Obamacare Under Attack

Ahh yes, I remember the issue of the 'waivers,' the fauxrage scandal du jour of 2011.

I don't remember the details, but I believe the 'waivers' were a bridge between the onset of mandatory coverages and the creation and availability of the exchanges; Iow, it let companies who otherwise would be inclined to drop coverage altogether a 'waiver' to the definition of coverage requirement, until such a time that the employer mandate and/or exchanges became available.

Do I have to get you details or can you just accept that what I just said is reasonably accurate?

so in affect they didn't foresee the issue and had to grant ...waivers?

not a judgment ( for now;)), just a question.

That's more or less correct, I suppose.

Or, maybe they did foresee it, and just figured they would grant waivers to anyone who threatened to drop coverage? :dunno:

Now, whether or not they foresaw so many members of the general public buying into the narrative there was some sort of conspiracy involved... :confused:

well, its ( everything) has always been a battle of narratives;)

I think, that they did not foresee the issues, then decided well, we'll grant waivers. now in and of itself I don't find it earth shaking BUT, when you raise the issue, ( go ask Greenbeard) or any issue like the CLASS Act ging belly up the defense starts, not a step backwards, everything is going according to pan etc etc etc ...this is, a Democratic bill, they do own it and when something goes awry a better tack might be, yes this is a screw and we will try and fix it this way or that....

they over promised, and I think we are seeing that they overrated governments ability ( any gov. right left whatever) to create and manage a program the size of Frances economy......I mean seriously.

Looking at the IRS thing, the DOJ etc. I find it hard to get to uspet when folks even in hyperbole criticize the size and scope of government, look, Baucas inferred it was a coming train-wreck..........and its not like we didn't have history that tells us that tis may not end well.
Medicaid under O-Care is for all making less than 140% of poverty line. You are absolutely clueles, superdupes. LOL!

Funny, no Pub horrors actually happen see Masscare, shytteheads. How dumb can you get?

Is this your idea of an improved Health Care system?

March 24, 2013 -- BOSTON -- Seven years after ordering near-universal health insurance coverage for its residents, Massachusetts is still struggling to contain spiraling health care costs.

Mandating health insurance coverage for most all citizens has had little success in reining in Massachusetts' medical spending. The Boston area, for instance, remains one of the nation's costliest places to obtain health care.

"On a per capita basis, we have one of the most expensive health care systems in the country,"
Andrew Dreyfus, president and chief executive of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, told a recent conference in Boston of the Association of Health Care Journalists. "If we do nothing, we're going to bankrupt this state."

.... Massachusetts state government, which is required by law to pass a balanced budget, has experienced cuts in most other spheres of activity. But health care costs continue to grow exponentially -- squeezing other parts of the state budget and outstripping new tax revenue.

Massachusetts Healthcare Experiment Enters Second Phase - HispanicBusiness.com

Massachusetts was supposed to stress the importance of preventative care but because of the relative shortage of doctors to deliver preventative care, many patients are seeking primary care from specialists. Unfortunately, specialists also specialize in expensive care. Thus, health reform in Massachusetts has resulted in decreased access to primary care and higher costs.

Well, they can improve primary care reimbursement or revamp the reimbursement system to reward overall care and good outcomes rather then only rewarding physicians for visits (quantity over quality) or medical school debt repayment. But why pay doctors more for better care when you can just force them to accept lower reimbursement rates (as low as 110% of Medicare rates) “as a condition of their licesnure” that would effectively make these physicians employees of the state?

[Senate bill 2170 and house bill 4452] would require physicians and all other health care providers to accept 110% of Medicare rates for health insurance for small businesses. For physicians, acceptance of set rates would be as a condition of licensure! Moreover, physicians would have to accept all such patients – and such rates – if they participate in any other plan offered by that insurer.

» Massachusetts to Force Doctors to Accept Lower Rates or Lose License

GREENFIELD — The doctor will see you ... in 205 days .

