Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

What gap do you mean? If someone was working full time but is now in between jobs, they would be considered as unemployed or not in the labor force. Either way, they wouldn't be employed.

There are 11.5 million additional employed people than there were 6 years ago. 11.5 million people who are currently employed.

Again, you have to prove these are long term employment. Those who are considered full time but are only needed for 3 months, those that are among a group that's "overhired" to compensate for those that may quit or seasonal ... that figure you have does not prove we are in a strong economy. You have to be a complete idiot to rely on one statistical figure to prove if we are in a strong economy, just like unemployment numbers alone don't tell the whole story. You can have an individual not qualify for unemployment based on their own actions, because they have exhausted all their benefits, or they have not earned enough to qualify them for a new claim. If we are in such a strong economy, why does the Feds wait so long to feel comfortable in raising interest rates? You don't know jack of what you are talking about Faun.
In terms of the health of the job market, what do you think it means when people stay at their jobs longer? What does long term employment mean to you?

What does it mean when you work full time but the company only has need of you for 3 months? What about the company that overhired because they experience a high turn around and anticipate that those they employ will either will not work out or quit? Relying on only one set of figures does not equate to an overall picture of the strength of the economy. I don't know how many times I have to explain that to you for you to understand. How many economists actually rely on job numbers alone and think they know enough to accurately determine how this country is doing? I just sat and explained how those numbers can be misleading, as well as what unemployment numbers don't account for .... get a clue.
That didn't answer my question. All you did was repeat a previous post. How does long-term employment indicate the health of the job market? Are you saying it's better for people to remain at their jobs longer or is it worse?

People don't often have a choice if they can't remain employed for longer than three months. They also don't have the option to receive unemployment benefits if they don't qualify for a new claim. No ability to provide their family with health care through their employer. Maybe that individual is able to find another full-time job after two months of searching.

However, you can't provide me a breakdown on how those numbers you quoted are obtained, can you? All you can prove is that a full-time job was provided and recorded. You could have the same individual obtain two different full-time jobs because long term employment wasn't available in their profession, and it's simply recorded as just another full-time job. Your graph can't distinguish the difference, can it? I ask again, show me a breakdown of how those numbers were recorded and obtained. Your silence on the issue explains a lot.
It's not that I'm being silent on this .... it's that you're refusing to answer my questions. Who knows why?


How does long-term employment indicate the health of the job market? In terms of the health of the job market, are you saying it's better for people to remain at their jobs longer or is it worse?
Again, you have to prove these are long term employment. Those who are considered full time but are only needed for 3 months, those that are among a group that's "overhired" to compensate for those that may quit or seasonal ... that figure you have does not prove we are in a strong economy. You have to be a complete idiot to rely on one statistical figure to prove if we are in a strong economy, just like unemployment numbers alone don't tell the whole story. You can have an individual not qualify for unemployment based on their own actions, because they have exhausted all their benefits, or they have not earned enough to qualify them for a new claim. If we are in such a strong economy, why does the Feds wait so long to feel comfortable in raising interest rates? You don't know jack of what you are talking about Faun.
In terms of the health of the job market, what do you think it means when people stay at their jobs longer? What does long term employment mean to you?

What does it mean when you work full time but the company only has need of you for 3 months? What about the company that overhired because they experience a high turn around and anticipate that those they employ will either will not work out or quit? Relying on only one set of figures does not equate to an overall picture of the strength of the economy. I don't know how many times I have to explain that to you for you to understand. How many economists actually rely on job numbers alone and think they know enough to accurately determine how this country is doing? I just sat and explained how those numbers can be misleading, as well as what unemployment numbers don't account for .... get a clue.
That didn't answer my question. All you did was repeat a previous post. How does long-term employment indicate the health of the job market? Are you saying it's better for people to remain at their jobs longer or is it worse?

People don't often have a choice if they can't remain employed for longer than three months. They also don't have the option to receive unemployment benefits if they don't qualify for a new claim. No ability to provide their family with health care through their employer. Maybe that individual is able to find another full-time job after two months of searching.

However, you can't provide me a breakdown on how those numbers you quoted are obtained, can you? All you can prove is that a full-time job was provided and recorded. You could have the same individual obtain two different full-time jobs because long term employment wasn't available in their profession, and it's simply recorded as just another full-time job. Your graph can't distinguish the difference, can it? I ask again, show me a breakdown of how those numbers were recorded and obtained. Your silence on the issue explains a lot.
It's not that I'm being silent on this .... it's that you're refusing to answer my questions. Who knows why?


How does long-term employment indicate the health of the job market? In terms of the health of the job market, are you saying it's better for people to remain at their jobs longer or is it worse?
$1 a gallon Obamagas just in time for the 2016 elections

And republicans threated that if Obama were reelected, gas would rise to $6 a gallon

The Case for $1 Gas
It was actually one of their many ridiculous lies.

And conservatives still have zero sense of humor.

Conservatives don't find our poor economy humorous. Unlike the left who think everything is a joke.
What "poor economy"? DOW at record highs, Gas at 11 year lows, unemployment at near-record lows. When it was almost this low under Bush, conservatives considered it "full employment".


The state that occurs when all of the economy's resources are engaged in the production of output. In practice, an economy is considered to be at full employment when the unemployment rate is around 5 to 5 1/2 percent and the capacity utilization rate of capital is about 85 percent. This is one of the five economic goals and three macroeconomic goals.
we already see higher insurance rates
Due to Big Pharma constantly raising the price of medicines.


