Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

BULLDOG, Barry Hussaine Obama orchestrated or at least signed off on several plots to overthrow our President by weaponizing the Department of Justice among other things. Stop watching fake news and you would know!
Then why Trump can’t answer that simple question when asked?

I’m missing something. Mueller is a republican was hired by republicans to investigate a republican President. Did Obama planted that???

If you watch other channels aside from Fox or OAN or gateway you might learned something new. Fake news only happened when Trump don’t like it. If he doesn’t like it only means it’s real news.
i don't get why trumptards have ODS. After all, Obama did what trump did. prevented a hillary presidency. and this is one of the most often cited accomplishments by their so-called president.

Obama can't shut his fucking piehole like every other US president before him. What the fuck makes him so special? He had his turn, just shut the fuck up! Like it or not US has one President at a time






1)That's Pelosi's house majority watch
2)Obamas appointees in the gov't (holdovers) decisions to shut down the economy and in the CDC responsible for initial failed tests requiring private sector to come through with new tests.
3)you and your party claimed Obama was responsible for our economy now *L* no take backs!
4)he literally is responsible for this mess, due to resist causing slowed administration apointments, a ruse that caused an illegitimate house majority which caused a distraction to our gov't with the impeachment circus.
Technically it took an epidemic to bring us back to Obamas level economy and it took an Obama interference and coup to recreate his economy and unemployment, including showing us what their ideology would look like to our economy and way of life. Meaning; democrat socialism will be liken to an epidemic shut down of the economy-you got a glimpse of where your party wants to take us.-oops!






1)That's Pelosi's house majority watch
2)Obamas appointees in the gov't (holdovers) decissions to shut down the economy and in the DNC responsible for initial failed tests requiring private sector to come through with new tests.
3)you and your party claimed Obama was responsible for our economy now *L* no take backs!
4)he literally is responsible for this mess, due to resist causing slowed administration apointments, a ruse that caused an illegitimate house majority which caused a distraction to our gov't with the impeachment circus.
Technically it took an epidemic to bring us back to Obamas level economy and it took an Obama interference and coup to recreate his economy and unemployment, includ8ng showing us what their ideology qould look like to our economy and way of life=democrat socialism will be likwn to an wpidemic shut down of the economy-you got a glimpse of where your party wants to take us.-oops!
View attachment 335235

DNXi, not DNC






How many of those Americans will STILL be unemployed come November because Democratic politicians kept the country locked down, Siete? How many Americans will not have jobs to come back TO? So how many of THOSE people do you think are going to vote for the Vice President who was second in command during the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How many of those Americans are going to look at their fellow citizens from GOP controlled States that didn't lose their jobs because their leaders used common sense instead of fear tactics and ask why wasn't that done in OUR State!
So no Republican state took action and shut down businesses? They all kept everything as normal?

As for your ignorant comments on Biden, when YOUR party created the worst recession in 80 years then it would follow that the recession would take longer than normal.

Trump allowed COVID-19 sprout through his inaction, Everyone knows this including a lot of Republicans. But you be a good little Trumpette & blame Democrats who acted to save lives.
Did Mario Cuomo's actions save lives, Dave? His States policy had senior citizens diagnosed with Covid put back into nursing homes so they could keep hospital beds empty for a flood of cases that never materialized! To be quite blunt, Cuomo's actions killed thousands of elderly New Yorkers trapped in nursing homes with the infected people Cuomo forced those homes to take back!
Arguably Cuomo kept NYC from trending like Italy. He's not my cup of tea, but at least he didn't sit there with his tiny thump up his enormous orange ass.
With all due respect...NYC became the Covid hot spot of the world! How did Cuomo keep it from trending like Italy?

That poster seems a little behind the information curve.
While immune from prosecution - Cuomo may very well be the most proficient mass murderer in US history.






