Obamacare Tax CUTS - family of 4 making 88k or less



Quantum: You just argued directly opposite of what Roberts ruled about the mandate, congratulations.

Dante: actually, word for word (in red) it is from Roberts ruling.


I have a fan, or a stalker.

naw, just showing what a pathetic fool you are. :lmao:
That's what you think, but was does Dante think? :D
Tell that to the Supreme Court, I am sure they will be happy to here the USMB resident expert in taxes and cosmology correct them.

You're the expert here. You said that something's not a tax cut if it applies only "to people who meet a certain guidelines". Doesn't that mean something's not a tax hike if it applies only "to people who meet a certain guidelines"? Yes or no?

No, that is what tax accountants say, I just happen to agree with them.

Can you read? Note the bold faced print and try again.
So who gets to pay for these tax credits? I mean, you can't take on more people and claim it won't cost anything, then on top of that hand out "tax credits" to certain groups of people and still claim it's not going to cost people anything, in fact claim it will save them money...

It really does not matter, like all Government welfare programs Obamacare will soon be one of the top most expensive programs adding to our growing deficit. The end is truly coming and I honestly don’t believe the US like Italy and others will do anything about it until we actually are forced to admit we are bankrupt.

This is why the republikkkan party is losing voters. In their intense hatred of all things progressive and good, they simply cannot see the benefit of promising free things to an ever-increasing population.

What exactly is the "benefit" of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for? Other than getting reelected of course...

Oh, wait...I guess I just answered my own question...
what a waste of bandwidth..asking a question and answering it?

watch Hannity on FOX News much?
So who gets to pay for these tax credits? I mean, you can't take on more people and claim it won't cost anything, then on top of that hand out "tax credits" to certain groups of people and still claim it's not going to cost people anything, in fact claim it will save them money...

It really does not matter, like all Government welfare programs Obamacare will soon be one of the top most expensive programs adding to our growing deficit. The end is truly coming and I honestly don’t believe the US like Italy and others will do anything about it until we actually are forced to admit we are bankrupt.

This is why the republikkkan party is losing voters. In their intense hatred of all things progressive and good, they simply cannot see the benefit of promising free things to an ever-increasing population.

What exactly is the "benefit" of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for? Other than getting reelected of course...

Oh, wait...I guess I just answered my own question...
what a waste of bandwidth..asking a question and answering it?

watch Hannity on FOX News much?
This is why the republikkkan party is losing voters. In their intense hatred of all things progressive and good, they simply cannot see the benefit of promising free things to an ever-increasing population.

What exactly is the "benefit" of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for? Other than getting reelected of course...

Oh, wait...I guess I just answered my own question...

Care to refute my answer, Dante? Just what IS the benefit of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for?

Not something I need Hannity or Limbaugh or any other talking head to point out to me, by the way...it's simply observing what's happening in this country and then using a little common sense to deal with it. Oh, wait...common sense...isn't that sort of "Kryptonite" to the average progressive?
what a waste of bandwidth..asking a question and answering it?

watch Hannity on FOX News much?
What exactly is the "benefit" of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for? Other than getting reelected of course...

Oh, wait...I guess I just answered my own question...

Care to refute my answer, Dante? Just what IS the benefit of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for?

Not something I need Hannity or Limbaugh or any other talking head to point out to me, by the way...it's simply observing what's happening in this country and then using a little common sense to deal with it. Oh, wait...common sense...isn't that sort of "Kryptonite" to the average progressive?

Your basic premise is simplistically at fault.

America is a republic.

Promising free things? In our nation we the people pay taxes to fund programs and such that our government enacts and administers in our name. Nothing is really free. No one says it is. People may argue over what we the people can afford, but no one but an imbecile thinks or claims things are free.

It's sad to see America's population age and with that become so angry, mean-spirited, and paranoid like many here @ USMB. I guess it goes with the territory, but I have faith -- faith in the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed us.

what a waste of bandwidth..asking a question and answering it?

watch Hannity on FOX News much?

Care to refute my answer, Dante? Just what IS the benefit of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for?

Not something I need Hannity or Limbaugh or any other talking head to point out to me, by the way...it's simply observing what's happening in this country and then using a little common sense to deal with it. Oh, wait...common sense...isn't that sort of "Kryptonite" to the average progressive?

Your basic premise is simplistically at fault.

