obamacare supporters

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^ All of the above thought they would be dead from ebola right now. Methinks Gruber was right.

Apparently you were one of those that opposed Obamacare. If I am correct, I apologize for thinking you were stupid.
There isn't one liberal in this forum that didn't support obamacare.
^ All of the above thought they would be dead from ebola right now. Methinks Gruber was right.

Apparently you were one of those that opposed Obamacare. If I am correct, I apologize for thinking you were stupid.
There isn't one liberal in this forum that didn't support obamacare.
I know, I just didn't turn on my sarcasm button. What is apparent is that they don't mind being lied to and called stupid as long as it is done to them by one of their own.
^ All of the above thought they would be dead from ebola right now. Methinks Gruber was right.

Apparently you were one of those that opposed Obamacare. If I am correct, I apologize for thinking you were stupid.
There isn't one liberal in this forum that didn't support obamacare.
I know, I just didn't turn on my sarcasm button. What is apparent is that they don't mind being lied to and called stupid as long as it is done to them by one of their own.
So very true.
This is Jonathan Gruber he said this about YOU
"“The Stupidity of the American Voter” Helped us Pass the Law
Wouldn't you love to have the chance to knock that smug look off his face into another zip code?

I agree with him that we are better off with the law. Now let's see if the Republicans will work to improve it.
This is Jonathan Gruber he said this about YOU
"“The Stupidity of the American Voter” Helped us Pass the Law
Wouldn't you love to have the chance to knock that smug look off his face into another zip code?

I agree with him that we are better off with the law. Now let's see if the Republicans will work to improve it.
Fixing the law will cause the GOP to lose elections next time. The repeal must be attempted even in the face of a veto. Find 7 democrats to help override the veto. They are vulnerable and they know it. The People were serious when they gave the Senate back to the GOP.
This is Jonathan Gruber he said this about YOU
"“The Stupidity of the American Voter” Helped us Pass the Law
Wouldn't you love to have the chance to knock that smug look off his face into another zip code?

I agree with him that we are better off with the law. Now let's see if the Republicans will work to improve it.
Fixing the law will cause the GOP to lose elections next time. The repeal must be attempted even in the face of a veto. Find 7 democrats to help override the veto. They are vulnerable and they know it. The People were serious when they gave the Senate back to the GOP.

You are satisfied with grandstanding legislation. You don't really care as long as you can pander to the base.

There are enough people who feel that way to make our government ineffective. Not enough to get someone who thinks like you in the WH, though.
Fixing the law will cause the GOP to lose elections next time. The repeal must be attempted even in the face of a veto. Find 7 democrats to help override the veto. They are vulnerable and they know it. The People were serious when they gave the Senate back to the GOP.

Guy, you can't repeal it at this point. It's already too engrained in the health care system. Millions depend on it, businesses are doing their calculations on health care policies based on meeting its requirements.

Just because people in six Cleetus States voted for some inbred is not a good enough reason to overturn it.
Obamacare 2015 Higher costs higher penalties - CBS News

With the Affordable Care Act to start enrollment for its second year on Nov. 15, some unpleasant surprises may be in store for some.

That's because a number of low-priced Obamacare plans will raise their rates in 2015, making those options less affordable. On top of that, penalties for failing to secure a health-insurance plan will rise steeply next year, which could take a big bite out of some families' pocketbooks.

"The penalty is meant to incentivize people to get coverage," said senior analyst Laura Adams of InsuranceQuotes.com. "This year, I think a lot of people are going to be in for a shock."

Fixing the law will cause the GOP to lose elections next time. The repeal must be attempted even in the face of a veto. Find 7 democrats to help override the veto. They are vulnerable and they know it. The People were serious when they gave the Senate back to the GOP.

Guy, you can't repeal it at this point. It's already too engrained in the health care system. Millions depend on it, businesses are doing their calculations on health care policies based on meeting its requirements.

Just because people in six Cleetus States voted for some inbred is not a good enough reason to overturn it.

Look at Job calling people names... :lmao:

It gets less affordable every year and counting!
Obamacare 2015 Higher costs higher penalties - CBS News

With the Affordable Care Act to start enrollment for its second year on Nov. 15, some unpleasant surprises may be in store for some.

That's because a number of low-priced Obamacare plans will raise their rates in 2015, making those options less affordable. On top of that, penalties for failing to secure a health-insurance plan will rise steeply next year, which could take a big bite out of some families' pocketbooks.

"The penalty is meant to incentivize people to get coverage," said senior analyst Laura Adams of InsuranceQuotes.com. "This year, I think a lot of people are going to be in for a shock."


the neat thing about obamacare

to get it passed it was important

to lie to the stupid Americans

and as much as possible to keep it non transparent

until it was too late
With the Affordable Care Act to start enrollment for its second year on Nov. 15, some unpleasant surprises may be in store for some.

That's because a number of low-priced Obamacare plans will raise their rates in 2015, making those options less affordable. On top of that, penalties for failing to secure a health-insurance plan will rise steeply next year, which could take a big bite out of some families' pocketbooks.

"The penalty is meant to incentivize people to get coverage," said senior analyst Laura Adams of InsuranceQuotes.com. "This year, I think a lot of people are going to be in for a shock."

Uh, guy, rates for plans were rising every year before ObamaCare came along. I mean, are you some kind of fucking retard that you didn't know this?

Or did you just sleep through that annual HR meeting where they explained this to you?

The one thing I've noticed since ObamaCare is the part of the meeting where our HR lady tells us how next year's plan is goign to suck m ore than last year's doesn't happen.

the telling thing was when our HR lady said she was so happy that her husband had an HMO and she didn't have to use our crappy plan.
Hey Job. Tell the people who do not qualify for a subsidy and have to pay a penalty for not having insurance all about it. You turds just financially butt fucked the middle and lower income citizens.

What's worse? You lie to yourselves and feel good about it.

Finally, no one cares about your personal and probably inflated story. Seriously, you fucks really truly only think about yourselves. Then project it on your opponents.
With the Affordable Care Act to start enrollment for its second year on Nov. 15, some unpleasant surprises may be in store for some.

That's because a number of low-priced Obamacare plans will raise their rates in 2015, making those options less affordable. On top of that, penalties for failing to secure a health-insurance plan will rise steeply next year, which could take a big bite out of some families' pocketbooks.

"The penalty is meant to incentivize people to get coverage," said senior analyst Laura Adams of InsuranceQuotes.com. "This year, I think a lot of people are going to be in for a shock."

Uh, guy, rates for plans were rising every year before ObamaCare came along. I mean, are you some kind of fucking retard that you didn't know this?

Or did you just sleep through that annual HR meeting where they explained this to you?

The one thing I've noticed since ObamaCare is the part of the meeting where our HR lady tells us how next year's plan is goign to suck m ore than last year's doesn't happen.

the telling thing was when our HR lady said she was so happy that her husband had an HMO and she didn't have to use our crappy plan.

So you were really just looking to pass a law that really REALLY butt fucked the lower and middle income people.

Got it.

That must be why you call it "affordable". Fucking moron.
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