fed scum bags to ignore as USUAL, and instead continue to parrot what your corporate handlers tell you to mimic.

But why not try a new approach, instead of spewing emotions? Why don't you try a REAL novel approach...educate yourself. Let's start with what was called the War on Poverty. There was NO initiatives or intent to enslave minorities. It was totally based on opportunity, responsibility, community and empowerment.

The War on Poverty was a program that any conservative should support. But right wing turds just TALK about opportunity, when all they really believe in is punishment and hatred.

The War on Poverty, what it is and isn't...

There's always the 'able bodied but lazy poor person', the 'bleeding heart liberal' who just wants to hand out other people's money and of course, the clear headed 'conservative' whose 'tough love' always saves the day. Well, I refuse to play along. If you had the intelligence and curiosity to find out what the 'War on Poverty' was about and what it wasn't about, it would save you from all the bloviation that comes out of your ass.

When JFK's brother-in law Sargent Shriver accepted LBJ's challenge and took on the 'War on Poverty' the first thing he discovered was rather startling and disturbing. Half of the Americans living in poverty were children. Another large segment were elderly and another segment were mentally and/or physically disabled. So a HUGE segment of the poor fit the TRUE definition of a dependent. So there is an obligation as a civil society to make sure those real dependents are not trampled on or extinguished.

To address some of the players in your fairy tale, voila! We have an unabashed flaming liberal...Sargent Shriver. But I hate to disappoint you. Sargent Shriver hated welfare and had no intention of creating a handout program. He didn't believe in handouts, he believed in community action. The 'War on Poverty' was called the Office of Economic Opportunity. The core principles were opportunity, responsibility, community and empowerment. The program's aims were maximum feasible participation. One of the concepts of empowerment was poor people had a right to one-third of the seats on every local poverty program board. It was a community based program that focused on education as the keys to the city. Programs such as VISTA, Job Corps, Community Action Program, and Head Start were created to increase opportunity for the poor so they could pull themselves out of poverty with a hand UP, not a hand out. Even when Johnson effectively pulled the plug on the War on Poverty to fund the war in Vietnam, Shriver fought on and won. During the Shriver years more Americans got out of poverty than during any similar time in our history. (The Clinton years - employing the same philosophy - were the second best.)Ref

You want JOBS? That was what the 'War on Poverty' was all about. Here is one of the agencies created by the 'War on Poverty'...

Job Corps is a program administered by the United States Department of Labor that offers free-of-charge education and vocational training to youth ages 16 to 24.

Job Corps offers career planning, on-the-job training, job placement, residential housing, food service, driver's education, basic health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance and clothing allowance. Some centers offer childcare programs for single parents as well.

Besides vocational training, the Job Corps program also offers academic training, including basic reading and math, GED attainment, college preparatory, and Limited English Proficiency courses. Some centers also offer programs that allow students to remain in residence at their center while attending college.[citation needed] Job Corps provides career counseling and transition support to its students for up to one year after they graduate from the program.

Career paths

Career paths offered by Job Corps include:

Advanced manufacturing

Communication design
Electronic assembly
Machine appliance repair
Manufacturing technology
Sign, billboard, and display

Automotive and machine repair

Automobile technician
General services technician
Collision repair and refinish
Heavy construction equipment mechanic
Diesel mechanic
Medium/heavy truck repair
Electronics tech
Stationary engineering


Cement masonry
Concrete and terrazzo
Construction craft laborer
Electrical overhead line
Facilities maintenance
Floor covering
Industrial engineering technician
Licensed electrician (bilingual)
Mechanical engineering technician
Roto-Rooter plumbing
Tile setting

Extension programs

Advanced Career Training (ACT)
General Educational Development (GED)
Commercial driver's license (CDL)
Off-Center Training (OCT Program)
High school diploma (HSD Program)

Finance and Business

Accounting services
Business management
Clerical occupations
Legal secretary
Insurance and financial services
Medical insurance specialist
Office administration

Health care/allied health professions

Clinical medical assistant
Dental assistant
EKG technician
Emergency medical technician
Exercise/massage therapy
Hemodialysis technician
Licensed practical/vocational nurse
Medical office support
Nurse assistant/home health aide
Pharmacy technician
Physical therapy assistant
Rehabilitation therapy
Rehabilitation technician
Registered nurse
Respiratory therapy
Sterile processing
Surgical technician

Homeland security

Corrections officer
Security and protective services


Culinary arts
Hotel and lodging

Information technology

A+ Microsoft MSCE
Computer Networking/Cisco
Computer systems administrator
Computer support specialist
Computer technician
Integrated system tech
Network cable installation
Visual communications

Renewable resources and energy

Forest conservation and urban forestry

Retail sales and services

Behavioral health aide
Criminal justice
Child development
Residential advisor
Retail sales


Asphalt paving
Material and distribution operations
Clerical occupations
Heavy equipment operations
Roustabout operator
Heavy truck driving
TCU administrative clerk

"The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere."
President Abraham Lincoln

You accuse me of hatred? Well then, your namecalling invalidates your argument on it's face. Because, therefore, you are equally as hateful.

