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Obamacare - Taxing Jobs Out of Existence

Pubs are just pretending they want ANY health reform, like immigration solution- their cronies make too much off health care, and they LOVE cheap labor--country be damned- silly dupes/Pubtrolls. Stupidest, most fecked up voters in the world. A joke. Prime examples- Intense, the T, Brig...all these chumps....

So why are you guys protecting millionaire ambulance chasing lawyers who in the process of filing frivolous health care lawsuits paying them $100 billion a year while 90% of physicians say that they order duplicate tests, refer specialists all out of fear of lawsuits thus adding $600 billion a year to health care costs!

If Obama REALLY cared about the 5 million TRULY uninsured that needed coverage he would have taxed these millionaire lawyers 10% creating a $10 billion a year premium payment for the 5 million truly uninsured.
THUS physicians wouldn't be creating $600 billion in defensive medicine, hospitals wouldn't be charging Medicare 6,000% more then services costs to make up for uncompensated care and annual savings to health care would be over $300 billion a year!

If any of you want PROOF that this could be done...ASK as I've got documentation for every single point I made above starting with the FACT there are NOT 47 million "uninsured" when 10 million considered uninsured ARE NoT citizens, 14 million ARE already covered by Medicaid and 17.5 million are under age 34, make over $50K AND refuse employer health insurance...YET they are wrongly counted as "UNINSURED" when there is ONLY less then 5 million truly uninsured!
YET everyone still believes that GRAND LIE of 47 million! BIG LIE to pass a totally WASTEFUL Obamacare...
1) Tax lawyers 10% buy insurance for uninsured from "Uninsured Health Ins. Co."UHIC!
2) Force hospitals to send "uninsured" services claims to UHIC!
3) Audit hospital claims to keep from "padding and passing" to Medicare!

Above simple steps would cover the truly uninsured, lower health costs and in turn lower health insurance premiums!!


Not everyone believs it is 47 million. I ran these number when we discusse Barbara B.S. and her constant bleating about the 50 million uninsured. She's an ass.

And what is more funny is that the left does the same with this 45,000 a year who die because of no health insurance. That study is almost 10 years old. That should be 500,000 names of people who, if they could identify them, would be pasted up all over the place.

I've asked and asked and asked.....for the names. Not 1, but maybe 5,000 (1%). Has the left produced....not a freaking name.

People like Francblo are nothing but lemmings who lie like zombies because they are hypnotised by David Axelrod.

I KNOW it is really something that these IDIOTS including some conservatives still bleat about 47 million uninsured and I'm shouting not to YOU but some of these idiot conservatives...
10 MILLION counted as part of the 47 million uninsured..NOT CITIZENS! FACT!
17.5 MILLION are under age 34,can afford but refuse employer coverage FACT!
That leaves less then 5 million NOT 47 million!
FACTS please!
Who needs facts when all you have to do is offer some more freebees to the bulk of your party (the poor) and have Al Sharpton (I'd slit my wrist if I were related to that whackjob) blathering all the time about how the rich need to take care of you.....
To review- Another Bullshytte OP from the DUPES- That's not the Washington Post- that's a RW hack with the usual talking points. Neutral observers don't agree in the short run, in the long run EVERYONE but bought off tools KNOW money will be saved and global competitiveness increased...

One tipoff- the jackass refers to our corporate rate of 35%, while they actually pay 12%, WAY too low. But carry on in your idiot alternate universe, chumps/azzholes/BAD CITIZENS.

Pubs are just pretending they want ANY health reform, like immigration solution- their cronies make too much off health care, and they LOVE cheap labor--country be damned- silly dupes/Pubtrolls. Stupidest, most fecked up voters in the world. A joke. Prime examples- Intense, the T, Brig...all these chumps....

So why are you guys protecting millionaire ambulance chasing lawyers who in the process of filing frivolous health care lawsuits paying them $100 billion a year while 90% of physicians say that they order duplicate tests, refer specialists all out of fear of lawsuits thus adding $600 billion a year to health care costs!

If Obama REALLY cared about the 5 million TRULY uninsured that needed coverage he would have taxed these millionaire lawyers 10% creating a $10 billion a year premium payment for the 5 million truly uninsured.
THUS physicians wouldn't be creating $600 billion in defensive medicine, hospitals wouldn't be charging Medicare 6,000% more then services costs to make up for uncompensated care and annual savings to health care would be over $300 billion a year!

