Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!

Ignorance is not your friend. It m,ajkres hyou stupid.

1) After Citizens United, there was a rush of organizations trying to form a corporation that would allow people to make tax exempt donations to them. This classsification was for groups whose main concern could not be political. In order to help get through this flood, a couple of IRS employees in one office thought they could save some time by picking out organizations with political sounding names to investigate further. Both right & left wing groups were among those set aside.

So when your group was "Tea Party aholes of Ohio - you got set aside because it sounded like a political group.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

2) When Trump has an advisor caught in a wire tap on a known Russian, he gets investigated.

That dossier you assfucks keep crying about has never been shown to be false.
The crime is sedition, not treason. Conspiracy to commit sedition. The operation known as Crossfire Hurricane was a conspiracy. The acts in furtherance of the goal of the conspiracy are separate charges. The fraud on the FISA court, Operation Crossfire Razor is another. This onion is just beginning to be peeled. The Ukraine fraud is just starting to leak pus.

They did more than just organize and advocate-
They actively worked to overthrow and remove a sitting President - it's Treason.
No. It is sedition. If they had worked with a foreign power in time of war it would be treason. The Democrat alliance with China would be treason.

Why do you think that a foreign power needs to be involved for it to be treason?
hmmmm because the elements of treason are enumerated in the Constitution and because there is a difference in the charges of sedition and treason. Up until the democrat alliance with the Chinese to use a bioweapon everything was seditious.

Trump saw his economic numbers falling in 2019. So he allowed this virus to get a foothold & expand so the economic disaster so he could blame the virus.
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!

Ignorance is not your friend. It m,ajkres hyou stupid.

1) After Citizens United, there was a rush of organizations trying to form a corporation that would allow people to make tax exempt donations to them. This classsification was for groups whose main concern could not be political. In order to help get through this flood, a couple of IRS employees in one office thought they could save some time by picking out organizations with political sounding names to investigate further. Both right & left wing groups were among those set aside.

So when your group was "Tea Party aholes of Ohio - you got set aside because it sounded like a political group.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

2) When Trump has an advisor caught in a wire tap on a known Russian, he gets investigated.

That dossier you assfucks keep crying about has never been shown to be false.

Gee, you make it sound so "innocent"! Kindly explain why Lois Lerner would take the 5th rather than answer questions about what was going on under her at the IRS?
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!
Did I defend anyone or attack either, for that matter? Feeling fragile this morning, Oldstyle?
Calling you out for not recognizing how the Obama White House outdid the Nixon White House when it comes to abuse of power is me feeling "fragile"? The evidence is overwhelming what took place. Now it's just a question of what we do about it so that future Administrations don't feel free to use powerful governmental agencies like the IRS and the Justice Department against their political opponents!
I don't see any evidence that Obama tried to sabotage any peace talks W was making with Iraq. Iraq had decided all on its own that they were done with "our help."
Peace talks? What are you talking about?
That's what Nixon did. You made the comparison, not me.
The comparison was between the Nixon White House attempting to spy on the DNC and then attempting to use the IRS to silence those looking into Watergate...and the Obama White House that used a series of "dossiers" that they knew were paid for by Hillary Clinton and had not been vetted to scam a FISA Court judge into issuing wire taps so they could repeatedly spy on people associated with the Trump campaign...and used the IRS to target their opposition!
The difference between Nixon and Obama is that Nixon only ATTEMPTED these things and failed...Obama actually DID them successfully!
I know the comparison you tried to make, but you simply went too far down corruption lane for an analogy to hold.
What goes too far? Let's be honest here, Ben...the Obama Administration did some pretty shocking things when it comes to abuse of power! It's the kind of thing an administration thinks it can get away with when the main stream media doesn't do it's job!
such as?
The crime is sedition, not treason. Conspiracy to commit sedition. The operation known as Crossfire Hurricane was a conspiracy. The acts in furtherance of the goal of the conspiracy are separate charges. The fraud on the FISA court, Operation Crossfire Razor is another. This onion is just beginning to be peeled. The Ukraine fraud is just starting to leak pus.

