Obamacare just ruined my life

maybe you should first read the thread so you won't jump off the bushes displaying such an amazingly revealing idiocy :D

47 pages by the time I posted? Naw, I have a life, thanks.

"amazingly revealed idiocy"?


A life, yes. A brain? Not so much. You think of commenting on a thread you care not to educate yourself on. That's pretty smart, genius.

I take it that your total lack of an answer to my question is, itself, the answer to my question.

Be sure to think of a real good snarky reply, internet badass. Keyboard rage is truly impressive.

Is he? I don't think so. I respect anybody who might disagree with his conclusions, but nobody, and I mean nobody, has more impeccable scholarship than does Mark Levin. So I'm sure you can find credible SOURCES, other than only your biased opinion, to discredit his commentary since you are so sure he is 'playing us?'

I'll respond to two of your unsourced opinions as sufficient evidence that you most likely have nothing to based them on. And leave it to you to find CREDIBLE sources to support the rest of it.

Re that data base:

Re those colleges dropping their healthcare plans. . . .

And as for the government controlling healthcare, what else do you call it when the government says we MUST have healthcare insurance or the government will assign it to us and charge us or, if we can't afford it, will force everybody else to buy it for us even as it dictates to us what kind of healthcare the government will allow?

Scholarship? Mark Levin?

Please. Just stop.

Yup. There are some out there as good, but nobody better than him. I'll put his worst efforts up against your very best or anybody like you in a heartbeat. Because people like him KNOW what they're talking about and are the people who get quoted. They don't go combing through leftwing hate sites just to have anything at all to copy and paste and then pretend to say.

The guy you most admire is a joke. You really should stop.
Apparently not what? jerk. Can you speak in clear concise sentences, or are you just a Troll? Obuma Care, Welfare for the lazy, attacks on the 2nd amendment, attacks on all manner of liberty. That's what the left is about.
can you say indoctrinated.?
everything you just said is propaganda.. your half witticisms about the pres and the left are smoking gun proof of wilful ignorance and hubris.

Indoctrinated into what? Loving this country?

You got one thing right. I have a definite hubris for my country. And will defend it as such against the likes of you.
I got everything right....the country you imagine never existed.
I'm as american as you, more so actually because I truly understand the meaning of these words: WE THE PEOPLE...
Scholarship? Mark Levin?

Please. Just stop.

Yup. There are some out there as good, but nobody better than him. I'll put his worst efforts up against your very best or anybody like you in a heartbeat. Because people like him KNOW what they're talking about and are the people who get quoted. They don't go combing through leftwing hate sites just to have anything at all to copy and paste and then pretend to say.

The guy you most admire is a joke. You really should stop.

Well let's see. Mark Levin's biography and credentials versus LoneLaugher's biography:

Mark Levin was born on September 21, 1957. He served as advisor to the Ronald Reagan Cabinet, since 1981, before becoming Associate Director of Presidential Personnel. Levin has also served as Attorney General Edwin Meese's Chief of Staff, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Department of Education, and Deputy Lawyer at the US Interior Department, before exhibiting his expertise in evaluating the nation's political and educational sojourn. His genius in handling legal issues and probing into the working of the private sector comes from his exposure to the related fields during his tenure as President of the Landmark Legal Foundation, Leesburg, Virginia. Mark Levin has a B.A. degree and J.D. from Temple University School of Law.
Read more at Buzzle: Biography of Mark Levin

His book "Men in Black" re Supreme Court decisions is nothing short of genius. His book 'Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto' made the NY Times best seller list in March 2009 and the last time I looked, it is still there.

Now perhaps you would share your verifiable expertise and credentials that gives you authority to judge Mark Levin's scholarship and explain why you should be considered the more accomplished authority on the legal aspects of the healthcare law than what he offers.
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Nice try. I'm just a dude with a BA and a successful business.

But I know when a person is being sold a bill of goods. And tht person is you.

I have heard that asshole's show enough to know tht he is a salesman.....and is selling you on his "expertise". He is loud and rude. Not much else.

