obamacare supporters

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Look at Job calling people names... :lmao:

It gets less affordable every year and counting!

Hey, Cleetus, it's been getting less affordable for decades.

Here's nice graph for you.


We've gone from spending 6% of GDP on medical care in 1965 to 18% in the Oughts. It leveled off at 18% after ACA was passed.


Correlation, it does not imply causation.

But I'm not really shocked you tried to make a connection there with no evidence accept lip service.
Hey Job. Tell the people who do not qualify for a subsidy and have to pay a penalty for not having insurance all about it. You turds just financially butt fucked the middle and lower income citizens.

What's worse? You lie to yourselves and feel good about it.

Finally, no one cares about your personal and probably inflated story. Seriously, you fucks really truly only think about yourselves. Then project it on your opponents.

Frankly, I don't care about the lazy fucks who refuse to buy insurance, and show up at the emergency room when they have an issue and expect me to pay for it through taxes or higher insurance rates.

if you don't qualify for a subsidy, you probably can afford a policy. Your employer probably offers one.

Now, we could do what every other industrialized nation has done and go to single payer with the government dictating costs.

But instead, we have big pharma and big insurance and big medical all making obscene profits off the status quo.

So instead of spending 11% of GDP like Japan does, we spend 18%, we have lower life expectencies, higher infant mortality rates, and you guys are totally good with that.

I'm not.
Hey Job. Tell the people who do not qualify for a subsidy and have to pay a penalty for not having insurance all about it. You turds just financially butt fucked the middle and lower income citizens.

What's worse? You lie to yourselves and feel good about it.

Finally, no one cares about your personal and probably inflated story. Seriously, you fucks really truly only think about yourselves. Then project it on your opponents.

Frankly, I don't care about the lazy fucks who refuse to buy insurance, and show up at the emergency room when they have an issue and expect me to pay for it through taxes or higher insurance rates.

if you don't qualify for a subsidy, you probably can afford a policy. Your employer probably offers one.

Now, we could do what every other industrialized nation has done and go to single payer with the government dictating costs.

But instead, we have big pharma and big insurance and big medical all making obscene profits off the status quo.

So if I can not afford to buy insurance, I'm now a lazy fuck? Wow. That's a bold statement from someone who supports bullshit politicians who want to pass nefarious laws "for the greater good"

So instead of spending 11% of GDP like Japan does, we spend 18%, we have lower life expectencies, higher infant mortality rates, and you guys are totally good with that.

I'm not.
Hey Job. Tell the people who do not qualify for a subsidy and have to pay a penalty for not having insurance all about it. You turds just financially butt fucked the middle and lower income citizens.

What's worse? You lie to yourselves and feel good about it.

Finally, no one cares about your personal and probably inflated story. Seriously, you fucks really truly only think about yourselves. Then project it on your opponents.

Frankly, I don't care about the lazy fucks who refuse to buy insurance, and show up at the emergency room when they have an issue and expect me to pay for it through taxes or higher insurance rates.

if you don't qualify for a subsidy, you probably can afford a policy. Your employer probably offers one.

Now, we could do what every other industrialized nation has done and go to single payer with the government dictating costs.

But instead, we have big pharma and big insurance and big medical all making obscene profits off the status quo.

So instead of spending 11% of GDP like Japan does, we spend 18%, we have lower life expectencies, higher infant mortality rates, and you guys are totally good with that.

I'm not.

Your little dictator is showing, asshole. You might want to zip that up, Dullard.
Correlation, it does not imply causation.

But I'm not really shocked you tried to make a connection there with no evidence accept lip service.

Okay, why do you think Medical Spending as a percentage of GDP leveled off after the ACA passed.

We're waiting.

You're the fuckwad who implied it. Now do the fucking work and SHOW us how ACA stopped the increase. You fucking half-witted, dullardry fucktard.
You're the fuckwad who implied it. Now do the fucking work and SHOW us how ACA stopped the increase. You fucking half-witted, dullardry fucktard.

Of course it did. To start with, it increased the number of people with coverage. That means they got to see General Practitioners for a cold instead of an Emergency Room for full blow Pneumonia.

It meant that preventive care was available instead of curative care, and preventive care is always cheaper.

I mean, the rest of the industrialized world has figured this out.
Hey Job. Tell the people who do not qualify for a subsidy and have to pay a penalty for not having insurance all about it. You turds just financially butt fucked the middle and lower income citizens.

What's worse? You lie to yourselves and feel good about it.

Finally, no one cares about your personal and probably inflated story. Seriously, you fucks really truly only think about yourselves. Then project it on your opponents.

Frankly, I don't care about the lazy fucks who refuse to buy insurance, and show up at the emergency room when they have an issue and expect me to pay for it through taxes or higher insurance rates.

if you don't qualify for a subsidy, you probably can afford a policy. Your employer probably offers one.

But instead, we have big pharma and big insurance and big medical all making obscene profits off the status quo.

So instead of spending 11% of GDP like Japan does, we spend 18%, we have lower life expectencies, higher infant mortality rates, and you guys are totally good with that.

I'm not.
Employers are dropping coverage like flys due to the employer mandate. You know the thing obama keeps delaying because it will bring down the us economy. Dumass. Hey do you even know anything about any of these subjects? Moron.
Your little dictator is showing, asshole. You might want to zip that up, Dullard.

So you don't have a counter-argument, then.

