Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

So we finally have a definition of Obamagate. Right wing crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie that the right has ever levied against Obama is true. Even though virtually all of those claims, vague accusations, and out right lies have been to be proven to be bullshit, they are still compiled and have become known as the Gospel of the right wing. Like all religious cults, you can not convince the crazy right wingers that their religion is bullshit. Obamagate is defined as the great effort exerted over many years by Republicans, right wing radio, Fox, and conspiracy theory leaders that successfully brainwashed the idiots into believing that electing a pig like Trump was the right thing to do.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

View attachment 335133

Why do you support a corrupt leader just because you don’t like Trump? It’s really bizarre.

Obama was a very corrupt President and we have a ton of evidence to support it.

What is the evidence that Flynn lied to the FBI or Trump is a Russian spy? Specifically lay it out.

Sure, that's why all those Obama administration folks are in jail.

Oh, wait!
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

View attachment 335133

Why do you support a corrupt leader just because you don’t like Trump? It’s really bizarre.

Obama was a very corrupt President and we have a ton of evidence to support it.

What is the evidence that Flynn lied to the FBI or Trump is a Russian spy? Specifically lay it out.

You have no evidence to support your words. Flynn testified to lying twice to save himself from prison for more damaging charges. Mueller stated that the Russians helped trump and trump knew it.

I have video evidence and early investigation. Compare and contrast to PROG-think. Ah shucks did Flynn tell a lie? Neat, know what the fuck entrapment is "liberal"? And golly some Russians "attacked" our democracy with ideas nobody really watched. Bet your ass some Russians did the same for Clinton, bet the same this occurs every election for all parties and the USA does the same fucking thing, welcome to the web. But that doesn't matter to you, because you're a victim you know, black and stuff like that.

It's would be interesting to see this video footage of Flynn not lying.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Still pissed off that a black man was President eh?

Still blaming Obama for Trump's failures.

Still smarting that Americans elected Obama twice- by both the popular vote and the electoral college vote.

Well- I guess Obama is 'done'- he can never be President again.....lol
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Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

One crime he committed was hiring a known sex offender as his vp.
Prove me wrong

Trump is far the worse sex offender then Biden . 25 women and ONE accusing Trump of rape waiting for DNA sample. You are not a smart Trump supporter to even bring that up.

That wasn’t the question that was asked
You’ve created a false narrative to my answer
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

View attachment 335133

Why do you support a corrupt leader just because you don’t like Trump? It’s really bizarre.

Obama was a very corrupt President and we have a ton of evidence to support it.

What is the evidence that Flynn lied to the FBI or Trump is a Russian spy? Specifically lay it out.

Sure, that's why all those Obama administration folks are in jail.

Oh, wait!

Remember how the Trumpkins all gleefully predicted that Obama and Clinton and everyone else on their enemies list would all be thrown in jail by Trump?

What is he waiting for?
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed
Let's look at one of the things the judge can bring back on Flynn since he wants to play games.

First, Flynn accepted payments exceeding $65,000 from companies linked to Russia in 2015 – $45,000 of which was Flynn’s speaking fee paid by RT, the Russian government’s English language television channel. This is a problem. Under federal law, former military officers need to get approval for foreign employment. And while there is a charming photo of Flynn sitting next to Vladimir V. Putin at the RT gala following Flynn’s speech, there isn’t any paper trail of Flynn’s having asked permission before his keynote.

Flynn’s failure to request the necessary permission is just the prelude to the theme, though. In January 2016, while Flynn was applying for renewal of his security clearance, he filled out form SF-86. That would have been the time for him to disclose the whole $45K-for-a-Russian-speech thing; yet, any mention of the speech was conspicuously absent from the form.

“The failure to properly report the RT payment on his SF-86 is potentially the most significant issue for Flynn from a criminal context. Knowing and willful failure to provide relevant and material information on security paperwork is a felony under 18 USC 1001, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.”

Just hideous, I saw him ,you no OBAMA under the golden escalator taking pictures of Trumps Incredible ride down too the teaming mass . bowing & joyful just so near their masters feet.
Obama used the power of the federal government to attack political enemies.
Yes, that right wing myth is well circulated among Trumpletards. But what is your evidence?

