Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

So we finally have a definition of Obamagate. Right wing crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie that the right has ever levied against Obama is true. Even though virtually all of those claims, vague accusations, and out right lies have been to be proven to be bullshit, they are still compiled and have become known as the Gospel of the right wing. Like all religious cults, you can not convince the crazy right wingers that their religion is bullshit. Obamagate is defined as the great effort exerted over many years by Republicans, right wing radio, Fox, and conspiracy theory leaders that successfully brainwashed the idiots into believing that electing a pig like Trump was the right thing to do.
You just shot yourself in the foot and called yourself crazy: I FIXED IT FOR YOU SO YOU SAW YOUR REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR:
"crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie (ABOUT Russia collusion) that the LEFT has ever levied against TRUMP is true"
a person made derranged by the lies of your party and the MSM affiliated to that party.
Your party is even "obstructing justice" by trying to propose removal of the head of the investigators Bill Barr. EVERYTHING YOU HATE IS= YOU.
View attachment 335337

Thank you for once again displaying how crazy right wingers will make shit up, and immediately believe what they worked so hard to make up. Your brainwashing, or mental defective disorder is brilliantly on display.
But you said it, not me. That means your rant not only proves my meme and shows your human ego is in denial, but once again your words (to yourself) shows you hate what you have Become and what MSM created in you.
Your quote reflected back since you attacked what "you said":
"once again displaying how crazy left wingers will make shit up, and immediately believe what they worked so hard to make up. Your brainwashing, or mental defective disorder is brilliantly on display."
Very observant, now self reflect upon your own words.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!

You got any proof to back up your silly claim?

Where have you been the last 3 1/2 years that I was the first to notice and report this stuff even before Greg Jarred's book. I'VE BEEN 100% ACCURATE ON EVERYTHING RELATING TO THESE SCANDALS.
And to answer your question, go find and dig into Obama's whitehouse visitor logs in archives and you'll notice Kislyak visited him 22times in the WH, even though it took only 1 visit to claim warranted investigating of Flynn the unusual 22 times meeting Obama of this supposed problematic figure did not open suspicious inklings towards Obama=can't be a problematic figure then least you accuse Obama of something.
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
=using a Russian diplomat as an agent.
Proof is there but you guys are always 20 years late to noticing what I see and know...
So Try to keep up, in 16 1/2 years you will all be saying, "oh now I get it", that's if you are not like Biden and might actually remember this conversation. *L*
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

One crime he committed was hiring a known sex offender as his vp.
Prove me wrong

Trump is far the worse sex offender then Biden . 25 women and ONE accusing Trump of rape waiting for DNA sample. You are not a smart Trump supporter to even bring that up.

That wasn’t the question that was asked
You’ve created a false narrative to my answer

So we finally have a definition of Obamagate. Right wing crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie that the right has ever levied against Obama is true. Even though virtually all of those claims, vague accusations, and out right lies have been to be proven to be bullshit, they are still compiled and have become known as the Gospel of the right wing. Like all religious cults, you can not convince the crazy right wingers that their religion is bullshit. Obamagate is defined as the great effort exerted over many years by Republicans, right wing radio, Fox, and conspiracy theory leaders that successfully brainwashed the idiots into believing that electing a pig like Trump was the right thing to do.
You just shot yourself in the foot and called yourself crazy: I FIXED IT FOR YOU SO YOU SAW YOUR REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR:
"crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie (ABOUT Russia collusion) that the LEFT has ever levied against TRUMP is true"
a person made derranged by the lies of your party and the MSM affiliated to that party.
Your party is even "obstructing justice" by trying to propose removal of the head of the investigators Bill Barr. EVERYTHING YOU HATE IS= YOU.
View attachment 335337

Thank you for once again displaying how crazy right wingers will make shit up, and immediately believe what they worked so hard to make up. Your brainwashing, or mental defective disorder is brilliantly on display.
But you said it, not me. That means your rant not only proves my meme and shows your human ego is in denial, but once again your words (to yourself) shows you hate what you have Become and what MSM created in you.
Your quote reflected back since you attacked what "you said":
"once again displaying how crazy left wingers will make shit up, and immediately believe what they worked so hard to make up. Your brainwashing, or mental defective disorder is brilliantly on display."
Very observant, now self reflect upon your own words.
View attachment 335367
You should talk to your psychiatrist about your hallucinations
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!

