Obamacare just ruined my life

You are delusional. Socialism, NEVER works. Never has worked, does not work now, and never will work.

ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.

You are delusional. Socialism, NEVER works. Never has worked, does not work now, and never will work.

ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.
No one said we don't need government. NO ONE but you that is. Your accusations of some desire for anarchy are the extreme example of retarded views of the majority of the democrat party. If you are retarded, my apologies.

Examples of government programs that are not socialism: "interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon..."

Medicare is a ponzi scheme, not socialism. Medicaid is means tested charity for the extreme poor who have no assets and no other means for funding their health care, it is not socialism. Medicaid "is" the health care safety net that the democrats "claim" we don't have.
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You are delusional. Socialism, NEVER works. Never has worked, does not work now, and never will work.

ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.

That's terrible. What would we do without studies that determine how a mosquito has sex............What would we do without Free Rubbers and Cell phones.................

What would we do if we didn't build a turtle tunnel under an interstate.............

What would we do if we didn't repair Gov't buildings that nobody uses anymore..........

Sniff Sniff............I need a tissue.

Really, though our main intent is to just trash the Interstate system though..............

Do you stay awake all night coming up with your BS.
You are delusional. Socialism, NEVER works. Never has worked, does not work now, and never will work.

ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

That's a lie. Forcing corporations to pay fines and higher rates for insurance for their employees, and/or the employees to foot the bill for the higher rates due to the new federal mandates placed on insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions and also to fund federal subsidies for heath insurance plans for illegals, people who don't want to work, and people who work "part time" and/or for minimum wage are most certainly socialist redistribution policies. So what if the government is outsourcing the insurance management to insurance companies? Corporatism my ass.

If you earn a mid income level amount of money you are going to be punished, unless you had some pre-existing conditions that you want to force others to pay for. That is the very definition of socialism. People who deserved an F are being given a C. People who deserved an A are being dinged for the audacity of living and working in this country and not having given up all of their salary to government to redistribute. Cause evidently, existing federal, state, and local taxes were not enough now our federal government has to screw up our health care. They started screwing it up with the mandated free health care at emergency rooms. Obuma Care is just one more nail in the labor force. This is "why" unions and other democrat institutions are all getting exemptions from this bull carp. If you are not in a government job or union you are an enemy of this administration. It's disgusting. Makes me want to clean my guns some more, get some more ammo. I really don't like this one government policy for the democrats, hand out money hand over fist, and another government policy for the republicans, take their paychecks while you are calling them rich scum that did not earn their money.

Social Darwinism personified. Bolstered by gross ignorance, false right wing propaganda, uttered by a human piece of shit.

You forgot the...."let 'em die!"

I have never had the thought in my life that equality means material equality. And I know of no liberal who forwards that belief.

The question was asked by a college student at a political forum what the difference is between Republicans and Democrats. After Ronald Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan went off on some long drawn out answer filled with dogma, the late Ted Sorensen, the man who knew John F. Kennedy's core beliefs better than anyone, said it best and in his usual word thrifty style.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
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ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.

Snook is a socialist authoritarian. You're either "for" authoritarian control of every industry, or you are an anarchist. There is no liberty without full authoritarian control in his world view.
Whenever I hear the budget can't be cut to avoid Sequester I simply laugh.

There are plenty of ways to cut the budget if one just's looks at it, but these idiots just cut across the board and fund studies on BS.
ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.
No one said we don't need government. NO ONE but you that is. Your accusations of some desire for anarchy are the extreme example of retarded views of the majority of the democrat party. If you are retarded, my apologies.

Examples of government programs that are not socialism: "interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon..."

Medicare is a ponzi scheme, not socialism. Medicaid is means tested charity for the extreme poor who have no assets and no other means for funding their health care, it is not socialism. Medicaid "is" the health care safety net that the democrats "claim" we don't have.
Evidently you are not intellectually capable of recognizing social satire. You must think the Jon Stewart show is factual news.
ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

That's a lie. Forcing corporations to pay fines and higher rates for insurance for their employees, and/or the employees to foot the bill for the higher rates due to the new federal mandates placed on insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions and also to fund federal subsidies for heath insurance plans for illegals, people who don't want to work, and people who work "part time" and/or for minimum wage are most certainly socialist redistribution policies. So what if the government is outsourcing the insurance management to insurance companies? Corporatism my ass.

If you earn a mid income level amount of money you are going to be punished, unless you had some pre-existing conditions that you want to force others to pay for. That is the very definition of socialism. People who deserved an F are being given a C. People who deserved an A are being dinged for the audacity of living and working in this country and not having given up all of their salary to government to redistribute. Cause evidently, existing federal, state, and local taxes were not enough now our federal government has to screw up our health care. They started screwing it up with the mandated free health care at emergency rooms. Obuma Care is just one more nail in the labor force. This is "why" unions and other democrat institutions are all getting exemptions from this bull carp. If you are not in a government job or union you are an enemy of this administration. It's disgusting. Makes me want to clean my guns some more, get some more ammo. I really don't like this one government policy for the democrats, hand out money hand over fist, and another government policy for the republicans, take their paychecks while you are calling them rich scum that did not earn their money.