Those arguments are losing traction in Washington, where rising drug costs are an important reason for increasing premiums under the Affordable Care Act, veteran industry lobbyists said.

“Lawmakers are now telling us that they’re being pounded at home by voters who can’t afford our prices,” said one of the industry’s top lobbyists.

“These people are angry. And it’s not easy for people on the Hill to support us in that environment. And now with this Pfizer thing? I think we’re going to have to start getting used to losing.”​
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Is Obama in charge when the stock market tanks too? Wow! Some of the Liberal "thinking" is unbelievable. Obama gas? Seriously? Sounds like you may have some man-love issues that need attention, STAT.
Plenty of people around here blamed Obama when gas was higher.

Example: Obomination: AAA: Jan 1, 2014 Record High Gas Price For New Years Day... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What does this have to do with Obama?

Happening on his watch.

So that's PROOF he's responsible for gas prices being low? Because you read that on a message board too? Low-information voter much?
The economy is roaring and ObamaGas™ is cheap because of the Confidence Factor. People know that with Obama in charge, America grows stronger, and her citizens grow more secure.

Thank you, President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
A common response of Conservatives on this thread has been.....How does Obama control the price of gasoline?


As our conservative posters continually point out, Obama is our first Socialist President
As a Socialist, Obama can set any price he wants

I imagine that if his Cap and Trade and other global warming initiatives had made it through congress we'd be hearing the libs ask: "how does Obama control the price of gasoline?"

next time anyone fills up at the pump and gets all happy, they should hug a republican for putting the brakes on that while the economy was in the dumper.

that is if you can get your arms around the old, angry, white, fat, xenophobic, mysongonistic, racist dude filling up his Mercedez Benz of course. :eusa_dance:

Damn....look at the Republicans getting on the bandwagon for cheap Obamagas

Same Republicans who told us gas would rise over $6 a gallon if we reelected Obama

everyone likes cheap gas, except the global warming folks, of course, cause people drive their little horseless carriages all over the place. wait, isn't Obama one of those. Wasn't he a Cap this, Trade that, cost of electricity will necessarily skyrocket kinda guy?

I'm sure most people love cheap gas, so just remember to hug a republican at the pump.....and keep your hands off his wallet while doing so you dirty thieving democrats! lol.
Don't be silly - Republicans have absolutely nothing to do with cheap ObamaGas™.
After the Great Bush Recession of 2008, our Messiah has brought this country to being the strongest economy on earth

Thanks President Obama!

We've always had a strong economy. Obama is sending us deeper into debt. But you will never acknowledge that fact.

Thank Obama’s Fed for a Weaker U.S. Economy

Deficits don't matter....Dick Cheney told me so

Cheap Obamagas matters

I didn't say anything about deficits you illiterate fuck.


Again for your retarded and dishonest ass, I never mentioned deficits. You do know there is a difference between deficits and debt, don't you?
What was the deficit on the day Obama took office, and what is it today?
Here was a very common meme going around a few years ago:
Average price of gas was $1.89 on Jan 26 2009.

When have we seen gas prices like that under this administration?
And it was a dishonest meme, to boot, since it was the Bush Financial Crash that cratered the demand for gas, causing it to be so low.

But conservatives are inherently dishonest, so whatcha gonna do?
Well, since Presidents are responsible for gas prices - you Liberals must really love Richard Nixon. 36-cents-per-gallon under his regime! And the nice thing about Nixon - he didn't start as nearly as many illegal wars as Obama has.
Who'da thunk Liberals would adore Nixon.
Thanks for the insight!
Nixon was a helluva lot better than the doddering stooge Reagan, or the know-nothing Bush.

How much was a Cadillac when Nixon first took office?
Well, since Presidents are responsible for gas prices - you Liberals must really love Richard Nixon. 36-cents-per-gallon under his regime! And the nice thing about Nixon - he didn't start as nearly as many illegal wars as Obama has.
Who'da thunk Liberals would adore Nixon.
Thanks for the insight!

Nixon is dead...invading Cambodia was illegal

He has nothing to do with the price of Obamagas

I'm trying to grasp the stupidity of your posts and I am unable. They are beyond stupid it seems.
Don't blame us because you don't understand economics. Read a book instead of listening to Havana Ted or Poor Sarah.
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
Stop quitting cigarettes, America! You're putting tobacco farmers out of work!

Think of THE CHILDREN!!!
Here was a very common meme going around a few years ago:
Average price of gas was $1.89 on Jan 26 2009.

When have we seen gas prices like that under this administration?

Hate to tell ya, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the national average for the price of gas in October is at its lowest during the year of 2015 at $2.35. Are you going to tell us how the economy is just booming under President Obama next? lol
The numbers already tell us that: 5% unemployment!

Thank you, President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
Here was a very common meme going around a few years ago:
Average price of gas was $1.89 on Jan 26 2009.

When have we seen gas prices like that under this administration?

Hate to tell ya, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the national average for the price of gas in October is at its lowest during the year of 2015 at $2.35. Are you going to tell us how the economy is just booming under President Obama next? lol

Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM
We Liberals have succeeded in TAKING OUR COUNTRY BACK!

Fact: The lower price of oil has decreased the rig-count and the number of shale-oil producers in the US because at these prices, they cannot make a profit or service their debt (some of these businesses run on nothing but rolling over debt).
If a family handled their finances like that they would go bankrupt.

Isn't that the argument conservatives make when talking about the Federal Government, and the debt limit? Don't they compare it to a family sitting around the kitchen table?

Well, now you can choke on it.

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