Obamacare Under Attack

It is the GOP's only play. If they can frighten an additional 15-20% of voters about the horrors of this Republican health care plan........they might be able to make some gains in 2014.

There will be some logistical issues and there will be no shortage of false outrage as the law is implemented. You can bet that every glitch will be well publicized by the GOP media outlets.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end......fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.

I don't give a rat's ass about your partisan pissing match. PPACA is a corporatist swindle that would have been pushed through by the insurance lobby regardless of which party was in office.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end ..... fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.
It should be under attack. Congress and the IRS want to be exempt from this clusterfuck. That tells us everything we need to know. They are the ones that passed it and understand what's in it. And they are running away from it, while at the same time preparing to force it on the rest of us.

Nobody is 'Exempt from Obamacare,' you fuckwit.

And you wonder why it's so difficult to have an honest discussion about it, while you let your brain absorb and your mouth (well, fingers in this case) repeat every ridiculous rumor you hear. Veracity be damned, as long as it's anti-Obama, out it comes.
It is the GOP's only play. If they can frighten an additional 15-20% of voters about the horrors of this Republican health care plan........they might be able to make some gains in 2014.

There will be some logistical issues and there will be no shortage of false outrage as the law is implemented. You can bet that every glitch will be well publicized by the GOP media outlets.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end......fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.

I don't give a rat's ass about your partisan pissing match. PPACA is a corporatist swindle that would have been pushed through by the insurance lobby regardless of which party was in office.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end ..... fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.

You are so original.
It is the GOP's only play. If they can frighten an additional 15-20% of voters about the horrors of this Republican health care plan........they might be able to make some gains in 2014.

There will be some logistical issues and there will be no shortage of false outrage as the law is implemented. You can bet that every glitch will be well publicized by the GOP media outlets.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end......fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.

I don't give a rat's ass about your partisan pissing match. PPACA is a corporatist swindle that would have been pushed through by the insurance lobby regardless of which party was in office.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end ..... fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.

Mmm-hmm, so it was the insurance lobby that insisted upon a ban on denials for pre-existing conditions, and whipped for the loss of their ability to drop people who become sick? And how aggressive were they about insisting that young adults could stay on their family policy longer, or the increases in medicare eligibility, hmm?

They had a seat at the table no doubt... But insisting that they wrote and insisted upon the whole thing doesn't stand up to the test of reason.
It only took the MSM four fucking years to discover this crap?

Not only on this board, but also on other message boards I am a member of, the conservatives were pointing out the flaws and failures of Obamacare four years ago. The liberals told us we were lying, that we were irrational, that we were crazy, that we were obstructionists, that we were evil, that we hated people and that we were stupid.

Seems us conservatives were right despite the majority of the press spewing their lies to the stupid people.
It should be under attack. Congress and the IRS want to be exempt from this clusterfuck. That tells us everything we need to know. They are the ones that passed it and understand what's in it. And they are running away from it, while at the same time preparing to force it on the rest of us.

Nobody is 'Exempt from Obamacare,' you fuckwit.

And you wonder why it's so difficult to have an honest discussion about it, while you let your brain absorb and your mouth (well, fingers in this case) repeat every ridiculous rumor you hear. Veracity be damned, as long as it's anti-Obama, out it comes.

wrong, many companies have been granted exemptions. Unions have requested exemptions, congress wants to make itself exempt, the administration is exempt, illegals are exempt. Its a terrible piece of legislation and should be repealed.

There are a couple of provisions that are good: insurance companies must take people with pre-existing conditions, and there are no lifetime maximum payments. The rest of it is crap.
It should be under attack. Congress and the IRS want to be exempt from this clusterfuck. That tells us everything we need to know. They are the ones that passed it and understand what's in it. And they are running away from it, while at the same time preparing to force it on the rest of us.

Nobody is 'Exempt from Obamacare,' you fuckwit.