If any of you want PROOF that this could be done...ASK as I've got documentation for every single point I made above starting with the FACT there are NOT 47 million "uninsured" when 10 million considered uninsured ARE NoT citizens, 14 million ARE already covered by Medicaid and 17.5 million are under age 34, make over $50K AND refuse employer health insurance...YET they are wrongly counted as "UNINSURED" when there is ONLY less then 5 million truly uninsured!
YET everyone still believes that GRAND LIE of 47 million! BIG LIE to pass a totally WASTEFUL Obamacare...
1) Tax lawyers 10% buy insurance for uninsured from "Uninsured Health Ins. Co."UHIC!
2) Force hospitals to send "uninsured" services claims to UHIC!
3) Audit hospital claims to keep from "padding and passing" to Medicare!

Above simple steps would cover the truly uninsured, lower health costs and in turn lower health insurance premiums!!


Most Democrats are lawyers. Most Republicans are business people. That explains why Republicans make policies that help the private sector create wealth and Libs sue people. I always noticed that libs group people, then pit groups against each other. It's a lawyer thing. They choose a group to represent, then paint others as the villian and it usually ends up with money being redistributed. That's just how they roll.

There is rampant fraud in Medicare and probably Medicaid and always has been. That is the norm for virtually any government program and they don't care. Of course, they have to falsely up the number of people uninsured because it sounds more like a crisis and then they can rush in and save the day. Not. It allows them to redistribute money and further kill jobs. Every employee will be a huge liability, especially for small businesses who hire the most people. It's all a major part of the plan to take down capitalism and replace it with socialism. Straight from Alinsky's book as well as the Cloward-Piven strategy. Getting control of health care is one of the most important parts of the plan. Second is creating a large class of government dependents and they've been working on that for years.
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% million uninsured? Taking down capitalism? LOL! Beckbot infarction!!

You are an embarassment to the human race.

Please move to Cuba where broadband is the name of their healthcare.


It would be great if they allowes us to vote on the most useless posters on the board.

You and Chris would be neck and neck for that award.
Republicans want everyone to have guns, and no one to have healthcare.

Hey piss for brains....

Look who wants to repeal the tax:

Unsurprisingly, Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) supports repeal of the tax. Surprisingly, so does his opponent, Elizabeth Warren, an impeccably liberal Obamacare enthusiast who notes that in Massachusetts the medical devices industry has 24,000 employees and accounts for 13 percent of the state’s exports. Warren is experiencing another episode of New England remorse: “When Congress taxes the sale of a specific product through an excise tax . . . it too often disproportionately impacts the small companies with the narrowest financial margins and the broadest innovative potential.”


Look who gets practical when the rubber hits the road.

You bastards have almost destroyed the country.

Your biggest contribution in life will be as compost to some garden after you die.

Pulled forward so Franco can wet his diaper over E.W.'s change of heart.
So if Obama is responsible for one part of jobs leaving, who's responsible for the other reasons? Bear in mind jobs have been leaving for quite a bit longer than Obama has been in office. Granted, Obama has only made the situation worse, but he in no way started it or is solely responsible.

It's never taken this long to recover before. Instead of being a solution, Obama was salt in the wound.

Obama is presiding over the Recoveryless Recovery.
A bump to give the liberals a reason not to depsair when the SCOTUS torches the ACA.
So if Obama is responsible for one part of jobs leaving, who's responsible for the other reasons? Bear in mind jobs have been leaving for quite a bit longer than Obama has been in office. Granted, Obama has only made the situation worse, but he in no way started it or is solely responsible.

It's never taken this long to recover before. Instead of being a solution, Obama was salt in the wound.

Obama is presiding over the Recoveryless Recovery.

History will not be kind to our current incompetent in chief.
The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why do Republicans see Americans going bankrupt as a "good thing"?
Taxing jobs out of existence - The Washington Post

Bill Hewlett and David Packard, tinkering in a California garage, began what became Hewlett-Packard. Steve Jobs and a friend built a computer in the California garage that became Apple’s birthplace. Bill Cook had no garage, so he launched Cook Medical in a spare bedroom in an apartment in this university town. Half a century ago, in flight from Chicago’s winters, he settled here and began making cardiovascular catheters and other medical instruments. One thing led to another, as things have a way of doing when the government stays out of the way, and although Cook died last year, Cook Medical, with its subsidiaries, is the world’s largest family-owned medical devices company.

In 2010, however, Congress, ravenous for revenue to fund Obamacare, included in the legislation a 2.3 percent tax on gross revenue — which generally amounts to about a 15 percent tax on most manufacturers’ profits — from U.S. sales of medical devices beginning in 2013. This will be piled on top of the 35 percent federal corporate tax, and state and local taxes. The 2.3 percent tax will be a $20 billion blow to an industry that employs more than 400,000, and $20 billion is almost double the industry’s annual investment in research and development.