You got any proof to back up your silly claim?

Where have you been the last 3 1/2 years that I was the first to notice and report this stuff even before Greg Jarred's book. I'VE BEEN 100% ACCURATE ON EVERYTHING RELATING TO THESE SCANDALS.
And to answer your question, go find and dig into Obama's whitehouse visitor logs in archives and you'll notice Kislyak visited him 22times in the WH, even though it took only 1 visit to claim warranted investigating of Flynn the unusual 22 times meeting Obama of this supposed problematic figure did not open suspicious inklings towards Obama=can't be a problematic figure then least you accuse Obama of something.
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
=using a Russian diplomat as an agent.
Proof is there but you guys are always 20 years late to noticing what I see and know...
So Try to keep up, in 16 1/2 years you will all be saying, "oh now I get it", that's if you are not like Biden and might actually remember this conversation. *L*

Obama was president and it was his job to talk to ambassadors. Flynn was not.
So we finally have a definition of Obamagate. Right wing crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie that the right has ever levied against Obama is true. Even though virtually all of those claims, vague accusations, and out right lies have been to be proven to be bullshit, they are still compiled and have become known as the Gospel of the right wing. Like all religious cults, you can not convince the crazy right wingers that their religion is bullshit. Obamagate is defined as the great effort exerted over many years by Republicans, right wing radio, Fox, and conspiracy theory leaders that successfully brainwashed the idiots into believing that electing a pig like Trump was the right thing to do.
You just shot yourself in the foot and called yourself crazy: I FIXED IT FOR YOU SO YOU SAW YOUR REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR:
"crazies are convinced that every claim, vague accusation, or out right lie (ABOUT Russia collusion) that the LEFT has ever levied against TRUMP is true"
a person made derranged by the lies of your party and the MSM affiliated to that party.
Your party is even "obstructing justice" by trying to propose removal of the head of the investigators Bill Barr. EVERYTHING YOU HATE IS= YOU.
View attachment 335337

Thank you for once again displaying how crazy right wingers will make shit up, and immediately believe what they worked so hard to make up. Your brainwashing, or mental defective disorder is brilliantly on display.
But you said it, not me. That means your rant not only proves my meme and shows your human ego is in denial, but once again your words (to yourself) shows you hate what you have Become and what MSM created in you.
Your quote reflected back since you attacked what "you said":
"once again displaying how crazy left wingers will make shit up, and immediately believe what they worked so hard to make up. Your brainwashing, or mental defective disorder is brilliantly on display."
Very observant, now self reflect upon your own words.
View attachment 335367
You should talk to your psychiatrist about your hallucinations
You mean your hallucinations through your damaged ego? Remember you keep arguing against your own words and revelations=yourself.
Your replies never carry substance/refutation, only ad hominem snipets to top post your own OP, which you believe is a good strategy even though my rebutal has handed your words right back on a silver platter.
Keep thinking your posts and disrespect for woman in your avatar is a good thing not harming you and I'll keep using that delusion against you and we'll see where that leads. :)

Obama's double agent
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
More proof Sessions is a RINO. And this evidence should be enough to put Obama behind bars.
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
More proof Sessions is a RINO. And this evidence should be enough to put Obama behind bars.
My contention was Sessions had no choice, Obama was still his boss and Sessions didn't know that meeting would be used by his Boss' abuse of power.
But more likely they had him compromised by his past, as in holding something over him, perhaps threatened to portray him as a racist like they did during his AG appointment. The Dems don't play politics like civilized humans, they play like mobsters and threaten everyone to get what they want. If you go back and look at Sessions face, he's always looked threatened and fearful when not persuing the left's most obvious abuses.
Shitstain obama is reminding me more and more of Charles Manson. Manson never killed anyone. He wasn't even at any of the murders. He thought that would save him. He was wrong.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be ad ded to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

One crime he committed was hiring a known sex offender as his vp.
Prove me wrong

Trump is far the worse sex offender then Biden . 25 women and ONE accusing Trump of rape waiting for DNA sample. You are not a smart Trump supporter to even bring that up.