1)That's Pelosi's house majority watch
2)Obamas appointees in the gov't (holdovers) decisions to shut down the economy and in the CDC responsible for initial failed tests requiring private sector to come through with new tests.
3)you and your party claimed Obama was responsible for our economy now *L* no take backs!
4)he literally is responsible for this mess, due to resist causing slowed administration apointments, a ruse that caused an illegitimate house majority which caused a distraction to our gov't with the impeachment circus.
Technically it took an epidemic to bring us back to Obamas level economy and it took an Obama interference and coup to recreate his economy and unemployment, including showing us what their ideology would look like to our economy and way of life. Meaning; democrat socialism will be liken to an epidemic shut down of the economy-you got a glimpse of where your party wants to take us.-oops!
View attachment 335235

youre full of shit






1)That's Pelosi's house majority watch
2)Obamas appointees in the gov't (holdovers) decissions to shut down the economy and in the DNC responsible for initial failed tests requiring private sector to come through with new tests.
3)you and your party claimed Obama was responsible for our economy now *L* no take backs!
4)he literally is responsible for this mess, due to resist causing slowed administration apointments, a ruse that caused an illegitimate house majority which caused a distraction to our gov't with the impeachment circus.
Technically it took an epidemic to bring us back to Obamas level economy and it took an Obama interference and coup to recreate his economy and unemployment, includ8ng showing us what their ideology qould look like to our economy and way of life=democrat socialism will be likwn to an wpidemic shut down of the economy-you got a glimpse of where your party wants to take us.-oops!
View attachment 335235

DNXi, not DNC
Yeah I fixed it to CDC just after you read it.
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment
These guys are just mad because Obama, a former president, commented on his predasessor. Sorry I can't spell. Anyways, the point I want to make is how many months after Trump leaves office will he comment on his predisesser? I say 1 week. So it's funny watching Republicans mad about it now but they would forgive Trump no problem if/when he does it. WHEN he does it. The only way he won't is if he doesn't live beyond or suffers a terrible stroke and can no longer talk.

It's never enjoyable to watch PROGS defend their own with speculation based on emotional responses, even less when they avoid context, which you did.

I'm reminded of Bill Maher. For years he's been riding the train "what will we do when Trump refuses to leave office". I'm sure Maher is a fucking moron. Kicker of it is, as all things PROG his short-think took a spin on him, because his favorite POTUS Obama proved he had no intention of leaving office from a mental standpoint. After all, he instructed his admin. and justice depts. to circumvent the incoming admin. under false pretenses., and that's proven.

CONTEXT MATTERS, it's just that it's inconvenient huh?
Ah, from a mental standpoint. That's just like not leaving office after you've been voted out.

Like I said, Trump won't wait 6 weeks before he starts weighing in on the next POTUS especially if they are a Democrat. So STFU really
Obama is fucked! Justice Department reviewing ‘unmasking,’ but source suggests decision on releasing files is DNI's 'call'
Let us know when this hits the mainstream media.

Is this punishment for Obama speaking out? Wow. Trump is a dictator who's going to jail his adversaries.

But so far only people who've gone to jail are Trump guys. Go figure.

Let us know when Obama is officially fucked.
Fake dossier, spying on Trump campaign, AG meeting with lying Bill at an airport tarmac, faked evidence to obtain FISA warrants. Obama didn't do shit for this country but give out free phones to welfare bums, wasted billion dollar "shovel ready jobs" package and kissed Iran and China's ass. Stupid motherfucker and his horse faced Sec of State wanted to give Iran a nuclear weapon while shitting on our ally Israel at same time.
From The Hill.......

"Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz told Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that he was not aware of any evidence that former President Obama asked his administration to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump.

“We certainly didn’t see any evidence of that in the FBI’s files or the department’s files,” Horowitz said at a Wednesday hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on his report earlier this week about surveillance of the 2016 presidential campaign.

President Trump has claimed without evidence that his predecessor wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower, and has in recent months alluded to the possibility that Obama was aware of the surveillance of his campaign."
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

Smart Trump supporters? Come on man. If Trump supporters were smart, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters to begin with:
From The Hill.......

"Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz told Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that he was not aware of any evidence that former President Obama asked his administration to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump.

“We certainly didn’t see any evidence of that in the FBI’s files or the department’s files,” Horowitz said at a Wednesday hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on his report earlier this week about surveillance of the 2016 presidential campaign.