Social Darwinism personified. Bolstered by gross ignorance, false right wing propaganda, uttered by a human piece of shit.

You forgot the...."let 'em die!"

I have never had the thought in my life that equality means material equality. And I know of no liberal who forwards that belief.

The question was asked by a college student at a political forum what the difference is between Republicans and Democrats. After Peggy Noonan went off on some long drawn out answer about
The late Ted Sorensen, the man who knew John F. Kennedy's core beliefs better than anyone, said it best and in his usual word thrifty style.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Spoken like the ignorant piece of shit that you are. Unlimited health care will cost millions per US citizen. Where is the money for unlimited health care gonna come from? Huh? Where?
Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.

Snook is a socialist authoritarian. You're either "for" authoritarian control of every industry, or you are an anarchist. There is no liberty without full authoritarian control in his world view.
RK has now assumed the role of Internet Forum God.
Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.
No one said we don't need government. NO ONE but you that is. Your accusations of some desire for anarchy are the extreme example of retarded views of the majority of the democrat party. If you are retarded, my apologies.

Examples of government programs that are not socialism: "interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon..."

Medicare is a ponzi scheme, not socialism. Medicaid is means tested charity for the extreme poor who have no assets and no other means for funding their health care, it is not socialism. Medicaid "is" the health care safety net that the democrats "claim" we don't have.
Evidently you are not intellectually capable of recognizing social satire. You must think the Jon Stewart show is factual news.
Well then I take it back. I love satire and I love the Jon Stewart show, even though I don't align myself with his politics. If you meant that with "satire," yeah it was well hidden in the typical democrat authoritarian view, often spouted by the likes of BFGN, for example.

I'm good with the idea of means tested safety nets, where the person has not quit working but has exhausted all other means to pay his way and needs help. That is what I would call a reasonable safety net.

I will, in the future, look at your posts with an eye for satire.
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No one said we don't need government. NO ONE but you that is. Your accusations of some desire for anarchy are the extreme example of retarded views of the majority of the democrat party. If you are retarded, my apologies.

Examples of government programs that are not socialism: "interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon..."

Medicare is a ponzi scheme, not socialism. Medicaid is means tested charity for the extreme poor who have no assets and no other means for funding their health care, it is not socialism. Medicaid "is" the health care safety net that the democrats "claim" we don't have.
Evidently you are not intellectually capable of recognizing social satire. You must think the Jon Stewart show is factual news.
Well then I take it back. I love satire and I love the Jon Stewart show, even though I don't align myself with his politics. If you meant that with "satire," yeah it was well hidden in the typical democrat authoritarian view, often spouted by the likes of BFGN, for example.

I'm good with the idea of means tested safety nets, where the person has not quit working but has exhausted all other means to pay his way and needs help. That is what I would call a reasonable safety net.

I will, in the future, look at your posts with an eye for satire.

Maybe Snookie should host Saturday Night Live or something....................

tonight's show..............................

Grandma lost her Medicare part d coverage and is complaining she can't afford medical treatment.....................

drum roll please...................

Snookie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe she shouldn't have gotten old..............

HAW HAW HAW...............

Some real funny satire BS going on here..........

He Haw He Haw The motto of the Jack Ass Party.
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Snook is a socialist authoritarian. You're either "for" authoritarian control of every industry, or you are an anarchist. There is no liberty without full authoritarian control in his world view.
RK has now assumed the role of Internet Forum God.

No thanks. But I do see... some level of satire in your post. This from the god of forum satire.

Hmm..... maybe - between the two of you - you can clarify the satire for me. What I saw was the usual strawman accusation of anarchy in response to any suggestion that government should be limited in reach or scope. Was it a satire of the statist compulsion the shout 'Somalia' in response to libertarian arguments?

If so, I'll give snook points and admit it was more subtle, and funnier, than I realized.
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That's a lie. Forcing corporations to pay fines and higher rates for insurance for their employees, and/or the employees to foot the bill for the higher rates due to the new federal mandates placed on insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions and also to fund federal subsidies for heath insurance plans for illegals, people who don't want to work, and people who work "part time" and/or for minimum wage are most certainly socialist redistribution policies. So what if the government is outsourcing the insurance management to insurance companies? Corporatism my ass.

If you earn a mid income level amount of money you are going to be punished, unless you had some pre-existing conditions that you want to force others to pay for. That is the very definition of socialism. People who deserved an F are being given a C. People who deserved an A are being dinged for the audacity of living and working in this country and not having given up all of their salary to government to redistribute. Cause evidently, existing federal, state, and local taxes were not enough now our federal government has to screw up our health care. They started screwing it up with the mandated free health care at emergency rooms. Obuma Care is just one more nail in the labor force. This is "why" unions and other democrat institutions are all getting exemptions from this bull carp. If you are not in a government job or union you are an enemy of this administration. It's disgusting. Makes me want to clean my guns some more, get some more ammo. I really don't like this one government policy for the democrats, hand out money hand over fist, and another government policy for the republicans, take their paychecks while you are calling them rich scum that did not earn their money.