That wasn’t the question that was asked
You’ve created a false narrative to my answer

View attachment 335370

That's what Trump said. SAID. Biden pushed a woman up against the wall and shoved his fingers in her body. He said "I know you want it, man. You're Nothing to me."
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be ad ded to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

One crime he committed was hiring a known sex offender as his vp.
Prove me wrong

Trump is far the worse sex offender then Biden . 25 women and ONE accusing Trump of rape waiting for DNA sample. You are not a smart Trump supporter to even bring that up.

That wasn’t the question that was asked
You’ve created a false narrative to my answer

View attachment 335370

That's what Trump said. SAID. Biden pushed a woman up against the wall and shoved his fingers in her body. He said "I know you want it, man. You're Nothing to me."

Yes, rump confessed that he did that. He even proudly bragged about doing it. In the mean while, there have been hundreds, or even thousands of accusations by right wingers that are demonstrably false. Come back when you have more proof that Biden did that than Trump had when he said Obama wasn't born in the US.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!

You got any proof to back up your silly claim?

Where have you been the last 3 1/2 years that I was the first to notice and report this stuff even before Greg Jarred's book. I'VE BEEN 100% ACCURATE ON EVERYTHING RELATING TO THESE SCANDALS.
And to answer your question, go find and dig into Obama's whitehouse visitor logs in archives and you'll notice Kislyak visited him 22times in the WH, even though it took only 1 visit to claim warranted investigating of Flynn the unusual 22 times meeting Obama of this supposed problematic figure did not open suspicious inklings towards Obama=can't be a problematic figure then least you accuse Obama of something.
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
=using a Russian diplomat as an agent.
Proof is there but you guys are always 20 years late to noticing what I see and know...
So Try to keep up, in 16 1/2 years you will all be saying, "oh now I get it", that's if you are not like Biden and might actually remember this conversation. *L*

Obama was president and it was his job to talk to ambassadors. Flynn was not.
And to make an excuse you exposed Obamas crime, spying on what you admit is a citizen not yet an official in the Administration.
-checkmate. You admit you know of a crime yet still argue to get 1 single example. *L*
How do you know about Obama didn't set up the meeting as everything he did to Flynn was revenge on him? I always assumed that it required an administration to come to be in contact with the country you have to syncronize a suprise attack on Isis with on day one of office.
It's not a suprise attack if your media leaks or you wait longer into the term where the complete unexpected suprise is no longer a tactical benefitial strategy. In that case if Flynn tells the reason or Truth he's committing a greater issue of releasing important classified info of a surprise attack. I assumed that is what happened even with the new details, that might still be part of the reason (to prevent leaks or sabotage of the planed mission) you do not tell the leak riddled FBI everything.
Last edited:
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!

You got any proof to back up your silly claim?

Where have you been the last 3 1/2 years that I was the first to notice and report this stuff even before Greg Jarred's book. I'VE BEEN 100% ACCURATE ON EVERYTHING RELATING TO THESE SCANDALS.
And to answer your question, go find and dig into Obama's whitehouse visitor logs in archives and you'll notice Kislyak visited him 22times in the WH, even though it took only 1 visit to claim warranted investigating of Flynn the unusual 22 times meeting Obama of this supposed problematic figure did not open suspicious inklings towards Obama=can't be a problematic figure then least you accuse Obama of something.
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
=using a Russian diplomat as an agent.
Proof is there but you guys are always 20 years late to noticing what I see and know...
So Try to keep up, in 16 1/2 years you will all be saying, "oh now I get it", that's if you are not like Biden and might actually remember this conversation. *L*

Obama was president and it was his job to talk to ambassadors. Flynn was not.
And to make an excuse you exposed Obamas crime, spying on what you admit is a citizen not yet an official in the Administration.
-checkmate. You admit you know of a crime yet still argue to get 1 single example. *L*
How do you know about Obama didn't set up the meeting as everything he did to Flynn was revenge on him? I always assumed that it required an administration to come to be in contact with the country you have to syncronize a suprise attack on Isis with on day one of office.
It's not a suprise attack if your media leaks or you wait longer into the term where the complete unexpected suprise is no longer a tactical benefitial strategy. In that case if Flynn tells the reason or Truth he's committing a greater issue of releasing important classified info of a surprise attack. I assumed that is what happened even with the new details, that might still be part of the reason (to prevent leaks or sabotage of the planed mission) you do not tell the leak riddled FBI everything.

You're making shit up again. The Russian official had his phone monitored. Flynn was caught by that monitoring effort. Nobody set flynn up, and it's insane to make that claim.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!

