obamacare supporters

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Back up. Obamacare was supposed to cover all the uninsurbles and if that is the case why are 13 million of them uninsured still. It was never about them in the first place. Government take over of everybodys healthcare . Thats the true purpose. Doesnt matter it will be dismantled we ith bipartisan support anyways. Lol. Moron

No, it won't. And you know why?

Because Big Insurance, Big Pharma and Big Healthcare are still doing fine under it, and they actually want it to stay.

So you are going to hear a little bit of carping about tweeking this or that, but most of the law will still be there.
Employers are dropping coverage like flys due to the employer mandate. You know the thing obama keeps delaying because it will bring down the us economy. Dumass. Hey do you even know anything about any of these subjects? Moron.

Employers who are dropping it are the ones no one would want to work for.

Here's a great example. WalMart is dropping health coverage for it's part timers, but the insurance that they offered them was so expensive that only 13% of them were signing up. They can get a better policy from the ObamaCare exchanges now for a tenth of the cost.

What fucking planet do you live on, Dullard. Do you just spray shit at the wall and hope for a stick, or what? Holy fuck you're dumber than a bag of hammers.

go back and read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.
Back up. Obamacare was supposed to cover all the uninsurbles and if that is the case why are 13 million of them uninsured still. It was never about them in the first place. Government take over of everybodys healthcare . Thats the true purpose. Doesnt matter it will be dismantled we ith bipartisan support anyways. Lol. Moron

No, it won't. And you know why?

Because Big Insurance, Big Pharma and Big Healthcare are still doing fine under it, and they actually want it to stay.

So you are going to hear a little bit of carping about tweeking this or that, but most of the law will still be there.
Yes obamacare will be here till obama leaves office but the key parts that it needs to stay afloat like employer mandate, 13 million signees, medical devise tax will all be gone. It will go broke very quickly and cant sustain itself. Its fucked. Just accept it.
Only about ten million are enrolled, it needs thirteen million to work. They are saying it won't get the thirteen million needed. It will collapse on it's own. Another obama failure.

Not really, but I know you guys really need to believe that now that your new Senate isn't talking smack about repealling it anymore.
Okay believe what you want, but they only have a few weeks to sign up three million people or it will not support itself.
Yes obamacare will be here till obama leaves office but the key parts that it needs to stay afloat like employer mandate, 13 million signees, medical devise tax will all be gone. It will go broke very quickly and cant sustain itself. Its fucked. Just accept it.

You'll probably get the device tax, becaue that was never a major components.

But yanking insurance from 10 million people (probably 25 million by the time Obama leaves)- that just ain't going to happen.
Your little dictator is showing, asshole. You might want to zip that up, Dullard.

So you don't have a counter-argument, then.

My counter argument to your blather is that you're a wanna be dictator asshole fucktard who hopefully gets hit by karma sooner than later. Your disregard for other individuals circumstances because YOU believe you know what their situation is enough to dictate what they should do is exactly the problem with you progressive authoritarians.

In short, you're a true asshole that hopefully gets what is coming.

True asshole is an apt description for JoeB.:2up:

Who the fuck else on here makes 52,000 posts in a couple of years???!!! Cant make it up.........and he spends his days making fun of other people calling them attention whores!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::boobies:

Social oddballs are ghey............:gay:
My counter argument to your blather is that you're a wanna be dictator asshole fucktard who hopefully gets hit by karma sooner than later. Your disregard for other individuals circumstances because YOU believe you know what their situation is enough to dictate what they should do is exactly the problem with you progressive authoritarians.

In short, you're a true asshole that hopefully gets what is coming.

Guy, I was a right wing Republican until I had some medical issues AFTER I had paid for top of the line insurance from my employer. And after two years of fighting with the insurance company, I was one of the people they downsized even though I had seniority on everyone in the office. I have yet to see one of you Wingnuts care about my circumstances.

I'm for single payer because EVERY other industrialized democracy has it. They spend less and get better results.
Finally were at the finish line!!! Did you miss who controls congress now? No way a single payer gets passed ever. As of nov 4 that dream has been crushed. Lol.. moron.
Back up. Obamacare was supposed to cover all the uninsurbles and if that is the case why are 13 million of them uninsured still. It was never about them in the first place. Government take over of everybodys healthcare . Thats the true purpose. Doesnt matter it will be dismantled we ith bipartisan support anyways. Lol. Moron

No, it won't. And you know why?

Because Big Insurance, Big Pharma and Big Healthcare are still doing fine under it, and they actually want it to stay.

So you are going to hear a little bit of carping about tweeking this or that, but most of the law will still be there.
Yes obamacare will be here till obama leaves office but the key parts that it needs to stay afloat like employer mandate, 13 million signees, medical devise tax will all be gone. It will go broke very quickly and cant sustain itself. Its fucked. Just accept it.

This supports your claim that Obamacare is in deep doo doo.

"The Obama administration on Monday estimated that in 2015 between 9 million and 10 million people will have health insurance purchased through the online marketplace that's part of the Affordable Care Act.

