Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

What does that have to do with $1.87 Obamagas?

Just answering your question...I already addressed the price of gas earlier...you're the one posting all the rosy rigged numbers that don't equate to the reality of life in America. Wait, don't tell me, you aren't in America, you're inside the Oz-like land of the Beltway, right?

Your attempts to deflect attention away from $1.87 Obamagas are noted

The deflection is yours...I've already stated how my wallet loves it, but other folks may not due to job/business loss as a result of the low price of oil....but like most partisan hacks, you choose to ignore it.

Seems like the Unemployment rate keeps dropping.....5% unemployment and $1.87 Obamagas

Thanks President Obama!

You ignored this one too. How come Americans households are making less money with this alleged low unemployment rate than they were in 2009 when the unemployment rate was much higher? Thank you President Obama....screw us some more, please!
Cheap ObamaGas™ means more money in middle class pockets!

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

Of course Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas...that is what Presidents do

Clinton gave us 99 cent gas
Bush gave us $4 a gallon gas

Obama gives us $1.83 Obamagas
And as we learned earlier, Nixon gave us 43 cent gas!

Thank you, President Nixon!
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

What law did he sign, or executive decree, to bring gas prices down?

Or was it Obama-magic that came through again?
He is blessed, and chosen by God.

How do you not see that?
Again, you have to prove these are long term employment. Those who are considered full time but are only needed for 3 months, those that are among a group that's "overhired" to compensate for those that may quit or seasonal ... that figure you have does not prove we are in a strong economy. You have to be a complete idiot to rely on one statistical figure to prove if we are in a strong economy, just like unemployment numbers alone don't tell the whole story. You can have an individual not qualify for unemployment based on their own actions, because they have exhausted all their benefits, or they have not earned enough to qualify them for a new claim. If we are in such a strong economy, why does the Feds wait so long to feel comfortable in raising interest rates? You don't know jack of what you are talking about Faun.
In terms of the health of the job market, what do you think it means when people stay at their jobs longer? What does long term employment mean to you?

What does it mean when you work full time but the company only has need of you for 3 months? What about the company that overhired because they experience a high turn around and anticipate that those they employ will either will not work out or quit? Relying on only one set of figures does not equate to an overall picture of the strength of the economy. I don't know how many times I have to explain that to you for you to understand. How many economists actually rely on job numbers alone and think they know enough to accurately determine how this country is doing? I just sat and explained how those numbers can be misleading, as well as what unemployment numbers don't account for .... get a clue.
That didn't answer my question. All you did was repeat a previous post. How does long-term employment indicate the health of the job market? Are you saying it's better for people to remain at their jobs longer or is it worse?

People don't often have a choice if they can't remain employed for longer than three months. They also don't have the option to receive unemployment benefits if they don't qualify for a new claim. No ability to provide their family with health care through their employer. Maybe that individual is able to find another full-time job after two months of searching.

However, you can't provide me a breakdown on how those numbers you quoted are obtained, can you? All you can prove is that a full-time job was provided and recorded. You could have the same individual obtain two different full-time jobs because long term employment wasn't available in their profession, and it's simply recorded as just another full-time job. Your graph can't distinguish the difference, can it? I ask again, show me a breakdown of how those numbers were recorded and obtained. Your silence on the issue explains a lot.
It's not that I'm being silent on this .... it's that you're refusing to answer my questions. Who knows why?


How does long-term employment indicate the health of the job market? In terms of the health of the job market, are you saying it's better for people to remain at their jobs longer or is it worse?

What your not educated enough to understand is the EMPLOYER often determines how long you are to be employed. If the job market doesn't reflect a "need" for you to be employed for more than a few months, then you get laid off for a lack of work and the need for you to be employed. You response is based on this assumption, that if an individual can find full-time employment but it's not long term that somehow it's still a strong economic indicator because he can always try and seek out other work? I can't sit down an explain to you terms like "job market", if you don't have a grasp of the basics on how the economy works.

At least I will sit and explain a graph or a set of figures, like unemployment, breaking it down to what it means.. what it covers and what's not included. Perhaps this is why you consistently avoid doing the same when you are called out on it, because perhaps you aren't as knowledge on economic issues as you'd like everyone else to think you are. I'm not going to waist my time conversing with someone who posts figures they can't explain, with a breakdown source of how those numbers are derived that you can't produce.
Texas Likely To See Massive Layoffs Soon
I could care less. They want to secede, and have done everything they could to make Obama fail, hence make America fail.

Payback's a bitch.

Low cost Obamagas is Obamas payback to Texas

First Jade Helm and now Obamagas

Remember all those jobs Rick Perry claimed he created?
Thanks Obama for making OPEC increase output. One bow to the Saudi King and voila!

Whoda thunk it would be that easy....
Thanks Obama for making OPEC increase output. One bow to the Saudi King and voila!

Whoda thunk it would be that easy....

Bush kissed the guy and held his hand and we ended up with $4 a gallon
Thanks Obama for making OPEC increase output. One bow to the Saudi King and voila!

Whoda thunk it would be that easy....

Bush kissed the guy and held his hand and we ended up with $4 a gallon

So now we know he's not big into hand holding. More of a "get your head down there" kinda guy....

Bush held his hand and kissed the Saudi King to reward him for the 17 Saudi hijackers on 9-11
Thanks Obama for making OPEC increase output. One bow to the Saudi King and voila!

Whoda thunk it would be that easy....

Bush kissed the guy and held his hand and we ended up with $4 a gallon

So now we know he's not big into hand holding. More of a "get your head down there" kinda guy....

Bush held his hand and kissed the Saudi King to reward him for the 17 Saudi hijackers on 9-11

And Obama just wanted to get his head down there
$1 a gallon Obamagas just in time for the 2016 elections

And republicans threated that if Obama were reelected, gas would rise to $6 a gallon

The Case for $1 Gas
It was actually one of their many ridiculous lies.

And conservatives still have zero sense of humor.

Conservatives don't find our poor economy humorous. Unlike the left who think everything is a joke.
What "poor economy"? DOW at record highs, Gas at 11 year lows, unemployment at near-record lows. When it was almost this low under Bush, conservatives considered it "full employment".


The state that occurs when all of the economy's resources are engaged in the production of output. In practice, an economy is considered to be at full employment when the unemployment rate is around 5 to 5 1/2 percent and the capacity utilization rate of capital is about 85 percent. This is one of the five economic goals and three macroeconomic goals.
The valuation of my home has increased about 75% under Obama. Under Bush, it fell considerably.

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