Obamacare Tax CUTS - family of 4 making 88k or less

For the record, a tax credit is an amount of money that can be offset against a tax liability. A tax cut is an actual reduction in the tax liability. A tax credit is available to people who meet a certain guidelines, a tax cut is available to everyone.

In that case, the individual mandate isn't a tax increase, because it applies only "to people who meet a certain guidelines"

But hey - I don't expect the right to ever be consistent with anything.

Tell that to the Supreme Court, I am sure they will be happy to here the USMB resident expert in taxes and cosmology correct them.

You're the expert here. You said that something's not a tax cut if it applies only "to people who meet a certain guidelines". Doesn't that mean something's not a tax hike if it applies only "to people who meet a certain guidelines"? Yes or no?
He is a winner. 365 electoral votes prove it.

I think Truthmatters's point is that the right hates Obama just because he's Obama. Doesn't matter what his policies are. Even if he is for giving tax breaks to the middle class - they hate him for it. That's not really inconsistent though, I guess, since the right hates the middle class (or redefines it to include only the top income earners)

well if that's the case, then you lefties love Obama just because he's Obama..and you all hate the middle class because you champion all the new taxes that have heaped on us by your dear leader

Obama hasn't imposed any new taxes on the middle class, moron. In fact he's reduced our tax burden. Even if you refuse to take personal responsibility and pay the mandate penalty tax instead, you still come out ahead with the payroll tax reduction.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your hatred and feigned outrage.

A payroll tax deduction that will be replaced 1/1/13 with a huge payroll tax increase.
My wife told me I didn't explain myself clearly, so I'll try again.

You don't need to explain it to me. I've done my own taxes every year of my adult life. I know how tax credits work. If you think the statement that "tax credits reduce taxable income" is anything but 100% wrong, tell your wife she married an idiot.
"Tax cut" means reducing the rates paid for all, not rigging the system with deductions and credits to pander to favored political patrons.

Right. Because paying less taxes isn't a "tax cut". I already got that. Unless, of course, its passed by a right winger.

BTW - I love how eliminating a tax deduction is considered a "tax hike" but created one is not considered a "tax cut". My Lord you righties are nothing but a bunch of shameless etch-a-sketchers.

Do you know the difference between a tax credit and a tax cut? The article you linked clearly says tax credit.

Yes, I do. Thanks for bringing up the exact same point that QW brought up and that we've already discussed ad nauseum. I hope the opportunity to show the world you know taxes 101 has made you feel more secure as a person.

Now please explain to me the difference between one dollar and one dollar.
Right. Because paying less taxes isn't a "tax cut". I already got that. Unless, of course, its passed by a right winger.

BTW - I love how eliminating a tax deduction is considered a "tax hike" but created one is not considered a "tax cut". My Lord you righties are nothing but a bunch of shameless etch-a-sketchers.

Do you know the difference between a tax credit and a tax cut? The article you linked clearly says tax credit.

Yes, I do. Thanks for bringing up the exact same point that QW brought up and that we've already discussed ad nauseum. I hope the opportunity to show the world you know taxes 101 has made you feel more secure as a person.

Now please explain to me the difference between one dollar and one dollar.

So you're one of those idiots who thinks as long as the result is the same that all avenues of arriving at that result are the same?

Got it.
WSJ Chief Economist: 75% of Obamacare Costs Will Fall on Backs of Those Making Less Than $120K a Year | Conservative News, Views & Books

Take Your Medicine, America…
Stephen Moore, Senior Economics Writer with the Wall Street Journal, told FOX and Friends this morning that nearly 75% of Obamacare costs will fall on the backs of those Americans making less than $120,000 a year.
Well heck, if a economist who has worked for the Koch brothers promoting the teabagger movement, and who currently works for News Corporation, tells a fake anchorperson who also works for News Corporation that his opinion is that Obama is bad, well then Obama must be bad,.

Why investigate anything for yourself, when FOX can just tell you what to think?
Tax credits and other jimmying of the system to benefit favored constituencies aren't rate cuts.

Blatant lying is a really poor way to get your point across.

Right. Having to pay less taxes isn't a tax cut. Got it.

Tax credits mean someone else is paying your "fair share" idiot.

Of course. Your money is your money, and my money is also your money, that's a cornerstone of the teabag movement.
Tax credits and other jimmying of the system to benefit favored constituencies aren't rate cuts.

Blatant lying is a really poor way to get your point across.

Right. Having to pay less taxes isn't a tax cut. Got it.

Is it what you're saying, "I got mine so screw the rest of you"?
I think I heard that somewhere else on this forum.
well if that's the case, then you lefties love Obama just because he's Obama..and you all hate the middle class because you champion all the new taxes that have heaped on us by your dear leader

Obama hasn't imposed any new taxes on the middle class, moron. In fact he's reduced our tax burden. Even if you refuse to take personal responsibility and pay the mandate penalty tax instead, you still come out ahead with the payroll tax reduction.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your hatred and feigned outrage.

A payroll tax deduction that will be replaced 1/1/13 with a huge payroll tax increase.

If the Republicans had their way it would have already ended.
Do you know the difference between a tax credit and a tax cut? The article you linked clearly says tax credit.

Yes, I do. Thanks for bringing up the exact same point that QW brought up and that we've already discussed ad nauseum. I hope the opportunity to show the world you know taxes 101 has made you feel more secure as a person.

Now please explain to me the difference between one dollar and one dollar.

So you're one of those idiots who thinks as long as the result is the same that all avenues of arriving at that result are the same?

Got it.

No - I'm one of those idiots who thinks money is fungible. That's all.
Tax credits and other jimmying of the system to benefit favored constituencies aren't rate cuts.

Blatant lying is a really poor way to get your point across.

Right. Having to pay less taxes isn't a tax cut. Got it.

Is it what you're saying, "I got mine so screw the rest of you"?
I think I heard that somewhere else on this forum.
Why do you oppose reducing the tax burden on the middle class?
Why do you oppose tax cuts for the middle class if a Democrat proposes them, but support them if a Republican proposes them?
Why do you oppose tax cuts for the middle class if a Democrat proposes them, but support them if a Republican proposes them?
What specific tax cut are you talking about? Or are you just talking in generalizations?

In general. Republicans never support tax cuts proposed by Democrats. Not since Obama was President at least. They always find some lame-ass reason to be against them.

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