So if someone insults you or in your opinion shows a hate as equal as your own, you invalidate and blow off facts and revert to your own non-facts and distortions. How conveniet.
If Obamacare was in fact the giant clusterfuck the conservatives are claiming, and if the repubs had any brains at all, they'd let it run it's course and then use the disaster as ammo in the upcoming elections.

That is exactly why we got the disaster of a healthcare bill that Obamacare is--because we have politicians who care more about keeping themselves in power where they are enriching themselves mightily at our expense. They care about that more than they care whether they actually do anything for the country or their citizens.

We got a massive law that promised the rosiest of scenarios and sucked in the gullible and partisan devotees like dust into a huge vacuum. Never mind that they didn't care what was in it and none who voted for it had even read it. They had to pass it to find out what was in it, remember? Meanwhile they told people like you that it was the magic bullet that would make everything wonderful. And you bought it.

The result? We have more people unemployed and under employed in this country than we had during the Great Depression. We have more people on food stamps, more people receiving some kind of government aid than we have had in the history of this country, and the ever incresing burden is burying us under debt our great grandchildren can't hope to pay off even as the economy is sucked dry of vitality and opportunity. Our healthcare system is being systematically dismantled while the rules and regs number into the tens of thousands of pages and aren't even half done yet. We will likely wind up with far more uninsured people than we had to begin with.

“Obamacare is fully implemented January 1st, even though the regulations haven’t been written yet. And Brian, we’ve got 33,000 pages of regulations that they’ve already written. If we stacked it up here, it would be seven feet tall.”
— Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), speaking on “Fox and Friends,” May 13, 2013

So tell us again how the Republicans should just let things crash and burn so they can regain power? Is that what we elect people to leadership to do? Or do we elect them to have the best interest of the country and the people as their number one and ony motivation?
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Repubs had control of the entire gov't apparatus from 2000-2006. Why didn't they address the ever-increasing amt of GDP that HC was gobbling up not to mention the backwards approach that was being used to treat illness (waiting until people get really sick instead of addressing it before it gets to that point through wellness care?) :eusa_think:

I'll tell you what Repubs did in that 6 yr span of time where they had complete control of the gov't :up: nothing!

Well,,,,, aside from starting an optional, unpaid-for, TRILLION $ + war, a tax-cut during that 10+ yr war, and a TRILLION $ give-away to BigPharma in the form of Med Part D unfunded mandate boondoggle.

Now they're belly-aching :eusa_eh: :lol: Spare us your crocodile tears :eusa_hand:
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Repubs had control of the entire gov't apparatus from 2000-2006. Why didn't they address the ever-increasing amt of GDP that HC was gobbling up not to mention the backwards approach that was being used to treat illness (waiting until people get really sick instead of addressing it before it gets to that point through wellness care?) :eusa_think:

I'll tell you what Repubs did in that 6 yr span of time where they had complete control of the gov't :up: nothing!

Well,,,,, aside from starting an optional, unpaid-for, TRILLION $ + war, a tax-cut during that 10+ yr war, and a TRILLION $ give-away to BigPharma in the form of Med Part D unfunded mandate boondoggle.

Now they're belly-aching :eusa_eh: :lol: Spare us your crocodile tears :eusa_hand:

And that has WHAT to do with the horrendous unconscionable boondoggle that we're dealing with in Obamacare? Not a single Republican voted for it in the House or Senate, and they lacked a sufficient majority to overturn it though the House has voted to do that several times now--Harry Reid won't let any of those bills out of committee to even be debated, much less put up for a vote.

Some of us care about this country and want to do the right thing for the country and its people.

Some of you just want to point fingers and blame somebody and don't seem to give a damn about the damage being done so long as you can turn the focus to somebody else's unrelated sins.
you people really "cared" about HealthCare gobbling up 15%+ of GDP while having mediocre outcomes/failed care practices (treating the illness instead of preventing its occurrence in the first place) up until Obamneycare was passed. :eusa_hand: :lol:

keep drinking that SeanRush kool aid Foxy :alcoholic: :thup:
you people really "cared" about HealthCare gobbling up 15%+ of GDP while having mediocre outcomes/failed care practices (treating the illness instead of preventing its occurrence in the first place) up until Obamneycare was passed. :eusa_hand: :lol:

keep drinking that SeanRush kool aid Foxy :alcoholic: :thup:

Yes I DID care about it which is why I have been railing against Medicare and federal Medicaid that has been driving up health costs for decades. I wanted the federal government out of the healthcare business totally. And yes, I blame the Republicans for not doing what was right when they have the power just as I blame the Democrats for being self serving and not motivated to do their jobs.