President Trump has claimed without evidence that his predecessor wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower, and has in recent months alluded to the possibility that Obama was aware of the surveillance of his campaign."

Why would anyone use dated Horowitz information at this time?
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Already then!!!! Can you share us how you came up with that? Your buddy Trump trained you well.






How many of those Americans will STILL be unemployed come November because Democratic politicians kept the country locked down, Siete? How many Americans will not have jobs to come back TO? So how many of THOSE people do you think are going to vote for the Vice President who was second in command during the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How many of those Americans are going to look at their fellow citizens from GOP controlled States that didn't lose their jobs because their leaders used common sense instead of fear tactics and ask why wasn't that done in OUR State!
So no Republican state took action and shut down businesses? They all kept everything as normal?

As for your ignorant comments on Biden, when YOUR party created the worst recession in 80 years then it would follow that the recession would take longer than normal.

Trump allowed COVID-19 sprout through his inaction, Everyone knows this including a lot of Republicans. But you be a good little Trumpette & blame Democrats who acted to save lives.
Did Mario Cuomo's actions save lives, Dave? His States policy had senior citizens diagnosed with Covid put back into nursing homes so they could keep hospital beds empty for a flood of cases that never materialized! To be quite blunt, Cuomo's actions killed thousands of elderly New Yorkers trapped in nursing homes with the infected people Cuomo forced those homes to take back!
Arguably Cuomo kept NYC from trending like Italy. He's not my cup of tea, but at least he didn't sit there with his tiny thump up his enormous orange ass.
With all due respect...NYC became the Covid hot spot of the world! How did Cuomo keep it from trending like Italy?
He didn't have patients on stretchers in hallways dying with no treatment. There's a reason why the US mortality rate is the lowest or among the lowest in the world, and it was the governors and not Trump.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

The only crimes against this country are the ones being committed by Trump and his cronies like Barr. Carlson is a lying right wing Trump loving kook. You couldn't sell this crazy story to Hollywood as science fiction.

Trump was rightfully impeached. He committed a crime against this country. He attempted to solicit a foreign country to interfere in our elections by launching a phony investigation against a political opponent. His attorney solicited help from Russia backed politicians.

Flynn lied under oath. He agreed to plead guilty to forestall more serious charges involved with his questionable lobbying activities. He lobbied for a ISLAMIC President and if he had succeeded, a Turkish man who sought asylum in the US would have been killed. Flynn is a traitor to everything this country stands for.

Trump is a Russian asset. That is why he is still being supported by the Russians. Trump as President suits Putin's purposes.

Nothing points to Obama. Right wing fanatics still cannot accept the fact that Obama was elected. Trump is the most incompetent and corrupt POTUS in our nation's history. That is why Trump's approval ratings are still under 50% while Obama is in the 60s and Bush is in the 50s. I didn't vote for Obama in either election but I have moved on. You apparently have not.

The corrupt Dem politicians love their brain washed obedient followers

33 million unemployed voters could give a shit

Trumps fat ass is burnt toast
Obama used the power of the federal government to attack political enemies. Obamagate is Worse than Watergate.

How many times did Congress investigate the IRS targeted verification of organization applying for tax exempt status? Did they find any evidence that Obama somehow directed Lois Lerner to develop a criteria based on certain words in the organizations names? What law was broken?
Lerner pleaded the 5th and went home (retired). A smart move on her part.






How many of those Americans will STILL be unemployed come November because Democratic politicians kept the country locked down, Siete? How many Americans will not have jobs to come back TO? So how many of THOSE people do you think are going to vote for the Vice President who was second in command during the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How many of those Americans are going to look at their fellow citizens from GOP controlled States that didn't lose their jobs because their leaders used common sense instead of fear tactics and ask why wasn't that done in OUR State!
So no Republican state took action and shut down businesses? They all kept everything as normal?

As for your ignorant comments on Biden, when YOUR party created the worst recession in 80 years then it would follow that the recession would take longer than normal.

Trump allowed COVID-19 sprout through his inaction, Everyone knows this including a lot of Republicans. But you be a good little Trumpette & blame Democrats who acted to save lives.