And you wonder why it's so difficult to have an honest discussion about it, while you let your brain absorb and your mouth (well, fingers in this case) repeat every ridiculous rumor you hear. Veracity be damned, as long as it's anti-Obama, out it comes.

Obamcare Exemptions: 733 Companies, Unions, other Groups with 2,189,636 Workers ? Economic Collapse

read it fuckwit.
I'm thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of it finally dawning on unions how fluxored they are by ObamaCare.

me too, the unions were duped by obama, and now they are pissed and want out. quite funny.

It's a bit more advanced than where the press is in its 12 Step Process...but the anger is starting to settle in for them as well.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of it finally dawning on unions how fluxored they are by ObamaCare.

me too, the unions were duped by obama, and now they are pissed and want out. quite funny.

It's a bit more advanced than where the press is in its 12 Step Process...but the anger is starting to settle in for them as well.


yes, even the left wing media does not like being lied to and spied on.
It only took the MSM four fucking years to discover this crap?

Not only on this board, but also on other message boards I am a member of, the conservatives were pointing out the flaws and failures of Obamacare four years ago. The liberals told us we were lying, that we were irrational, that we were crazy, that we were obstructionists, that we were evil, that we hated people and that we were stupid.

Seems us conservatives were right despite the majority of the press spewing their lies to the stupid people.

Right about what? The law has yet to be implemented.

You are reacting to the GOP talking points.....which are primarily unsubstantiated bullshit.

What flaws and failures? Be specific and provide evidence. Other than the fact that is leaves a profit motive in the works, that is.
obamacare is not under attack so much as it is failing and people are pointing that out.
Only in the Pub dupe bs alternate universe lol...Mass care proves it will be a huge success, and red states that withhold Medicaid coverage from the poor and poor workers will hang themselves...
It only took the MSM four fucking years to discover this crap?

Not only on this board, but also on other message boards I am a member of, the conservatives were pointing out the flaws and failures of Obamacare four years ago. The liberals told us we were lying, that we were irrational, that we were crazy, that we were obstructionists, that we were evil, that we hated people and that we were stupid.

Seems us conservatives were right despite the majority of the press spewing their lies to the stupid people.

Right about what? The law has yet to be implemented.
Idiotic you fail's to realize that it is being implemented in phases, parts of it are already active. For example, the tax on tanning salons and the medical device tax.

You are reacting to the GOP talking points.....which are primarily unsubstantiated bullshit.
I love how your "proof" is "GOP talking points", rather than proof itself.

What flaws and failures? Be specific and provide evidence. Other than the fact that is leaves a profit motive in the works, that is.
Let's see, wasn't the premise that it would reduce healthcare costs? That it would reduce heath insurance costs? That if you liked your current plan, you could keep it?
Name one part of the bill that actually reduces health care cost.
CA is shocked by 64-146% health insurance premium increase .
Seems that keeping your insurance plan isn't factual after all.
Oddly enough, my supposed "talking points" are facts, not lies that the president spews and are promoted by the liberal press that kiss his ass.
It should be under attack. Congress and the IRS want to be exempt from this clusterfuck. That tells us everything we need to know. They are the ones that passed it and understand what's in it. And they are running away from it, while at the same time preparing to force it on the rest of us.

Nobody is 'Exempt from Obamacare,' you fuckwit.

And you wonder why it's so difficult to have an honest discussion about it, while you let your brain absorb and your mouth (well, fingers in this case) repeat every ridiculous rumor you hear. Veracity be damned, as long as it's anti-Obama, out it comes.

Obamcare Exemptions: 733 Companies, Unions, other Groups with 2,189,636 Workers ? Economic Collapse

read it fuckwit.

Ahh yes, I remember the issue of the 'waivers,' the fauxrage scandal du jour of 2011.

I don't remember the details, but I believe the 'waivers' were a bridge between the onset of mandatory coverages and the creation and availability of the exchanges; Iow, it let companies who otherwise would be inclined to drop coverage altogether a 'waiver' to the definition of coverage requirement, until such a time that the employer mandate and/or exchanges became available.