That's a lower figure than in April, when the Congressional Budget Office estimated 13 million people would have coverage through the marketplace, or "exchanges," in 2015.

The Obama administration earlier this year said 8 million people had enrolled nationally. The enrollment figure as of October was 7.1 million."

Obamacare enrollment estimate revised downward PennLive.com
Yes obamacare will be here till obama leaves office but the key parts that it needs to stay afloat like employer mandate, 13 million signees, medical devise tax will all be gone. It will go broke very quickly and cant sustain itself. Its fucked. Just accept it.

You'll probably get the device tax, becaue that was never a major components.

But yanking insurance from 10 million people (probably 25 million by the time Obama leaves)- that just ain't going to happen.
Do you read? Moron.
Okay believe what you want, but they only have a few weeks to sign up three million people or it will not support itself.

Sure they will. They'll just get the money from somewhere else.
Now, who will be in charge? All republicans will need to do is not to fund it, and it will disappear. Thanks to Obama and his policies.
Back up. Obamacare was supposed to cover all the uninsurbles and if that is the case why are 13 million of them uninsured still. It was never about them in the first place. Government take over of everybodys healthcare . Thats the true purpose. Doesnt matter it will be dismantled we ith bipartisan support anyways. Lol. Moron

No, it won't. And you know why?

Because Big Insurance, Big Pharma and Big Healthcare are still doing fine under it, and they actually want it to stay.

So you are going to hear a little bit of carping about tweeking this or that, but most of the law will still be there.
Yes obamacare will be here till obama leaves office but the key parts that it needs to stay afloat like employer mandate, 13 million signees, medical devise tax will all be gone. It will go broke very quickly and cant sustain itself. Its fucked. Just accept it.

This supports your claim that Obamacare is in deep doo doo.

"The Obama administration on Monday estimated that in 2015 between 9 million and 10 million people will have health insurance purchased through the online marketplace that's part of the Affordable Care Act.

That's a lower figure than in April, when the Congressional Budget Office estimated 13 million people would have coverage through the marketplace, or "exchanges," in 2015.

The Obama administration earlier this year said 8 million people had enrolled nationally. The enrollment figure as of October was 7.1 million."

Obamacare enrollment estimate revised downward PennLive.com
When a policy through the market place costs min $600 after the subsidy with a 6000 deductable and 15000 out of pocket and limited doctor choices nobody at all should be surprised.

2nd video of Gruber.
Liberal arrogance at its best.
You gotta pass it to know what's in it- Pelosi
Fixing the law will cause the GOP to lose elections next time. The repeal must be attempted even in the face of a veto. Find 7 democrats to help override the veto. They are vulnerable and they know it. The People were serious when they gave the Senate back to the GOP.

Guy, you can't repeal it at this point. It's already too engrained in the health care system. Millions depend on it, businesses are doing their calculations on health care policies based on meeting its requirements.

Just because people in six Cleetus States voted for some inbred is not a good enough reason to overturn it.

Look at Job calling people names... :lmao:

It gets less affordable every year and counting!

The only people it was affordable for are those the rest of us are subsidizing.

Those folks think its great because SOMEONE else is paying for it.

Get rid of that POS.
This is Jonathan Gruber he said this about YOU
"“The Stupidity of the American Voter” Helped us Pass the Law
Wouldn't you love to have the chance to knock that smug look off his face into another zip code?
You conveniently ignore that until J. Roberts rewrote the law's provision that States could not opt out without losing all Medicaid dollars, the law was built upon every state setting up an exchange. Not that I like Obamacare, but I see no reason to dissemble about what it is..
This is Jonathan Gruber he said this about YOU
"“The Stupidity of the American Voter” Helped us Pass the Law
Wouldn't you love to have the chance to knock that smug look off his face into another zip code?
You conveniently ignore that until J. Roberts rewrote the law's provision that States could not opt out without losing all Medicaid dollars, the law was built upon every state setting up an exchange. Not that I like Obamacare, but I see no reason to dissemble about what it is..

Ohhhh......so this is your attempt to get out from under the "stupid" label that Gruber just slapped on you?

Too late.
Frankly, I don't care about the lazy fucks who refuse to buy insurance, and show up at the emergency room when they have an issue and expect me to pay for it through taxes or higher insurance rates.

Hey, dipshit. One third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts. THOSE are your "lazy fucks" that the rest of us will have to carry on our backs with taxes and higher insurance rates.
Look at Job calling people names... :lmao:

It gets less affordable every year and counting!

Hey, Cleetus, it's been getting less affordable for decades.

Here's nice graph for you.


We've gone from spending 6% of GDP on medical care in 1965 to 18% in the Oughts. It leveled off at 18% after ACA was passed.


Correlation, it does not imply causation.

But I'm not really shocked you tried to make a connection there with no evidence accept lip service.
I'm not really shocked you chose to ignore the fact the cost of health care was rising steadily long before ObamaCare, and that ObamaCare is not the real reason more and more people have higher insurance rates.
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