I would love to be proven wrong....please link to a video of him debating someone with chops. I can't see him doing very well against someone who isn't a shill.

Here is something I found while looking fr said debate. Enjoy. He is really not the intellectual superstar that HE HS TOLD YOU HE IS.

Cutting The Mike On Critics
I do things about it every day.
like what?...nothing that serves all of us, I'll wager .

One example:

I'm raising 3 children who each believe as I do in our constitution. One's a nurse at the local trauma one center. One's studying to be an Engineer. And the third is a valedictorian that plans on becoming a doctor or surgeon.

As for "serving" you. Not likely.
that's a self centered dodge.. and you want props for doing what less egocentric people would consider a "go's with the territory" job of parenting.
it's not serving the greater good. do you spend any of your free time helping the poor or the disabled?
I do all those things and more.
my guess is you do nothing that does not serve your own inflated self interest.
as to what your children do or do not believe ,that will change.
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Hey Fox,

I wonder if you have ever heard or read Levin say something that was wrong, in your opinion? Have you any examples of you disagreeing with him on something? Maybe an example where his rhetoric was too much? Maybe where he is a bit overly dramatic?

Any? Please.....
Hey Fox,

I wonder if you have ever heard or read Levin say something that was wrong, in your opinion? Have you any examples of you disagreeing with him on something? Maybe an example where his rhetoric was too much? Maybe where he is a bit overly dramatic?

Any? Please.....

"Where he is a bit overly dramatic"??

Aw, that ain't fair; that would cover WAY too much material for her to sort through.
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Yup. There are some out there as good, but nobody better than him. I'll put his worst efforts up against your very best or anybody like you in a heartbeat. Because people like him KNOW what they're talking about and are the people who get quoted. They don't go combing through leftwing hate sites just to have anything at all to copy and paste and then pretend to say.

The guy you most admire is a joke. You really should stop.

Well let's see. Mark Levin's biography and credentials versus LoneLaugher's biography:

Mark Levin was born on September 21, 1957. He served as advisor to the Ronald Reagan Cabinet, since 1981, before becoming Associate Director of Presidential Personnel. Levin has also served as Attorney General Edwin Meese's Chief of Staff, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Department of Education, and Deputy Lawyer at the US Interior Department, before exhibiting his expertise in evaluating the nation's political and educational sojourn. His genius in handling legal issues and probing into the working of the private sector comes from his exposure to the related fields during his tenure as President of the Landmark Legal Foundation, Leesburg, Virginia. Mark Levin has a B.A. degree and J.D. from Temple University School of Law.
Read more at Buzzle: Biography of Mark Levin

His book "Men in Black" re Supreme Court decisions is nothing short of genius. His book 'Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto' made the NY Times best seller list in March 2009 and the last time I looked, it is still there.

Now perhaps you would share your verifiable expertise and credentials that gives you authority to judge Mark Levin's scholarship and explain why you should be considered the more accomplished authority on the legal aspects of the healthcare law than what he offers.

He has the resume of a political hack ass kisser. Honestly, that is what his resume looks like he has done. Taken important sounding jobs that are nothing more than hack jobs made for guys who will say yes when they are told to. Best seller books at one time meant something. Now we know organizations buy them in bulk and end up selling them for next to nothing at conventions. Sometimes they can't even sell them, so they give them away as gifts. BTW, when he was a deputy lawyer at the Interior Dept. a crap load of laws were being broken that ended up seeing the Sec. of the Interior convicted and sent to prison.
Health care costs and health insurance premiums went up every year for a decade prior to the recession and during the recession. What is your point?

Doing nothing about the rising cost of health care in this country was not an option.

When is the best time to plant a tree?
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Nice try. I'm just a dude with a BA and a successful business.

But I know when a person is being sold a bill of goods. And tht person is you.

I have heard that asshole's show enough to know tht he is a salesman.....and is selling you on his "expertise". He is loud and rude. Not much else.

I would love to be proven wrong....please link to a video of him debating someone with chops. I can't see him doing very well against someone who isn't a shill.