It must be a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life as a consolation prize for your lack of a real one.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons
So we finally have a definition of Obamagate. Right wing crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie that the right has ever levied against Obama is true. Even though virtually all of those claims, vague accusations, and out right lies have been to be proven to be bullshit, they are still compiled and have become known as the Gospel of the right wing. Like all religious cults, you can not convince the crazy right wingers that their religion is bullshit. Obamagate is defined as the great effort exerted over many years by Republicans, right wing radio, Fox, and conspiracy theory leaders that successfully brainwashed the idiots into believing that electing a pig like Trump was the right thing to do.
You just shot yourself in the foot and called yourself crazy: I FIXED IT FOR YOU SO YOU SAW YOUR REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR:
"crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie (ABOUT Russia collusion) that the LEFT has ever levied against TRUMP is true"
a person made derranged by the lies of your party and the MSM affiliated to that party.
Your party is even "obstructing justice" by trying to propose removal of the head of the investigators Bill Barr. EVERYTHING YOU HATE IS= YOU.
Last edited:
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

proof? Sorry, a Hannity rant isn't proof.
So we finally have a definition of Obamagate. Right wing crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie that the right has ever levied against Obama is true. Even though virtually all of those claims, vague accusations, and out right lies have been to be proven to be bullshit, they are still compiled and have become known as the Gospel of the right wing. Like all religious cults, you can not convince the crazy right wingers that their religion is bullshit. Obamagate is defined as the great effort exerted over many years by Republicans, right wing radio, Fox, and conspiracy theory leaders that successfully brainwashed the idiots into believing that electing a pig like Trump was the right thing to do.
You just shot yourself in the foot and called yourself crazy: I FIXED IT FOR YOU SO YOU SAW YOUR REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR:
"crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie (ABOUT Russia collusion) that the LEFT has ever levied against TRUMP is true"
a person made derranged by the lies of your party and the MSM affiliated to that party.
Your party is even "obstructing justice" by trying to propose removal of the head of the investigators Bill Barr. EVERYTHING YOU HATE IS= YOU.
View attachment 335337

Thank you for once again displaying how crazy right wingers will make shit up, and immediately believe what they worked so hard to make up. Your brainwashing, or mental defective disorder is brilliantly on display.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!

You got any proof to back up your silly claim?
So we finally have a definition of Obamagate. Right wing crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie that the right has ever levied against Obama is true. Even though virtually all of those claims, vague accusations, and out right lies have been to be proven to be bullshit, they are still compiled and have become known as the Gospel of the right wing. Like all religious cults, you can not convince the crazy right wingers that their religion is bullshit. Obamagate is defined as the great effort exerted over many years by Republicans, right wing radio, Fox, and conspiracy theory leaders that successfully brainwashed the idiots into believing that electing a pig like Trump was the right thing to do.

Neat avoidance & spin
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

View attachment 335133

Why do you support a corrupt leader just because you don’t like Trump? It’s really bizarre.

Obama was a very corrupt President and we have a ton of evidence to support it.

What is the evidence that Flynn lied to the FBI or Trump is a Russian spy? Specifically lay it out.

Sure, that's why all those Obama administration folks are in jail.

Oh, wait!

Remember how the Trumpkins all gleefully predicted that Obama and Clinton and everyone else on their enemies list would all be thrown in jail by Trump?

What is he waiting for?

Remember when Hillary Clinton predicted that they would all "hang" if Trump was elected? One can only assume she thought that Trump was going to be as vindictive as she is if he ever became President! He's been busy trying to grow the economy, fix terrible trade deals and protect our borders!
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

View attachment 335133

Why do you support a corrupt leader just because you don’t like Trump? It’s really bizarre.

Obama was a very corrupt President and we have a ton of evidence to support it.

What is the evidence that Flynn lied to the FBI or Trump is a Russian spy? Specifically lay it out.

Sure, that's why all those Obama administration folks are in jail.

Oh, wait!

Remember how the Trumpkins all gleefully predicted that Obama and Clinton and everyone else on their enemies list would all be thrown in jail by Trump?

What is he waiting for?

Remember when Hillary Clinton predicted that they would all "hang" if Trump was elected? One can only assume she thought that Trump was going to be as vindictive as she is if he ever became President! He's been busy trying to grow the economy, fix terrible trade deals and protect our borders!


What planet are you on?

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