America is a republic.

Promising free things? In our nation we the people pay taxes to fund programs and such that our government enacts and administers in our name. Nothing is really free. No one says it is. People may argue over what we the people can afford, but no one but an imbecile thinks or claims things are free.

It's sad to see America's population age and with that become so angry, mean-spirited, and paranoid like many here @ USMB. I guess it goes with the territory, but I have faith -- faith in the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed us.


Now THAT was a humorous post! The Obama Administration has spent the last three years promising that everyone but the rich will not pay anything additional if ObamaCare was enacted yet you now come here and accuse me of being "angry, mean-spirited and paranoid" for pointing out the obvious fact that the President's promises were laughably unattainable?

The Founding Fathers would have listened to Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi with a combination of disbelief and amusement. I'm glad that you have "faith". Now I'd like you to show me how you pay for ObamaCare without raising taxes.
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what a waste of bandwidth..asking a question and answering it?

watch Hannity on FOX News much?

Care to refute my answer, Dante? Just what IS the benefit of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for?

Not something I need Hannity or Limbaugh or any other talking head to point out to me, by the way...it's simply observing what's happening in this country and then using a little common sense to deal with it. Oh, wait...common sense...isn't that sort of "Kryptonite" to the average progressive?

Your basic premise is simplistically at fault.

America is a republic.

Promising free things? In our nation we the people pay taxes to fund programs and such that our government enacts and administers in our name. Nothing is really free. No one says it is. People may argue over what we the people can afford, but no one but an imbecile thinks or claims things are free.

It's sad to see America's population age and with that become so angry, mean-spirited, and paranoid like many here @ USMB. I guess it goes with the territory, but I have faith -- faith in the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed us.

We promise free shit to people al the time. A benefit is free to you if someone else pays for it.
It's kind of amazing to see a person start a thread about something they obviously know little to nothing about, then when people inform them of their error they double and triple down... making dumb jokes along the way.

The OP does not even know the difference between a tax credit and a tax cut, yet drones one and on as if because they both have the word "tax" involved that they are the same thing.

A tax credit is a program, it cost money to run that program. A tax credit is targeted, usually at crap, like “buy a pellet burning stove and get a 2,000 dollar tax credit off a 4,500 dollar stove!” The difference is mammoth. A tax credit means you have to spend money and possibly build debt to qualify, like a tax credit to buy a car. So not only does it cost money to give the money out, people have to spend money to get the tax credit money. Also tax credits help raise costs on their targeted “stimulus” because products see a tax credit as a coupon from the Government, meaning they can raise their price and still show how you can save money, because someone else is paying for the discount.

A tax cut for 2,000 dollars gets you 2,000 dollars, you don’t have to spend 4,500 dollars to get 2,000 dollars off of buying something.

It should have told the OP something when the racist bigot TM showed up in the thread agreeing with him.
Blinders: The Difference Between Tax Cuts and Tax Credits

I mean google can tell you the difference between a tax cut and tax credit, use it, don't even pretend my link is the only source when you don't like how it prove you wrong (OP and TM.)

It’s silly how stupid people are on these boards and yet the demand to be taken seriously… FACTS MAN,FACTS!!! And yet they bring half information at best, and should know it’s half information.

In this case the OP claims people don’t think of a tax credit as a “cut” because Obama did it and not a Republican… Well, definitions, reality and facts prove tax credits are deficit building and in no way are a cut. Actually the whole term tax credit is misleading and the ability for our Government to do should be illegal seeing as they pick what companies and industries to dump these rebates on.

It would be like the Government giving tax credits to buy Ipods.... literally.
Care to refute my answer, Dante? Just what IS the benefit of promising free things to an ever increasing population that the country doesn't have the means to pay for?

Not something I need Hannity or Limbaugh or any other talking head to point out to me, by the way...it's simply observing what's happening in this country and then using a little common sense to deal with it. Oh, wait...common sense...isn't that sort of "Kryptonite" to the average progressive?

Your basic premise is simplistically at fault.

America is a republic.

Promising free things? In our nation we the people pay taxes to fund programs and such that our government enacts and administers in our name. Nothing is really free. No one says it is. People may argue over what we the people can afford, but no one but an imbecile thinks or claims things are free.

It's sad to see America's population age and with that become so angry, mean-spirited, and paranoid like many here @ USMB. I guess it goes with the territory, but I have faith -- faith in the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed us.

