Obamacare; rising costs too expensive ..


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
God Bless the GOP, they understand how to look after the people ..

A Congressional Budget Office analysis last week said a 64-year-old with income of $26,500 would pay $1,700 out of pocket for insurance under the Affordable Care Act, compared with $14,600 under the GOP plan. It estimated that 24 million people of all ages would lose coverage over 10 years.

(D) 1700 vs (R) 14,600 .. (R) INCREASE 12,900 .. what would we ever do without them?

I cant say for sure, but I'm willing to kick their ass to the curb and find out.
Horrific Pig 1.0 followed by Horrific Pig 2.0.

Neither party has much to be proud of.
God Bless the GOP, they understand how to look after the people ..

A Congressional Budget Office analysis last week said a 64-year-old with income of $26,500 would pay $1,700 out of pocket for insurance under the Affordable Care Act, compared with $14,600 under the GOP plan. It estimated that 24 million people of all ages would lose coverage over 10 years.

(D) 1700 vs (R) 14,600 .. (R) INCREASE 12,900 .. what would we ever do without them?

I cant say for sure, but I'm willing to kick their ass to the curb and find out.

Healthcare is too expensive, cut costs and SPEND MORE ON THE MILITARY, hoooooRAHHHHHH!!!

It's ridiculous.
Horrific Pig 1.0 followed by Horrific Pig 2.0. Neither party has much to be proud of..
Which would you rather pay is the question?
Gawd, like choosing between two bowls of poo.

I'll have to see what the final product is. Supposedly they're doing it in three pieces.

Either way, our "leaders" have really failed us here, and I'm loathe to pick a winner.
Horrific Pig 1.0 followed by Horrific Pig 2.0. Neither party has much to be proud of..
Which would you rather pay is the question?
Gawd, like choosing between two bowls of poo.

I'll have to see what the final product is. Supposedly they're doing it in three pieces.

Either way, our "leaders" have really failed us here, and I'm loathe to pick a winner.
Do you want the expensive poo or the cheaper one?
Horrific Pig 1.0 followed by Horrific Pig 2.0. Neither party has much to be proud of..
Which would you rather pay is the question?
Gawd, like choosing between two bowls of poo.

I'll have to see what the final product is. Supposedly they're doing it in three pieces.

Either way, our "leaders" have really failed us here, and I'm loathe to pick a winner.
Do you want the expensive poo or the cheaper one?
If I had to guess this early, I'm guessing 2.0 will be a little worse. Maybe not a little.

But, whether it's smart to be or not, I'm always hopeful.
Obamacare forces us to pay premiums that are too high along with deductibles that are so high as to exclude us from ever using healthcare. If the GOP plan gets us back to where we were before Obamacare that would be the best option. No one should get free healthcare, either work for it or do without.
YES, as long as my premiums + deductible are back where they should be
YES, as long as my premiums + deductible are back where they should be
That's my point. They won't be. They never HAVE been.

Who do you think ends up paying when hospitals have to provide free, expensive ER services to the uninsured? That's coming out of your premiums.

Who do you think is paying for the virtually free services and drugs provided under Medicaid? That's coming out of your personal income taxes.

AND you're paying MORE because these people ALSO don't have access to proper preventive & diagnostic care to identify small problems before they become larger, far more expensive problems.

So it looks like "freedom" isn't so free.
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Obamacare forces us to pay premiums that are too high along with deductibles that are so high as to exclude us from ever using healthcare. If the GOP plan gets us back to where we were before Obamacare that would be the best option. No one should get free healthcare, either work for it or do without.

How will having to buy private insurance with no subsidy be better than buying insurance with a subsidy?
The GOP claims competition is going to make healthcare cheaper. What competition? The insurers can compete on the exchanges now. Many don't want to.
God Bless the GOP, they understand how to look after the people ..