They did more than just organize and advocate-
They actively worked to overthrow and remove a sitting President - it's Treason.
No. It is sedition. If they had worked with a foreign power in time of war it would be treason. The Democrat alliance with China would be treason.

Why do you think that a foreign power needs to be involved for it to be treason?
hmmmm because the elements of treason are enumerated in the Constitution and because there is a difference in the charges of sedition and treason. Up until the democrat alliance with the Chinese to use a bioweapon everything was seditious.

Trump saw his economic numbers falling in 2019. So he allowed this virus to get a foothold & expand so the economic disaster so he could blame the virus.
Now THAT might be the dumbest thing anyone will post on this board for weeks, Dave!
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!

Ignorance is not your friend. It m,ajkres hyou stupid.

1) After Citizens United, there was a rush of organizations trying to form a corporation that would allow people to make tax exempt donations to them. This classsification was for groups whose main concern could not be political. In order to help get through this flood, a couple of IRS employees in one office thought they could save some time by picking out organizations with political sounding names to investigate further. Both right & left wing groups were among those set aside.

So when your group was "Tea Party aholes of Ohio - you got set aside because it sounded like a political group.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

2) When Trump has an advisor caught in a wire tap on a known Russian, he gets investigated.

That dossier you assfucks keep crying about has never been shown to be false.

Gee, you make it sound so "innocent"! Kindly explain why Lois Lerner would take the 5th rather than answer questions about what was going on under her at the IRS?
And you ignore the obvious.
the horseshit Trump and his drone collective yammer about has been debunked so many times its not worth f'n with -

their reality rests in unemployment and bread lines






How many of those Americans will STILL be unemployed come November because Democratic politicians kept the country locked down, Siete? How many Americans will not have jobs to come back TO? So how many of THOSE people do you think are going to vote for the Vice President who was second in command during the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How many of those Americans are going to look at their fellow citizens from GOP controlled States that didn't lose their jobs because their leaders used common sense instead of fear tactics and ask why wasn't that done in OUR State!
Spying on a presidential campaign.

Worse than Watergate.

Credible evidence that Obama did that?

All his underlings did it without his knowledge? LOL!
Where is the evidence Obama spied on a campaign rather than on Russians? There's a fair bit of butt that hurt evidence was gathered to show the Trump campaign was colluding with Russians but that's hardly Obama's fault. I mean, if handing over internal party polling isn't collusion then the term has no meaning.

Where is the evidence Obama spied on a campaign rather than on Russians?

Who started Crossfire Hurricane......Putin?

I mean, if handing over internal party polling isn't collusion

Collusion in what? Is that like raising money from Chinese nationals in 1996?
Or from Indonesian conglomerates.....like Bill did?
The crime is sedition, not treason. Conspiracy to commit sedition. The operation known as Crossfire Hurricane was a conspiracy. The acts in furtherance of the goal of the conspiracy are separate charges. The fraud on the FISA court, Operation Crossfire Razor is another. This onion is just beginning to be peeled. The Ukraine fraud is just starting to leak pus.

They did more than just organize and advocate-
They actively worked to overthrow and remove a sitting President - it's Treason.
No. It is sedition. If they had worked with a foreign power in time of war it would be treason. The Democrat alliance with China would be treason.

Why do you think that a foreign power needs to be involved for it to be treason?
hmmmm because the elements of treason are enumerated in the Constitution and because there is a difference in the charges of sedition and treason. Up until the democrat alliance with the Chinese to use a bioweapon everything was seditious.

Trump saw his economic numbers falling in 2019. So he allowed this virus to get a foothold & expand so the economic disaster so he could blame the virus.
Now THAT might be the dumbest thing anyone will post on this board for weeks, Dave!
Not as dumb of the Obama crap that has been posted.