Do I have to get you details or can you just accept that what I just said is reasonably accurate?
It only took the MSM four fucking years to discover this crap?

Not only on this board, but also on other message boards I am a member of, the conservatives were pointing out the flaws and failures of Obamacare four years ago. The liberals told us we were lying, that we were irrational, that we were crazy, that we were obstructionists, that we were evil, that we hated people and that we were stupid.

Seems us conservatives were right despite the majority of the press spewing their lies to the stupid people.

Right about what? The law has yet to be implemented.
Idiotic you fail's to realize that it is being implemented in phases, parts of it are already active. For example, the tax on tanning salons and the medical device tax.

You are reacting to the GOP talking points.....which are primarily unsubstantiated bullshit.
I love how your "proof" is "GOP talking points", rather than proof itself.

What flaws and failures? Be specific and provide evidence. Other than the fact that is leaves a profit motive in the works, that is.
Let's see, wasn't the premise that it would reduce healthcare costs? That it would reduce heath insurance costs? That if you liked your current plan, you could keep it?
Name one part of the bill that actually reduces health care cost.
CA is shocked by 64-146% health insurance premium increase .
Seems that keeping your insurance plan isn't factual after all.
Oddly enough, my supposed "talking points" are facts, not lies that the president spews and are promoted by the liberal press that kiss his ass.

You have not presented a single fact.
What a pleasant little man you are.....one who knows nothing about the ACA.

It is the GOP's only play. If they can frighten an additional 15-20% of voters about the horrors of this Republican health care plan........they might be able to make some gains in 2014.

There will be some logistical issues and there will be no shortage of false outrage as the law is implemented. You can bet that every glitch will be well publicized by the GOP media outlets.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end......fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.
What a pleasant little man you are.....one who knows nothing about the ACA.

It is the GOP's only play. If they can frighten an additional 15-20% of voters about the horrors of this Republican health care plan........they might be able to make some gains in 2014.

There will be some logistical issues and there will be no shortage of false outrage as the law is implemented. You can bet that every glitch will be well publicized by the GOP media outlets.

Those of you who know this and accept it as a means to an end......fuck off.

Those of you who don't know this and really believe the lies, my condolences.

Look who's eager to talk size again. The 5' 8" chubby former HS wrestler.

I am sorry if you are unhappy with the GOP healthcare plan that Obama got passed. I am not satisfied with it either. But.....it is now law. And people will get preventive care and be prevented from going bankrupt due to illness or injury. Just awfull stuff.

Buck up shorty........maybe your grandkids will reach my height? Pray hard on it.
Right about what? The law has yet to be implemented.
Idiotic you fail's to realize that it is being implemented in phases, parts of it are already active. For example, the tax on tanning salons and the medical device tax.

I love how your "proof" is "GOP talking points", rather than proof itself.

What flaws and failures? Be specific and provide evidence. Other than the fact that is leaves a profit motive in the works, that is.
Let's see, wasn't the premise that it would reduce healthcare costs? That it would reduce heath insurance costs? That if you liked your current plan, you could keep it?
Name one part of the bill that actually reduces health care cost.
CA is shocked by 64-146% health insurance premium increase .
Seems that keeping your insurance plan isn't factual after all.
Oddly enough, my supposed "talking points" are facts, not lies that the president spews and are promoted by the liberal press that kiss his ass.

You have not presented a single fact.

You are an idiot.

ObamaCare is being implemented in phases, the first of which consisted of TAXES. That is how Obama sold it as being budget neutral: 10 years of taxes (and other gimmicks such as raiding Medicare) and 6 years of benefits. The pre-existing coverage program has already been rolled out, and is an epic failure. The enrollment is far lower than estimated, while the costs are significantly higher.

This is why everyone who has political pull is lobbying for a waiver.

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