Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy'

Oct 14, 2013 • By JERYL BIER

The launch of federal government's Obamacare insurance exchange, Healthcare.gov, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare". Now comes another example of why the website's reputation is in tatters. Buried in the source code of Healthcare.gov is this sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system." Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the "Terms & Conditions" page on the site.

After creating an account on Healthcare.gov, users are asked to click an "I accept" button under some routine Terms & Conditions prohibiting unauthorized attempts to upload information or change the website. Once users click the button, they may proceed to shop for insurance and enter detailed personal information. However, when the Terms & Conditions page is visible, the hidden sentence mentioned above along with several others can be seen by using a web browser's "View Source" feature. A screen grab below shows the visible Terms & Conditions page along with a simultaneous view of the code underlying it:



Obamacare Website Source Code: 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy' | The Weekly Standard


---> https://www.google.com/search?sourc...S324US325&q=source+code+obama+care+no+privacy


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Healthcare.gov has 25 Times More Code than Facebook

October 24, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


There’s really no excuse for this. Facebook is ridiculously complex. It accommodates over a billion users. It can handle an entire app infrastructure, different types of accounts, live updates, videos and integration with half the websites on the internet.

Healthcare.gov, despite the complexity creep, had a fairly straightforward task. There are hundreds of eCommerce sites that handle similar tasks without costing 600 million dollars or requiring 25 times more code than Facebook.


But what do you expect from a website for a bill that was too long for anyone to read and whose regulations have passed 11 million words.

Healthcare.gov has 25 Times More Code than Facebook | FrontPage Magazine
Did I mention...

HIPAA only applies when there’s health information is being provided
One last time for the stupid people....

HIPAA only applies when there’s health information is being provided
Why Obama will have to hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete on healthcare plan


For Obama, health care woes may have staying power

13 hr ago |By Julie Pace of Associated Press

The problems with the website healthcare.gov could have lingering implications for Barack Obama because the issues are tangible for so many Americans.

WASHINGTON — For nearly five years, Republicans have struggled to make a scandal stick to President Barack Obama's White House. One by one, the controversies — with shorthand names such as Solyndra, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious — hit a fever pitch, then faded away.

But some Republicans see the disastrous rollout of Obama's health law as a problem with the kind of staying power they have sought.

The health care failures are tangible for millions of Americans and can be experienced by anyone with Internet access. The law itself is more closely associated with Obama personally and long has been unpopular with the majority of the American people.


For Obama, health care woes may have staying power
I just browsed through the entire website without any problem. I found out all the plans that are available in California and how much they cost along with provider and plan details. I find it bizarre that there is such an opposition to something which is a critically needed service for vast many people of this nation.

BTW those screens shots are nothing but HTML. HTML is the format in which a web server sends the information to your browser. Your browser then simply parses it and displays it. You can view this information for any website you visit by right clicking on the screen and selecting View Source. This has nothing to do with security.
This is what happens when people that no not of what they speak are allowed to access the internet and post an opinion. I cant believe some people are so gullible. :lol:

Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website

Read more: Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate was Obamacare website builder | The Daily Caller

Only Capitalism Can Fix Obama’s Socialist Website

December 2, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield


ObamaCare loyalists are calling the bid to repair the broken site a “moonshot” and quoting lines from Apollo 13 as if trying to fix an overgrown government website is like surviving a return to earth with a damaged spacecraft. America has gone from challenges like building 75,000 combat aircraft in a single year during WW2 and beating the Soviet Union to the moon… to trying to make a website work.

Obama’s two victories were widely credited to his Internet savvy. But the digital Hope and Change campaign was really more of a bait and switch. When it came to getting elected and staying popular; he outsourced the work to private sector professionals.

Obama’s digital strategy campaign was handled by talent from successful companies like Facebook and Google; including a Facebook co-founder. His health care website was put together by the usual crony contractors who were adept at pulling the right political strings to win no-bid contracts despite their terrible track records.

The Obama campaign would never have turned over its political fate to a company whose only virtue was that a top executive had gone to college with Michelle Obama. But it had no objection to tuning over the health care and private information of millions of Americans to their tender digital mercies.

Obama put his political fortunes ahead of the health and welfare of Americans. It was only when the Healthcare.gov disaster dealt a severe blow to his poll numbers that he called in a “tech surge” of engineers from Google and other politically friendly companies who had made his campaign work.


Obama’s solution to everything is more government. And how is the same government process that can’t make a health care website work, going to make a health care system work?

Only Capitalism Can Fix Obama?s Socialist Website | FrontPage Magazine
Which of course is easy enough to encrypt and display securely if 1,000 incompetent Best and Brightest Indians weren't the ones doing the coding.
40 million credit card numbers stolen by Target IT personnel anyone?

You wanted cheap labor, you got it.
Which of course is easy enough to encrypt and display securely if 1,000 incompetent Best and Brightest Indians weren't the ones doing the coding.
40 million credit card numbers stolen by Target IT personnel anyone?

You wanted cheap labor, you got it.

I can understand your hatred and bigotry which is compelling you to lie. The website in question was designed by a Canadian company called CGI Federal. The initial contract was won by an Indian company called TCS but due to anti India sentiments, it was overridden in the favor of CGI Federal.

Moral of the story is that bigotry is never a wise policy. I hope you are not too old to learn this.

Last but not the least, it costed over 600 million US dollars to develop the website so it was not cheap.
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Which of course is easy enough to encrypt and display securely if 1,000 incompetent Best and Brightest Indians weren't the ones doing the coding.
40 million credit card numbers stolen by Target IT personnel anyone?

You wanted cheap labor, you got it.

I can understand your hatred and bigotry which is compelling you to lie. The website in question was designed by a Canadian company called CGI Federal. The initial contract was won by an Indian company called TCS but due to anti India sentiments, it was overridden in the favor of CGI Federal.

Moral of the story is that bigotry is never a wise policy. I hope you are not too old to learn this.

Chris "the tingler" Matthews would call that "hatred and bigotry" a dog whistle, you must be a progressive/liberal...:eusa_shifty:
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Which of course is easy enough to encrypt and display securely if 1,000 incompetent Best and Brightest Indians weren't the ones doing the coding.
40 million credit card numbers stolen by Target IT personnel anyone?

You wanted cheap labor, you got it.

I can understand your hatred and bigotry which is compelling you to lie. The website in question was designed by a Canadian company called CGI Federal. The initial contract was won by an Indian company called TCS but due to anti India sentiments, it was overridden in the favor of CGI Federal.

Moral of the story is that bigotry is never a wise policy. I hope you are not too old to learn this.

Chris "the tingler" Matthews would call that "hatred and bigotry" a dog whistle, you must be a progressive/liberal...:eusa_shifty:

I am just a well informed person.

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