You got any proof to back up your silly claim?

Where have you been the last 3 1/2 years that I was the first to notice and report this stuff even before Greg Jarred's book. I'VE BEEN 100% ACCURATE ON EVERYTHING RELATING TO THESE SCANDALS.
And to answer your question, go find and dig into Obama's whitehouse visitor logs in archives and you'll notice Kislyak visited him 22times in the WH, even though it took only 1 visit to claim warranted investigating of Flynn the unusual 22 times meeting Obama of this supposed problematic figure did not open suspicious inklings towards Obama=can't be a problematic figure then least you accuse Obama of something.
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
=using a Russian diplomat as an agent.
Proof is there but you guys are always 20 years late to noticing what I see and know...
So Try to keep up, in 16 1/2 years you will all be saying, "oh now I get it", that's if you are not like Biden and might actually remember this conversation. *L*

Obama was president and it was his job to talk to ambassadors. Flynn was not.
And to make an excuse you exposed Obamas crime, spying on what you admit is a citizen not yet an official in the Administration.
-checkmate. You admit you know of a crime yet still argue to get 1 single example. *L*
How do you know about Obama didn't set up the meeting as everything he did to Flynn was revenge on him? I always assumed that it required an administration to come to be in contact with the country you have to syncronize a suprise attack on Isis with on day one of office.
It's not a suprise attack if your media leaks or you wait longer into the term where the complete unexpected suprise is no longer a tactical benefitial strategy. In that case if Flynn tells the reason or Truth he's committing a greater issue of releasing important classified info of a surprise attack. I assumed that is what happened even with the new details, that might still be part of the reason (to prevent leaks or sabotage of the planed mission) you do not tell the leak riddled FBI everything.

You're making shit up again. The Russian official had his phone monitored. Flynn was caught by that monitoring effort. Nobody set flynn up, and it's insane to make that claim.

it was illegal to unmask Flynn
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

abuse of power
he used the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons

and you forgot Kislyak, OBAMA literally used a Russian diplomat as his agent and weapon=conspiring with the Russians to over throw our administration and "manipulate an election".....enough said!

You got any proof to back up your silly claim?

Where have you been the last 3 1/2 years that I was the first to notice and report this stuff even before Greg Jarred's book. I'VE BEEN 100% ACCURATE ON EVERYTHING RELATING TO THESE SCANDALS.
And to answer your question, go find and dig into Obama's whitehouse visitor logs in archives and you'll notice Kislyak visited him 22times in the WH, even though it took only 1 visit to claim warranted investigating of Flynn the unusual 22 times meeting Obama of this supposed problematic figure did not open suspicious inklings towards Obama=can't be a problematic figure then least you accuse Obama of something.
Furthermore it was Obama who sent Jeff Sessions (they both admitted) to meet Kislyak in order to use that meeting as an excuse to spy on Trumps campaign (political opponent=watergate like behavior).
=using a Russian diplomat as an agent.
Proof is there but you guys are always 20 years late to noticing what I see and know...
So Try to keep up, in 16 1/2 years you will all be saying, "oh now I get it", that's if you are not like Biden and might actually remember this conversation. *L*

Obama was president and it was his job to talk to ambassadors. Flynn was not.
And to make an excuse you exposed Obamas crime, spying on what you admit is a citizen not yet an official in the Administration.
-checkmate. You admit you know of a crime yet still argue to get 1 single example. *L*
How do you know about Obama didn't set up the meeting as everything he did to Flynn was revenge on him? I always assumed that it required an administration to come to be in contact with the country you have to syncronize a suprise attack on Isis with on day one of office.
It's not a suprise attack if your media leaks or you wait longer into the term where the complete unexpected suprise is no longer a tactical benefitial strategy. In that case if Flynn tells the reason or Truth he's committing a greater issue of releasing important classified info of a surprise attack. I assumed that is what happened even with the new details, that might still be part of the reason (to prevent leaks or sabotage of the planed mission) you do not tell the leak riddled FBI everything.

You're making shit up again. The Russian official had his phone monitored. Flynn was caught by that monitoring effort. Nobody set flynn up, and it's insane to make that claim.

it was illegal to unmask Flynn

Since 1934 people were unmasked in 2016 with no reports of abuse, it is clearly legal in certain circumstances. What was it about Flynn's unmasking that makes you think it was illegal?

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