Social Darwinism personified. Bolstered by gross ignorance, false right wing propaganda, uttered by a human piece of shit.

You forgot the...."let 'em die!"

I have never had the thought in my life that equality means material equality. And I know of no liberal who forwards that belief.

The question was asked by a college student at a political forum what the difference is between Republicans and Democrats. After Peggy Noonan went off on some long drawn out answer about
The late Ted Sorensen, the man who knew John F. Kennedy's core beliefs better than anyone, said it best and in his usual word thrifty style.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Spoken like the ignorant piece of shit that you are. Unlimited health care will cost millions per US citizen. Where is the money for unlimited health care gonna come from? Huh? Where?

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
No one said we don't need government. NO ONE but you that is. Your accusations of some desire for anarchy are the extreme example of retarded views of the majority of the democrat party. If you are retarded, my apologies.

Examples of government programs that are not socialism: "interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon..."

Medicare is a ponzi scheme, not socialism. Medicaid is means tested charity for the extreme poor who have no assets and no other means for funding their health care, it is not socialism. Medicaid "is" the health care safety net that the democrats "claim" we don't have.
Evidently you are not intellectually capable of recognizing social satire. You must think the Jon Stewart show is factual news.
Well then I take it back. I love satire and I love the Jon Stewart show, even though I don't align myself with his politics. If you meant that with "satire," yeah it was well hidden in the typical democrat authoritarian view, often spouted by the likes of BFGN, for example.

I'm good with the idea of means tested safety nets, where the person has not quit working but has exhausted all other means to pay his way and needs help. That is what I would call a reasonable safety net.

I will, in the future, look at your posts with an eye for satire.

Herein lies your problem asshole...

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

Yeah government is bad. We need to get rid f things such as the interstae highway system, the FDA who is always sticking its nose in botulism, national parks, medicare, medicaid, air traffic controllers, fbi, the pentagon, and just too many to mention.

Let's just revert back to the neanderthal era and the survival of the fittest. We too, can be like Somalia.

That's terrible. What would we do without studies that determine how a mosquito has sex............What would we do without Free Rubbers and Cell phones.................

What would we do if we didn't build a turtle tunnel under an interstate.............

What would we do if we didn't repair Gov't buildings that nobody uses anymore..........

Sniff Sniff............I need a tissue.

Really, though our main intent is to just trash the Interstate system though..............

Do you stay awake all night coming up with your BS.

I can't speak for you but as for me, Malthus would be turning over in his grave if they stopped giving me free rubbers.
ACA isn't socialism. It's corporatism. And I agree that the biggest threat is that it will 'work' - in the sense that it will successfully bring health care under government control. I think that would be a really bad development for our nation.

That's a lie. Forcing corporations to pay fines and higher rates for insurance for their employees, and/or the employees to foot the bill for the higher rates due to the new federal mandates placed on insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions and also to fund federal subsidies for heath insurance plans for illegals, people who don't want to work, and people who work "part time" and/or for minimum wage are most certainly socialist redistribution policies. So what if the government is outsourcing the insurance management to insurance companies? Corporatism my ass.

If you earn a mid income level amount of money you are going to be punished, unless you had some pre-existing conditions that you want to force others to pay for. That is the very definition of socialism. People who deserved an F are being given a C. People who deserved an A are being dinged for the audacity of living and working in this country and not having given up all of their salary to government to redistribute. Cause evidently, existing federal, state, and local taxes were not enough now our federal government has to screw up our health care. They started screwing it up with the mandated free health care at emergency rooms. Obuma Care is just one more nail in the labor force. This is "why" unions and other democrat institutions are all getting exemptions from this bull carp. If you are not in a government job or union you are an enemy of this administration. It's disgusting. Makes me want to clean my guns some more, get some more ammo. I really don't like this one government policy for the democrats, hand out money hand over fist, and another government policy for the republicans, take their paychecks while you are calling them rich scum that did not earn their money.

Social Darwinism personified. Bolstered by gross ignorance, false right wing propaganda, uttered by a human piece of shit.

You forgot the...."let 'em die!"

I have never had the thought in my life that equality means material equality. And I know of no liberal who forwards that belief.

The question was asked by a college student at a political forum what the difference is between Republicans and Democrats. After Ronald Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan went off on some long drawn out answer filled with dogma, the late Ted Sorensen, the man who knew John F. Kennedy's core beliefs better than anyone, said it best and in his usual word thrifty style.

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"

which is a LIE. dimocraps care only about the property of selected people :D

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