That’s how long a new patient has to wait for an appointment at the one Franklin County family medical practice that is accepting new patients, according to the most recent study of health-care availability and patient satisfaction released this week by the Massachusetts Medical Society.

The average wait time for a first family physician appointment in the state was 45 days. In Hampden County it was 48 days. In Hampshire County it was 96 days. Wait times tend to be lower in the Boston suburbs.

New patients wait average 205 days to get doctor's appointment in Franklin County, topping Massachusetts survey | masslive.com
Obviously you don't know all the facts as it relates to Obamacare. I hate to make you look foolish but ....

Yes, "Exempt" as I described here http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/296702-obamacare-under-attack-2.html#post7320186

And it's not escaped my attention that nobody has taken that post to task.

The 'Exemptions' were to fill a hole between various phases of the rollout. They are not "Exempt from Obamacare;" it was an effort to prevent these firms from dropping coverage during a period when that would otherwise have been an option.

And that's it. Sorry, no partisan conspiracy here.

edit: and please dude... Based on your silly handle alone, you're far from capable of making me look foolish. :rolleyes:

and if you would like a list:

List of Obamacare Exempt Companies

Cuyo is just choosing to play willfully ignorant on the exemption issue, not expecting anyone to catch him on it. He also continues his B.S. despite your link to the "IRS Obamacare individual mandate update" with your additional long laundry list of companies that follow. Thanks btw for the links, Redfish.
JFC, what a MORON! Starting in 2014, people with prexisting pay exactly the same as everyone else. It's the WHOLE POINT of ACA. Go read something- gad, dupes are arrogant AND totally clueless! The more you listen to the PPM, the less you know...and the bigger your mouth gets...

YOU SAID "people with prexisting pay exactly the same as everyone else."
Before Obamacare smokers paid more then non-smokers because smokers get cancer and cancer means treatments which meant more claims be paid out.
So smokers paid more for their bad habits.

NOW under Obamacare... since the insurance companies can't determine i.e. pre-existing you are a smoker, the only way to cover the higher costs of the smoker is to raise the rates for ALL to cover the smokers claims by non-smokers premiums. Does that make sense?? Do you think you should be paying for someone who smokes?

So should the government ban smoking because after all they are charging tanning salons 10% because tanning cause cancer.
And why not then be fair and charge lawyers 10% like tanning salons because they chase ambulances and experts say fear of lawsuits cause $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc.
So if the premise is NO pre-existing conditions, then there should be NO lawsuits right??

WRONG AGAIN, dumbazz dupe- Insurers CAN charge more for smokers underO-Care.

There are many malpractice and cost cutting measures in the ACA, and they're already working. READ something NOT from the Pub Propaganda Machine, or STFU and go back to slopping the hogs...
It's amazing, you argue with dupes for months or years, and then find out they know NOTHING about a subject but ridiculous Pub talking points and bs "scandals". PERFECT chumps of the greedy idiot rich...unbelievable.

I was wrong... obamacare does charge more for Smokers!

Wow... So what f...k is Obamacare doing then?
Why does Obamacare get involved in this aspect when insurance companies already had the problem solved??
Once again classic govt. messing up what was already working fine!

This is so stupid! And as I've said... if these idiots like you and Obamacare supporters STILL haven't figured out how many people truly want health insurance and need it and it is NOT 46 million when 10 million counted as uninsured are NOT citizens... 14 million already covered by Medicaid
and 18 million that NEVER WANTED or NEEDED health insurance and so there is less then truly 4 million that truly need and want!

SO I showed you I was impartial and agreed I was wrong... Obamacare does allow smokers be charged higher then when will you agree
there never WAS 46 million? YOU won't because YOU are NOT an honest or objective person!
I was wrong... obamacare does charge more for Smokers!

That's only the tip of the iceberg. We'll be using the socialization of health care cost to get the state up everyone's ass. They'll be dictating anything and everything we do that might have an impact on our health care costs.

Fuck every single one of you sleezebags supporting this fraud.

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