Stupid people use phrases like "Everyone Knows" or "We all know". You speak only for you little man. We didn't shut anything down here, I haven't worn a mask and we're all just fine. You terrified little lemmins are exactly the same kind of people who allow people like Hitker, Stalin, and Mao get away with what they did.
Suspect the lemmings are the ones ready to rush off the cliff with no protection accept their master's voice. Did not hear or read that of ones mentioned accept possibly Mao. From war veterans from the Korean war I've talked to in VA hospital, that made rush by the hundreds or thousands in the initial attacks describe to me were exactly like lemmings rushing unarmed to certain death because that is what they were told to do. You rush. I'll watch.

Your lack of education is not my problem. Feel free to lock yourself up, wear your mask wherever you (if you go) , wonder how you'll pay your bills and feed your family. This thing is not NEARLY what we've been told it was/is.
I come and go pretty freely. Haven't paid bills in person for a bunch of years, you? Only did it when a lot younger and waited until last minute. We eat well, thank you for your concern. If you are concerned with my education or ability to understand facts and research, you can take that up with Union University, or the United States Army as they are the ones that bestowed any academic honors, I have. My 23 year civilian employer seemed quite satisfied at branch and corporate level. They still send me monthly direct deposits, also, even though they haven't been in this city since 2008 Bush going out of business crash. Good luck to you and yours. Try not to squeak to loudly if you find you have gone off a cliff among lemmings.
Now we are getting somewhere. What specific crime did he commit, and what proof do you have that he committed it? This should be easy if you aren't just full of shit spouting vague accusations.


A conspiracy occurs when two or more people agree to commit an illegal act and take some step toward its completion. Conspiracy is an inchoate crime because it does not require that the illegal act actually have been completed. For instance, a group of individuals can be convicted of conspiracy to commit burglary even if the actual burglary never happens. Conspiracy is also unique in that, unlike attempt, a defendant can be charged with both conspiracy to commit a crime, and the crime itself if the crime is completed.

Evidence / documents released shows:
- President Obama not only KNEW about the false Russian Collusion narrative but also DIRECTED / ORCHESTRATED the known use of FBI-assessed Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) propaganda to commit FISA Court abuses, to illegally spy on Americans, a political opposition Presidential candidate and his team, and a newly elected President.

- President Obama was aware of the illegal spying on General Flynn, a fact Sally Yates noted she was surprised by DURING A MEETING HELD IN THE OVAL OFFICE BY OBAMA, a meeting attended by no less than President Obama, VP Biden, Sally Yates, Brennan, Clapper, and Comey...a meeting that covered what was being done about / TO General Flynn.

- Former FBI Deputy Director Counter Intelligence Peter Strzok texted to former GBI Lawyer Page 1) President Obama insisted on beIng briefed / kept updated on everything the FBI was doing & 2) 'secret' meetings of conspirators were already being held.

- The former CIA Deputy Director was asked what the difference was between CIA Ops under Obama and Trump. The Deputy Director stated Obama was / is an extreme MINCO-MANAGER that had to be briefed on EVERYTHING, that he was in on EVERY decision, from what type of furniture they could purchase to who was investigated and how.

- Former NIA Director Clapper stated that he did not understand why all the investigations were being held on 'Obamagate', especially on what and how the Agency Directors did, adding 'WE ONLY DID WHAT WE WERE ORDERED TO DO.'

Released official documents hidden away until now, hand-written messages, texts, testimony - a wealth of evidence AS YOU ALREADY KNOW - HAS UNDENIABLY EXPOSED THE FACT THAT PRESIDENGT OBAMA AND VP BIDEN KNEW EVERYTHING....and NONE of all of this would have gone on without the knowledge, support, and / or direction of the President of the United States.
-- Again, he was in the meetings in HIS office. He KNEW about all of it.
Bullshit. Where that information came from???
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

One crime he committed was hiring a known sex offender as his vp.
Prove me wrong

Trump is far the worse sex offender then Biden . 25 women and ONE accusing Trump of rape waiting for DNA sample. You are not a smart Trump supporter to even bring that up.

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