We promise free shit to people al the time. A benefit is free to you if someone else pays for it.

We the people. We take care of our own and ourselves. Stop trying to divide the American public.
It's kind of amazing to see a person start a thread about something they obviously know little to nothing about, then when people inform them of their error they double and triple down... making dumb jokes along the way.

The OP does not even know the difference between a tax credit and a tax cut, yet drones one and on as if because they both have the word "tax" involved that they are the same thing.

A tax credit is a program, it cost money to run that program. A tax credit is targeted, usually at crap, like “buy a pellet burning stove and get a 2,000 dollar tax credit off a 4,500 dollar stove!” The difference is mammoth. A tax credit means you have to spend money and possibly build debt to qualify, like a tax credit to buy a car. So not only does it cost money to give the money out, people have to spend money to get the tax credit money. Also tax credits help raise costs on their targeted “stimulus” because products see a tax credit as a coupon from the Government, meaning they can raise their price and still show how you can save money, because someone else is paying for the discount.

A tax cut for 2,000 dollars gets you 2,000 dollars, you don’t have to spend 4,500 dollars to get 2,000 dollars off of buying something.

It should have told the OP something when the racist bigot TM showed up in the thread agreeing with him.

Most American citizens don't qualify for most tax cuts. Citizen Corp has most of the tax cuts

Your basic premise is simplistically at fault.

America is a republic.

Promising free things? In our nation we the people pay taxes to fund programs and such that our government enacts and administers in our name. Nothing is really free. No one says it is. People may argue over what we the people can afford, but no one but an imbecile thinks or claims things are free.

It's sad to see America's population age and with that become so angry, mean-spirited, and paranoid like many here @ USMB. I guess it goes with the territory, but I have faith -- faith in the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed us.

We promise free shit to people al the time. A benefit is free to you if someone else pays for it.

We the people. We take care of our own and ourselves. Stop trying to divide the American public.

When it comes to the freebies, we are very naturally divided between the people that receive and the people that fund.
It's kind of amazing to see a person start a thread about something they obviously know little to nothing about, then when people inform them of their error they double and triple down... making dumb jokes along the way.

The OP does not even know the difference between a tax credit and a tax cut, yet drones one and on as if because they both have the word "tax" involved that they are the same thing.

A tax credit is a program, it cost money to run that program. A tax credit is targeted, usually at crap, like “buy a pellet burning stove and get a 2,000 dollar tax credit off a 4,500 dollar stove!” The difference is mammoth. A tax credit means you have to spend money and possibly build debt to qualify, like a tax credit to buy a car. So not only does it cost money to give the money out, people have to spend money to get the tax credit money. Also tax credits help raise costs on their targeted “stimulus” because products see a tax credit as a coupon from the Government, meaning they can raise their price and still show how you can save money, because someone else is paying for the discount.

A tax cut for 2,000 dollars gets you 2,000 dollars, you don’t have to spend 4,500 dollars to get 2,000 dollars off of buying something.

It should have told the OP something when the racist bigot TM showed up in the thread agreeing with him.

I see the difference more between a tax credit, and a tax deduction.

A deduction is subtracted from your income to calculate your tax: I.e. Mortgage Interest

A credit is subtracted from your tax: I.e. College Fund Credit ($2,500 max)
We promise free shit to people al the time. A benefit is free to you if someone else pays for it.

We the people. We take care of our own and ourselves. Stop trying to divide the American public.

When it comes to the freebies, we are very naturally divided between the people that receive and the people that fund.

Nope. That is a partisan ideological view of the world. Our Founding Fathers must have angina even in their graves every time somebody like you claims the mantle of America :(
You're the expert here. You said that something's not a tax cut if it applies only "to people who meet a certain guidelines". Doesn't that mean something's not a tax hike if it applies only "to people who meet a certain guidelines"? Yes or no?
No, that is what tax accountants say, I just happen to agree with them.

Can you read? Note the bold faced print and try again.

I can't read stuff that small.
We the people. We take care of our own and ourselves. Stop trying to divide the American public.

When it comes to the freebies, we are very naturally divided between the people that receive and the people that fund.

Nope. That is a partisan ideological view of the world. Our Founding Fathers must have angina even in their graves every time somebody like you claims the mantle of America :(

Spoken like a receiver....

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