Just like dick Cheney allowed 9-11 to happen so they could go to war. They thought the buildings would be damaged and decided not to stop it & were surprised by the devastation. Cheney got his wars. Sounds possible.

Trump needed something. The economy was sliding into a recession. His tariffs weren't working. The tax cut bump was dwindling. Then he heard about this virus. So he downplayed it more months. Why else would he have done that?
The crime is sedition, not treason. Conspiracy to commit sedition. The operation known as Crossfire Hurricane was a conspiracy. The acts in furtherance of the goal of the conspiracy are separate charges. The fraud on the FISA court, Operation Crossfire Razor is another. This onion is just beginning to be peeled. The Ukraine fraud is just starting to leak pus.

They did more than just organize and advocate-
They actively worked to overthrow and remove a sitting President - it's Treason.
No. It is sedition. If they had worked with a foreign power in time of war it would be treason. The Democrat alliance with China would be treason.

Why do you think that a foreign power needs to be involved for it to be treason?
hmmmm because the elements of treason are enumerated in the Constitution and because there is a difference in the charges of sedition and treason. Up until the democrat alliance with the Chinese to use a bioweapon everything was seditious.

Trump saw his economic numbers falling in 2019. So he allowed this virus to get a foothold & expand so the economic disaster so he could blame the virus.

I laugh
It was literally the greatest Economy on this planet at any time during recorded history.
I saw in Hillary’s emails that she was emailing Obama from her private server.

Obama is most corrupt President in history.

He knew about Flynn and he knew about Trump. He ran them.

Obama should be in prison.

You should be in a lunatic asylum. Obama did nothing wrong. Trump is the most corrupt President.

There isn't any room at the asylums. They're filled with safe spaces and sky screamers.
I've had many many dogs, but I've never met a smart Bulldog. Shame they were fucked up so bad they can barely breathe, they remind me a PROGS a little bit.
Trump is done

33 million unemployed americans waiting in bread lines 3 miles long

How much is China to Blams and Cuomo.

Just post a 2 digit number, You you won’t.

Donald Trump is more responsible for this global pandemic than China is because ORANGE MAN BAD. Just admit it.
Ask Susan Rice....or read the email the dumbass sent to herself

We all know who the criminals are; Shitolini and his gang of criminals including flynn, barr, manafort, rick gates, etc. now we live in total anarchy under incompetent dictator with a collapsed economy and failed crisis...

View attachment 335059View attachment 335060

He'll never go to jail,
It’s like you already know everything that’s about to follow is complete malarkey.

He's right he will never go to jail. Neither will Trump. There are too many powerful people who live in that untouchables circle for them to ever allow such access. Hillary I'd in that circle too....to be fair it is populated with members of both major parties.
The real malarkey is the childish aspirations by members of either party that there is any sort of moral high ground.







How many of those Americans will STILL be unemployed come November because Democratic politicians kept the country locked down, Siete? How many Americans will not have jobs to come back TO? So how many of THOSE people do you think are going to vote for the Vice President who was second in command during the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How many of those Americans are going to look at their fellow citizens from GOP controlled States that didn't lose their jobs because their leaders used common sense instead of fear tactics and ask why wasn't that done in OUR State!
So no Republican state took action and shut down businesses? They all kept everything as normal?

As for your ignorant comments on Biden, when YOUR party created the worst recession in 80 years then it would follow that the recession would take longer than normal.

Trump allowed COVID-19 sprout through his inaction, Everyone knows this including a lot of Republicans. But you be a good little Trumpette & blame Democrats who acted to save lives.
Let's review what we've PROG-learned so far:

A. There's nothing there because evidence is subjective or best ignored.

B. Speak of ignore, it's best to ignore content & context. Project instead.

C. Obama isn't even POTUS, folks just obsessed.

D. Speculate Trump would say stuff about his replacement.

E. It's ODS cuz it sounds cool to use. PROGS aren't even original. At least liberals are, but they're a dying breed.
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