Many thanks to George Will for bringing us back to what really matters...the economy and Obama's miserable handling of it.

The whole gay rights thing is just a smoke screen to prevent a discussion about how our liar-in-chief is trying to run from his economic record.

Come on lefties....let's hear the spin.....

Blame this on Booooosssshhhhhh.......
The Lefties are screaming about "profits" "CEO's", the stock market, the rich getting richer and they are not getting enough of what others have earned through their skills. etc..ad nauseum....
Let the class warfare responses begin.
The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why do Republicans see Americans going bankrupt as a "good thing"?

Please answer this questions first:

What the hell does this have to do with the topic of the thread ?

Are you out of ADD meds or do you have some kind of liberal turrets that causes you to uncontrollably spout out liberal myths.

The Medical Bankruptcy Myth — The American Magazine

Yet the medical bankruptcy study has been soundly refuted by several researchers. This includes critiques published by David Dranove and Michael Millenson in Health Affairs and a working paper by the American Enterprise Institute’s Aparna Mathur. The idea that large numbers of Americans are declaring bankruptcy due to medical expenses is a myth.

Dranove and Millenson critically analyzed the data from the 2005 edition of the medical bankruptcy study. They found that medical spending was a contributing factor in only 17 percent of U.S. bankruptcies. They also reviewed other research, including studies by the Department of Justice, finding that medical debts accounted for only 12 percent to 13 percent of the total debts among American bankruptcy filers who cited medical debt as one of their reasons for bankruptcy.

The Medical Bankruptcy Myth — The American Magazine


Back to the topic at hand.
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The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why do Republicans see Americans going bankrupt as a "good thing"?
The study included ALL medical related bankruptcies. Including any where the debt was as little as $1,000. Also, the study went as far as to account for treatment of gambling addictions which CAUSED the bankruptcy in the first place. The study included these as "medical bankruptcies.
The study also failed to account for the fact that just 2% of all medical bankruptcies were attributed to high cost where the debtor mortgaged their home to pay bills.
In these cases, I find it incredible that a homeowner would not bother to buy insurance against this risk.
FactCheck.org : Health Care Bill Bankruptcies.
Bottom line. The people who want single payer government controlled medical care are those who know they will never have to contribute a dime to the system. This, while the working and producing taxpayers will have to pay for their own medical care and the people who will pay nothing.
Obamacare is shit!
The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why do Republicans see Americans going bankrupt as a "good thing"?
The study included ALL medical related bankruptcies. Including any where the debt was as little as $1,000. Also, the study went as far as to account for treatment of gambling addictions which CAUSED the bankruptcy in the first place. The study included these as "medical bankruptcies.
The study also failed to account for the fact that just 2% of all medical bankruptcies were attributed to high cost where the debtor mortgaged their home to pay bills.
In these cases, I find it incredible that a homeowner would not bother to buy insurance against this risk.
FactCheck.org : Health Care Bill Bankruptcies.
Bottom line. The people who want single payer government controlled medical care are those who know they will never have to contribute a dime to the system. This, while the working and producing taxpayers will have to pay for their own medical care and the people who will pay nothing.
Obamacare is shit!

You'll notice that RDEAN got two posts that shoved his assertion up his ass (which I think he enjoys). He's been absent since then....probably his version of afterglow.
So if Obama is responsible for one part of jobs leaving, who's responsible for the other reasons? Bear in mind jobs have been leaving for quite a bit longer than Obama has been in office. Granted, Obama has only made the situation worse, but he in no way started it or is solely responsible.

Thing is if obama would have governed from the center things would have leveled out by now. His failed polices have created a bigger mess.

That's just it. After three years, we should have seen improvement, but he chose to make a bad situation worse. We've never taken this long to recover from a recession before. Even if things had been going well before he came in, it would still be bad now because of his policies.

I just hope SCOTUS does the right thing and deems Oppressivecare unconstitutional.
So if Obama is responsible for one part of jobs leaving, who's responsible for the other reasons? Bear in mind jobs have been leaving for quite a bit longer than Obama has been in office. Granted, Obama has only made the situation worse, but he in no way started it or is solely responsible.

Thing is if obama would have governed from the center things would have leveled out by now. His failed polices have created a bigger mess.

That's just it. After three years, we should have seen improvement, but he chose to make a bad situation worse. We've never taken this long to recover from a recession before. Even if things had been going well before he came in, it would still be bad now because of his policies.

I just hope SCOTUS does the right thing and deems Oppressivecare unconstitutional.

Obama does not govern. He rules.
Only bought off RWers say this OP pubcrappe. Health costs doubled under Booosh (like Public college costs). Obamacare will be the most popular gov't program after about 20 minutes. Pub dupes!!

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