My counter argument to your blather is that you're a wanna be dictator asshole fucktard who hopefully gets hit by karma sooner than later. Your disregard for other individuals circumstances because YOU believe you know what their situation is enough to dictate what they should do is exactly the problem with you progressive authoritarians.

In short, you're a true asshole that hopefully gets what is coming.
You're the fuckwad who implied it. Now do the fucking work and SHOW us how ACA stopped the increase. You fucking half-witted, dullardry fucktard.

Of course it did. To start with, it increased the number of people with coverage. That means they got to see General Practitioners for a cold instead of an Emergency Room for full blow Pneumonia.

It meant that preventive care was available instead of curative care, and preventive care is always cheaper.

I mean, the rest of the industrialized world has figured this out.

So, more lip service.

Employers are dropping coverage like flys due to the employer mandate. You know the thing obama keeps delaying because it will bring down the us economy. Dumass. Hey do you even know anything about any of these subjects? Moron.

Employers who are dropping it are the ones no one would want to work for.

Here's a great example. WalMart is dropping health coverage for it's part timers, but the insurance that they offered them was so expensive that only 13% of them were signing up. They can get a better policy from the ObamaCare exchanges now for a tenth of the cost.
Employers are dropping coverage like flys due to the employer mandate. You know the thing obama keeps delaying because it will bring down the us economy. Dumass. Hey do you even know anything about any of these subjects? Moron.

Employers who are dropping it are the ones no one would want to work for.

Here's a great example. WalMart is dropping health coverage for it's part timers, but the insurance that they offered them was so expensive that only 13% of them were signing up. They can get a better policy from the ObamaCare exchanges now for a tenth of the cost.

What fucking planet do you live on, Dullard. Do you just spray shit at the wall and hope for a stick, or what? Holy fuck you're dumber than a bag of hammers.
You're the fuckwad who implied it. Now do the fucking work and SHOW us how ACA stopped the increase. You fucking half-witted, dullardry fucktard.

Of course it did. To start with, it increased the number of people with coverage. That means they got to see General Practitioners for a cold instead of an Emergency Room for full blow Pneumonia.

It meant that preventive care was available instead of curative care, and preventive care is always cheaper.

I mean, the rest of the industrialized world has figured this out.
Back up. Obamacare was supposed to cover all the uninsurbles and if that is the case why are 13 million of them uninsured still. It was never about them in the first place. Government take over of everybodys healthcare . Thats the true purpose. Doesnt matter it will be dismantled we ith bipartisan support anyways. Lol. Moron
My counter argument to your blather is that you're a wanna be dictator asshole fucktard who hopefully gets hit by karma sooner than later. Your disregard for other individuals circumstances because YOU believe you know what their situation is enough to dictate what they should do is exactly the problem with you progressive authoritarians.

In short, you're a true asshole that hopefully gets what is coming.

Guy, I was a right wing Republican until I had some medical issues AFTER I had paid for top of the line insurance from my employer. And after two years of fighting with the insurance company, I was one of the people they downsized even though I had seniority on everyone in the office. I have yet to see one of you Wingnuts care about my circumstances.

I'm for single payer because EVERY other industrialized democracy has it. They spend less and get better results.
I don't care about your personal fucking story, Job.

You're an authoritarian. It's seething in your every post about fuck them if they didn't do what I wanted and they can afford it according m=to me arrogant hypocrisy.

DIAF, Job.
Employers are dropping coverage like flys due to the employer mandate. You know the thing obama keeps delaying because it will bring down the us economy. Dumass. Hey do you even know anything about any of these subjects? Moron.

Employers who are dropping it are the ones no one would want to work for.

Here's a great example. WalMart is dropping health coverage for it's part timers, but the insurance that they offered them was so expensive that only 13% of them were signing up. They can get a better policy from the ObamaCare exchanges now for a tenth of the cost.
Bullshit. Any company that will save money by dropping coverage and paying the fees will drop the coverage to save money. Thats business 101. Companys with around 50 employees will fire or move employees to part time to avoid all fees and having to pay for health care. Again business common sense. This prevents expansion of all businesses. Stunts economic growth. Your argument is finished. Your all done. Ill toss you out with the other hoes.
Fixing the law will cause the GOP to lose elections next time. The repeal must be attempted even in the face of a veto. Find 7 democrats to help override the veto. They are vulnerable and they know it. The People were serious when they gave the Senate back to the GOP.

Guy, you can't repeal it at this point. It's already too engrained in the health care system. Millions depend on it, businesses are doing their calculations on health care policies based on meeting its requirements.

Just because people in six Cleetus States voted for some inbred is not a good enough reason to overturn it.
Only about ten million are enrolled, it needs thirteen million to work. They are saying it won't get the thirteen million needed. It will collapse on it's own. Another obama failure.
Employers are dropping coverage like flys due to the employer mandate. You know the thing obama keeps delaying because it will bring down the us economy. Dumass. Hey do you even know anything about any of these subjects? Moron.

Employers who are dropping it are the ones no one would want to work for.

Here's a great example. WalMart is dropping health coverage for it's part timers, but the insurance that they offered them was so expensive that only 13% of them were signing up. They can get a better policy from the ObamaCare exchanges now for a tenth of the cost.

What fucking planet do you live on, Dullard. Do you just spray shit at the wall and hope for a stick, or what? Holy fuck you're dumber than a bag of hammers.
Hes an embarrassment. Fucking retarded.
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