A Congressional Budget Office analysis last week said a 64-year-old with income of $26,500 would pay $1,700 out of pocket for insurance under the Affordable Care Act, compared with $14,600 under the GOP plan. It estimated that 24 million people of all ages would lose coverage over 10 years.

(D) 1700 vs (R) 14,600 .. (R) INCREASE 12,900 .. what would we ever do without them?

I cant say for sure, but I'm willing to kick their ass to the curb and find out.
We are the only major nation with a capitalist health care model and when it comes to capitalism, prices almost always go up while wages for working class people tend to stagnate and retirees are less and less able to afford the health care and medications they need. Personally, I think it's time we look at the most successfully rate health care program in the world, rated by the World Health Organization. Currently the number one rated health care model is France's socialized health care system. I was in France recently and spoke with both British ex-pats and the French and the Brits didn't like England's socialized health care model but very much liked the French model and the French also like their health care system. Apparently it is very proactive for the patients and follows them well. If it comes out of our taxes, we may have less in the pocket funds, but won't have to worry about any care. It's just walk in, fill in a form, be treated and walk out and no bill for care is received, you can just go about your life.
Horrific Pig 1.0 followed by Horrific Pig 2.0. Neither party has much to be proud of..
Which would you rather pay is the question?
Gawd, like choosing between two bowls of poo.

I'll have to see what the final product is. Supposedly they're doing it in three pieces.

Either way, our "leaders" have really failed us here, and I'm loathe to pick a winner.
Mac1958 comes to his senses. Yes, the new one is even worse than the old plan.
you can blame the ACA for the sharp rise in premiums & less competition or you can learn the facts.

the ACA was designed to have all 50 states participating. when several states pulled out (mostly all red states) ... the landscape changed. not to mention that the insurance plans both on & off the exchange has to have certain basic coverage. however, because those same companies weren't making as much profit to line their pockets with; some decided to extremely limit their participating providers on the exchange & have decided to offer the same plans with the same coverage- but at higher premiums off the exchange that did include wider networks. most like to say obama lied about 'keeping your doctor', when it was the insurance companies screwing around.

but the biggest culprit was marco rubio. he installed a 'poison pill' into the appropriation omnibus bill that was designed to fund the ACA. the health insurers were promised a recoup of their funds that were spent for the sickest people (called 'high risk corridors or pools') thru government subsidies of their own. rubio installed that pill that dictated those companies be reembursed only 13 cents on every dollar they are owed. that's why they are pulling out & that's why the remaining companies have jacked up the cost of everything.

Rubio Touts Measure In Omnibus To Stop ObamaCare Taxpayer-Funded Bailout Of Health Insurance Companies
is the ACA perfect? hell no. however, anybody want to say how premiums have ever gone DOWN?

anybody want to say when health ins. premiums DIDN'T go up year after year? they still would have under the ACA, just not as much as they have if it weren't for little marco.

say goodbye to:

annual caps
lifetime caps
premiums based on age & not health status
80-85% of premiums REQUIRED BY LAW to be spent on actual healthcare (& not lining the pocket of stockholders) or get a REQUIRED reimbursement....
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Obamacare forces us to pay premiums that are too high along with deductibles that are so high as to exclude us from ever using healthcare. If the GOP plan gets us back to where we were before Obamacare that would be the best option. No one should get free healthcare, either work for it or do without.

1700 IS TOO HIGH -- 14,600 ISNT TOO HIGH ...

choose wisely grasshopper ...

F'n grasshoppers are smarter than that
Obamacare forces us to pay premiums that are too high along with deductibles that are so high as to exclude us from ever using healthcare. If the GOP plan gets us back to where we were before Obamacare that would be the best option. No one should get free healthcare, either work for it or do without.

How will having to buy private insurance with no subsidy be better than buying insurance with a subsidy?

the GOP calls their subsidies, refundable "tax credits" .... you get a refund check from the US Treasury

Obamacare calls a subsidy a subsidy ... you get a refund check from the US Treasury..

no one has ever been guilty of calling Republicans real smart.

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