And I blame people like YOU who seem to have zero ethics or conviction about doing what is right, but who would demonize one party while giving your own a complete pass. And THAT my friend, is exactly why we are in the mess we are in.
you people really "cared" about HealthCare gobbling up 15%+ of GDP while having mediocre outcomes/failed care practices (treating the illness instead of preventing its occurrence in the first place) up until Obamneycare was passed. :eusa_hand: :lol:

keep drinking that SeanRush kool aid Foxy :alcoholic: :thup:

Yes I DID care about it which is why I have been railing against Medicare and federal Medicaid that has been driving up health costs for decades. I wanted the federal government out of the healthcare business totally. And yes, I blame the Republicans for not doing what was right when they have the power just as I blame the Democrats for being self serving and not motivated to do their jobs.

And I blame people like YOU who seem to have zero ethics or conviction about doing what is right, but who would demonize one party while giving your own a complete pass. And THAT my friend, is exactly why we are in the mess we are in.

ummm..... politics is "the art of the possible" Foxy. Forgive me as I wrongly assumed that you were aware of that. The Dem's did what could be done given the butt hurt obstructionist Repubs who were/are water-carriers for the insurance industry did everything in their power to obstruct/delay. Unnerstand now?
One would have to be a complete moron to not know what a constitutional conservative is. Or what his views on gun ownership are.

I've read the Constitution hundreds of times. I've studied it, can recite it backwards and fully understand every salient element of it.
apparently not....not much on sarcasm either.

Apparently not what? jerk. Can you speak in clear concise sentences, or are you just a Troll? Obuma Care, Welfare for the lazy, attacks on the 2nd amendment, attacks on all manner of liberty. That's what the left is about.
can you say indoctrinated.?
everything you just said is propaganda.. your half witticisms about the pres and the left are smoking gun proof of wilful ignorance and hubris.
you people really "cared" about HealthCare gobbling up 15%+ of GDP while having mediocre outcomes/failed care practices (treating the illness instead of preventing its occurrence in the first place) up until Obamneycare was passed. :eusa_hand: :lol:

keep drinking that SeanRush kool aid Foxy :alcoholic: :thup:

Yes I DID care about it which is why I have been railing against Medicare and federal Medicaid that has been driving up health costs for decades. I wanted the federal government out of the healthcare business totally. And yes, I blame the Republicans for not doing what was right when they have the power just as I blame the Democrats for being self serving and not motivated to do their jobs.

And I blame people like YOU who seem to have zero ethics or conviction about doing what is right, but who would demonize one party while giving your own a complete pass. And THAT my friend, is exactly why we are in the mess we are in.

ummm..... politics is "the art of the possible" Foxy. Forgive me as I wrongly assumed that you were aware of that. The Dem's did what could be done given the butt hurt obstructionist Repubs who were/are water-carriers for the insurance industry did everything in their power to obstruct/delay. Unnerstand now?

If Obamacare is the classic example of Democrats 'doing what they could', God help us all if we don't have Republicans throwing up roadblocks to keep them from doing more.
its settled then. Repubs did everything in their power to ignore the giant sucking sound (HC eating up more and more of GDP to the tune of 15%+ & HC insurance co's profitting-off of denying treatment) and the Dem's addressed it given the overwhelming obstruction put up by the Repubs and did the best they could. I, personally, wanted single-payer but w/ the Repubs hair-pulling & hand-wringing, at the insurance co's behest, Its amazing we got any reform at all such as:

no lifetime caps
no discrimination for pre-existing conditions
stay on parent's policy until 26 if so desire
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Yes the purpose of "free" and/or "discounted" health care for millions of people paid for by fines on the rest of us was to force more of the rest of us into dependency. Same with SS. Same with medicare. Same with TSA. Same with DOE.

Govco creates an idiotic program that benefits the few at the expense of the many. The few become dependent loyal repeat customers.

No different than crack cocaine. Here take your free crack.

We tried a charity only approach to social services...IT FAILED miserably. Medicare alone lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.

Hey I have a solution...

Hey grandma...get a fucking job, go back to college, start a new career...get your lazy ass out of that chair!!!


Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

Here's a bright idea: Get all of those able bodied liberals off of Welfare first.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
another half truth..yes some people play the system..to clue you in .
According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers. Also given that there are more people in Red States on Welfare than Blue states, i'd have to say Conservatives.

btw the romans and the greeks had welfare programs.
also you biblical sound bite is out of context.
Apparently not what? jerk. Can you speak in clear concise sentences, or are you just a Troll? Obuma Care, Welfare for the lazy, attacks on the 2nd amendment, attacks on all manner of liberty. That's what the left is about.

Yes. That s what the left is all about. Exactly.

And the right is so fucked up.....so unable to come to grips with reality....that the left.....the horrid, sheepish, limp-wristed and vile left......has taken over this country. Be a man, Brownie. DO SOMETHING!!!!!

I do things about it every day.
like what?...nothing that serves all of us, I'll wager .
Then I'm quite sure that you guys can provide a competent rebuttal for anything Levin said in that monologue yes? Because you found a blindly partisan site who would declare Fox News biased? Or because you don't like Levin? That is what passes for competent debate these days?

By the way I was not commenting on anything other than Levin's content in that monologue. And his radio program is not affiliated in any way with Fox News.

For those of you who for whatever reason can't access the linked recording of his excellent rant, here is a brief summary of the content:
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