Here is something I found while looking fr said debate. Enjoy. He is really not the intellectual superstar that HE HS TOLD YOU HE IS.

Cutting The Mike On Critics

Sorry but I've seen too many of your posts, along with your inability to formulate a single argument that doesn't come off some leftwing propaganda site, to believe you have much more than a HS education, if that, or that you have ever been a manager, much less a successful business owner, is a real stretch.

Since you are usually incapable of supporting your own comments here at USMB with anything from credible sources, I won't comment further until you do. Though I would bet very good money that Levin would hold his own against ANYBODY in a debate, I don't see how his debate skills have anything at all to do with his level of expertise on anything.
Nice try. I'm just a dude with a BA and a successful business.

But I know when a person is being sold a bill of goods. And tht person is you.

I have heard that asshole's show enough to know tht he is a salesman.....and is selling you on his "expertise". He is loud and rude. Not much else.

I would love to be proven wrong....please link to a video of him debating someone with chops. I can't see him doing very well against someone who isn't a shill.

Here is something I found while looking fr said debate. Enjoy. He is really not the intellectual superstar that HE HS TOLD YOU HE IS.

Cutting The Mike On Critics

Sorry but I've seen too many of your posts, along with your inability to formulate a single argument that doesn't come off some leftwing propaganda site, to believe you have much more than a HS education, if that, or that you have ever been a manager, much less a successful business owner, is a real stretch.

Since you are usually incapable of supporting your own comments here at USMB with anything from credible sources, I won't comment further until you do. Though I would bet very good money that Levin would hold his own against ANYBODY in a debate, I don't see how his debate skills have anything at all to do with his level of expertise on anything.

You are butthurt. I have exposed you as a fraud here several times. This play of yours.....questioning my honesty in regards to my education and occupation...is lame. I will answer any question that you can think of that would "stump" me regarding my education and business. Go ahead, dummy. Fire away.

I have asked you a few questions here. I don't expect you to answer, PROFESSOR. You never answer direct questions. Instead....you do what you just did in this post. You bullshit.

You claim that you are a PAID LECTURER. I call bullshit. You can talk.....that is for certain. You bloviate with the best of them. But I defy you to prove that anyone has ever paid you to wax political. I am pretty sure that you are a liar.

And....idolizing LEVIN? That is a giveaway. You should end that practice if you want future forum members to buy your bullshit.
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that's a self centered dodge.. and you want props for doing what less egocentric people would consider a "go's with the territory" job of parenting.
it's not serving the greater good. do you spend any of your free time helping the poor or the disabled?
I do all those things and more.
my guess is you do nothing that does not serve your own inflated self interest.
as to what your children do or do not believe ,that will change.

I call bull shit. People who demand government welfare programs, such as Obama Care, as a replacement to charity, such as Free Clinics, are not people who actually provide charity for people outside of government. Stealing money from peter to give funds to paul is not charity. Further, people who do things for others out of the kindness of their hearts don't come to internet web sites looking to brag about it or accuse conservatives, for christ sake, of being uncharitable. My god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

As to you your vicious attack on my children's moral compass, screw you, your kind will never hold sway on me OR my family members.
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I would bet very good money that Levin would hold his own against ANYBODY in a debate, I don't see how his debate skills have anything at all to do with his level of expertise on anything.

Debate is a skill requiring expertise. Mr. Levin's debate skills are juvenile at best. He screams and hits the mute button, hangs up on the person debating with him then goes into a soliloquy rant explaining how stupid the debater was, all the while completely ignoring all salient points about the argument. He's a mean old fart, with a passion for war hawk republicans.
Yes the purpose of "free" and/or "discounted" health care for millions of people paid for by fines on the rest of us was to force more of the rest of us into dependency. Same with SS. Same with medicare. Same with TSA. Same with DOE.

Govco creates an idiotic program that benefits the few at the expense of the many. The few become dependent loyal repeat customers.

No different than crack cocaine. Here take your free crack.

We tried a charity only approach to social services...IT FAILED miserably. Medicare alone lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.

Hey I have a solution...

Hey grandma...get a fucking job, go back to college, start a new career...get your lazy ass out of that chair!!!


Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

You sir are a liar. Even though we were on the way and did become the richest nation on the face of the planet, there are still 50million Americans living in poverty. Why? Because of dumb ass liberals like you that think paying people to be poor is cool. In my family we take care of our parents and grand parents when they get older. Sad that you think a government check is a substitute for family unity. SAD DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING YOU ARE.

Here are some FACTS for ignorant turds like you...

47 MILLION…the number of Americans for whom Medicare provides comprehensive health care

51 PERCENT…the number of Americans 65 or older who did not have health care before Medicare was passed, while today virtually all elderly Americans have health care thanks to Medicare

30 PERCENT…the number of elderly Americans who lived in poverty before Medicare, a number now reduced to 7.5 PERCENT

72 PERCENT…the number of Americans in a recent poll who said that Medicare is “extremely” or “very” important to their retirement security

Medicare assures health care for seniors who might otherwise find health care inaccessible. It saves our government money. It makes the lives of our seniors better.

Two concepts inspired Medicare. First, seniors require more care than younger Americans. Second, seniors usually live on less income; many survive only on Social Security. This combination renders seniors extremely vulnerable to losing their savings, homes or lives from easily treatable diseases.

And Medicare provides good care. American life expectancy at birth ranks 30th in the world. We remain 30th for the rest of our lives -- until we reach 65. Then, our rank rises until we reach 14th at 80. We can thank the remarkable access to health care provided by Medicare.

Every industrialized nation guarantees health care for seniors. Indeed, we are unhappily distinctive in being the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee care for everyone else, as well. Medicare restores us to a civilized status.

Before Medicare, only 40 percent of nonworking seniors had health insurance, and of those with coverage, private insurance paid for less than 10 percent of their hospital bills. The principle of insuring only the healthy who consume little care and avoiding the sick has always driven our private insurance industry. No insurance company can make money by offering the same comprehensive, affordable coverage to seniors as Medicare, so they don't offer it. Our experience with Medicare Advantage, an effort to privatize parts of Medicare, resulted in our government spending $17 billion more for the same benefits available through Medicare. Our private insurance industry was in no hurry to insure seniors before Medicare started. They are in no hurry now. Medicare revolutionized health care access for seniors.

Why is Medicare expensive? Simply, health care for seniors will always cost more than that of healthier, younger Americans. And costs are rising in every health care system around the world, not just Medicare. The United States is doubly cursed because our costs are rising faster and are already twice as expensive as other countries. Though hard to believe, Medicare is a leader in fighting cost increases. Private insurance industry costs are rising nearly twice as fast as those of Medicare. And when it comes to administrative expenses, private insurance is 10 times higher than Medicare. In fact, if the single payer financing of Medicare were applied to citizens of all ages, we would save $350 billion annually, more than enough to provide comprehensive health care to every American.

Medicare is good for our seniors and good for our country. It provides health care far more affordably and efficiently than our private insurance industry. It saves our country hundreds of billions of dollars in administrative overhead. And if we expand Medicare to cover younger, healthier Americans, we would all get more care at less cost.

If Obamacare was in fact the giant clusterfuck the conservatives are claiming, and if the repubs had any brains at all, they'd let it run it's course and then use the disaster as ammo in the upcoming elections.

Because the conservatives actually give a crap about this country?


Republicans were well aware that health care reform was paramount to repairing our economy and protecting the financial security of American families. McCain, and Republicans ALSO ran on promising health care reforms.

But Republicans made a conscious and collective decision to block and undermine any reform. Because it would be seen as a success for our President.

David Frum, the Republican and former economic speechwriter for George W. Bush was fired by the American Enterprise Institute for writing this op-ed, a right wing think tank whose 'scholars' ironically were ordered not to speak to the media on the subject of health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

The final irony:
The health care bill Obama and Democrats passed was not the reform liberals and progressives sought. It was and IS a carbon copy of the Republican bills proposed by Senator John Chafee, (R-R.I) and Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in the early 1990's. Including the conservative idea...the individual mandate.[

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